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Rising Church Strategies – Discipleship Training
The Third Step: Introduce Others to the King
Win People Jesus’ Way
“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching
the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness
among the people.” Matthew 4:23
The transformation of both the United States and Thailand is dependent upon
pastors training and sending thousands of outreach teams out to bring in a new
harvest. Jesus tells us how to do so! His very lifestyle is a model for us to follow
as we go out and build new relationships with receptive people. This chapter
summarizes the entire Discipleship Training workbook and makes one point: You
can do what Jesus did!
This Lesson Enables You To:
Understand that the Lord Jesus modeled the lifestyle of Kingdom advance
Believe that what Jesus did you can do also
Study the teaching of the Lord as He sent out the 12 and then the 70
Choose to live your life differently as you follow the Lord into the harvest
The Key Passages: Luke 9:1-6, Luke 10:1-19, Matthew 10:1-11:1
The Promise: You can do what Jesus did!
The Outline:
Follow Him
Get Victory
Commit to His Cause
Claim His Promises
Receive Training
Go Proclaim Jesus
Disciple the Receptive
Report to Your Leaders
Win People Jesus’ Way
(Lk 9:1)
(Lk 4:1-11)
(Lk 9:2)
(Lk 9:1, Matt 28:20)
(Lk 9:3-5, Eph 4:11-13)
(Lk 9:6)
(Lk 10:5-8)
(Lk 9:17-19
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Rising Church Strategies – Discipleship Training
The Third Step: Introduce Others to the King
The Teaching:
Follow Him (Luke 9:1)
True believers are followers of the Lord Jesus. He is still seeking to save the lost,
and we have the privilege to go with Him. He said, “Follow Me, and I will make
you fishers of men” (Matt 4:19). Immediately we watch him go into action: “Jesus
was going about in all Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom and healing
every kind of disease” (Matt 4:23).
We learn His lifestyle as we go with Him. This was His intention from the
beginning. He calls for us to be disciples, “that they might be with Him, and that
He might send them out to preach and to have authority to cast out demons”
(Mark 3:14-15). His life is our model. We do not necessarily need special
programs to bring the lost to us, as much as we need to go out to the people as
He did.
The wonderful truth is that we can do what Jesus did! We have the same Holy
Spirit in us that Jesus depended upon to do all his miracles. The Lord promised,
“He who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also” (John 14:12).
Get Victory Over Satan (Luke 4:1-11)
Before He began His ministry, the Lord Jesus defeated the devil in the
wilderness. He answered every temptation by quoting the word of God. Shortly
before His crucifixion, Jesus reassured His disciples, “the prince of this world is
coming. He has no hold on me” (John 14:30).
The believer’s victory over the devil is just as important as it was for Jesus.
However, it may be more difficult for believers to get free from the enemy
because of sinful habits and patterns that opened the door to demonic activity.
Jesus knew no sin. Some people may have been dedicated to demons at birth.
Others who now know Jesus grew up in homes where there was huge demonic
activity. “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you
used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the
kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient”
(Eph 2:1-3).
From the very day that we first heard the gospel, the evil one has tried to snatch
the seed of the gospel from our hearts. Since Adam and Eve, his strategy has
been to ruin every believer’s relationship with God.
However, as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given biblical
promises and spiritual authority over the devil and his demons (Luke 4:1-11, 9:1,
Colosians 2:15, Ephesians 1:20-23, 2:6, 3:10, 6:10-20, Revelation 12:11). We
can overcome the world and all the demonic lies embedded in our culture (John
16:33, 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, Eph 2:2, 1 Jn 5:18-21, Rev 3:21, 11:15). In previous
chapters, you learned how to gain victory over your flesh (Heb 4:15, Matt 13:22,
Win People Jesus’ Way
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Rising Church Strategies – Discipleship Training
The Third Step: Introduce Others to the King
John 14:30, 1 Cor 2:12-3:4, Heb 2:14-15). If you feel that you are still struggling
with demons, take time to study these verses and even read them aloud.
Renounce every sin, curse, and stronghold. Study the Word of God. Ask your
pastor to pray for you. Read books on spiritual warfare. Attend seminars. Pray
with your outreach team. God has promised you total victory. Lay hold of it early
on in your ministry and never let it go!
Commit to His Cause (Luke 9:2)
In our first lesson, we spent time encouraging you to love God and commit to the
cause of Christ. Simply remember that the Lord’s call on your life will lead you
into your destiny and the fulfillment of who you really are. Also remember what
He did on the Cross to set you free, and that He is at work in you on a daily basis
to bring you into His will and purposes.
