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The World at War
Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Why did both sides in World War I turn to new weapons?
a. because trench warfare had led to a stalemate
b. because there were not enough weapons to arm the millions of soldiers
c. because advances in radar technology made bombers almost useless
d. because both sides wanted to avoid the deaths of too many soldiers
Decree on Land
“All private ownership of land is abolished immediately without compensation [payment to the
owners]. All landowners’ estates and all land belonging to the Crown, to monasteries, church lands and
all their livestock and. . . property. . . are transferred to the disposition of [control of] the township
Land Committees. . .”
2. The policy described in the quote from Decree on Land was put in place by which of the following?
a. Bolsheviks
c. the Russian czar
b. the Russian monarch
d. Russian capitalists
3. What was the immediate result of trench warfare?
a. an easy victory for the Allied Powers
c. fewer casualties on both sides
b. massive deadlock
d. an easy victory for the Central Powers
4. Which best describes conditions in Russia on the eve of World War I?
a. Russia was a stable, democratic country.
b. Russia was a troubled country, with a worsening economy and an ineffective ruler.
c. Russia had a strong economy, and a recent revolution had put an effective leadership into
d. The provisional government that was put into place after the revolution resisted entering
the war.
5. Following World War I,
a. France had to pay Germany reparations for starting the war.
b. Europe lost its role as the dominant economic region of the world.
c. Germany’s economy flourished.
d. European colonies became more loyal to their mother countries.
6. Which of the following supported the goals of the Zionist movement?
a. the Treaty of Versailles
c. the Treaty of Sèvres
b. the Balfour Declaration
d. the May Fourth Movement
7. Why did Japanese forces attack Manchuria, China in the 1930’s?
a. because their emperor ordered them to do so
b. to keep Manchuria from attacking Japan
c. to gain control of its rich natural resources
d. to stop terrorist activity in the region
8. Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union into
a. an idyllic agrarian society of small farmers.
b. a modern industrialized country to compete with the West.
c. a class -based society run by the nobility.
d. a peaceful, moral society based on service to the greater good.
9. Stalin’s approach to Communist government differed from Karl Marx’s because
a. Stalin put control of the means of production in the workers’ hands, rather than have the
government control production.
b. Stalin wanted to increase the government’s power rather than reduce it.
c. Stalin allowed market forces to influence production levels, rather than the government.
d. Stalin wanted to reduce the government’s power rather than increase it.
10. Which of the following leaders led a campaign known as the Great Purge?
a. Benito Mussolini
c. Adolf Hitler
b. Haile Selassie
d. Joseph Stalin
11. The Nuremberg Laws
a. allowed Jewish people to reclaim their citizenship if they renounced their faith.
b. deported all Jews from Germany for the first time.
c. defined a person as Jewish based on ancestry of grandparents, not religious beliefs.
d. aimed at including Jews in mainstream life in Germany.
12. What led Hitler to believe that European powers would not interfere in his plans for Anschluss?
a. the lack of direct action to stop his militarization of the Rhineland
b. England and France’s lack of support for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War
c. the Allies’ refusal to help Poland
d. the nonaggression pact he negotiated with them
13. What recent invention allowed the British to more effectively defend against German air attacks?
a. trench warfare
c. the submarine
b. radar
d. the blitzkrieg
14. Why was the Soviet Union unprepared for Hitler’s attack in June 1941?
a. because German troops were also pushing towards Paris
b. because the Soviets had previously signed a nonaggression pact with Germany
c. because the Soviets were a member of the Axis alliance
d. because Hitler had already surrendered
15. What event led to a decisive shift away from isolationism in the United States?
a. the Battle of Britain
b. the discovery of Auschwitz
c. the sinking of American ships by German submarines
d. the attack on Pearl Harbor
16. Control of North Africa was vital for the Allies because
a. large numbers of terrorist attacks against Allied ships were being launched from the area.
b. they needed to control the Panama Canal in order to obtain oil from the Middle East.
c. North African countries provided the best area from which to launch air attacks against
d. they needed to control the Suez Canal in order to obtain oil from the Middle East.
