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AP-USA Mini Practice Test (1-40) KEY……..KEY……..KEY………KEY
1. The Spanish monopoly on trade and colonization of the New World ended with
(A) Popé and the successful Pueblo Indian revolt in 1680 in which the Spanish were driven out of the area
(B) Bartolome de Las Casas’s denunciation of the Spanish treatment of the natives in the New World
(C) the development of the Black Legend
(D) the signing of the Treaty of Tordesailles in 1494
(E) the British defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588
The defeat of the Spanish Armada ended Spain’s monopoly on trade and colonization in the New World.
Afterwards, Great Britain and France began their colonization attempts in the New World while Spain continued to
influence Mexico and current areas of the southeastern and southwestern parts of the United States.
2. The Declaration of Independence embodies the general ideas of
(A) Enlightenment philosophy
(B) Social Darwinism
(C) Egalitarianism
(D) Calvinism
(E) Puritanism
The Declaration of Independence borrowed its core ideas from Enlightenment philosophers, especially John Locke.
3. According to the Kentucky Resolutions and Virginia Resolutions (1798), written in response to the Alien and
Sedition Acts (1798), Jefferson and Madison argued that a law of Congress could be declared unconstitutional by
A) the president
(B) the Supreme Court
(C) a congressional committee
(D) an individual state
(E) a provision allowing a group of states to nullify federal laws
In response to the Federalist Alien and Sedition Acts, the Antifederalist Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions stated
that an individual state could nullify an act of Congress that it did not agree with. It also argued that the federal
government was granted its basic rights by the states and that therefore states should be allowed to dictate terms to
the federal government. This added to the ongoing argument of states rights.
4. The Hartford Convention in 1814 was significant in that it
(A) brought about the demise of the Democratic-Republican Party of Jefferson and Madison
(B) succeeded with the secessionist movement of New England
(C) signaled the decline of the Federalist Party and its influence on the country’s politics
(D) led to the formation of an alliance between New England and Great Britain
(E) resulted in the selection of a new site for the nation’s capital after the burning of the capital building earlier in
the year
The Hartford Convention highlighted the secessionist movement of the Federalist Party, brought on by the party’s
opposition to the War of 1812. When the secessionist movement was abandoned, and the public outcry against such
an idea increased, the party could not recover. Its ultimate “death” came in 1820 when the party ceased to play a
significant role in the election.
5. The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Lincoln freed all slaves
(A) living in the South under Confederate rule
(B) living in both the North and South
(C) living in the North only
(D) living in the Upper South
(E) who had been captured by Union soldiers
Although the common belief is that the Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves, it only freed slaves living in the
South under Confederate rule. Slavery was still in effect in the border states. Lincoln personally wanted to free all
slaves but was concerned that if he did so, the border states loyal to the union would then secede.
6. The Knights of Labor was founded in 1869 on the premise of
(A) supporting the Greenback Party candidates for political office
(B) opening its membership to all workers regardless of industry
(C) not supporting labor’s right to strike in the Haymarket Riot
(D) merging with other unions, especially the American Federation of Labor
(E) barring women, Black people, and immigrants from membership
The purpose of the Knights of Labor was to form an organization whose membership was open to all industry
workers (including women, Black people, and immigrants). It grew to have a membership of more than 700,000 by
1886 under the leadership of Terence Powderly, and was the first true national labor organization. Among the causes
of its downfall were internal disputes, mismanagement, drainage of financial resources through unsuccessful strikes,
and the emergence of the American Federation of Labor. The union was also associated with ongoing violence in
strikes and this hurt the union’s acceptance. By 1890, its membership had dropped to 100,000, and, by, 1900, it was
effectively dead.
