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Plant Review
Game Board: roll the die if you get it correct.
What makes the spores in plants? (sporophyte)
What division of plants has double fertilization? (anthophyta)
What type of veins do monocots have? (parallel veins)
What are the non-photosynthetic seed leaves called? (cotyledons)
What is the molecule that binds to cellulose to make cell walls in wood stronger? (lignin)
What type of growth occurs due to the apical meristem? (primary)
What part of the flower makes the pollen? (anther)
What polysaccharide is found in all plant cells yet it provides no nutrition to the plant
cells? (cellulose)
9. What plants flower in the spring and summer? (long day plants)
10. What division of plants has no vascular tissue? (bryophyte)
11. What part of the plant will the embryonic radicle become? (root)
12. What is the pigment responsible for photoperiodism? (phytochrome)
13. What is the hormone responsible for phototropism? (auxin)
14. What tropism makes roots grow downward? (gravitotropism)
15. What hormone causes leaves to fall off? (abscissic acid)
16. What do the sieve tube members and companion cells make up? (phloem)
17. Pr and Pfr are isomers of what molecule? (phytochrome)
18. What is the molecule that loses an electron to start the light dependent reactions?
19. Which is below the seed, hypocotyl, epicotyl, or coleoptile? (hypocotyls)
20. What type of root does a dicot have? (fibrous)
21. In the shade of the canopy more Pr or Pfr would be present and this stimulates growth?
22. To get a Christmas cactus to bloom during the summer is it better to put it in a closet until
noon or to put it under grow lights until midnight?
23. Which lateral meristem produces the secondary xylem and secondary phloem? (vascular
24. Movement of “food” in plants is from source to ________. (sink)
25. What cells make the cuticle? (lower epidermis)
26. What ion enters guard cells and causes stomata to open? (potassium)
27. What is the symbiotic relationship between fungi and plant roots that maximizes nutrient
absorption? (mycorhizzae)
28. What is the part of the plant responsible for seed dispersal? (fruit)
29. What part of the plant attracts the pollinators? (petals)
30. What is an example of a bryophyte? (moss)
31. What is made by a megagametophyte? (egg)
32. What type of plant is homosporous? (fern or horsetail