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Bible from 30,000 Feet, The
Destination: Job 1-42
Skip Heitzig
While the book of Job may be the Bible's oldest book, it's still is current and relevant and it will be as long as
men suffer and experience grace. Watch for the pivotal peaks of trust in God during Job's journey to
redemption. We'll also sweep over deep valleys of doubt that will be shrouded in darkness. Buckle in for Job's
adventure in faith, it is a bumpy ride but a safe landing is ahead.
Well, listen to this. You can tell you're going to have a rotten day, when you see a 60 minutes news team in
front of your office. You can tell you're going to have a rotten day, when you call the suicide prevention and
they put you on hold. You can tell you're going to have a rotten day, when your twin sister forgot your
birthday. You can tell you're going to have a rotten day, when your car horn goes off accidentally and remains
stuck for you as you follow a group of hell's angels on the free-way. That would be bad. You know you're
going to have a rotten day, when your income tax check bounces. It's getting to be that time, isn't it? You can
tell you're going to have a rotten day, when you put both contact lenses in the same eye. You can tell you're
going to have a rotten day, when you wake up in a hospital all trussed up and your insurance agent tells you
that your accident policy covers falling off the roof, but not hitting the ground.
In the book of Job, we read about a guy who has the ultimate rotten day. Not just a day, a whole period, an
episode of his life, where things go really, really south. It didn't start out that way. In fact, the book opens up
with a high degree of drama. There's a guy who's very wealthy, very well off, he owns many animals, he has a
great family. In fact, he has 10 children. My mom was one of 10 children. He had 10 kids, he had seven boys
and three girls. He had 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 head of oxen and 500 donkeys. Very wealthy, blessed
man, and yet by chapter 2, verse 8, this man is sitting in a heap of ashes with a piece of pottery and he is
scraping himself because of his sores. He looses it all, through natural disaster as well through a group of
terrorists that killed his children. It's a horrible story, and yet it's a story of great redemption, how God uses it
in this man's life, and that's the book that is before us tonight.
Now the book of Job, you'd be interested to know, is probably one of the oldest books we have, if not the
oldest book in the Bible. We don't exactly know when it is written, but we can safely guess that it was written
around the patriarchal age. You say, what is the patriarchal age? From the year 2000-1000 B.C. is when the
book of Job was written. There's few hints in the book that, that help us out there.
Number 1, wealth is described in terms of numbers of animals, not in terms of coinage, that's a patriarchal
designation. You may remember that both Abraham and Lot, their wealth was described in a similar way.
Number 2, there's no reference at all to the Law of Moses, probably because the law of Moses wasn't in
existence yet. Number 3, there's no reference at all to any Israelite history, because again, this probably
predates Israel's history. Number 4, the patriarchal name of God, EL Shaddai appears a lot in this book. In fact,
it appears more in the book of Job and Genesis than anywhere else in the scripture. That's an old reckoning of
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the name of God; more so than a more common, or a more updated occurrence.
And also, we discover at the end of the book that Job dies at age 140. Now that kind of longevity was seen in
the patriarchal periods just after the flood, post-Diluvian. Anti-diluvians, they lived a lot longer. Post-diluvians,
they lived much shorter but still longer than what is common today.
Well, Job is a book of suffering. And I know a lot of people here have felt like Job at different times, but
probably, and I'm just saying probably, no one here has actually lost, what Job lost, and suffered like Job
suffered. But I can almost guarantee this, I bet everybody in this room has asked the question, "Why God, why
would you, if you are loving and just an wonderful, allow me, especially, to suffer?" Why do good people, godly
people, suffer? How can there be a loving God, and at the same time, horrible suffering worldwide?
Now that issue, you're not the first one to struggle with it. Everybody, everyone, has struggled with it, all the
way back. Theologically and philosophically, the term is known as Theodicy, T-H-E-O-D-I-C-Y, Theodicy.
That's reconciling a loving God and a suffering world. And the book of Job touches, specifically on that. One
thing the book of Job should end, and that is this notion that, if you really believe by faith and if you have
enough faith in God, you'll never suffer, you shouldn't experience disease, you shouldn't experience hardship.
All one has to do is read that book because no one deserved suffering less than Job. He's called the most
righteous guy around and yet nobody, or few people have ever suffered as much as Job did.
Now here is how you can divide the book. You could divide the book in its literary form because that really is
the natural division of the book. There's first prologue, chapters 1 and 2 is the setup, we call that the
prologue. Then chapters 3 through chapters 26 is dialogue, as Job goes back and forth to three of his buddies
about the issue of suffering. Chapter 27 through 37 is monologue. Job speaks, a guy named, Elihu, speaks. And
then, God speaks, in chapter 38, that monologue could be actually taken into chapter 38 and 39. And then the
final section of the book would be Epilogue. So you have Prologue, Dialog, Monologue, and Epilogue. That's
really how the book is divided, but I, I don't think we care much about that. I think we really care about the
spiritual issues of the book.
So here's how I divide the book. First of all, number 1, physical malady. Physical malady, Job suffers physically,
the loss of his children, livestock, servants. Job suffers physical problems on a personal level. Number 2 is
spiritual reality. Behind the physical malady is something going on in the spiritual realm or reality that Job has
no clue about. He's not privy to it. You and I are through the author of the book, but he is not. Number 3,
mental agony. Those chapters between chapter 3 and 26 is, his friends rustle with the issue of suffering as
does Job who's going through it. That mental anguish of why and how, and I can't figure it out. And then finally
number 4, eventual victory. There is resolution eventually and Job does get victory in understanding this
problem of pain.
So let's begin in chapter 1, verse 1. And one thing you're going to notice tonight, just so you don't go, "Oh!
Oh! The time is late, he'll never finish." We're going to spend a lot of time upfront, less time in the dialogue
because I can quickly and easily sum them up and there is a lot of repetition. But the first two chapters are
written in prose. If you have a modern translation, you can just look and notice that. It's written in prose, it's
the story that is told.
Beginning in chapter 3, we have a poetic section. The rest is basically poetry and it's one of the most beautiful
poetic descriptions we have in the Bible. We are beginning the books of poetry with the book of Job it's set
out in poetic form. So let's, let's begin the verse 1. There was a man in the land of Uz. Remember when you
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went to the land of Uz. You say, "I don't think I have ever been to the land of Uz." Probably right, unless you
have been to Saudi Arabia or Jordan. That area of Northern Arabia or Southern Edam, modern Jordan is that
area of ancient Uz; whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and
shunned evil.
He had seven sons, three daughters, they were born to him. Verse 3, also his possessions were 7,000 sheep,
3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys and a very large household. So that this man was the
greatest of all the people in the East. In Hebrew, the word greatest is the largest or heaviest. Heaviest; now
don't think in terms of physical heaviness or largeness. It didn't mean that he was fat, F-A-T, but if you're
familiar with the modern designation of P-H-A-T, PHAT. If, if you're familiar with that, I don't need to explain
it. If you know what it is, that really fix it quite well. This guy was very great, very renowned and very wealthy.
He was P-H-A-T.
Now Job is mentioned elsewhere only twice in the Bible; once in Ezekiel and once in the book of James. In
Ezekiel, he's put right up there and compared to the patriarch Noah as well as the prophet Daniel. There God
says, "I am going to destroy the land of Israel. And if these three men Noah and Job and Daniel were there,
the only ones I would save would be them because of their righteousness. Everybody else is going into
captivity." Then James, in chapter 5, mentions his endurance. "You've heard of the patience of Job", says James.
He is given as an example of, of endurance. Chapter 1, verse 6, "There was a day when the sons of God came
to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them."
Now you're going to see here. We're going behind the scenes, behind the stage, so to speak, backstage and
seeing the, the reality that's going on, as we'll touch on. And we get some very important information about
the devil. Number 1, he's accountable to God as you're see. There's a time when the Bar Elohim, the sons of
God which are angelic creations, have to give an account before God. This is, sort of, like their, their job
review. And among them is Satan, which is interesting.
And the Lord said to Satan, "From where do you come?" and Satan answered the Lord, "From going to and
fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it." Which shows us that Satan is not omnipresent,
everywhere present. He's not omniscient he's not omnipotent. He can only be in one place at one time. And
the Lord said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There's none like him the on the earth, a
blameless man, an upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil." Verse 9,
So Satan answered and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not made a hedge around him, around
his household, around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands and his
possessions have increased in the land." Okay, right off the bat, you can see we have information, Job didn't
have. You and I are privy to what's going on behind the scenes. Job is just living his life; he has no clue that this
conversation is taking place backstage. I don't think, he would like that idea. We know it because the author
tells us that Job has no clue, but verse 11, "Now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has and he will
surely curse you to your face."
Do you hear what Satan is accusing Job of? He said, "Let me just tell you something, God. This Job guy that
you think is blameless, he's a mercenary. He only follows you because you bless him, because, because you've
given him so much. You strip that away from him and he'll curse you to your face." And the Lord said to Satan,
"Behold, all that he has is, is in your power. Only do not lay a hand on his person. So Satan went out from the
presence of the Lord." Now here's what happens. Four rapid fire disasters fall upon Job and his family, one
after another, four of them. He loses his livestock, he loses his servants, he loses his children, they all die.
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Only four servants are left. And then eventually, Job himself will be touched physically. There will be a physical
malady, where he's scraping the sores of his body.
Now I'm going to give you, by kind of reading ahead and going through Job as I did and pulling out verses. I'm
going to give you different verses in Job, a composite description of the physical malady of Job. Number 1, he
had inflamed lesions and intense itching because of it. Chapter 2, verse 7 and 8, "Painful boils from the sole of
his foot to the crown of his head. He took for himself a potsherd" (That's a little broken piece of pottery),
"with which to scrape himself, while he sat in the mist of ashes." That's number 1.
Number 2, these lacerations in his skins must have either attracted worms or housed maggots. Okay, chapter
7, verse 5 says, "His body is clothed with worms and scabs. His skin is broken and festering." Number 3, Job
developed some sort of osteopathy, bone disease. His bones hurt there's severe pain. "Night pierces my
bones, my gnawing pain never rests."
And then also, there is a blackening of the skin and falling off of certain patches of his skin, some kind of a
necrosis of the, of the tissue. Chapter 30, verse 30 says, "The skin grows black. It peels and my body burns
with fever". Add on top of that night terrors, you can't sleep when you're in that, kind of, a pain and your mind
goes crazy. Chapter 7, verse 14, Job says, "You frighten me, speaking to God, you frighten me with dreams and
you terrify me with visions." That's the picture. It says, "If all of the forces of heaven and earth and hell were
unleashed on this one man in a moment." It's like having the great tribulation in your own personal life. Job is
going through it.
One minute safe, comfortable, family, trusting God, blameless, upright. The next moment, he loses it all, which
is why the book of Job unsettles us. We're unnerved when we read, that could be a possibility. And we
understand when we look at the whole of scripture, that just because you trust in Jesus Christ does not make
you exempt from suffering. In fact, you discover that that God uses suffering for his purpose and your
purpose. But it is unnerving at first.
Well, Job will go through it. And I submit to you that as he's going through it, since this is, sort of, a wager
between Satan and God, that the whole host of heaven; you know maybe it's a bad analogy but picture of
balcony of heaven and hell looking at Job to see what he's going to do now, that he loses everything. Verse 20,
"Job arose, tore his robe, shaved his head and he fell to the ground and he worshiped." Now the, the first part
of that is expected. Deep grief, he tore his robe, he is lamenting, he hates what he's experiencing. Job said,
"Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and The Lord has taken
away. Blessed be the name of The Lord. In all of this, Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong."
Okay the first part was expected, tore his clothes, he's experiencing deep lamentation and grief, that's
expected. That's what most people do, that's proper and normal and natural. But the second part of that is
unexpected, it says, "He fell down and he worshiped." You see it is possible to suffer greatly and worship
simultaneously, it is possible. How you feel about God, when you suffer, is how you feel about God. Now say
that again, I want you to listen to that. How you feel about God, when you are suffering, is really how you feel
about God. It's one thing to bless the Lord when the blessings flow, but when life takes that turn and it looks
as though you have lost it all and the bottom drops out, what do you think about God now?
This is what Job thought about God now. He said, "I came with nothing, I am leaving with nothing. Blessed be
the name of Lord." In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong. Now anybody can say the Lord gives
and the Lord takes away, because you can say it like this. "Well, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away."
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You're, you're just, sort of, burnt at that whole concept. But it's a whole another thing to say, and by the way,
"Blessed be the name of the Lord", as Job does here.
You see you're children of God, if you have a relationship through Christ. Sometimes, God will calm the
storm for His child. We love it when he does, that's what we pray for. At other times, God didn't do that. At
other times, God calms the child of God in the storm. So that in the storm, unabated, still raging, the child of
God says, "Blessed be the name of the Lord."
So Job knew what happened, but Job did not know why it happened. We know because we are reading it, he
didn't know. So let's look at the spiritual reality. We've seen a little bit of that already, we're going to see
more. Who's the main character of the book so far? It's written right at the top, Job, he's main character of
the book on earth. On earth, he's the main character of the book, but he's not really the main character of the
book in heavenly rooms. You go backstage, you go away from the stage of the earth, and you see that there's
a couple of other hidden characters who are dealing with the script of this man's life behind the scenes that
Job is not privy to. And so like a movie, what Job is doing is panning and giving you a close shot of the earth
and then panning back, backstage toward heaven, in this conversation that's Satan and God are having, then
back to the earth, then back toward heaven, then back to the dialogue. We're going to see that throughout
the book.
