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 2 quarter benchmark review
__1. Which of the following is false regarding single celled organisms?
a. Can also be called unicellular organisms.
b. Are not considered living things because it is composed of only one cell.
c. Includes bacteria, some protest (like amoeba and paramecium), and yeasts.
d. Are considered highly complex even though it is composed of only one cell.
__2. Which of the following scientist has been credited to the discovery of cells?.
a. Gregor Mendal
b. Aristotle
c. Carolus Linneaus
__3. Which of the following is not part of the cell theory?
a. all living things are composed of cells.
b. Cells respond to the environment to main homeostasis.
d. Robert Hooke
C. Cells come from pre-existing cells.
D. cells are the basic unit of structure and function.
When comparing prokaryotes and eukaryotes, which of the following is a false statement?
a. The kingdom Archaebacteria & Eubacteria are eukaryotic cells.
C. Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane bound organelles.
b. Eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles.
d. Prokaryotes are unicellular while eukaryotes are unicellular or multicellular.
__5. Which of the following is false regarding the nuclear envelope?
a. contains pores
c. provides the cell with structural support.
b. is a membrane
d. separates the nucleus from the other organelles.
__6. Which of the following is not true regarding plant and animal cells?
a. both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic.
b. plant cells contain chloroplasts, vacuole, and a cell wall while an animal cell doesn’t.
c. animal cells have a cell membrane and no cell wall while plant cells have no cell membrane and a cell wall.
d. animal cells contain centrioles while a plant cell doesn’t.
For questions 7-13 use the diagram on the left.
____7. The “garbage disposal” of the cell. Breaks down viruses, bacteria, and old,
broken organelles… ____________________________________
___8. Create lipids. ____________________________________
___9. Responsible for cell division. ____________________________________
___10. Were cellular respiration takes place___________________________________
___11. Makes protein that will be shipped out of the cell. _____________________
___12. Is said to be selectively permeable. __________________________________
___13. Processes, packages, and ships out proteins. __________________________
___14.. Which of the following is false regarding ribosomes?
a. are created by the nucleolus.
c. are found on the rough ER and floating freely in the cell membrane.
found only in eukaryotic cells.
is the organelle directly responsible for creating proteins.
___15. Which of the following is not directly involved with the synthesis of those proteins that will be shipped out of the cell?
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. SER
d. golgi apparatus
___16. Responsible for photosynthesis in plant cells.
a. centrioles
b. chloroplast
___17. The carbohydrate that gives cell walls its rigid structure.
c. vacuole
d. cell membrane
a. chitin
b. peptidoglycan
c. cellulose
d. glucose
__18. Muscle cells, bone cells, nerve cells, and sperm cells are all examples of
a) prokaryotes
b) bacteria
c) specialized
How is the human body organized?
a. atom, molecule, monomers, polymers, macromolecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms.
b. atom, molecule, monomers, polymers, macromolecules, cells, organelles, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms.
c. atom, molecule, macromolecules, polymers, monomers, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms.
d. atom, molecule, monomers, polymers, macromolecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organ systems, organs, organisms.
__20. Plants are
because they have chloroplast for synthesis. Fungi are
other organisms for energy.
a. autotrophs, heterotrophs
c. heterotrophs, autotrophs
b. eukaryotes, prokaryotes
d. prokaryotes, eukaryotes
d) fungi
because they lack chloroplast and must consume
In plants, the stomata cuticle is responsible for…
a. providing the plant with a waxy protective covering to kept water from evaporating from the plant.
b. allow carbon dioxide and oxygen from entering and exiting the leaves of plants.
C. reproduction
D. locomotion.
__22. Animals can be classified as…
a. multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic
b. unicellular & multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic & heterotrophic
c. unicellular, prokaryotic, autotrophic & heterotrophic
d. multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic
___23. Diffusion is the movement of particles from
a. an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
c. an area of equilibrium to an area of high concentration.
___24. The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called
a. osmotic pressure. B. osmosis.
___25. Which of the following is an example of an organ?
a. heart
b. nerve cell
an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
all directions
facilitated diffusion.
c. epithelial tissue
d. active transport.
d. digestive system
___26. A group of similar cells that perform a particular function is called a(an)
a. organ.
B. organ system
c. tissue
d. division of labor
___27. Which of the following is NOT a part of an ATP molecule?
a. adenine
b. ribose
c. chlorophyll
d. phosphate
___28. Plants gather the sun's energy with light-absorbing molecules called
a. pigments.
b. thylakoids.
c. chloroplasts.
d. glucose.
___29. Where do the light-dependent reactions take place?
a. in the stroma
b. outside the chloroplasts
c. in the thylakoid membranes
___30. The Calvin cycle is another name for
a. light-independent reactions.
b. light-dependent reactions. c. photosynthesis.
___31. Cellular respiration releases energy by breaking down
a. glucose
b. ATP.
___32. The two main types of fermentation are called
a. alcoholic and kreb’s cycle.
C. dark reaction
d. photosynthesis
e. a and c only
f. b and d only
c. carbon dioxide.
b. aerobic and anaerobic.
d. only in chlorophyll molecules
d. water.
c. alcoholic and lactic acid.
d. lactic acid and ETC
___33. In the presence of oxygen, glycolysis is followed by
a. lactic acid fermentation. b. alcoholic fermentation.
c. photosynthesis.
d. the Krebs cycle.
___34. Cellular respiration is called an aerobic process because it requires
a. light.
b. exercise.
c. oxygen.
d. glucose.
E. carbon dioxide
___21. Unlike photosynthesis, cellular respiration occurs in
a. animal cells only.
b. plant cells only.
c. all but plant cells.
d. all eukaryotic cells.
