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Honors Chemistry
 Atomic Structure
Period__________ Date_______________
Study Guide
9.1 Atomic Orbitals
Lesson Objectives
 Find the wavelength, frequency,
speed, and energy of a given EM
 Explain through emission spectra
that electronic energy levels are
 Calculate the difference of energy
between two levels given the
wavelength or frequency of light
 Recognize the basic shapes of s, p and
d orbitals.
 Describe atomic orbitals in a multielectron atom in terms of their
relative energies and degeneracy.
Reading Guide
Read Sections 3-3 (p. 90-99). Handout (p.
277-282, 290-291, 327-331, and 339-340)
1.Define wavelength, frequency, amplitude,
and node. (H.O. p. 278-282)
2. What is the relationship between
wavelength, frequency, and speed of a wave?
(Write a mathematical equation.) What is the
speed of light (H.O. p. 282)
3. Arrange the following in increasing energy:
gamma rays, infrared radiation, microwaves,
radio waves, ultraviolet radiation, visible light,
x-rays (p. 92)(H.O. p. 283)
4. What is the relationship between energy,
wavelength, and frequency of light? (Write a
mathematical equation.) (H.O. p. 281, 339340)
5. Why is it that the light emitted from
hydrogen shows discrete lines rather a
continuous spectrum?(p. 94)
6. What dos the principal quantum number
tells us? What are the possible values for the
principle quantum number n? What is an
electron shell? (p. 95) (H.O. p. 290-291)
7. What is a subshell/sublevel? How many
orbitals in an s-subshell? p-subshell? dsubshell? (H.O. p. 297-298, 330-331)
8. What is the shape of an s-orbital? p-orbital?
(p. 96)
Additional Practice
Handout Study Questions: p. 337 #13 & #14,
p. 340 #17, and p. 347 #40
9.2 Concentration
Lesson Objectives
 Write the electron configuration of a
neutral atom in long form and short
 Write the electron configuration of an
ion in long and short form.
 Relate the position of an atom on the
periodic table and its predicted
electron configuration.
 Identify the number of valence
electrons in a given atom or ion.
 Explain the similarities in chemical in
chemical properties, and common
monatomic ions formed using their
electron configurations.
Reading Guide
Read Sections 3-3, 4-1, 4-3, and 5-1 (p.
90-99, 119, 133-134, and 160-161)
Handout p. 295-297, 330-331, and 358362.
1. State the exclusion principle and
explain what it means. (p. 96) (H.O. p.
2. Define ionization energy? (p. 133-134)
3. List the order in which electrons are
filled. (p. 97-98) (H.O. p. 297-298) 1s, 2s,
2p, 3s...
4. In an electron configuration, explain
what is meant when it is written: 1s2.(p.
97-98) (H.O. p. 331)
5.Identify the s-block, p-block, d=block,
and f-block on the periodic table. (p. 119
figure 3) (H.O. p. 358 figure 13.4)
6. Define core electrons and valence
electrons. (p. 119, 160-161)
Additional Practice
Handout Study questions: p. 302 #3 and
#5 from the problem section, p. 303 #7,
and p. 332 #8 & #9.
9.3 Periodic Trends
Lesson Objectives
 Describe and explain the trend of
effective nuclear charge between
elements across a period and of
shielding by core electrons down a
 Describe and explain the trends of
atomic radius, ionization energy and
electro negativity across a period and
down a family in the periodic table.
 Compare atomic radius, ionization
energy, and electro negativity
between two atoms across a period
and down a family in the periodic
 Explain the increasing successive
ionization energies of an atom.
 Determine the number of valence
electrons in an unknown element
given the successive ionization
Reading Guide
Read Sections 4-3 (p. 133-139) Handout
(p. 360-363)
1. How is the atomic radius – the covalent
radius- measured? (p. 135-136 figure 20)
(H.O. p. 360 figure 13.5)
2. In general, what patterns are observed
in the atomic radii going down a family
and across a period in the Periodic Table?
(p. 135-136 figure 20) (H.O. p. 360 figure
3. What is ionization energy? (p. 133)
4. In general, what patterns are observed
in ionization energy going down a family
and across a period in the Periodic Table?
(p. 133-134 figure 18) (H.O. p. 363)
5. How does the size of a cation compare
to that of its neutral atom? Size of anion
to that of its neutral atom? (p. 139) (H.O.
p. 13.5)