Chapter 2, verse 1, "There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and
Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. And the Lord said to Satan, "From where do
you come?" and Satan answered the Lord and said, "From going to and fro on the earth and from walking back
and forth on it." This is interesting.
If you ask the average person, where does the devil live? Where does he hang out? Most people say, "hell."
You're wrong, he didn't. Satan doesn't live in hell, that's a misunderstanding. He will eventually one day be
consigned there, but right now, he has freedom to roam the earth and even interestingly enough, has some,
sort of, access to God, as seen here in both of these chapters. He is called, in scriptures, the god of this world,
the god of this world gives you insight into where his interest lie.
So then you might ask, "Okay, so, so, so what's he up to?" Answer, people watching. He and his minions study.
They already know human nature better than we do, they have been studying it for hundreds, thousands,
multiple thousands of years. Same bag of tricks, pulls them out every time, but they work at every generation.
Verse 3, the Lord said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job?" See the word 'considered'? It means
to study, like a military general would study how to attack an opponent, that's what the word means.
And it's really not put in question form, a better translation would be, "You have been studying my servant
Job, haven't you?" "You've been carefully considering this man, who I say is blameless and upright, haven't you
Satan? See that's part of the spiritual warfare that there is none like him on the earth, blameless and upright,
one who fears God and shuns evil and still he holds fast to his integrity. Although, you incited me against him
to destroy him without cause." Boy, it's a pretty frightening thought, isn't it? That he devil has studied you.
How do you think Peter felt the day Jesus said, "Peter, Satan has been asking for you because he wants to sift
you like wheat." I wouldn't want to hear that. "Come here, Skip. Come on! let me take a walk with you. Yeah,
the devil has been watching you very carefully lately because he wants to destroy you." What did you tell him?
What did you tell him? You said, Satan's been asking for you, that he might sift you as wheat. Jesus said, "but I
have prayed for you Peter. And when you are restored, strengthen your brethren."
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Okay, here's an important thing you need to understand about the devil. He's powerful, but he only operates
by permission. Remember, he comes before God and God says, "Okay, you can do this but only go that far."
and then the second time, "Okay, you can go that far and no more." He only operates by permission.
Remember in the New Testament, the demons and the man of Gadera and all those swine in Gadera. They
had to ask permission to Jesus "don't, don't, don't just cast us out and let us wander, cast us into the herd of
swine." They had to ask for that. They couldn't do what they wanted.
Satan operates by only permission. So the devil's powerful he's your adversary, he studies you, but he's on a
leash. Okay, now I often wonder, why God let's the leash be so long? As we all wonder, but he's on a leash.
And if God allows you, at any time, to suffer His wrath, to go through a fire trial, and you say, "The devil is
against me." That's not new news, he has been against you for forever. And that's never going to end, but if
you are allowed to go through a period of very tough times, understand this. God will keep his eye on you and
His hand on the thermostat. He's not like, He puts you in the oven and, walks away and goes on vacation and
forget, "Oh! Crispy critter, I forgot all about that guy."
Okay well, we have got other humans. If He allows you to go through it, His eye is on you and His hand is on
that thermostat. As Paul said in the New Testament, "He will not allow you to be tempted above what you
are able to endure." So remember that, Satan works through permission. So if you are hassled by the devil and
I've had people say, "The devil is coming to me, the devil is trying to get me." Have Jesus answer the door,
when he comes knocking. Don't knock, don't answer yourself, don't talk to him even. I get weary of hearing
Christians, "Talk to the devil, shout at the devil, rebuke the devil." Don't even engage him in a conversation.
Don't waste your time, let the Lord deal with him.
Satan isn't afraid you or your rebuke, but he will tremble when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees. You
let Jesus answer that door. Verse 4, so Satan answered the Lord and said. "Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man
has he will give for his life, but stretch out your hand now and touch his bone and his flesh and he will surely
curse you to your face." And the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, he's in your hand but spare his life."
Verse 7 and 8, there's boils on him and he sat in the mist of the ashes. Verse 9, his wife said to him, (listen this
great godly council), "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die." Okay, you're already suffering,
you lost everything. Now you got physical malady and you have a, "help mate" saying "Honey, I have just the
right council. Curse God and die, get it over with." But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish woman
speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and shall we not accept adversity?" In all this, Job did not sin
with his lips.
You know that's funny, we, we look at World News and we often look at it superficially. We look at the
Middle East, for example, and we just assume, "Man, can't these groups of people ever get along? What is their
deal? What's all the fuss about?" You know the whole Israel, Palestinian and all these factions and divisions and
they this eternal hatred for each other. What's up with it? Not even so often considering what's going on
backstage. What's going on in the spiritual round?