7. The Roosevelt Corollary (1904) to the Monroe Doctrine marked a change in foreign relations in that it
(A) welcomed European intervention into Latin America
(B) discouraged any interference in the internal affairs of the Western Hemisphere
(C) encouraged inter-American cooperation
(D) provided loans and grants to developing nations
(E) created a free-trade zone in the Americas
The Roosevelt Corollary sought to keep European nations from influencing events in Latin America. It also
identified the U.S. as an international “policeman” in the affairs of Latin American countries. Foreign intervention in
Latin America had resurfaced as an issue in U.S. foreign policy by the turn of the century, when European powers
began to use force in an attempt to pressure Latin American countries to repay their debts. Many Americans grew
concerned that European intervention in Latin America would undermine the United State’s traditional role of
dominance in the region. In his annual address to Congress in 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt argued that in
keeping with the Monroe Doctrine, the United States was justified in exercising "international police power" to put
an end to chronic unrest or wrongdoing in the Western Hemisphere. This Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
Doctrine signaled a change in U.S. foreign policy: the Monroe Doctrine had been sought to prevent European
intervention in the Western Hemisphere, while the Roosevelt Corollary justified American intervention throughout
the Western Hemisphere.
8. During the 1930s, Black voters in the political process
(A) remained loyal to the Republican Party
(B) began a viable third-party movement to form a new political party
(C) declined in voter turnout in the 1932 and 1936 presidential elections
(D) shifted political affiliation from the Republican Party to the Democrat Party
(E) protested Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR) lack of concern for Black people suffering from the effects of the
Great Depression
After the election of 1932 Black voters, shifted their allegiance from the Republican Party to the Democrat Party
(where it remains to this day with more than 80% of Black voters typically voting for the Democrat Party). FDR
sought to include Black people to a small degree in New Deal programs and this gained their allegiance to the
Democrat Party.
9. President Eisenhower’s “domino theory” asserted that
(A) since East Germany fell to the Soviets, then all of Eastern Europe would fall to the Soviets
(B) only Vietnam was in danger of falling to Communist control
(C) since China became Communist, then all other Asian nations, including Japan, were at risk to Communist
(D) that if one nation fell to communism, all of the countries in that region were at risk of falling
(E) Greece and Turkey were no longer being threatened by a Communist takeover
Eisenhower’s “domino theory” held the premise that if one country fell to Communism, then all of the countries in
that particular region would also be at risk of falling under the influence of Communism. Eisenhower first detailed
his theory at a news conference in 1954 in reference to Southeast Asia. The theory was later used to justify the
Vietnam War. Answer C is incorrect as China and Japan are never mentioned specifically in the theory.
10. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech at the Washington Monument, the largest political
demonstration in the United States to date, was held in support of
(A) the Civil Rights Act proposed by John F. Kennedy
(B) the Freedom Rides
(C) U.S. actions in Vietnam
(D) the victories of the sit-ins by college students
(E) the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Martin Luther King Jr.’s march on Washington in 1963 was in support of the Civil Rights Act proposed by JFK. In
his televised civil rights address on June 11, 1963, Kennedy stated, “Next week I shall ask the Congress of the
United States to act, to make a commitment it has not fully made in this century to the proposition that race has no
place in American life or law. The federal judiciary has upheld that proposition in the conduct of its affairs,
including the employment of federal personnel, the use of federal facilities, and the sale of federally financed
housing. I am, therefore, asking the Congress to enact legislation giving all Americans the right to be served in
facilities which are open to the This became the groundwork for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after JFK’s death.
11. The ruling in the 1735 trial of John Peter Zenger
(A) was a victory for the colonial argument against the British use of writs of assistance for search warrants
(B) helped establish the freedom of religion as specified in the 1649 Act of Toleration by Great Britain
(C) became a milestone in the development of freedom of the press
(D) established a concrete definition of treason that would later be used against the colonists during the
Revolutionary War
(E) established new guidelines for indentured servants’ length of service and limited their use as labor for five years
The trial of Peter Zenger in 1735 was a landmark case in the development of common law protection for free
speech. In the Zenger case, a New York jury returned a verdict of "not guilty" on a charge of seditious libel against
the governor of New York.
12. In the debate over the Constitution, the Antifederalists fought for all of the following EXCEPT
(A) the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution
(B) the granting of more powers to the states
(C) a system of checks and balances in order to prevent the federal government from becoming tyrannical
(D) a strong executive office to head the new government under the Constitution
(E) the writing of a new draft of the Constitution to explicitly limit federal power
The Antifederalists, although out numbered by the Federalists, were able to protect the rights of states within the
confines of a new federal government. They were able to secure the inclusion of a Bill of Rights to protect the rights
of citizens, won concessions of state control with the Tenth Amendment to the Bill of Rights, put federal power
under a system of checks and balances, and place a strong executive at the head of the new government. The
Antifederalists knew that they would be unable to draft a new constitution and did not fight for it.