As He sends you out in teams to build new relationships with receptive people,
He promises to go with you, and in you. Where you go, He goes. You bring the
King into people’s lives. You are His hands and feet and mouth with others. It is a
great adventure with Jesus.
Claim His Promises (Lk 9:1, Matt 28:20)
Jesus began by giving His disciples promises, and then he trained them and sent
them out. As you go out with your precious Lord Jesus, there are hundreds of
promises in the word that you can claim. However, when it comes to outreach, he
promises you three special gifts: anointing, power and authority. Each is different.
At the beginning of his ministry, the Lord went into His home synagogue and
announced, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, for He has anointed Me…”
(Luke 4:18). His claim in Isaiah 61, is yours as well. The anointing enables you to
abide in God’s presence, to hear the instruction of the Holy Spirit and it
consequently results in powerful answers to prayer (Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1, 1
John 2:18-3:3).
Spiritual power (Lk 9:1, Acts 1:8, Rom 1:16, Eph 1:17-20, 3:14-23) is different
from Kingdom authority (Lk 9:1, 10:17-19, Matt 10:1, 12:29, 16:18-19, 28:18).
Study them! You have authority to exercise power. A policeman has a badge of
authority and a powerful gun. Remember that you are the King’s ambassador,
advancing His Kingdom. Use your gifts to preach the gospel, cast out demons
and heal the sick.
Receive Training (Lk 9:3-5, Eph 4:11-13)
Many willing Christians have never gone out to bring the King into their circle of
influence simply because they have never been trained. Here is a list of areas of
training that the Lord gave to His disciples. Your leaders will seek to train you in
the following:
Win People Jesus’ Way
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Rising Church Strategies – Discipleship Training
The Third Step: Introduce Others to the King
Jesus’ Ministry Model (Lk 9:9, Matt 4:17-23, 9:35)
Prayer (Matt 9:35-38, Lk 10:2)
Faith-connection with Him
 His Provision (Lk 9:3, 10:3-4, Matt 10:9-10)
 His Presence (Lk 10:1, Matt 28:20)
Teamwork (Lk 10:1, Matt 10:2-4, 1 Cor 3:5-10)
 Those Who Receive You (Lk 9:4, 10:5-9, Matt 10:11-13, 32-42)
 Those Who Do Not Receive You (Lk 9:5, 10:10-16, Matt 10:14-31)
(Don’t let these people bother you!)
Go Proclaim Jesus (Luke 9:6)
Go forth and do what Jesus did. Proclaim the good news of the Kingdom (Lk
9:2, 6, 11, Lk 10:9, 10, Matt 10:7). Cast out demons (Lk 9:1, 6, 11, 10:17-18,
Matt 10:8). Heal the sick (Lk 9:1, 6, 11, 10:9, Matt 10:8). Practice sharing your
story as well as the gospel. Then reach out and share the Lord with people
around you every day.
Disciple the Receptive (Luke 10:5-8)
The Lord warns you that many will not receive you. But the good news is that
some will! Watch carefully for receptive people. Inquire who is worthy (Matt
10:11). Go to where they live (Lk 9:4,6, 10:5). Give them a blessing of peace and
watch their reaction. Give them time. How receptive were you the first time you
met an on-fire Christian?
Seek to build new relationships with receptive people (Lk 9:4, 10:5-8, Matt 1213). Go to where they are most comfortable and spend time with them. Eat with
them. Learn their needs. Begin to pray for them. Especially pray for sick people.
Expect God to answer!
Report to Your Leaders (Lk 9:17-19)
After Jesus sent the 70 out they reported back (Lk 9:10, 10:17-18). It is very
important to meet together with your outreach team and the leaders of your
church to record details. Relationships with receptive people are valuable! As
soon as you can, ask for their name, address, email and phone number. Then,
plan on going to see them again. Take them a gift. Buy them a book. Best of all,
arrange to study the Bible together. We are posting Bible study materials on the
Gospel of John, chapters 1-4 on our website in the near future.
Jesus took the 12 and the 70 away on a brief holiday after their outreaches to
refresh their spirits (Lk 9:10, Lk 10:19). “Those who sow in tears will reap with
shouts of joy” (Ps 126:5). It is always very encouraging to share with our leaders
and fellow team members after an outreach and rejoice over what the Lord has
done. I have never been disappointed!
Win People Jesus’ Way
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