There's an interesting scripture in Daniel, chapter 10, where an angel comes to give Daniel a revelation and he
says, "Daniel, as soon as you started praying, I was dispatched from heaven to answer your prayer. But for 21
days I have been withstood by the Prince of Persia. And here I am, as a long fight, I'm answering your prayer,
giving you a revelation. Now I got to go back and fight with them again, which is a demonic being, the Prince of
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Inside into that is given in Ephesians 6, verse 12, "For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and
blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness
who rule this world." You know I've often wondered in reading Daniel 10 or Ephesians, you think that the
Prince of Persia who can withstand an angel of God for 21 days, whatever demon force was controlling Persia
at that time in the world situation?
If the Prince of Persia was that powerful, I just wonder what like the Prince of Las Vegas is like; or the Prince
of Hollywood; or the Prince of San Francisco? What demonic influence is really back there doing a lot of this
stuff? Okay, now we go to the third division of the book. After a physical malady, spiritual reality comes to this
long set of poetic dialogue between Job and his three friends, mental agony, mental agony. Here's the truth.
When you suffer you're not the only wonder, the only person wondering why you suffer, there's other people
who are around your life, they wonder why you're suffering so much too. In fact, some of them might think,
"Man, that person has really been through a lot. I, I wonder if maybe God's like judging him." See, you're not
the only one wondering that, there's other people who will play Monday morning quarterback with your life
and wonder why you're going through this.
So Job has three, let's call them, "friends, quote, unquote" who get around him, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar.
Eliphaz is a Temanite, that's an area in Jordan that was known for its wisdom. Bildad is a Shuhite, same area,
east of the Dead Sea. Zophar is a Naamathite, something like that, one of those 'ites'. But chapter 3 through
26 begins his dialogue, but go back to chapter 2, verse 11. Let's, let's see these friends. "When Job's three
friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place; Eliphaz the
Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite; for they had made an appointment together to come
and mourn with him; (Boy, this is good so far) and to comfort him." Verse 13, "They sat down on the ground
for 7 days; (I love this.) no one spoke a word to him." Actually that's beautiful. They should had just stopped
while they were ahead. Really, there is a ministry in just being present. We call it the Ministry of Presence.
When somebody is suffering, you know sometimes, we feel, "I got to go in there and give him a sermon on
Theodicy and why people suffer." Not while they're suffering, do it later when they can receive it. Just be
there for them and listen to them and let them cry, let them mourn, hug them, pray for them. And they sat
there and they were with him. And, and then they made it really bad because they opened their mouths. It
goes from that to something worse. So chapter 3 through 26 begins this dialogue and here's what it is.
There's three cycles of speeches, all three of them give a speech. Job has something to say about it. He rebuts
it or he responds to it. Then they give another set of speeches and he responds to it again. So the first cycle of
speeches is in chapters 4 through 14. Second cycle of speeches, chapter 15 through 21, and the third cycle of
speeches, chapters 23 through 26. So here's where it gets bad, verse 1, chapter 3. "After, after this Job opened
his mouth and cursed the day of his birth." And Job spoke and he said, "May the day perish in which I was
born." "And the night, in which it was said, a male child is conceived."
We can understand that. Person loses everything. He's saying, "You know what? Is this horrible, it'd be better
if I never experience life because this is where my life has ended up. I want to die. It's sad that I was even
born." So Eliphaz begins talking to him in chapter 4. Eliphaz, by the way, the first guy, probably the eldest guy. I
say that because his speech to Job is a little more tempered, I've read through all of them in this week, a little
more tempered, a little more balanced, though it's certainly not perfect, but he is the softest with Job. And it
goes to that to more scathing as we go on. But basically he says, "Job, you have sins somewhere along the line
and God is punishing you." See that's the softest.
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"You've sinned, God is punishing you", verse 7 of chapter 4. He asks the question, "Whoever perished being
innocent?" So this whole notion of, if you are really godly, and you have enough faith, you'll never suffer. That's
so primitive. It goes far, it goes this far back to the patriarchal age. That's what Eliphaz said. Here's Job's
rebuttal, chapter 6 verse 1. Job answered and said, "Oh that my grief were fully weighed and my calamity laid
with it on the scales, for then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea. Therefore, my words have been
rash." Chapter 6 and 7 are both chapters or Job's response to Eliphaz. Now second guy Bildad, the Shuhite
chimes in.
Now another reason I think that this goes all the way back to the patriarchal age because he's a Shuhite,
doesn't mean he wears shoes versus sandals. But there was a guy named Shuah and Shuah was the son of
Abraham with his second wife Keturah. So this is probably just post that age of Abraham. Bildad says, "Job,
you're a hypocrite and the reason your kids died is because they sinned. You're a hypocrite but the reason
they dies isn't because what you did but they must have sins."
