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Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
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Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
Supplementary Table 1 (for website)
Number of diseases/traits associated with different genes
Gene # associated diseases/traits
TNF 20
ACE 14
VDR 14
GSTM1 11
CYP1A1 9
CYP2D6 7
DIA4 7
NAT2 7
NOS3 7
SLC6A4 7
DRD2 6
TP53 6
DRD3 5
DRD4 5
F2 5
F5 5
SLC11A1 5
GNB3 4
HTR6 4
IL10 4
MBL2 4
NAT1 4
PLA2G7 4
Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
SLC6A3 4
SOD2 4
C4A 3
CCR2 3
CCR5 3
CYP17 3
CYP1B1 3
ESR1 3
F13A1 3
PON1 3
TAP1 3
TAP2 3
A2M 2
AR 2
BCL2 2
CD4 2
COL1A1 2
DRD5 2
ETS1 2
GYS1 2
HSD11B2 2
Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
IL1B 2
IL4 2
IL6 2
IRS1 2
MC1R 2
MMP3 2
NOS1 2
TF 2
ACP1 1
ADD1 1
ADH4 1
ATP1A3 1
BCL3 1
C4B 1
CD14 1
CD36 1
Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
CD3D 1
CMA1 1
COL2A1 1
COL9A2 1
CX3CR1 1
CYP11A 1
CYP11B2 1
CYP19 1
CYP2A6 1
CYP2C19 1
CYP2C9 1
CYP3A4 1
DCP1 1
DRD1 1
EN2 1
F3 1
F7 1
FMR1 1
GC 1
GPX1 1
HRH2 1
Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
IGHV2-5 1
IGHV3-30-5 1
IL13 1
IL1A 1
IL4R 1
IL9R 1
IPF1 1
KCNJ11 1
LRP1 1
MLH1 1
MMP1 1
MMP9 1
MS4A1 1
MSH3 1
MSX1 1
MUC1 1
NTF3 1
OTF3 1
PON2 1
PPP1R3 1
Hirschhorn et al., Comprehensive review of association studies
SDF1 1
SLC2A1 1
SLC2A2 1
SNAP25 1
SRD5A2 1
TCF1 1
TH 1
TRA@ 1
TRD@ 1
UCP3 1
UGT1A1 1
WFS1 1
Gene symbols are as in Table 4. For each gene, the number of entries in Table 1 is shown.