Download Knee Review - Liberty Union High School District

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Knee Review
What are most MCL injuries caused by? Blow to the lateral side of
the knee (Valgus Force)
What position is the knee in for most PCL injuries. 90 degrees knee
flexion/foot in plantar flexion
List the 2 tests that check the meniscus. McMurrays,
What is the name of the test that checks the PCL? Posterior Sag
List the activities in Phase I of rehab. Isometrics, Wall Slides, Sitting
Squats, Massage, Ice, TENS
What position is the knee in when performing the Anterior Drawer
test? 45 Degrees knee flexion, athlete lying supine
What ligament is tested during the Valgus test? During the Varus
test? MCL/LCL
What is the ligament that is LEAST likely to be injured? LCL
Which ligament is the most important stabilizer in the knee? PCL
List the muscles of the quadriceps muscle group. List the muscles of
the hamstring muscle group. Q: Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis,
Vastus Intermedius, Rectus Femoris H: Biceps Femoris,
Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus
What are the signs and symptoms of a 1st degree MCL sprain? Joint is
stable in Valgus stress test, Little or no joint swelling, Joint
stiffness & point tenderness below medial joint line, Full active &
passive ROM
True or False: An ACL tear is difficult to diagnose. True
What is the mechanism of injury of a LCL tear? Blow to the medial
side of the knee (Varus Force)
What is the first priority in rehab? Decrease pain & swelling, Regain
Why is it necessary for an injured athlete to continue conditioning? So
that they are in shape when they return to competition
Is a TENS unit used during phase 1 of rehab? Yes
List the 2 test that check for IT Band tightness. Ober’s & Nobles
List the bones and ligaments in the knee joint. Bones: Tibia, Femur,
Fibula, Patella Ligaments: ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL
List 5 characteristics of an ACL sprain. Athlete feels/hears a pop,
Athlete will complain knee feels like it’s coming apart, Rapid
swelling, Pos. Anterior Drawer & Lachmans, Difficult to diagnos b/c
swelling masks full extent of injury
20. List the 3 phases of rehab, the goals for each, and the activities
involved in each. See your rehab notes!
21. Name 3 bone landmarks for a knee evaluation. Can be any: Tibia
Tuberosity, Patella, Med/Lat Femoral Condyles, Fibular Head
22. Name the stress tests for the knee and what they test for. See your
eval notes!! (ex: Valgus & Varus: You must name ALL)
23. List 4 other structures found in the knee besides ligaments, bones, and
muscles. Patellar Tendon, Bursa Sacs, Med/Lat Meniscus, IT Band
24. What are the anterior structures you palpate in the knee? Patella,
Quad Muscles, Tibial Tuberosity, Patellar Tendon, Joint Line
25. What is the job of the menisci? Act as Shock Absorber
26. Which meniscus is “C” shaped? Which is “O” shaped? C: Medial, O:
*Be able to label knee diagram!!