___22. The products of photosynthesis are the
a. products of cellular respiration
b. reactants of cellular respiration.
c. products of glycolysis.
___23. A cell in placed into an environment that has a higher solute concentration than the cell cytoplasm. The cell is
Water diffuses
A. hypotonic, into
B. hypotonic, out of
C. hypertonic, into
D. hypertonic, out of
e. ETC
d. reactants of fermentation.
relative to its environment.
Which of the following statements best describes why we cannot drink salt water?
Drinking salt water would create a hypertonic environment causing our cells to gain water.
Drinking salt water would cause our cells to be hypotonic relative to its environment causing our cells to lose water.
Drinking salt water would create a hypotonic environment causing our cells to lose water.
Drinking salt water would cause our cells to be hypertonic relative to its environment causing our cells to gain water.
___25. You conduct a lab that demonstrates diffusion. You place a dialysis bag filled with glucose and starch into a beaker filled with IKI (an indicator that will
turn black for a positive test for starch). At the end of the experiment, the contents inside the dialysis bag turn black but the stuff outside the dialysis bag,
inside the beaker, remained unchanged. The solution inside and outside the bag was tested for the presence of glucose using benedicts. Both solutions
tested positive for glucose. Which of the following best explains the results of this lab.
A. the dialysis bag acts like a cell membrane and selects certain things to let out, like the glucose molecules, and
keeps certain things in, like the starch molecules to remain inside the bag.
B. the dialysis bag acts like a cell membrane and selects certain things to let out, like the starch molecules, and
keeps certain things in, like the glucose molecules to remain inside the bag.
C. glucose was present outside the bag but not inside the bag.
D. starch was present outside the dialysis bag but not inside the bag.
___26. You conduct a lab that demonstrates osmosis. You place a dialysis bag that contains 1.0 M of sucrose (sugar) solution into a beaker of distilled water.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the results of this experiment?
A. The bag is hypotonic relative to its environment, it will lose weight.
B. The bag is isotonic relative to its environment, weight will not change.
C. The bag is hypertonic relative to its environment, it will gain weight.
D. The bag was placed in a hypertonic environment, it will lose weight.
___27. NaCl is added to the leaf of an elodea plant. Which of the following is true?
A. When the elodea was flushed with lots of water, the vacuole expanded because the environment was now hypertonic relative to the environment causing
the water to rush into the cell.
B. When NaCl was placed on the elodea, the vacuole shrank because the environment was hypertonic causing the water to rush out of the cell.
C. When NaCl was placed on the elodea, the vacuole expanded because the environment was now hypertonic causing the water to rush out of the cell.
D. When the elodea was flushed with lots of water, the vacuole expanded because the cell was hypotonic causing the water to rush into the cell.
Fill in the blanks. Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the line provided.
____________________________________ 1) Type of transport that requires energy because molecules are moving from regions of low concentration to
regions of high concentration.
____________________________________ 2) Examples of this transport include diffusion, osmosis and facilitated.
____________________________________ 3) Examples pinocytosis and phagocytosis.
____________________________________ 4) Diffusion continues until this is reached.
____________________________________ 5) This structure is used in facilitated diffusion.
____________________________________ 6) The transport that rids the cell of large wastes.
____________________________________ 7) Cellular eating.
____________________________________ 8) The cell wraps its cell membrane around a liquid substance, forms a sac, and brings it into the cell.
____________________________________ 9) The diffusion of water.
____________________________________ 10) Because protozoans live in a hypotonic environment, they must use this structure to eliminate excess water from
the cell.
____________________________________ 11) If a human red blood cell were placed in an hypertonic environment this would occur.
____________________________________ 12) The pressure that water molecules exert against the cell wall in a hypotonic environment.
____________________________________ 13) When the concentration of solutes outside the cell is equal to the concentration of solutes inside the cell, the cell
solution is this relative to its environment.
____________________________________ 14) Certain cells that line the stomach synthesize a digestive enzyme and secrete it into the stomach. This process is
responsible for the secretion this protein.
____________________________________ 15) If placed in tap water, an animal cell will undergo lysis, whereas a plant cell will not because of the relative
inelasticity and strength of this organelle.
____________________________________ 16) The process by which the cell membrane allows only certain materials to pass into the cell and certain material
to pass out of the cell.
___1. Why is cell transport important?
A. because all living things are composed of cells.
C. because there are 2 types of cells; prokaryote and eukaryotes.
B. nutrients need to enter the cell and waste need to exit the cell.
D. because the cell needs to conserve energy for protein synthesis.
Which of the following is false regarding diffusion?
Diffusion continues until there are equal amounts of molecules are on both sides of a membrane.
Diffusion requires a concentration gradient.
Diffusion occurs until all molecules of ATP is consumed.
Diffusion is a type of passive transport.
___3. Which of the following is true when you drop a sugar cube in a beaker of water.
A. this is an example of osmosis.
C. this is an example of active transport.
B. the sugar uses protein channels because of facilitated diffusion.
D. no energy is needed to spread the sugar throughout the beaker of water.
___4. Which of the following statements is false regarding the illustration on the
A. Molecules are moving from an area of low to high concentration.
B. This is a type of active transport.
C. Energy is not needed.
D. This is an example of pumps.
E. a & b are false.
___5. Which of the following statements is false regarding the illustration on the
A. A carrier protein is needed.
B. Molecules being transported are insoluble to the cell membrane.
C. Molecules are too big to fit through the cell membrane.
D. Molecules are moving against a concentration gradient.
E. b & c are false