13. Alexander Hamilton's vision of a “new” America called for all of the following EXCEPT
(A) transforming the new republic into a manufacturing power
(B) relying on local and state authority to act in the national interest
(C) giving the new government authority to regulate and guide the economy
(D) forging a productive and cooperative partnership with Great Britain
(E) establishing the Bank of the United States
Alexander Hamilton’s vision for the new government involved the federal government’s using its explicit and
implicit powers to govern the new nation. He envisioned a strong United States with sound manufacturing, trade,
and financial policies with a productive relationship with Great Britain. Hamilton did NOT see a reliance on state
14. Supporters of the “Compact Theory” of government thought that if the federal government passed a law that a
state considered unconstitutional, then that state
(A) should secede from the Union
(B) had a right to nullify the law and to consider it "null and void"
(C) should write a new law that it considered constitutional
(D) had a right to break the law
(E) had the right to call for a new vote on the measure
States who supported the “Compact Theory” of government sought to limit the power of the federal government by
retaining the right to nullify an act of Congress that it disagreed with. Jefferson and Madison used this theory in their
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions protesting the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798.
15. In the 1840s, manifest destiny represented the widespread American belief that
(A) Americans were destined to uphold democracy and freedom
(B) there was bound to be a civil war over slavery in the future
(C) new western territory could be acquired only by war
(D) God had destined the U.S. to expand across the whole North American continent
(E) Americans had already claimed all the western land destined for the U.S.
Manifest destiny reflected the concept that God had ordained or “destined” the U.S. to expand from the Atlantic to
the Pacific. Manifest Destiny became the “catch phrase” leaders and politicians used to explain and justify
continental expansion by the United States. It revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for many
Americans as the westward movement began in earnest.
16. One of the primary effects of the Fugitive Slave Law, of the Compromise of 1850 was
(A) an end to slave escapes and the Underground Railroad
(B) popular Northern support for the capture of runaway slaves
(C) a sharp rise in Northern antislavery feeling
(D) an increase in violent slave rebellions
(E) a five-year limit for the return of escaped slaves
Northerners’ antislavery feelings continued to grow in the 1850s. The Fugitive Slave Law, which denied basic
constitutional rights to suspected fugatives, only served to further incite Northerners against slavery and to
strengthen the abolitionist cause.
17. The strike at the Homestead Plant in Pennsylvania in 1892 is famous for
(A) the assassination of Henry Frick, head of the Pinkerton Detective Agency
(B) its peaceful and nonviolent conclusion
(C) the armed resistance by striking steel workers
(D) the intercession by the president on behalf of the strikers
(E) the workers’ gaining concessions on salary and workplace safety
The Homestead Plant strike in 1892 saw several displaced workers opening fire on a barge loaded with 300
Pinkerton agents who were brought in to break the strike. A battle raged for several hours, and, in the end, three
Pinkerton agents and seven strikers were killed. The Homestead strike was a total defeat for the workers and for
unionism as a whole.
18. During the 1930s, Franklin D Roosevelt attempted to deal with foreign affairs situations in Europe and Asia by
(A) remaining isolated from involvement
(B) initiating a peacetime draft
(C) attempting to stop Russian aggression
(D) attempting to stop German aggression
(E) acknowledging Japan’s right to Manchuria
FDR sought to maintain U.S. isolationism by virtually ignoring the events in China and Europe, specifically the
Japanese invasion of China, and the rise of Hitler and Mussolini in Europe. Further supporting isolationism was the
fact that an overwhelming number of Americans felt that the U.S. involvement in World War I had been a mistake.
19. The entry of the U.S. in the United Nations in 1945
(A) showed the change in foreign policy the nation had made since World War I
(B) worried allies such as Great Britain and France
(C) caused the Soviets never to join the United Nations
(D) was opposed by a large group of Republican senators
(E) was limited for 15 years
When the U.S. joined the United Nations as one of the major countries on the Security Council, it signaled a major
departure in U.S. foreign relations. The U.S. would now take a very active role in foreign affairs.
