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Review Questions:
Which of these is not an animal tissue? a) connective; b) xylem; c) epithelial; d)
nervous ans is b
Tissues are made of _______. a) groups of cells that perform a different set of
functions; b) collections of cells that perform similar or related functions; c) subellular
structures that aid in the performance of the cell's role; d) none of these ans is b
Which of these is NOT a function of epithelial tissue? a) covering surfaces; b)
secretion; c) support of the body; d) lining internal exchange areas ans is c
Layered epithelial tissue is referred to as which of these? a) squamous; b)
stratified; c) voluntary; d) pseudostratified ans is d
Which of these cell types covers the inside of the mouth? a) squamous
epithelium; b) cartilage; c) blood; d) cuboidal epithelium ANS is a
Protection of the body from infectious organisms is accomplished by which of
these tissues? a) bone; b) muscle; c) nerve; d) blood ANS is d
Linking of bone to bone in a skeletal system is accomplished by which of these
tissues? a) epithelial; b) connective; c) muscle; d) nervous ANS is b
Cells that line the tubules in the kidney make up which of these tissues? a)
adipose; b) squamous epithelium; c) cuboidal epithelium; d) stratified epithelium ANS
is c
The storage of fat is accomplished by which of these cell types? a) adipose; b)
squamous epithelium; c) cuboidal epithelium; d) stratified epithelium ANS is a
Glands are composed of which of these tissue types? a) epithelium; b)
connective; c) muscle; d) nervous ANS is a
Hard parts of the body would be made of which of these cell/tissue types? a)
blood; b) bone; c) muscle; d) nerves ANS is b
Bone acts as a reservoir for which of these elements? a) carbon; b) nitrogen; c)
calcium; d) hydrogen ANS is c
The major function of bone is ___. a) covering body surfaces; b) support; c)
movement; d) integration of stimulus ANS is b
New blood cells are formed in the ___. a) matrix; b) bone marrow; c) liver; d)
adipose cells AMS is b
The blood cells that transport oxygen within the body are the ___. a)
macrophages; b) erythrocytes; c) platelets; d) leukocytes ANS is b
The liquid part of the blood is ___. a) plasma; b) adipose; c) cartilage; d)
platelets ANS is a
When you move your arm to use your computer mouse, which of these muscle
cell types is involved? a) cardiac; b) skeletal; c) smooth ANS is b
Contraction of your heart is accomplished by which of these cell types? a)
cardiac; b) skeletal; c) smooth ANS is a
Contractions of the uterus during birth are accomplished by which of these cell
types? a) cardiac; b) skeletal; c) smooth ANS is c
The junctions between nerve cells are known as ___. a) gap junctions; b)
synapses; c) tight junctions; d) villi ANS is b
Transmission of the nerve message within the neuron is ___ in nature. a)
chemical b) electrical ANS is b
Review Questions:
Which of these is not a characteristic of living things? a) reproduction and
heredity; b) metabolism; c) response to stimulus d) all of the are characteristics of life
ANS is d
Control of homeostasis in the body is accomplished by ____. a) Nervous
system; b) Circulatory system; c) Endocrine system; d) both a and c control
homeostasis ANS is d
Which of these would be the effector for a negative feedback system to heat
your house? a) thermostat; b) wiring; c) heater; d) air conditioner ANS is d
When we are cold we shiver. This releases heat from which organ system? a)
Skeletal system; b) Muscular system; c) Digestive system; d) Circulatory system ANS
is b
Heat released when we shiver is transported from its source to the rest of the
body by which of these organ systems? a) Skeletal system; b) Muscular system; c)
Digestive system; d) Circulatory system ANS is d
The digestive process consists of three subprocesses. Which of these is not part
of the digestive process? a) mechanical breakdown of food; b) circulation of food in
the blood and lymph; c) absorption of food into the blood or lymph; d) assimilation of
the food into cells of the body ANS is c
Which of these is not a function carried out by the Integumentary system? a)
protection from invaders; b) storage of fats; c) prevention of water loss; d) removal of
excess heat by sweating ANS is b
Hormones are produced directly by organs and tissues of which of these body
systems? a) Endocrine; b) Circulatory; c) Reproductive; d) Nervous ANS is a
The removal of organic wastes from the body is accomplished by the ___
system? a) Digestive; b) Excretory; c) Circulatory; d) Lymphatic ANS is b
Which of these is part of the central nervous system? a) brain; b) nerve ganglia;
c) spinal cord; d) a and b; e) a and c ANS is e
The spinal cord is located on which side of the body? a) dorsal; b) ventral; c)
abdominal; d) cranial ANS is a
Which of these is not part of the male reproductive system? a) testis; b) penis; c)
ovary; d) vas deferens ANS is C
Gametes are produced by which of these cell division processes? a) mitosis; b)
binary fission; c) photosynthesis; d) meiosis ANS is d
Blood leaves the heart through which of these types of blood vessels? a)
capillaries; b) arteries; c) veins; d) lymphatic vessels ANS is b
Storage of important ions such as phosphorous and calcium is done by which of
these organ systems? a) Skeletal; b) Muscular; c) Digestive; d) Excretory ANS is a
Movement of the body is accomplished directly by the actions of which of these
organ systems? a) Muscular; b) Skeletal; c) Digestive; d) a and b e) b and c ANS is d