So Job retorts in chapter 10, verse 1. See I'm covering a lot. "My soul loathes my life. I will give free course to
my complaint. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. I will say to God, do not condemn me. Show me why
you contend with me? Does it seem good to you that you should oppress, that, that you should despise the
work of your hands and smile on the counsel of the wicked?" So he's getting a little feisty with God, but again I
watch people suffer and this is not uncommon and I'm not the one to correct them and go. Excuse me, but
your theology is incorrect. That will, that will be, that's a sermon for another day. For right now I want to
listen to that. I want to let him weigh his grief because he's saying, you don't understand, you don't feel what
I'm feeling.
Chapter 11, Zophar chimes in. Now it's been Zophar is so good but now he comes in and he makes it even
worse. And he basically says, "Okay look, let me just cut to the chase. Mr. Job, repent. That's what you need
to do. You need to change your ways, your thinking, your faults. You need to repent."
So okay, if physical malady isn't enough, if losing all of your children, all of your livestock and your health isn't
enough, now you have got these friends who come in and counsel you like this and you're tempted to say,
"With friends like you guys who needs enemies?" Monday morning quarterbacking of Job's condition.
So Job in chapter 13, verse 13 says, "Hold your peace with me and let me speak." He retorts he's responding,
"Then let come on me what may." Verse 15, one of the highlights of the book. "Though He (God) though He
slay me, yet I will trust Him. Even so I will defend my own ways before Him." "He also shall be my salvation for
a hypocrite could not come before him." So you know what? I'm going to speak now guys. I'm going to say
this, "Even if God kills me, He can kill me; I'm going to go to the grave trusting Him. If I lose it all, I'll lose my
life, but He's also defending the fact that He's been morally blameless. He hasn't done anything to cause this
calamity that has come upon Him. Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him." That's a great verse for you to
underline, to remember. If I lose it all but I have God. That's what I need and that's all I need.
As Mother Teresa who said, "You'll never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have got."
There's a guy who has nothing but God, and he goes, "He could kill me, I trust Him."
Now chapter 15 is Eliphaz's second speech. Job listens to it. Okay, okay Eliphaz is amping it up a little bit this
time, kind of turning the volume up. Chapter 16, Job responds, Job has had enough by this time. Listen what
Job says. Job answered and said, "I've heard many such things. Miserable comforters are you all." If there's any
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counselors in the room tonight, this is a good verse to study, to be very careful how you approach people.
"Shall, (look at) shall words of wind have an end?" You know what he's saying, don't you? Would you wind
bags ever shut up. That's a free translation or what provokes you that you answer? So here's Job's friends who
have reduced his suffering to a cut-and-dry philosophy, to just, to just laws and formulas.
Let me give you a piece of advice. Walk softly around a broken heart. Somebody has a broken heart, be very
tender, very cautious. Walk softly around a broken heart. Job's friends did not. They tried to explain it. One of
the things we must do when people suffer is learn how to be a listener. A listener at that point.
In fact, I will go a step further. Be an unshockable listener because they may say certain things and have
outburst at that time that could shake you a little bit. Be an unshockable listener. Imagine if the body of Christ
had hundreds, thousands of unshockable listeners and the information stopped with the listener. How good
that would be? How safe people would feel? Now he, Job wrestles and as he wrestles, there's flashes of great
insight, chapter 19 is his defense to Bildad, the Shuhite.
Chapter 19, verse 23, again a highlight of the book. "Oh that my words were written! Oh that they were
inscribed in a book!" (Little did he know) "That they were engraved on a rock with an iron pen and lead
forever." First he says, "I just wish this whole thing could be recorded in a book. No, not a book because that
will pass away too soon. Something more indelible like lead or inscribed in stone." Again, little did he know,
that it will be a whole book with his name on the top of it, 42 chapters that follow, that describe his story for
his progeny and all generations to follow.
"For I know, verse 25, for I know that my redeemer lives." You know what the hebrew there is Goel, Goel.
Remember that word? Way back, a few books back. Kinsman Redeemer in the book of Ruth. A Goel was
somebody related who could buy you back out of slavery; who could redeem your land if you lost it; who
could fix things and make things better. "Oh for I know that my redeemer lives and he shall stand at last on
the earth and after my skin is destroyed, this I know that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall for myself
and my eyes shall behold and not another, how my heart yearns within me." If you're looking for Jesus Christ
in the book of Job, there He is, there He is.
This is the Easter message as preached by Job, the patriarch. "For I know that my redeemer lives and even
though I die and I know that I'm going to die, it's pretty evident that soon I will die, I also know that I'm going
to live." Well, how do you live if you die? If you die, you're dead. How, how can you live if you are dead?
