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TASK: Reading, "Seasons on Earth", pg 10-13
Read pages 10-13 in the FOSS book. As you read, make the following notebook entries:
1. What evidence in the text supports the claim that Earth’s distance from the Sun is unrelated to seasons?
2. (A) Go to your diagram of the Earth/Sun system (from 3/24) and add an Earth (with axis) for Fall, an Earth (with
axis) for Spring, and an Earth (w/axis) for Summer (use pencil!). LABEL the season for each Earth. (B) What parts
of the diagram are unrealistically portrayed? Why do we use this diagram?
3. During which seasons does the North Pole point toward the North Star?
4. After page 13:
A. In your own words, define "Latitude" and add it to your Index.
B. Also, be sure to explain what it means to "increase latitude" (for example, to go from 0˚ to 90˚ means
you’re doing what?).
5. See the chart on page 13. Describe how hours of daylight change on the (a) summer solstice, (b) the winter
solstice, (c) the fall equinox and (d) the spring equinox as you increase latitude north of the Equator.
6. In your own words, define the terms "equinox" and "solstice". (You won’t find a definition in the text, you have to
infer their definitions based on what it says in those paragraphs on page 12 and the table on page 13.) Add
“equinox” and “solstice” to your Index.
7. Review what you’ve just read about by writing a NEW explanation of why we have seasons. (This is like your
“Initial Thoughts” you wrote on 3/24, only better (more accurate, with more detail).
TASK: Reading, "Seasons on Earth", pg 10-13
Read pages 10-13 in the FOSS book. As you read, make the following notebook entries:
1. What evidence in the text supports the claim that Earth’s distance from the Sun is unrelated to seasons?
2. (A) Go to your diagram of the Earth/Sun system (from 3/24) and add an Earth (with axis) for Fall, an Earth (with
axis) for Spring, and an Earth (w/axis) for Summer (use pencil!). LABEL the season for each Earth. (B) What parts
of the diagram are unrealistically portrayed? Why do we use this diagram?
3. During which seasons does the North Pole point toward the North Star?
4. After page 13:
A. In your own words, define "Latitude" and add it to your Index.
B. Also, be sure to explain what it means to "increase latitude" (for example, to go from 0˚ to 90˚ means
you’re doing what?).
5. See the chart on page 13. Describe how hours of daylight change on the (a) summer solstice, (b) the winter
solstice, (c) the fall equinox and (d) the spring equinox as you increase latitude north of the Equator.
6. In your own words, define the terms "equinox" and "solstice". (You won’t find a definition in the text, you have to
infer their definitions based on what it says in those paragraphs on page 12 and the table on page 13.) Add
“equinox” and “solstice” to your Index.
7. Review what you’ve just read about by writing a NEW explanation of why we have seasons. (This is like your
“Initial Thoughts” you wrote on 3/24, only better (more accurate, with more detail).
TASK: Reading, "Seasons on Earth", pg 10-13
Read pages 10-13 in the FOSS book. As you read, make the following notebook entries:
1. What evidence in the text supports the claim that Earth’s distance from the Sun is unrelated to seasons?
2. (A) Go to your diagram of the Earth/Sun system (from 3/24) and add an Earth (with axis) for Fall, an Earth (with
axis) for Spring, and an Earth (w/axis) for Summer (use pencil!). LABEL the season for each Earth. (B) What parts
of the diagram are unrealistically portrayed? Why do we use this diagram?
3. During which seasons does the North Pole point toward the North Star?
4. After page 13:
A. In your own words, define "Latitude" and add it to your Index.
B. Also, be sure to explain what it means to "increase latitude" (for example, to go from 0˚ to 90˚ means
you’re doing what?).
5. See the chart on page 13. Describe how hours of daylight change on the (a) summer solstice, (b) the winter
solstice, (c) the fall equinox and (d) the spring equinox as you increase latitude north of the Equator.
6. In your own words, define the terms "equinox" and "solstice". (You won’t find a definition in the text, you have to
infer their definitions based on what it says in those paragraphs on page 12 and the table on page 13.) Add
“equinox” and “solstice” to your Index.
7. Review what you’ve just read about by writing a NEW explanation of why we have seasons. (This is like your
“Initial Thoughts” you wrote on 3/24, only better (more accurate, with more detail).