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Describe a choice made by a character or individual in the text.
Explain how this choice brought about a change in that character or individual.
The play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare explores the nature of good and evil. He shows us what can
happen when a good man is tempted by ambition and commits evil deeds to fulfil this ambition. The
character Macbeth makes an important choice to kill King Duncan leading him down the path of evil,
resulting in his eventual death and destruction.
In the beginning, this is a plot word. You need to start with the choice Macbeth encounters the witches
who tell him strange prophecies. Macbeth is curious and wants to know more, “Stay you imperfect
speakers.” He wonders if the witches could speak the truth and he would become Thane of Cawdor and
then king. Later, another plot word he is told that the king has rewarded Macbeth with the title of Thane
of Cawdor for his part in the battle. Macbeth cannot believe that witches were right and wonders if he
could be king. He has a terrible thought which scares him –killing Duncan, “Why do I yield to that
suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair.” He is surprised at this thought and decides to
ignore it, “If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir.” This is what you
need to concentrate on rather than the plot.
Soon after more plot words, King Duncan announces that his son Malcolm will be Prince of
Cumberland. Macbeth is very angry by this decision, but must hide his anger. He sees Malcolm as an
obstacle between himself and the crown, “Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep
desires.” This suggests that the evil in Macbeth is hidden by his appearance of good. Your next para is
more relevant than this one.
Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have a close relationship. Lady Macbeth knows of her husband’s ambition
but realizes he will not commit such an act, “I fear thy nature, it is too full o’ th’ milk of human
kindness.” Good quote to use here She knows she must persuade him to do it and she calls on evil
spirits to give her power. When Macbeth arrives home and tells her Duncan is coming to their castle
she says, “Look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.” Lady Macbeth is telling him to
hide his evil thoughts and deceive people, which again reinforces the idea of evil being disguised by
good. Macbeth is glad to have her support but is still unsure and this pointhe starts to have doubts
about killing Duncan, “He’s here in double trust.” Macbeth is Duncan’s kinsman, subject and host.
Macbeth also says that Duncan is a good king who is trusting and honourable. Macbeth recognises
that he only has “vaulting ambition” on his side which shows that he has self-knowledge. With his
mind made up, Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth, “We will proceed no further in this business.” But Lady
Macbeth is strong and has great strength of will. She calls him a coward and questions his manliness,
“When you durst do it, then you were a man.” Macbeth struggles between his conscience and his
ambition in his mind, but is finally persuaded, “Hear it not Duncan, for it is a knell which summons thee
to heaven or to hell.” This is good detail from the play. How can you ‘unpack’ it to fit the question a
little more directly?
The choice Macbeth makes to murder King Duncan results in a change in his character, showing us
what can happen when a good man is tempted by ambition. At the beginning, he is viewed as a brave
and loyal subject, “For brave Macbeth –well he deserves that name.” He also has friends, honour and a
close relationship with his wife. But after Macbeth chooses to kill Duncan, his whole life changes. He
becomes an evil and treacherous tyrant who ahs lost his humanity and innocence, “Sleep no more,
Macbeth does murder sleep.” The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth becomes distant,
leading to Lady Macbeth’s death. This choice causes Macbeth to also lose his honour, friends and
goodness, “As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends I must not look to have.” Macbeth continues
to commit evil deeds; organising the killing of his friend Banquo and the Macduff family. He slides
down the path of evil, leading to his death and eventual destruction.
In conclusion, Macbeth makes an important choice to murder King Duncan. This choice brings about a
great change in his character and leads him down the path of evil. It helps the reader understand the
idea of evil being disguised under the appearance of good. You have two conclusions. Watch the
retelling of the plot rather than the idea of choice and character strengths and weaknesses.