Answer, Resurrection. The resurrection is pictured in the book of Job, and he says, "I know my redeemer my
Kinsmen Redeemer lives." This is an anticipation of the redeemer who is Jesus Christ. So Job pierces beyond
the grave into the future with great hope of immortality. He believes he's going to die. He knows he is going
to live.
Chapter 23. After Eliphaz's third speech. Again Eliphaz comes in, the oldest guy turns up the volume has more
to say. Now Job, Job replies to Eliphaz. Chapter 23, verse 1, Job answered and said, "Even today my complaint
is bitter, my hand is listless because of my groaning. Oh that I knew where I might find Him." Now listen to
this little section. Here's Job, "I want to find God. Oh that I knew where I might find Him, that I might come to
His seat, I would present my case before Him and fill my mouth with arguments." Verse 8, "Look I go forward
but He's not there and backward but I can't perceive Him. When He works on the left hand, I can't behold
Him. When He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. But He knows the way that I take and when He has
tested me, I shall come forth as gold."
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Let me sum that up. Here's what he is saying in, in brief, "I don't know where God is. I don't know what God's
up to. But I know that God knows where I am and He knows what I'm up to". That is such a transforming
thought. I don't know where God is. I don't know what He is up to, God knows where I am and He knows
what I'm up to. Here is Job's view of the sovereignty of God. What is hidden from my eyes is not hidden from
God's eyes. He knows, furthermore, He's in control. This will revolutionize your periods of pain and darkness.
If you get your heart, not your mind; your heart around that. When Nate was just a little kid, a few houses
back, Nate, we used to play hide-and-seek. We loved playing, he loved it, especially we play hide-and-seek, the
sun would go down and we hide in closets and count and find each other.
Um, typically at first when we play hide-and-seek he got really scared because you know where is he. I'm going
to jump out at any time. After a while he got very comfortable with hide-and-seek and I remember one night
we were playing hide-and-seek and not only he was not afraid but he was giggling, laughing through the house
trying to find to me. And, and what was good about that is it showed me that he didn't know where I was but
he knew that I knew where he was. He was happy with that. He knew that I knew where he was.
Job can't find God but he knows God knows exactly what he is up to. And he's okay with that. As he's
wrestling through these episodes of pain there are, there are areas where he just kind of reaches the very
pinnacle of faith, God can kill me, I'll trust him. I know my redeemer lives and now this.
Years ago a lawyer from Chicago named Horatio Spafford send his family off to Europe on a vacation. He paid
for it, was on a luxury-liner, he could afford it, but this wealthy man could not be prepared with all of his
money for the hard ache he was about to suffer.
Horatio Spafford's entire family on this cruise-liner had a horrible accident on the way over to Europe, the
ship went down and all of them were killed, wife and children. As he was going over across the sea and the
captain pointed out in the ocean where his family had gone down and his children had drowned, and here he is
on the deck of the ship going over to Europe, and here's the spot in the ocean where his family has died, his
children have died. He writes a song, he writes a song that some of us have sung before.
"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has
taught me to say It is well, it is well, with my soul." What a statement of faith at a time and a place like that.
That's a, that's a highlight of a person's faith. You see whatever you believe about God when you suffer that's
what you will really believe about God.
Well, Satan is finally silenced. God can be worshiped apart from His gifts. Job is left with nothing but God but
continues to follow God and continues to trust Him. No matter what whether God blesses him or buffets him
doesn't matter. He said I can take it, I'm going to trust, I'm going to die but I will be resurrected. Chapter 27
through 42 is a series of monologues. Job talk's uninterrupted fourth friend named Elihu comes in and reflects
back accurately what Job has said. He's probably the youngest guy, he's a little impetuous, he gives his own
philosophy. Not much different from the others, but slightly, and then God gives a monologue.
So we have physical malady, spiritual reality, mental agony and now the last part of this book ultimate victory.
Chapters 38 through 42 God talks. Finally the one who's backstage comes out on stage and speaks directly to
Job. He ends the debate and he restores Job.
Verse 1, the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and He said, "Who is this" (speaking of him), "Who is
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this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge?" Do you know what that means, who is this who
clouds the truth with ignorant words? See it's absurd to think that a creature can criticize His creator. Yet, it
happens all the time. I hear people criticizing God, shaking their fists, spouting off their philosophy and God
would say, "Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge?" Do you really know what you're
talking about? Have you gone back stage and you know everything? And basically that's where God is with Job
because look at verse 3, "Now prepare yourself like a man and I will question and you shall answer me.
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding?"
