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“Their Hour of Peril”
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After Italy attacked Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, asked the
League of Nations for help in stopping the invasion. He asked for military sanctions
but the League of Nations’ response was ineffective. Haile Selassie used these words
to the League of Nations:
“God and history will remember your judgment. . . . It is us today. It will be you
According to Haile Selassie, who should stop the aggressors?
What will happen if the aggressors are not stopped?
I. The Road to War
A. Hitler’s Aggression
1. Invaded the Rhineland
a) Demilitarized zone between France and Germany-rich in
2. Annexed Austria
3. Wanted Sudetenland (German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia)
a) Munich Conference in 1938
1. Chamberlain and Daladier gave in
a. Appeasement-giving in to avoid war
b. But then Hitler broke promises and invaded Poland,
start of World War II in Europe
4. Hitler also signed Nonagression Pact with Soviets to avoid fighting
war on two fronts
II. Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor
A. Anger over U.S. ban on exports
B. Japan needed natural resources
C. Planned invasion of Southeast Asia
III. Soviets and War
A. Hitler broke pact
B. Invaded Soviet Union
IV. War Fought in Atlantic and Pacific
A. Italians killed Mussolini
B. Hitler committed suicide
C. Atomic bombs end war in Japan
D. Rebuilding Europe and Japan
1- List three examples of Hitler’s military aggression:
2- How did British and French leaders respond to Hitler’s aggression?
3- Define appeasement.
4- Why were the decisions made at the Munich Conference an example of
5- Did the policy of appeasement work with Hitler? Prove your answer.
6- What is a nonaggression pact?
7- Why did Hitler sign a nonaggression pact with Stalin?
8- Did the nonaggression pact last? Prove your answer.
9- How did Japan become involved in World War II?
10- How did World War II end?
11- What lessons can be learned from studying World War II?
The leaders in this 1936 cartoon are depicted as “spineless” because they
(1) Signed the Treaty of Versailles
(2) Wanted to avoid global conflict at any cost
(3) Depended on economic measures to stop aggression
(4) Recognized the communist government in the Soviet Union
This World War II cartoon is showing
the relationship between climate and
(1) Inability of Nazi forces to defeat
the Soviet Union
(2) Success of Allied troops after D-day
(3) Efforts by Allied troops to control
(4) Casualties suffered by the Soviet
1. The Japanese invasion of
Manchuria in 1931 and Hitler’s
rebuilding of the German
military in 1935 demonstrate the
(1) success of defensive alliances
(2) fear of communist expansion
(3) support for the Treaty of Versailles
(4) failure of the League of Nations
5. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and
Communist Russia were similar in that
(1) protected individual rights
(2) elected their leaders through popular
(3) supported market-based economies
(4) established totalitarian governments
2. During World War II, which event
occurred last?
(1) German invasion of Poland
(2) Russian defense of Stalingrad
(3) United States bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki
(4) Japanese invasion of Manchuria
6. Between the late 1800s and the end of
World War II, Japan implemented a
policy of imperialism mainly because
(1) admired the economic power of
(2) lacked coal, iron, and other
important resources
(3) wanted to unify the governments of
East Asia
(4) feared the expansion of Nazi
Germany in the Pacific
3. During World War II, the Allied
invasion of France on D-Day (June 6,
1944) was significant because it
(1) demonstrated the power of the
atomic bomb
(2) resulted in a successful German
revolt against Hitler and the Nazi Party
(3) led to the immediate surrender of
German and Italian forces
(4) forced Germans to fight a two-front
4. One reason that Britain and France
agreed to appease Hitler at the Munich
Conference was to
(1) prevent the start of another world
(2) stop the Nazis from invading the
Soviet Union
(3) obey an order from the League of
(4) obtain advanced German military
weapons in exchange
7. “It took the Big Four just five hours
and twenty-five minutes here in Munich
today to dispel the clouds of war and
come to an agreement over the partition
of Czechoslovakia. There is to be no
European war, after all. There is to be
peace, and the price of that peace is,
roughly, the ceding by Czechoslovakia of
the Sudeten territory to Herr Hitler’s
Germany. The German Führer gets
what he wanted, only he has to wait a
little longer for it. Not much longer
though — only ten days. . . .”
Source: William Shirer, recording of
CBS radio report from Prague,
September 29, 1938
The policy that France, Britain, and
Italy chose to follow at this meeting is
known as
(1) appeasement
(3) liberation
(2) self-determination (4) pacification