____ 17. The graph titled “Europe’s Jewish Population” refers to which of the following?
a. After the war the Jewish population of Europe increased by 3.5 million.
b. Before the war, fewer Jews lived in Europe than after the war.
c. The Jewish population of Europe decreased by 6 million.
d. The Jewish population of the United States decreased.
____ 18. Use the graph titled “Europe’s Jewish Population” to complete the statement: This graph illustrates the
a. migration of European Jews to Israel after World War II.
b. deportation of thousands of German Jews by Nazi Germany.
c. deaths of 6 million Jews worldwide during World War II.
d. decrease in Europe’s Jewish population between 1933 and the conclusion of the war.
____ 19. The Nazi campaign to imprison inferior people included which of the following targets?
a. Jews and Aryans
b. only Jews
c. Jews, homosexuals, disabled people, and Gypsies
d. all residents of Allied countries
____ 20. Hitler’s declaration that “Surrender is forbidden” to his commanders at the Battle of Stalingrad led to
a. a five-year stalemate.
b. a decisive German victory over the Soviets.
c. the starvation of over a million German civilians.
d. the capture of 90,000 Axis survivors and a crushing defeat for Hitler.
____ 21. What was the goal of the Yalta Conference?
a. to agree on a schedule for the invasion of France
b. to reach an agreement on what to do with postwar Europe
c. to compensate victims of the Holocaust
d. to divide Europe into communist and capitalist sections
____ 22. The difficulties Allied leaders had in reaching agreement at the Potsdam Conference were due to
a. growing ill-will between the Soviet Union and other Allies.
b. uncertainties about when the war would end in Europe.
c. the fight of many colonized people for independence.
d. the refusal of the Soviet Union to join the United Nations.
____ 23. Which of the following military alliances became known as the Axis Powers?
a. England and France
b. Germany, Italy, and Japan
c. Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Rhineland
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
d. Germany and the Soviet Union
When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, he
a. was breaking the Soviet-German nonaggression pact.
b. threatened the alliance between the Axis Powers.
c. felt invincible because of his victory in Great Britain.
d. hoped to draw the United States into war.
Hitler’s Final Solution included
a. opening a second front in Western Europe.
b. less restrictive laws benefiting Germany’s Jewish population.
c. concentration camps and death camps.
d. deportation of European Jews.
The United States was alarmed by Soviet control of Eastern Europe at the end of World War II because
a. the Soviets had installed missiles in many of those countries.
b. officials believed Germany should control the area.
c. officials believed Soviet expansion would not stop at Eastern Europe.
d. U.S. officials had wanted to control the natural resources located there.
Soviets blocked land, rail, and water routes into West Berlin in 1948 in order to
a. To force the people of Berlin to accept communist rule.
b. topple Hitler from power.
c. put down a dangerous uprising in East Berlin.
d. keep Nazis from escaping the city.
The Cold War ended when
a. the United Nations was founded.
b. Joseph Stalin was deposed by a military coup.
c. the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R) collapsed.
d. Korean War began.
Which of the following did Winston Churchill use as an image to describe the division of Europe?
a. a closed door
c. an iron curtain
b. a steel fist
d. the Grand Canyon
What was the goal of the United States when it went to war in Korea?
a. to end communism in the U.S.S.R.
b. to contain Communist expansion
c. to build up the United Nations
d. to eliminate Soviet nuclear missile sites in North Korea
Short Answer
31. Describe two actions, prior to 1939 that Hitler took that convinced him that his European rivals would not
stop his aggression. Why did Hitler believe that his Anschluss could continue until he attacked Poland?
32. What factors caused the Russian Revolution of 1917? Why were the communists successful in overthrowing
the monarchy?
33. Explain how the end of World War I contributed to Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.
34. What were the causes of the Holocaust? How and why did it occur? How was Germany held accountable for
it’s actions?
35. What is totalitarianism? Describe the social, political and economic characteristics that fascist and communist
countries had in common during the 1930’s. Pick a totalitarian leader and explain how he rose to power prior
to WWII.
The World at War
Answer Section
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