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The End of WW2
• __________________ – city in Germany where Nazi war crimes trials were held
• United Nations (UN) –
• ____________________ – state of tension and hostility between the United States
and its allies and the Soviet Union and its allies; rarely resulted in direct armed
• _________________________ – the policy of limiting communism to the areas
already under Soviet control
• Marshall Plan –
• _____________________________________________ (NATO) –
a military alliance among several North Atlantic states to safeguard them from the
presumed threat of the Soviet Union’s communist bloc
• Warsaw Pact –
What issues arose in the aftermath of World War II and how did new tensions
As many as ________________________ had been killed in World War II. After it
ended, the Allies faced difficult decisions about the future.
________. The U.S. Marshall Plan offered aid in rebuilding Europe. But the Soviet
Union and the West quickly developed into worldwide rivals—the beginning of the
In 1945,
and other countries were in ruins.
• Cities, factories, harbors, bridges, and railroads were destroyed.
• More than twenty million refugees ________________________________
• __________________________________________________ were rampant.
The Allies ____________________________________________________.
After the war, the horrors committed by the ________________________ became
apparent to the world.
• The full extent of the inhumanity of the Holocaust was revealed.
• At the ______________________________________, a number of Nazi leaders
were tried for war crimes and sentenced to death. Similar trials were held in
• The Allies built new democratic governments in
________________________________________ to promote tolerance and peace.
The __________________________________ was another attempt to promote peace.
• In April 1945, delegates from ___________ met to form a
Each nation had one vote. However, the five permanent members of the Security
_____________________—could veto any decision.
The UN was given the authority to back up its resolutions with economic
sanctions or ________________________________________________.
____________ between the former Allies.
The United States and Britain wanted Stalin to
____________________________________________ in Soviet-occupied Eastern
Stalin ignored his promise. He wanted to ___________________________ and make
Eastern Europe a buffer against Germany.
Conflicting ideologies and ______________________________ soon led to
By 1948, _______________________________________________________________,
backed by the Red Army.
New conflicts developed outside of Eastern Europe. Stalin was menacing
_______________, and also ____________________ in the Dardanelles.
President Harry Truman set forth the _____________________________________. This
policy said that communism should be limited to the areas already under Soviet control.
The United States helped
____________________________________________________ in Western Europe.
The ________________________________________________________ to
decimated countries.
Truman hoped the Marshall Plan would
Stalin refused the aid and forbade Eastern European countries to accept aid.
Germany became a focus of the Cold War.
• Western Allies united their zones of control and
• The _________________________________________ to rebuild the German
• Stalin held on to East Germany.
• In an effort to drive Western powers out of Berlin, Stalin
___________________________________ to the parts of the city they controlled
in June 1948.
• The United States and Britain organized the ______________________ to drop
food and supplies into West Berlin.
• After more than a year, __________________________________________
As tensions grew, ________________________________________ took shape.
Twelve countries, including the United States and nations in Western Europe, formed
_______________. Members pledged to
The Soviet Union and its satellites in Eastern Europe formed the
_________________________. The Soviets often used Warsaw Pact troops to keep its
satellites in order.
NATO Countires:
Warsaw pact Countries: