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Section 1.2: Telescopes
A telescope is an instrument that gathers _______________ _____________ from objects in space and
concentrates it for better observation.
Optical Telescopes
A. Most ___________ type of telescope that studies visible __________ from objects
a. you can see _______ of stars & other objects with this type of telescope, but only about ________
stars without a telescope
b. this type of telescope collects visible light and focuses it to a __________ _________ for
i. focal point – point where the rays of _______ pass through a lens or that reflect from a mirror
c. simplest optical telescope has two lenses
i. Objective Lens – collects _______ and forms an __________ at the back of the telescope
1. a larger lens gathers more light
ii. Eyepiece - ________________ the image produced by objective lens
B. Refracting Telescopes
a. uses lenses to ___________ and ___________ light
b. Disadvantages
i. can not perfectly focus the image
iii. size of the telescope limited by the size of the _______________; large lenses distort image
C. Reflecting Telescopes
uses a curved _____________ to gather and focus light
i. large curved mirror reflects light to a flat ______________
c. Advantages
i. large mirrors allow more ___________ to be gathered
ii. mirrors are polished, so flaws in glass do not affect the _________
iv. mirrors can ___________ all colors of light at the same _________ __________; image is in
D. Very Large Reflecting Telescopes
a. Use several __________, which allows for more light to be gathered and focused in ______ ______
b. Keck Telescopes in Hawaii use _______ hexagonal mirrors to collect light
E. Optical Telescopes in ______________
a. This will avoid interference by the ________________
b. Hubble Space Telescope is ______ meters across, but can detect very faint objects in _________
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
A. The EMS is made up of all of the ________________________ of electromagnetic ________________
a. James Maxwell proved that ___________ light is part of the EMS in ________
B. Detecting Electromagnetic ___________________
a. Humans can see radiation from a small portion of the EMS, _____________ light
i. most of the EMS is not visible to humans
ii. short wave length portions of the EMS are more dangerous to humans
Non-optical Telescopes
A. To study _________________, scientists must use nonoptical telescopes
a. different types of non-optical telescopes will detect different types of electromagnetic
B. Radio Telescope
a. Detect ___________ __________
i. since very little radio _________ reaches the Earth, these telescopes must be very _________
C. Linking Radio Telescopes
a. when linked together, these telescopes work like a ___________ giant telescope, which allows them
to gather more information
D. Non-optical Telescopes in Space
a. Because most ___________________ waves are block by the Earth’s ________________, scientists
place non-optical telescopes in space
b. Chandra X-Ray Observatory is a space telescope that detects ______________
c. Other non-optical space telescopes include ____________________ telescopes,
_____________________telescopes, and ____________________ telescopes