20. The main purpose of the War Powers Act in 1973 was to
(A) expand the power of the military
(B) expand the power of the president
(C) restrict the power of Congress
(D) restrict the power of the military
(E) restrict the power of the president
The War Powers Act of 1973 was passed after the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam. The Act sought to severely limit the
president’s power in dealing with an armed crisis. The Act required the president to notify congress within 48 hours
of taking any military action in a foreign country. Additionally the act required the president to withdraw troops in
any armed conflict within 60 days of their deployment unless otherwise approved by congress.
21. The Southern colonies differed from the colonies in New England in that the Southern colonies
(A) had a more powerful and prominent merchant class
(B) had larger-sized families
(C) had a higher population density and longer life span
(D) were more religiously and ethnically diverse
(E) developed the strong Puritan work ethic
The Southern colonies tended to be more ethnically and religiously diverse than the other colonies.
22. The Americans insisted, before any negotiations could begin to draft the Treaty of Paris (1783), that Great
Britain must
(A) give up any claim to Florida
(B) recognize the independence of the colonies
(C) agree to cede Canada to the Americans
(D) remove all forts west of the Appalachian mountains
(E) evacuate the Northwest Territory
After the end of the Revolutionary War, Great Britain was forced to acknowledge the independence of the colonies.
The newly formed United States of America insisted on this before negotiations on the Treaty of Paris (1783) could
23. Just as Federalist Alexander Hamilton justified the Bank of the United States by claiming a broad interpretation
of the Constitution, Antifederalist Thomas Jefferson used this same argument in justifying the purchase of the
Louisiana Territory on the premise that
(A) he felt sure the country would have approved of his actions and because of his desire to expand the country
(B) the Constitution allowed the president to acquire new territories
(C) his party pressed him to acquire it
(D) Napoleon was offering it for less that Jefferson had been willing to spend
(E) it would force a new limit on Spanish territorial gains
Thomas Jefferson had long desired the westward expansion of the United States; the Louisiana Purchase gave him
the perfect opportunity to accomplish just that. Even though the Constitution was silent on the issue of acquiring
land and Jefferson was a strict constructionist, he simply could not pass on the land bargain. He justified the
purchase by claiming that the country would have approved of his actions.
24. The president in 1825, John Quincy Adams, appointed John Calhoun (who campaigned against Adams in the
1824 election) as his vice president and was charged by his political opponents with
(A) having struck a "corrupt bargain"
(B) having made the best choice possible in a short list of candidates
(C) violating the Twelfth Amendment
(D) ignoring regional interests
(E) ignoring the request of the House of Representatives to appoint a different candidate for the post
Jacksonian Democrats were outraged not only by Andrew Jackson’s loss of the presidential election when the House
broke the deadlock by voting for John Quincy Adams, but, also, by John Quincy Adams’ appointment of John C.
Calhoun as his vice president. Jackson accused Adams of having struck a “corrupt bargain.” (Calhoun had also been
a candidate in the 1824 election that split the vote between four presidential candidates.)
25. The Ostend Manifesto, America’s ambitions to acquire Cuba by force if Spain refused to sell,
(A) was revised to include the Philippines as another option
(B) was accepted by both houses of Congress
(C) was rejected by Congress, although President Franklin Pierce supported it
(D) was denounced as a plot to extend slavery and the offer was withdrawn
(E) led to a second meeting of the delegation in an attempt to discuss a peaceful resolution to the situation
The Ostend Manifesto, presented when a U.S. delegation met with Spain in Belgium, declared America’s ambitions
to acquire Cuba. The manifesto strongly suggested that the United States would take Cuba by force if Spain refused
to sell. It was vigorously denounced as a plot to extend slavery and the offer was withdrawn. It was a political fiasco
for President Franklin Pierce.
26. Andrew Carnegie’s "Gospel of Wealth" during the latter part of the nineteenth century
(A) encouraged rich people to use their excess profits for the benefit of society
(B) was rejected by most Protestant denominations
(C) included “rags to riches” stories that were limited to a few talented individuals
(D) led to the first federal welfare program in U.S. history
(E) prompted the adoption of a graduated income tax by Congress
The “Gospel of Wealth,” as stated by Andrew Carnegie, was a justification of accumulating wealth and then using
that wealth for the betterment of society. Andrew Carnegie became extremely involved in philanthropic endeavors
by giving away over $300 million of his own money to charitable organizations.
