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Holt Chapter 5 Reading Questions
Populations and Communities
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User Name: shaskell30
Password: biology
Name ________________________________ Period _____ Score _______
Page 103
1. What is a Population?
2. Why is understanding population growth important?
Page 104 - 105
3. What are the four factors that determine if a population
will grow or shrink?
4. Explain the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth.
5. What is carrying capacity?
Page 106 – 107
6. Name two abiotic factors that can affect population size.
7. Name two biotic factors that can affect population size.
8. Why do Elk populations grow when they are near towns in Canada?
Page 107 - 108
9. Describe three reasons why the death rate in the human has decreased the last 300 years.
10. About how many people are living now?
11. What kind of growth rate is the people population experiencing?
12. About how many people are born every hour?
13. In the United State 60% - 70% of our waste is sent to landfills. In Japan ____________ % of
waste is sent to landfills.
14. Hong Kong, China has one of the high population density’s in the world. It is 6,380 people per
square kilometer.
a. What is the population density of Spanish Fork? Area = 34.3 km2 Population = 32,000
b. What is the population density of Salem? Area = 13.7 km2, population = 5, 500 people
c. What is the population density of Payson? Area = 17.6 km2, population = 17,000 people
Page 109
15. What is predation?
Page 110 – 111
16. What is parasitism? And give an example.
17. Explain how plants try to defend themselves from herbivores.
18. What is symbiosis?
19. What is mutualism? And give an example.
20. What is Commensalism? And give an example.
Pages 112 - 113
21. What is a niche?
22. Explain some parts of a beaver’s niche.
23. Explain the difference between a fundamental niche and a realized niche.
Pages 114 -115
24. What is meant by competitive exclusion?
25. What is a keystone species?
26. Explain how a predator can increase an ecosystem resiliency.