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Treaties Of
This Section is dedicated to the great international
agreements and treaties that have guided Foreign Policy.
The Anglo-Russian Entente (1907)
Anti Ballistic Missle Systems Treaty (1972)
The Atlantic Charter
Balfour Declaration (1917)
Camp David Accords (1978)
Chemical Weapons Convention (Ratified in US, 1997)
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1996)
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty (1989)
Dayton Peace Agreement
Declaration between the United Kingdom and France Respecting Egypt and
Morocco (1904)
Entente Cordiale Between England and France (1904)
Franco-German Armistice (June 25, 1940)
Franco-Russian Alliance Military Convention (1892)- Replaced 1887
Reinsurance Treaty.
GATT (1994)
German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
Hague Conventions
human rights treaties (and other documents)
human rights treaties and related material compiled by the University of
Minnesota Human Rights Library
Israeli-Egyptian Treaty (1973)
Peace Treaty Between Israel and Egypt (1979)
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty of 1994
Jay Treaty (1794)
o another copy
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1929)
Korean Armistice Agreement (1953)
The Treaty of Lausanne (1923)
Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Treaty of Locarno Between France and Poland (1925)
Louisiana Purchase Treaty (1803)
The Marshall Plan(1947)
Maastricht Treaty of European Union
Middle East peace treaties and related documents (compiled by the Israeli Foreign
Affairs Ministry)
Munich Pact (1938)
North American Free Trade Agreement
North Atlantic Treaty (1949)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
nuclear weapons and energy treaties
Outer Space Treaty (1967)
Potsdam Conference (July 17-August 2, 1945)
Proclamation of US Neutrality, (1793)
Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact (April 13, 1941)
St. James Agreement (1941)
Salt I (not actual treaty but narative)
Salt II
Start I (1991)
Start II
Treaty of Alliance Between Germany and Turkey (1914)
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918)
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
Treaty of Greenville (1795)
Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968)
Paris (1783), Treaty of
Treaty of Purcase of Alaska between the United States and the Russian Empire
Reinsurance Treaty (1887) This is Between Germany and Russia. First Rein.
Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact (1941)
Treaty of Paris (1763) (French and Indian Wars)
Treaty of Saint-Germain, part III, section V (protection of minorities)
Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
Tripartite Alliance (Germany ,Italy , Japan) (1940)
Triple Alliance (1882)
The Versailles Treaty (1919)
United Nations Charter
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
World War II instruments of surrender (Germany) (1945)
World War II instruments of surrender (Japan) (1945)
Yalta Agreements (1945)
A List of Some World War II treaties and/or related documents
Carter Doctrine
Esienhower Doctrine
"Iron Curtain" speech by Winston Churchill (1946)
Kennedy's Berlin Speech (1963)
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
NSC-68 (1950)
Reagen Doctrine
Roosevelt's Quaranteen Speech, October 1937
Tonkin Gulf Message and Resolution (1964)
Truman Doctrine (1947)
Woodrow Wilson's "League of Nations" Speech (1919)
The X or Long Telegram, George Kennan (1946)
General Documents- The following documents are not treaties but speeches
and other documents that have added to the conduct of foreign policy over the
Alfred Mahan on Sea Power (1890)
The Art Of War, Sun Tzu
The Communist Manifesto (1848) by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engles
'EVIL EMPIRE' Speech (1982) by Ronald Reagen
The Helsinki Accords (1975)
IRON CURTAIN SPEECH by Winston Churchill (1946)
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (1974-1996)
"Peace in Our Time" Statement Made by Neville Chamberlain (1938)
Shanghai Communique (1972)
Thucydides, The Melian Dialogue
The Zimmerman Telegram (1917)
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