27. When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle in 1906, he intended his book to focus attention mainly on the
(A) plight of workers only in the canning factories
(B) deplorable conditions in the drug industry
(C) need for Socialism to cure the evils of society
(D) unsanitary conditions that existed in the meatpacking industry
(E) triumph of capitalism
Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle primarily to focus on the need for Socialism to cure the problems of a capitalistic
society. Instead, his socialist message was lost in the descriptions of the deplorable working conditions in
Packingtown’s meatpacking plants.
28. The plight of American farmers during the Great Depression was magnified by
(A) Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s refusal to develop a comprehensive farm policy
(B) the Socialist Party's active role in rural politics of the 1930s
(C) devastating droughts and dust storms in the “Dust Bowl” & the devastating floods of the Mississippi River
D) the refusal of large producers to participate in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
(E) an increase in migrant laborers from Mexico and Central America
The devastating droughts in the Dust Bowl and the disastrous flooding of the Mississippi River only added to the
plight of the farmers seeking government assistance in the 1930s.
29 After the end of French rule in Vietnam in 1954, the U.S.
(A) urged democratic reforms in Vietnam
(B) signed a nonaggression pact with the Vietnamese Communists
C) backed an authoritarian regime led by pro-Western Vietnamese
(D) attacked Communist positions near Cambodia and Laos
(E) scaled back its involvement in Vietnam
After the French left Vietnam and the Geneva Accords were drafted in 1954, the U.S. supported democratic reforms
in the form of free elections. Vietnam was divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam at the seventeenth
parallel, and elections were set for 1956. When it appeared that the North Vietnamese candidate was likely to win
the election, the U.S. and South Vietnam pulled out of the 1956 election.
30. The economy of the 1970s was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
(A) the oil crisis started by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
(B) inflation due to spending on the Vietnam War
(C) economic opportunities for all Americans
(D) rising interest rates
(E) loss of jobs
Because of the economic downturn of the 1970s with rising inflation, the energy crisis, and rising interest rates and
joblessness, many Americans were discouraged about the outlook for their economic opportunities.
31. The major reason for the passage of the Sugar and Stamp Acts by Parliament was to
(A) help Britain pay off war debts accrued during the French and Indian War
(B) promote further trade with the colonies
(C) secure colonist loyalty against the French in the interior
(D) cripple the American shipping industry
(E) punish the colonists for their actions in the Boston Tea Party
To help pay off war debts incurred by the British in the French and Indian War, Parliament passed the Stamp and
Sugar Acts in an effort to gain revenue from the colonists. The colonists began to resent this increase in taxation and
instituted a series of protests and boycotts.
32. All of the following statements regarding the Revolutionary War are true EXCEPT
(A) Slaves saw a chance for emancipation by siding with the British
(B) Local artisans and laborers prospered by manufacturing items for both sides during the war
(C) Colonial elites feared a loss of their power and authority in the colonies
(D) Indians feared an independent America more than they feared the actions of the British in N. America
(E) More than 20% of the general population (Loyalists) sided with the British during the war
Local artisans and laborers manufactured goods only for the American colonies. Many of these artisans were unable
to ship their goods abroad during the war.
33. Peggy Eaton raised concerns with President Andrew Jackson’s cabinet members over all of the following issues
(A) Floride Calhoun, the vice president’s wife, failing to include Peggy in Washington socials on the basis that
Peggy was an “unfit woman”
(B) Secretary of War John Eaton living with Peggy while she was married to John Timberlake, a naval officer who
was out at sea (from orders by John Eaton)
(C) the resignation of two cabinet members allowing Jackson to ask the remaining cabinet members to resign over
the scandal
(D) John Calhoun’s continued friendship with Andrew Jackson after the scandal subsided
(E) Jackson’s making Peggy the official White House hostess after the resignation of the cabinet
By the time of the Peggy Eaton scandal, the friendship that President Andrew Jackson had with his vice president
had all but faded, especially over issues of the tariff. One of Jackson’s cabinet members, Secretary of War John
Eaton, started a “scandal” by living with Peggy Eaton while she was married to John Timberlake, a naval officer
who was out at sea. Floride Calhoun, the vice president’s wife, and cabinet member’s wives refused to include
Peggy in Washington socials on the basis that Peggy was an “unfit woman.” All of Jackson’s cabinet resigned over
this “scandal.”
