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1. How did the peninsulas of southern Europe affect the way
people lived?
2. Which element of European geography contributed to the
development of feudalism?
13. As popes tried to increase their power, with whom did they
came into conflict?
14. Why did Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV disagree?
15. Why were the Crusades fought? Who was involved? Outcome?
3. Who was Saint Patrick?
16. Why did the Byzantine emperor ask the pope for help?
4. Who built a European empire, started schools, spread
17. Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas?
Christianity, and was crowned Emperor of the Romans (by the
18. What theme did most art and architecture share?
Pope) in 800?
19. Why did nobles make King John sign Magna Carta in 1215?
5. The invaders from Scandinavia who attacked Europe during
the 700s and 800s were called what?
6. What was unusual about Eleanor of Aquitaine?
7. How did feudalism reach Britain?
20. What started the Hundred Years’ War?
21. France won the Hundred Years’ War because of who?
22. In what way was England different from France after the
Hundred Years’ War?
8. What caused the growth of European cities around 1000?
23. How did life change for peasants and serfs after the plague?
9. Samurai warriors and European knights both followed codes of
24. Why was the marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand important?
behavior that emphasized what?
10. What were some of the similarities and differences between
feudalism in Japan and Europe?
25. What was the main goal of Isabella and King Ferdinand?
26. What was the purpose of the Spanish Inquisition?
27. During the Middle Ages, how were Jews treated?
11. Why did Medieval Christians fear excommunication?
28. What was the result of the Battle of Hastings?
12. Which leader benefited from cooperating with the pope?
29. What was the basis of power under the feudal system?
30. What was a guild?
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