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Essay Grading Guide
Excellent Essays – 9-8- 100-95
Central Idea:
is significant, original, and mature and supported with
substantial, insightful, relevant detail and analysis.
is handled so that the essay conveys a sense of controlling purpose and
orderly progression; the thought moves – clearly, coherently, and with
compelling logic toward a conclusion; paragraphs are developed with
substantial support and suitable proportion and emphasis; transitions
between paragraphs are explicit and graceful.
Sentence Structure
is skillfully constructed and displaying fluency, economy, and effective
variety; together with diction, sentence structure is the best evidence of
style, the distinctive, natural display of a good mind at work.
is everywhere appropriate to the writer’s subject, purpose, audience, and
occasion; distinctive in precision, economy, illustrating wit, imagery,
irony, and/or metaphor – all with unusual freshness and vividness.
is notable for the consistent use of conventional English grammar,
punctuation, and spelling; what few errors there are do not detract from
the generally high quality of the essay as a whole.
Good Essays – 7-6 – 94-85
Central Idea:
is clearly defined, supported with less substantial, concrete, or relevant
conveys a sense of controlling purpose, but may lack some orderly
progression; paragraphs are developed with sufficient support but
occasional disproportionate or inappropriate emphasis; transitions are
clear but sometimes abrupt, mechanical, or monotonous. Analysis is
less thorough or insightful than 9-8 papers.
Sentence Structure:
is generally well-constructed with indication of fluency, economy, and
variety; diction and sentence structure reflect appropriate voice.
Stylistically less mature than 9-8 papers.
is appropriate to the writer’s subject, purpose, audience, and occasion;
occasionally distinctive in precision, economy, and the use of general
Generally uses conventional English grammar, punctuation, and spelling;
few, if any errors that detract from the overall quality of the essay as a
Fair essays – 5 – 84-80
Central Idea:
is apparent but may be trite, trivial, general, or self-evident; the idea is
supported with some concrete detail, but detail is occasionally
repetitious, irrelevant, or sketchy.
Plan and method of the essay is apparent, but not consistently fulfilled;
not as much support for the central idea than that found in 7-6 papers;
contains some analysis, but rather simplistic. Some transitions are
present, but they may be inappropriate or monotonous.
Sentence Structure:
is rather immature; generally correctly structured, but lacking in variety,
economy, and/or forcefulness.
is generally appropriate to the subject, purpose, audience, and occasion;
generally the words are clear, but not distinctive; some misuse of words
may appear.
Generally uses conventional English grammar, punctuation, and spelling;
some errors occur, but do not detract from the overall quality of the
essay as a whole.
Developing Essays – 4-3 – 79-70
Central Idea:
is vague or confused or too large and general; unsupported by specific,
concrete, relevant detail; unpersuasive, or answers only part of the
Plan and purpose of the essay is somewhat flawed; either the
generalizations are left undeveloped, or they are developed by detail that
is irrelevant, redundant, or inconsistent; paragraphs lack unity,
coherence, or support; if there are transitions, they may be unclear,
misleading, or ineffective; thought and planning may display illogic or
insufficient effort. These essays may be either all assertions with no
specific references, or plot summary and/or paraphrasing with no
analysis. Some misinterpretations of the text may be present.
Sentence Structure:
Some sentences are lacking in unity or coherence; run-ons, comma
splices, or fragments may appear; some expression is marked by
awkwardness, incompleteness, ambiguity, redundancy, or immaturity.
is sometimes inappropriate in being vague, imprecise, immature, too
colloquial, or substandard; frequent misuse of words may appear.
Clarity of meaning is obscured by some departures from conventional
general English grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling.
Poorly Written Essays – 2-1 – 69-50
Central Idea:
is very vague or confused; unsupported by relevant detail; may address
very little of the prompt.
Compounds the weaknesses of 4-3 papers and may be unacceptably
brief; plan and purpose of the paper not apparent; little or no relevant
detail is provided. Significant misinterpretations of the text may be
Sentence structure:
Many sentences structure errors occur. The weaknesses of 4-3 papers
is compounded.
There is little clarity in either sentence structure or choice of diction.
Clarity of meaning is seriously obscured by departures from conventional
English grammar
Essays that do not respond to prompt/Very little writing in evidence – 0 – <50