Download Vocabulary – 100 Words Every High School Student Should Know

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Vocabulary – 100 Words Every High School Student Should Know
From editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries
Each Student Shall select 10 words that have not yet been defined and include;
a) the part of speech (verb, noun, etc.) and
b) write the Definition,
c) correctly use the word in a sentence which shows you understand the meaning.
Then type in the definition on this list
1. Accentuate – CJ - v= To give prominence to
2. Alliteration – CJ - n= the repetation of the same sound.
3. Analogy – CJ - n= Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise unlike.
4. Antibody – JP - antibody-n protein produced in the blood or tissues in response to the
presence of a specific toxin, foreign blood cell, or other antigen
In chapter 7 in biology we learned about antibodies.
5. Aspire – JP - v to have a great ambition; desire strongly
I aspire to make good grades in high school.
6. Bamboozle 7. Bizarre 8. Boisterous –
9. Boycott – (JP) v,n to abstain from using, buying, or dealing with, as a protest or means of
coercion. We boycotted Walmart for making a racist comment on the intercom.
10. Camouflage – JP - camouflage- n protective clothing or a disguise that conceals
The military wears camouflage to hide from the Taliban.
11. Chronology – JP - chronology-n the order or sequence of events
The chapters in a history book are in chronological order.
12. Commemorate 13. Cower 14. Decorum 15. Deduction – JP - n the act of subtracting
Spending money wastefully will put a big deduction in your bank account.
16. Deign 17. Despondent 18. Dialogue 19. Divulge 20. Eclectic 21. Ellipse 22. Embargo 23. Enthusiastic – CJ - adj= Having or showing great interest or excitement.
24. Exponent – TB
25. Exult – JP v to rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant
We exult God by singing.
26. Fallacy – CJ - n= A false notion or mistake belief.
27. Flourish – JP - flourish-v to grow or develop well or luxuriantly, thrive
The Toyota motor company has flourished due to customer loyalty.
28. Formidable – JP - formidable-adj arousing fear, dread, alarm, or great concern
Sometimes tests are formidable.
29. Gargoyle 30. Guerilla 31. Guru – CJ - n= A hindu spiritual teacher.
32. Heritage 33. Hieroglyphic – CJ adj= Of a related to a system of writing , such as that of ancient Egypt.
34. Hologram 35. Hypocrisy – CJ n= The pratice of showing or expressing feelings.
36. Immune - adj= Not affected by a given influence.
37. Impertinent 38. Inference –
39. Introspection - CJ
40. Jaunty 41. Jovial 42. Kilometer 43. Labyrinth 44. Laconic 45. Lichen 46. Light-year 47. Marsupial 48. Maneuver 49. Metaphor 50. Messianic 51. Mutation 52. Nebula 53. Nocturnal – JP - adj - of relating to, or occurring at night.
Deers are nocturnal animals.
54. Nuisance 55. Omnivore 56. Outrageous 57. Ozone 58. Parasite 59. Participle 60. Phloem 61. Plateau 62. Polygon 63. Protagonist 64. Pulverize 65. Quandary 66. Quarantine 67. Quota 68. Rainforest 69. Random 70. Recede -
71. Renaissance 72. Renegade 73. Repose 74. Sacrifice 75. Silhouette 76. Solstice 77. Spectrum 78. Stereotype 79. Strategy 80. Suffrage 81. Symbiosis 82. Tariff 83. Technique 84. Tempo 85. Toxin 86. Tranquility 87. Tumult 88. Tundra 89. Ultraviolet 90. Unanimous 91. Undulate 92. Vaccine 93. Vacillate 94. Vertebrate 95. Voracious 96. Virtuoso 97. Wretched 98. Xylem 99. Yacht 100.
Zoology -
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