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Campus: Smith Elementary
Author(s): Tiffany Collins
Date Created / Revised: July 2015
Six Weeks Period: 4th Six Weeks
Grade Level & Course: 1 Grade Science
Timeline: 4 Days
Unit Title: Unit 7: What is Day and Night? Lesson 1
Stated Objectives:
TEK # and SE
Lesson #
1.8 Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes the air around us and
objects in the sky. The student is expected to:
1.8C Identify characteristics of day and night.
1.2 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student develops abilities to ask questions and
seek answers in classroom and outdoor investigations. The student is expected to:
1.2A Ask questions about objects, and events observed in the natural world.
1.2D Record and organize data using pictures, and words.
1.3 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student knows that information and critical thinking
are used in scientific problem solving. The student is expected to:
1.3B Make predictions based on observable patterns.
1.4 Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses age-appropriate tools and models to
investigate the natural world. The student is expected to:
1.4A Collect, record, and compare information using tools, including notebooks.
Ongoing TEKS to applied during science each day/week.
1.1A recognize and demonstrate safe practices as describe in the Texas Safety Standards during
classroom and outdoor investigations, including wearing safety goggles, washing hands, and
using materials appropriately.
1.1B recognize the importance of safe practices to keep self and other safe and healthy.
Bathroom Breaks and ongoing when coughing or sneezing occurs.
1.1C identify and learn how to use natural resources and materials, including conservation and
reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metals. Circle Time
1.2C collect data and make observations using equipment such as hand lenses, primary
balances, and non-standard measurement tools.
1.3A identify and explain a problem such as finding a home for a classroom pet and propose a
solution in his/her own words. Circle Time
1.4B measure and compare organisms and objects using non-standard units.
See Instructional Focus Document (IFD) for TEK Specificity
The Sun lights one half of the Earth at a time. The Sun is visible during the day and is shining
someplace else at night.
Why is one half of the Earth day while the other half is night?
How do we know it is daytime?
What are some daytime activities?
How do we know it is nighttime?
What are some nighttime activities?
One day and one night equals one spin of the Earth.
Why is one half of the Earth day while the other half is night?
Sunrise, day, noon, sunset, and night occur as the Earth spins.
What is the name of the time of day where night turns into day?
What is the name of the time of day where day turns into night?
Students may think that the Moon can only be seen during the night.
Students may think that stars and constellations appear in the same place in the sky
every night.
Students may think that all of the stars in a constellation are near each other or that all of
the stars are the same distance from the Earth.
Students may think the Sun is not a star.
Key Vocabulary
Moon – a natural object that orbits a planet; Earth’s Moon is the only natural satellite and Earth’s
nearest neighbor in space
Star – an object in space made up of gas and giving off light and heat from nuclear reactions
Suggested Day
5E Model
Instructional Procedures
Day 1- Engage
Ongoing Skills
Remind the children they are becoming scientists. Asks what do
scientists do. (observing, questioning, measuring, classifying,
predicting, investigating and communication)
Circle Time
Remind children throughout the day to wash hands with soap
and to sneeze and cough in their elbow to prevent the spread of
Discuss classroom recycle bins and benefits to recycling
Discuss how children are going home. Discuss the problems
and safety issues of not staying with your assign group.
1. Provide students with a non-glossy paper plate (1 per student).
2. Students will need their markers or crayons for this activity.
3. At the top of one side of the paper plate, have students write
the title: day. On the top of the other side have students write the
title: night.
4. Explain to students that they are to draw their ideas (the
characteristics) of “daytime” on the day side of the plate and on
the other side of the plate the characteristics of “nighttime”.
5. When the paper plate illustrations are complete, instruct
students to work in pairs or small groups on the Handout: Day or
Night Card Sort.
Instruct students to sort the cards into two distinct piles, day and
Some of the cards are at sunset or sunrise; allow students to
choose if they think this is day or night. Students should justify
their thinking through a small group discussion as they work.
Day 2 –
Materials, Resources, Notes
(Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend/Elaborate, Evaluate)
Read poems about the night sky.
Have students use white crayons and black paper to create
a night sky inspired by what they hear in the poems.
Give students a word bank that has the ability to rhyme:
Sun/fun, moon/soon, star/far
The students will then need to write a two sentence poem
about their picture.
Paper plate
Colors or Markers
Day and Night Sort
Read Book about
Day and Night
Venn Diagram
Day 3 -Elaborate
1. Read a book about day and night.
2. As you read the book, ask students make connections between
the book and the important understandings about day and night
that were discussed the day before.
3. Ask:
How do we know it is daytime? What are some daytime
How do we know it is nighttime? What are some nighttime
What is the name of the time of day where night turns into
day? (Sunrise)
What is the name of the time of day where day turns into
night? (Sunset)
Day 4 - Evaluate
1. Give students paper with Venn Diagram on it. Have the
students label one side day and the other side night and where
the Venn Diagram over laps have the students label it both.
2. Have students list characteristics and activities of each
including what the sky looks like.
for Special
Accommodations for instruction will be provided as stated on each student’s (IEP)
Individual Education Plan for special education, 504, at risk, and ESL/Bilingual.