34.Slavery in the South was characterized by all of the following situations EXCEPT
(A) both men and women being sold at auctions
(B) children of slaves being sold to a neighboring plantation as a form of punishment
(C) kinship within the slave community not being possible
(D) both male and female slaves working in the fields, and a small percentage of females performing domestic
duties and a small percentage of men working in other areas around the plantation
(E) the largest plantation owners comprising the smallest percentage of the Southern White population but holding
the largest percentage of slaves
Slaves sought to form bonds of “community.” As families were literally torn apart by auctions and sales, communal
bonds with extended family became a valuable lifeline of support and way of maintaining heritage.
35. The essay “Exposition and Protest” was directed against "abominations." Who was the author and what was the
(A) John Marshall against the abomination of Andrew Jackson having defied him
(B) Andrew Jackson against Nicholas Biddle and the National Bank
(C) John Calhoun against the Tariff of 1828
(D) Henry Clay against the spoils system
(E) Daniel Webster's against the Compromise of 1850
Vice President John Calhoun authored the South Carolina Exposition and Protest condemning the Tariff of 1828.
Calhoun claimed that the tariff was ruinous to southern plantation owners and that ultimately South Carolina had the
right to nullify actions concerning the tariff. This brought up the argument of states rights and secession in 1828.
Fears were calmed when an agreement was reached modifying the tariff.
36. The Haymarket Square bombing in 1886 & similar actions and strikes against businesses resulted in
(A) increased sympathy for workers and labor unions
(B) increased animosity toward labor unions
(C) the election of several German-born anarchists to state legislatures
(D) the arrest of several policemen at the Haymarket incident and the arrest of strikers in other locations
(E) government support of union activities
As labor actions turned increasingly violent, the public and especially business owners responded with increased
animosity toward union activity. The union violence was often blamed on socialist activities that were opposed to
the free market capitalistic system in America.
37. Ida Tarbell’s work for McClure’s Magazine in 1904 was significant in that
(A) her exposés detailed Rockefeller's abusive business practices with his company, Standard Oil
(B) her magazine exposés actually garnered more support for J. D. Rockefeller
(C) her writing alarmed many to the abuses of U.S. Steel
(D) her writing led to growing public disenchantment with investigative reporting
(E) her writings were the last of a series of reports by muckrakers
Ida Tarbell’s exposes in McClures Magazine exposed Rockefeller’s business practices with his company Standard
Oil. Her investigative reporting led to a court challenge and Supreme Court ruling in 1911 forcing the break up of
the monopoly.
38.During World War II, American women were urged to
(A) become a permanent part of the workforce
(B) work only after their children reached school age
(C) work only in certain jobs
(D) fill in the gaps in the workforce because so many men were off fighting in the war
(E) enter the workforce only after receiving the necessary training
Women were encouraged to join the workforce during World War II to literally fill in the gaps created by so many
men fighting the war. Over one-third of the overall workforce was comprised of women during WW II.
39. All of the following events demonstrated the end of U.S. isolationism before joining World War II on the side of
the Allies EXCEPT
(A) the Lend-Lease Act and “cash and carry” programs
(B) the enactment of a peacetime draft
(C) Congress adopting the Ludlow Amendment over a presidential veto
(D) supplying aid to the Russians after the German invasion
(E) the immediate response to the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor
FDR vetoed the Ludlow Amendment in 1937, which would have barred Congress from declaring war unless the
U.S. was attacked. This was during the time when isolationism ran high in the United States.
40. John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy included all of the following events EXCEPT
(A) strong support for West Berlin
(B) economic sanctions and assassination plots directed at Cuba
(C) establishment of a direct phone line between Washington and Moscow to prevent nuclear war
(D) the 13-day standoff with the Russians in October 1962
(E) the successful invasion at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961
ExplanationThe Bay of Pigs invasion in April 961 was a foreign affairs fiasco for JFK. The Cubans captured Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA)-backed troops and the attempt to overthrow Castro failed.
AP-USA Mimi Practice Test (1-40) ANSWERS…..ANSWERS…..ANSWERS
1. E
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. E
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. E
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. E
26. A
27. C
28. C
29. A
30. C
31. A
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. C
36. B
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. E