Now in chapter 38 and 39 God gives Job a science quiz. Hey Job, let's just, let's just take some things that you
can see in your environment and you explain the mysteries of, of those beings existence in the heavens, the
earth and several creatures that he picks out here.
Verse 5, "Who, who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched out the line upon it."
So look I'm God let's get this straight Job I'm God you're not. I made everything you didn't I maintain
everything you don't. In chapter 38 and 39 as that mess message basically thou garnish somewhat. Chapter 40
verse 3 listen to this, Job gets it he gets it, Job answered the Lord, and he said, "Behold, I am vile; what shall I
answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth. Once I have spoken; but I will not answer: yes, twice; but I will
proceed no further". But God continues His monologue in the following verses following chapters. His second
monologue if you will; basically stating to Job that God is sovereign and He can alone can control what seems
uncontrollable. So here's sort of the bottom line message in the second monologue.
Okay, Job if you can't understand way in the physical world then you can't understand my way spiritual realm
that you can not see. Here's all the things I'm asking you about that you can see you can't give me an answer.
So how can you presume to think you know about what's going on behind the curtain backstage in the
spiritual realm.
So Job is now chapter 42 verse 1 very humble very submissive, Job answered the Lord and said, "I know that
You can do everything, and no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You" (what a statement of sovereignty
is that). You asked who is this your hides counsel without knowledge therefore I have uttered to what I did
not understand things too wonderful for me which I did not know. Listen please in let me speak you said I will
question you and you shall answer me. I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees you
therefore I abhor myself and I repent in dust and ashes." Verse 10, "The Lord, restored, restored Job's losses
when he prayed for his friends." Interesting he had to pay first for his friends then God restored everything is
it the friends that were miserable counselors remember.
"Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." Verse 16, "After this Job lived a hundred and forty
years, and he saw his children and grandchildren for four generations. So Job died old and full of days." It's a
good description isn't it? What the old guy die of? Full of days ides, I mean he's just an old guy. It's time for him
to go.
So he was blessed in his old age but he died with the scars of a very difficult life. Here's where we had to end
this book of Job. Here's the thought we ought to have as we leave tonight. The notion that suffering in the
hands of an all powerful and absolutely loving God can be a wonderful tool for us, be very careful not to assign
everything that hurts you as bad that's horrible why because it hurts, that's understandable that's where you
tear the garment and put sack cloth on the head like Job did. But you can't assign everything that hurts as
something bad. It might seem like it's bad it could actually be very good remember Joseph was sold into
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slavery in Egypt by his brothers suffered and was thrown into prison. Didn't do anything that deserve any of
that stuff suffered, suffered, suffered, suffered but eventually things turned and he became prime minister of
Egypt and he saw his brothers remember when they came to see him and they thought Oh no! We're dead
meat again I'm free rendering here we're dead meat, thus say it to Lord and Joseph said you meant it for evil
but God meant it for good. To save many people as it is alive this day.
Yeah you call that bad and I one day I use to call that bad too. It's actually very good, God uses. There's a
philosopher named Peter Kreeft of Yale University who, who gave a very helpful analogy. Okay so follow this
imagine a bear trapped in a cage caught in a bear trap and a hunter who sees the plight of the bear and wants
to release the bear.
Now the bear doesn't know that that's in the mind of the hunter. He doesn't have the ability to comprehend
hidden thoughts of a hunter, even communicate. So the hunter wants to release the bear. The bear didn't
know that the bear sees the hunter growled. The only way to calm the bear down is to shoot tranquilizing
bullet a syringe into the bear to make him fall asleep. So boom syringe pelts the arm of the bear and now what
is the bear think when he gets hit with that projectile? Does he think what a loving wonderful man who seeks
my good or he thinks he's trying to kill me. In reality the hunter is trying to free him. In the reality the hunter
has compassion upon him and once the bear is out he opens the cage takes the trap off sets the bear free.
The bear can not comprehend the motive of the hunter anymore than we can comprehend the motive of God
when He allows things to happen in our life. So that's where that faith element comes in. What I know to be
true about God. So don't let what you don't understand about God shake you from what you do understand
about God. You know we get into this little spiral downward when we suffer. I don't why God did this I don't
why God this I don't know. Okay go away from that position. What do you know about God right now? What
do you--what are you certain up about God's character, camp there don't let what you don't what you don't
know about God shake you from what you do know about God. Camp on all those things you know to be
true about your good omniscient, omnipotent sovereign all loving God that's where you camp but I don't you
don't need to, you are not seeing backstage.
So you can't comprehend his mind but know this. The mind and heart of God toward you is not destruction
anymore than God's was of Job, but one of love in deep compassion.
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