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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Jeopardy- Part I- Fall Final Islam 10 pts. Who was the founder of Islam? Muhammad **What year did he die? 632 20 pts. What are the two major sects of Islam? Sunni and Shi’ite **What was the main cause of the split between the Sunni and the Shi’ites? There was a dispute over who were the legitimate rulers of Islam after Muhammad died. 30 pts. What is the Hegira? Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina. **What is the significance of the Hegira to the Islamic calendar? It marks year one on the Islamic calendar. (622 CE) 40 pts. Name one difference between the Umayyad Dynasty and the Abbasid Dynasty? Umayyad focused on expansion of the empire and conquering other lands, they did not allow non-Arabs into government, intolerant of Shi’ites. The Abbasid dynasty focused on maintaining the empire and the arts and sciences, they allowed non-Arabs into government, more tolerant of Shi’ites. Umayyads came before Abbasids and were bigger. **What is one similarity? They are both Sunni Muslim empires, they both rule over roughly the same area for a time, they both instituted a jizya on non-Muslims 50 pts. Which man overthrew the Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt and then took back the Crusader state in Jerusalem for Islam? Saladin **Saladin declared independence from the Abbasid dynasty but did not overthrow it. What group of people did overthrow the Abbasid dynasty? The Mongols in the 13th century. 60 pts. Name three of the five pillars of Islam. Acknowledging Allah is the one god and Muhammad is his prophet, Fasting during Ramadan, Prayer five times a day, a hajj once in your life, and giving alms to the poor **Both Sunnis and Shi’ites believe in the five pillars of Islam, however they primarily disagree over who the rightful ruler of Islam should be. What is one other difference between the two groups? Belief in the 12th Imam, Sunnis are a majority (90%) 70 pts. Name two ways that the Qur’an gives women rights. They have a right to property (although they get half the inheritance of men), they have a right to divorce **What is the name of the covering that many believe that women should wear in the Islamic faith? The hijab Africa 10 pts. Which animal was essential for all trade in the Western Sudan? The Camel **These are the nomadic tribesmen who lived both in and north of the Sahara probably introduced the camel to the Western Sudan. The Berbers 20 pts. What two natural resources were the basis for trade for all empires in the Western Sudan region? Gold and salt **The Ghanaians facility with this resource was the reason why Ghana was able to defeat all of the other tribes in the area and create an empire on the Niger river and create a vibrant empire. Iron 30 pts. What is the name of the oral historians in Africa? Griots **Why is acknowledging oral history so important in understanding the history of Africa? Because for much of Africa’s history, there was not a written language, and so the best history we have of ancient and medieval times is oral history 40 pts. African communities in the Western Sudan were matrilineal. What does it mean to be matrilineal? The line of rule goes through the mother’s side of the family. **How is this different than a matriarchal rule? In a matrilineal society, women don’t necessarily rule…men are usually still the rulers. In a matriarchal society, women are the rulers over men. 50 pts. Which group of people first brought the written language to the Western Sudan? The Arab Muslims **The Arabs mixed with what group of people to make the Swahili culture on the east coast? The Bantu 60 pts. The migration of this group of people brought subsistence agriculture to much of Southern Africa. Bantus **Bantu individuals ended up settling and developing the civilization of Great Zimbabwe. Great Zimbabwe became great in its interactions with this civilization on the East Coast of Africa. The Swahili trading states 70 pts. Please state, in order, the three major trading states in the Western Sudan. Ghana, Mali and Songhai **In which empire was Islam first adopted by the rulers? Mali China 10 pts. The civil service exams were based on this man’s philosophy. Confucius **Describe how Confucianism changed over time in China. At first it was more of a philosophy that people followed and that was used for government. However, it became a religion (neo-Confucianism) that blended Buddhism and Taoism during the Song Dynasty 20 pts. Which dynasty unified China at the end of the 6th century after 300 years of chaos? Sui **Name two ways that the Sui attempted to unify China. They promoted Buddhism, they reduced the power of the aristocrats by instituted land reform, they built the Grand Canal to link various parts of China together 30 pts. Buddhism reached its height in China under which ruler? Empress Wu **During what dynasty did Empress Wu rule? Tang 40 pts. During which century did the Mongols attack and take over China? 1200s/13th century **Who was the leader of the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty in China? Kublai Khan 50 pts. Which dynasty was the long-lived and flourishing dynasty that built off of the accomplishments of the more brutal Sui dynasty? The Tang Dynasty **What happened to the status of Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty? It rose under Empress Wu and then declined after her rule. 60 pts. Which dynasty in China was under constant attacks by foreign forces, lost a lot of territory, and eventually fell to the Mongols in the 13th century? Song Dynasty **If I were to argue that the status of women decreased in China during the Song dynasty, name one piece of evidence that would support this claim. The use of foot-binding in China, the rise of neo-Confucianism, etc. 70 pts. Which dynasty in China started out very internationalist in outlook and did a lot of exploring but then turned towards isolationism? The Ming Dynasty **Which Chinese explorer is the best example of this international impulse? Zheng He Japan 10 pts. This group of warriors rose during the Heian period. Samurai **The rise of the samurai actually represented the fall of the power of the emperor and the rise of the power of this group of people in Japan (the samurai’s bosses). The daimyo (aristocrats) 20 pts. What is the term for the type of government in Japan in which a military leader has the true power, but the emperor still serves as a figurehead? A Shogunate **What event in the 1200s eventually led to the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate in the 1300s? The attack of the Mongols (Kublai Khan) from China. The Shogunate was unable to reward the samurai for their service in repelling the Mongols, so there were revolts. 