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1. What is the result of lack of protein in the diet?
Growth failure, loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, weakening of the heart
and respiratory system, and death
2. What is the result of excess protein?
Burned as energy or stored as fat
3. What are the building blocks of protein? How many are essential?
Amino acids, 9 are essential
4. Why does the body need a daily supply of amino acids to make new protein?
Because the body does not store amino acids like it does fats or carbohydrates
5. What foods supply us with protein?
Meats are our primary source of protein
Other sources – fish, beans, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, chicken, cheese
6. What are complete proteins? What are incomplete proteins?
Complete proteins have all the amino acids that your body needs. Animal sources
provide us with complete proteins.
Incomplete proteins come from fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. They do not
have all the amino acids that your body needs
7. What are the four kinds of Vegetarian diets? (300)
Vegan diet-excludes foods of animal origin
Lacto-vegetarian-excludes eggs, fish, poultry, meat
Ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet-excludes fish poultry, red meat
Semi vegetarian diet-excludes red meat
8. Why do vegetarians need to be aware of the foods that supply protein?
Vegetarians need to be aware of the combinations of the incomplete proteins they
can use so they can get all the amino acids they need
For example – beans and rice combined provide all the amino acids
peanut butter on whole wheat bread is also a good combination
Also need to be aware of where they will get enough calcium and vitamin Bs
Important information
Most people in the United States get plenty of protein in their diet
4 calories per gram of protein
15-20% of daily calories should come from protein
Muscles, skin, organs, brain all contain protein
Needed to build and repair all body tissues, and part of red blood cells
Soybean is the only plant food that provides all 9 essential amino acids
9. Research suggests that regularly eating soy based foods will provide what benefits?
Lowers cholesterol, chills/reduces the effects hot flashes, prevents breast and
prostate cancer, aids weight loss, and wards off osteoporosis