Download Test 6 (for all classes) will be on Monday, June 15th Students should

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Tests/Quiz – for 7 Hillman/Ivany/Joffrin
(The following dates apply to all classes unless otherwise specified).
Test 6 (for all classes) will be on Monday, June 15th
Students should review:
Yellow definition sheet (angle definitions and types)
2 green vocabulary sheets (algebra)
Green algebra sheet
Worksheets 9,3-9,8 ; 10,1 – 10,4
Be able to construct:
o bisectors of line segments
o bisectors of angles
o Angles up to and greater than 360 ° and calculate their value
Quiz écrit 13
Quiz 13: (for all classes) will be on May 25th, 2009
Quiz will cover:
Algebraic expressions and equations
Vocabulaire – variable, terme constant, terme, coefficient,
équation algébrique et expression algébrique.
La simplification des équations :
I.E. : w+x+w+x+x+x+x+y -------) 2w+ 5x + y
Trouver l’inconnue (searching for unknowns)
o I.E. :
si x=3 et y=5
résous : 2x + 9y = ?
o 2(3) + 9(5) = 6 + 45 = 51
Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to review their yellow introduction to
Algebra paper and sheets 9, 3 – 9, 8 to help prepare for the quiz.
Quiz 12: (for all classes) will be on May 1st, 2009
Quiz will cover:
Area and Perimeter of squares, rectangles, triangles, and
parallelograms and diamonds.
Area, Circumference, Diameter and Radius of Circles.
QUIZ. They are strongly encouraged to review these.
Test 5 will be on FRIDAY, March 5th, 2009:
Test will include:
PEDMAS (the order of operations)
o (Feuille 3,11)
Addition and subtraction of positive and negative integers
o (Feuilles 4,1; 4,3; 4,4; 4,5; and 4,6)
o Worksheet “Utilisons une droite numérique”
Calculation and estimation of percentages
o (Feuilles 7,5 and 7,6)
Quiz 11: (for all classes) will be on Friday, February 27th, 2009
Quiz will be on the ESTIMATION and CALCULATION of percentages. For ex:
10% of 20, 20% of 50, etc… If a sweater costs 46, 75$ and is on sale by 25%
what is the total amount you will pay? What amount did you save?
Quiz 10: (for all classes) will be on Thursday, January 29th, 2009
Quiz will be on PEDMAS (The order of Operations), Multiplication and
Division of Decimal Numbers and the addition and subtraction of positive
and negative numbers. The following are worksheets that may be useful
for study:
PEDMAS worksheets 1-3
Feuille 3.11
Feuille 4.1
Worksheet “Utilisons la droite numérique”
Quiz 9 : (for all classes) will be on Tuesday, January 13th, 2009
Quiz will be on PEDMAS (The order of Operations). Students can refer to
their notes in addition to the three worksheets they have done.
Test 4: le vendredi 5 décembre –
Test will include:
1. Les fractions – propres, impropres, équivalentes
Savoir comment simplifier les fractions.
Savoir distinguer entre :
o Nombres fractionnaires
o Fraction propre/impropre/équivalent
o Savoir changer une fraction impropre en nombre
fractionnaire (Know how to convert an improper fraction
to a mixed fraction).
o Savoir changer un nombre fractionnaire en fraction
impropre (Know how to convert a mixed fraction to an
improper fraction).
2. Les nombres décimaux – ordonner, écrire en lettres ainsi qu’avec les
puissances de dix.
Feuille 3,1 ; Feuille 3.2 ; Feuille 3.3 ; Feuille 3.4
Savoir changer un nombre décimal en forme fractionnaire.
Savoir arrondir les nombres décimaux
Quiz 8: le lundi 1er décembre
Nombres décimaux périodiques
(Repeating decimal numbers).
Nombres décimaux finis
(Terminating decimal numbers).
Convertir les fractions en décimaux à l’aide d’une calculatrice
(Converting fractions into decimal numbers).
Arrondir les nombres périodiques
(Rounding off repeating decimal numbers).
Simplification des fractions
(Simplifying fractions).
Savoir la différence entre croissant et décroissant
(Ordering numbers from smallest to largest or vice-versa).
Ordonner :
 les nombres entiers (Whole numbers)
 les fractions propres (Proper fractions)
 les fractions impropres (Improper fractions)
 les nombres fractionnaires (Mixed fractions)
Quiz 7 – le 21 novembre 2008:
Addition et soustraction des fractions. (This quiz will be on addition and
subtraction of fractions, with like and unlike/different denominators).
Test 3 (for all classes) will be on Monday, November 17th:
Test will include (Students already have this list):
There will be some questions taken from concepts covered in Test 1
and 2. However, the focus will be on the following:
Nombres fractionnaires (Mixed fractions)
Fractions impropres (Improper fractions)
Fractions équivalentes (Equivalent fractions)
Savoir changer une fraction impropre en nombre fractionnaire (Know
how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed fraction).
Savoir changer un nombre fractionnaire en fraction impropre (Know
how to convert a mixed fraction to an improper fraction).
Quiz 6 – le mercredi 12 novembre:
Nombres décimaux, pourcentages, fractions impropres et nombres
Quiz 5 – le mardi 21 octobre:
Test 2 (for all classes) will be on Monday, October 20th.
Test will include (Students already have this list):
ALL Test 1 concepts +:
Savoir écrire les nombres en chiffres
Savoir écrire les chiffres en lettres
Les reglès de divisibilité
o (notes de classe).
o le tableau de divisibilité (feuille d'exercice).
Nombres parfaits, abondants et déficients
Factures premiers
Quiz 4- le mardi 14 octobre :
les nombres parfaits, abondants et déficients. REPOST DATE – le 16
Quiz 3: le mercredi 8 octobre :
Les règles de divisibilité de 1 à 10.
Test 1 (7H, 7I et 7J) will be on Thursday, October 2nd:
Test will include:
Homework pages 2.5 and 2.6; Worksheets 2.5 and 2.6; and "notation
développée" worksheet. In addition, students are encouraged to review
any definitions in addition to Quiz 1 and Quiz 2.
(Students have this list in note form. They should have all sheets, as they
have all been provided with the answers to all sheets).
Quiz 2: (7H, 7I et 7J): Wednesday, September 24th:
Quiz will include all concepts covered in the first quiz with the addition of
scientific notation (using powers of ten). Students have written in their
notes a list of quiz topics (should you have any questions).
Quiz 1 : (7H, 7I et 7J) - le mardi 16 septembre :
Les exposants, les bases, les puissances, notation normale, forme
exponentielle et forme développée.