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Communication difference is a characteristic variation of the speech that is common by
the particular group of individuals within a particular culture or region. Communication
difference should not be considered a disorder of language or speech since some differences such
as dialect or accent are not disorders (Sullivan, 26). On the other hand communication disorders
are a significantly reduced understanding and use of verbal communication. With differences
between female and male stacking up, it is perhaps no surprise to many individuals that women
and men listen and communicate in different styles. Researchers have been interested in
investigating the several differences between male and female individuals regarding their
behavior, roles, communication and other observable characteristics (Boston, 22). In connection,
the paper will focus on the effects of gender on the communication styles precisely by providing
a well-detailed explanation about the interface difference between male and female individuals.
Moreover, the paper will support the argument that, “there is communication difference between
women and men persons in the society.”
Listening is the ability of an individual to receive and interpret messages accurately in the
process of communication. Considering listening, women and men work in varying ways. Male
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have a natural aptitude for problem-solving, and the problem is evident on the way people take in
the information. Researcher such as Sullivan argues that male listen by thinking about the
approaches to make a decision that will solve the problem. As an outcome of the listening skills,
men are very hasty to make decisions and masterpiece forward as compared to women (Briton,
82). On the other hand, female listen to the evidence by making a psychological note of the
circumstance of the data points and the challenge. The character of women allows them to
employ their gathered points of testimonial to form several elucidations to the difficult before
deciding on the final itinerary of action (Sullivan, 25). By contrast, the difference in listen style
between men and women makes women slower to solutions as compared to male since men are
fascinated in the solution while women are engrossed in the course to the settlement.
Conversation is an interactive and spontaneous exchange of information between two or
more individuals which happens in spoken manner. In conversation, men are likely to include
fewer details in what they say as compared to female. Female includes emotions, memories or
encouragement to others while in a conversation (Sullivan, 24). Women conversing together
have conversations with more depth and layers as compared to men since women add more
depth to the discussion topic. By contrast, men tend to prefer simpler arguments which appear
clearer as compared to conversations of women (Briton, 79). Moreover, male have focused
conversations with fewer details and include the shorter length of their points. Therefore, men
tend to display their experience and knowledge in the communications as contrasted to women.
For instance, Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. a Psychotherapist in the article titled, “Psychology
Today” indicate that women link via conversations while men connect via actions (Briton, 79).
According to the article, When female want to communicate they want to share thoughts and
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communication while a male are interested in an exchange of the ideas, facts, and suggestions
and tend to avoid conversations about feelings.
Body speaks
The body speaks commonly known as body language embraces all the communication
via the non-verbal way. Body communication include the manner individuals greet others, the
way people stand or stir, their facial expressions, clothes, the tone of their voice, hair styles, and
eye movements (Coates, 15). Women use an abundance of non-verbal forms of communicating
such as gesturing, making eye contact and animated facial expressions. Susan Sherwood, a
psychotherapist, argues that women prefer communication while standing or sitting in a cluster
of individuals where every one of face-to-face (Coates, 14). On the other hand, men prefer
talking shoulder-to-shoulder in an angled pattern where the individual and his colleagues can
take in the room. Moreover, women gesticulate, raises their eyebrows, shrug shoulders and
incline their heads while communicating while male demonstrates in a relaxed, sprawled pose
and maintains facial expressions and body language.
Communication patterns
Communication patterns vary between female and male. Tanner argues that female
punctuates conversations with positive noises like “OK” and “Uh huh” to let the speaker know
that she is listening. On the other hand, men prefer sitting quietly and concentrate on what is
being said and interpret the conversation noises of women as interruptions. Moreover, women
talks faster and interrupt conversations more when they excited as compared to when they are
annoyed resulting to the leaving of men behind or cause the male to tune female out in
conversations(Coates, 40). Nevertheless, environment plays a significant role in the difference
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communication pattern between male and female, male talks more while at a workplace where
they share ideas, solve problems and communicates with purposes while women talks more on
the phone at home and social occasion where they share and nurture through words.
Conclusively, the article indicates that there is a significant communication difference
between female and male individuals in the society. Gender plays an important role in the
listening patterns of the people because the listening patterns of the male are different when
compared to female listening patterns. Also, the conversation styles of male vary from the forms
of communication of women because women use body language and other non-verbal clues
more often as compared to male. Nevertheless, the communication patterns of female contradict
the communication patterns of a male because female punctuates the conversation with positive
noises while male sits quietly and concentrate to the conversation. The paper indicates that
women talk more at home while male talk more at the working environment. According to the
differences explored in the article, there is substantial evidence to show that there is a significant
communication difference between female and male individuals in the society.
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Works Cited
Boston, Sherri. "Communication Differences Between Men and Women." 2015 ASCRS ASOA
Symposium and Congress. Ascrs, 2015.
Briton, Nancy J., and Judith A. Hall. "Beliefs about female and male nonverbal communication."
Sex Roles 32.1-2 (1995): 79-90.
Coates, Jennifer. Women, men and language: A sociolinguistic account of gender differences in
language. Routledge, 2015.
Sullivan, Catherine. "Communication Differences between Men and Women."