30 pts. Why were the most distinguished Japanese novels during the medieval period written by women. Because men were writing in Chinese **Name a way that Prince Shotoku attempted to reform the government that failed. He attempted land reform but the aristocrats took back land, he tried to unify the government, but that eventually fell apart into civil war, he tried the civil service exams but they eventually disappeared. 40 pts. What was the name of the dynasty in China that attacked Japan? Yuan Dynasty **True or False: Japan has dynastic cycles just like China. False. The same family have been emperors in Japan since Prince Shotoku. The difference is that the emperor has no power. 50 pts. Please list, in order, the eras of Japanese medieval history that we have learned about in class. Prince Shotoku’s Rule (Yamato Period), Nara period, Heian period, Kamakura Shogunate, Ashikaga Shogunate, Civil War **True or False: the Ashikaga Shogunate was a powerful and lasting government. False. It was never able to control the country. 60 pts. After Prince Shotoku unified Japan, what did he try to do in order to keep the country unified? He sent emissaries to the Tang dynasty to see how they kept their government strong. He instituted land reforms and civil service exams to take away the power of the aristocracy. **How did the status of the emperor of Japan change over time? The emperor gradually lost power until he ruled in name only. 70 pts. Name two ways that medieval China was different than Heian Japan. China had a stronger emperor, mostly because the power of the aristocracy was weaker in China than in Heian Japan; China did not have Shintoism whereas Japan did; civil service exams in Japan were only open to nobles (and, after the Heian period, they eventually disappear), whereas in China they were open to everyone and mostly persist. **Name two similarities between medieval China and Heian Japan. They both were influenced by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, educated men in both countries wrote in Chinese, they both had civil service exams India 10 pts. Identify one religion that originated in India. Buddhism and Hinduism **Identify one reason why Buddhism might have lost favor in India. It might have been seen as elitist, Hindu or Muslim rulers might have oppressed it, people might have been more attracted to Islam, it might have been absorbed in Hinduism, etc. 20 pts. Give me two similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism. They both believe in reincarnation/karma, meditation and Ahimsa. They are both from India. They both seek enlightenment as the ultimate goal **Give me one similarity between Buddhism and Islam. They both believed that people were spiritually equal, they both competed for converts in India, they both were attractive to the lower castes. 30 pts. Which government in India was overthrown by the Huns? The Guptas **Which man attempted to recreate the Gupta empire? King Harsha 40 pts. Which Islamic government ended a period of warring states in Northern India and eventually expanded all the way to the Deccan plateau. Sultanate of Delhi **The rise of this Mongol leader threatened the Sultanate of Delhi from the North. Tamerlane 50 pts. Please explain the religious policies of the Sultanate of Delhi. They forced non-Muslims to pay a jizya, but otherwise they mostly left the Hindus alone except for brief occasions when a ruler would decide to tear down new temples or ban alcohol, etc. **Why was this the case? Because there were so many more Hindus than there were Muslims that they could not hope to change them all. 60 pts. How is Buddhism different than Islam? Buddhism is not a theistic religion whereas Islam is monotheistic, Islam does not believe in reincarnation, instead they believe in an afterlife **How is Islam different than Hinduism? Muslims don’t eat pork, Hindus don’t eat beef, Muslims can’t drink alcohol, Hindus can, Muslims are monotheistic, Hindus are polytheistic (but they believe all gods are emanations from the one great spirit Brahman), Hindus have caste, Muslims believe all are equal 70 pts. What was the chief reason for the split between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhists? They disagreed over how strictly one should follow the rules that the Buddha set forth during his lifetime. **True or False: Most people who call themselves Buddhist today strictly follow the rules set forth by the Buddha. False. Current Events 10 pts. What is the majority Islamic sect in the world? Sunni **What is the majority Islamic sect in Iraq? Shi’ite 20 pts. Who was the dictator of Iraq that the United States overthrew? Saddam Hussein ** Saddam shares the same name as what other historical figure? Hussein ibn Ali, the Shi’ite martyr who died in revolt against the Umayyad Empire. 30 pts. What is the international terrorist organization that orchestrated the 9/11 attacks? Al-Qaeda **Who was their leader? Osama bin Laden 40 pts. What was the Islamic fundamentalist government of Afghanistan that the US overthrew? The Taliban ** What was their relation to Al-Qaeda? They sheltered and tolerated Al-Qaeda within Afghanistan 50 pts. Saddam Hussein belonged to what sect of Islam? Sunni **What is the majority sect of Islam in Iraq? Shi’ite 60 pts. What is the majority ethnic group in Iraq? Arab **What minority ethnic group in Iraq is concentrated in the north-east corner of the country? Kurds 70 pts. Identify at least two countries that have overthrown their government as a result of Arab Spring. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya ** What event sparked Arab Spring? A fruit vendor, named Bouazizi, in Tunisia lit himself on fire in response to continued harassment by the government. This sparked protests in Tunisia…