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Unit 3: World War II
I. Causes of WWII
A. Treaty of Versailles – played major role in causes that led to WW2
B. Debts of WWI
C. German invasion of Poland – 9/1/39
D. Attack on Pearl Harbor – 12/7/41
E. Totalitarian govts: control every aspect of citizen
- Italy: Mussolini – attacked Selassie/Ethiopia
- Germany: Hitler – campaigned against Jews - Kristallnacht
F. Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan
II. United States
A. Contributed to world peace by supporting naval disarmament
B. Passed Neutrality Act – stay out of war
- Americans supported isolation
- ended Neutrality Act by supporting France & Britain with $
C. Lend-Lease Aid – helped British & Soviets w/ cash in 1940-41
D. FDR elected to third term in 1940
III. Hitler’s War Machine
A. Violated Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding military
- wanted revenge for WWI
- German troops reoccupied Rhineland in 1936
B. Munich Conference 1938
- Britain and France met w/ Hitler
- Hitler threatened war w/ Czechs over Sudentanland
- Chamberlain appeased Hitler by persuading Czechs
> proclaimed “peace in our time”
IV. WWII Begins 9/1/1939
A. German forces invaded Poland
- Blitzkrieg – “lightning war”
B. Allied Powers – Britain & France – declared war on Germany
- Poland fell in less than a month
C. German forces occupied Denmark in 4/1940
- then invaded Normandy, France
D. May 1940, Germans seized Belgium, Luxembourg, & Netherlands
E. Germans attacked Dunkirk (French port)
- British ship evacuated soldiers- 6/1940
- Germans moved south toward Paris
- Italy joined Germany
- French surrendered 6/22/1940
F. Britain stood alone
- Battle of Britain - RAF vs. Luftwaffe
- fought for air supremacy, 7/1940
- Hitler ordered civilian bombing, 8/1940
- radar detected incoming aircraft
- Hitler cancelled invasion in 9/1940
G. Battle of the Atlantic
- control shipments of weapons from U.S. to Britain
- Allies organized convoys- U.S. Navy escorts
- U- boat fired on U.S. destroyer
- FDR ordered “shoot on sight”
V. Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941
A. Japan attacked U.S. military base in Hawaii
- sank or damaged all battleships
- FDR asked Congress to declare war on Japan
B. “A date which will live in infamy”
* Japanese attack at PH caused the US to enter the war
- Germany declared war on US
C. Big Three emerged: Churchill (Britain), Roosevelt (US) & Stalin (USSR)
VI. US Mobilization “Cranking Up the War Machine”
A. Industry boomed -tanks, jeeps, guns, ammo, and ships
- earnings rose and unemployment nearly vanished
B. Homefront transformation
- “Rosie the Riveter” symbolized working woman in America
- African Americans left fields in South & migrated to cities
- civilians bought war bonds & practiced rationing
C. War Production Board (WPB)
- oversaw conversion to war production
D. Millions drafted- 18 to 38
- more than 16 million served
E. Taxes increased to pay for war
F. Japanese Americans
- widespread discrimination: 125,000 Japanese Americans in US
- Americans questioned their loyalty
- forced into detention camps (internment)
G. Mobilization
- Great Depression finally ended due to war-time production
- women went to work in factories
- US agricultural output increased dramatically to meet
demands of military & civilians
- people moved to cities
VII. North Africa and Europe
A. Defeat Germany first, then go after Japan
B. German general Erwin Rommel led Africa Korps
- master of warfare and surprise attacks
- known as the “Desert Fox”
C. Battle of EI Alamein Egypt (1942)
- US general Dwight D. Eisenhower led US to victory
- Axis troops driven from N. Africa
D. Allies advanced to Italy, July 1943
- won control of Sicily, than moved to mainland
- Italian government threatened to oust Mussolini
- Hitler sent forces and slowed Allies
- Rome captured in June 1945
- Germans drawn out of Italy
VIII. Turning Points (3)
A. Stalingrad- fierce struggle for Soviet city
- the “frozen battle” made reinforcements difficult
- Germany surrendered - Axis lost more than 200,000
B. D-Day June 6, 1944
- major Allied invasion of Normandy
- 155,000 troops landed on beaches and attacked
- conceptualized by George C. Marshall - top military advisor
- planned by Gen. Eisenhower
- Gen. Bradley led troops from beaches & Gen. Patton led tank forces
*Significance of D-Day: marked the beginning of the end of the war,
largest sea & land invasion in history & led to France’s liberation
C. Battle of the Bulge, Belgium
- Allies pushed though Belgium towards Germany
- Germans launched offensive to stop Allies
- target Ardennes w/ surprise attack
- U.S. slowed attack but lost 77,000 men
- reinforcements arrived and Germans stalled
- last major German offensive in WWII
IX. Victory in Europe
A. Massive bombing campaign on Germany
- Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Dresden
- destroyed enemies ability to manufacture weapons
B. Allied forces crossed Rhine River 3/1945
- advanced west toward Berlin
- Soviets advanced from east
C. FDR died of stroke 4/12/1945, Truman took over
D. Hitler committed suicide 4/30/1945
E. 5/7/1945 - unconditional surrender by Germany
F. V-E (Victory in Europe) Day
- 5/8/1945: official end to WWII
X. War in the Pacific
A. Japan advanced across Pacific and conquered islands
B. Battle of the Coral Sea, Australia and US stopped advance
C. “Code Talkers”- Navajo radio operators who secured communications
> Japanese never cracked Navajo code in the Pacific
D. Battle of Midway - June 1943 (turning point in Pacific)
- U.S. and Japanese carrier-based planes fought in the Pacific
- “Code Talkers” intercepted messages
- AZ air bases were Davis Monthan, Luke & Williams
- put Japan on defensive for the remainder of the war
E. Allies took the offensive
- island-hopping began in late 1943
- Gen. MacArthur commanded forces against Japan
G. Battle at Okinawa, 4/19/45
-Japanese sent Kamikaze pilots
-more than 4,000 Allied sailors killed
-U.S. committed to defeat Japan
-after three months the Allies were victorious
-Allies focused on Japan for final victory
XI. Victory in the Pacific
A. Invasion would lead to enormous loss of life
-Truman wanted to shorten war and save lives
B. Ira Hayes (AZ) helped raise the U.S. flag at Iwo Jima
C. Manhattan Project- secret project to develop atomic bomb
D. Hiroshima-B-29 bomber Enola Gay dropped bomb 8/6/1945
-Japan refused to surrender
E. Nagasaki- second A-bomb dropped 8/9/1945
F. Japan surrendered 9/2/1945
XII. Effects of the War
A. 50 million died - more than half were civilians
B. Widespread destruction
C. Economies in Europe and Asia were devastated
D. Holocaust- Extermination of Jews in Europe
-Hitler’s “Final Solution” was genocide
-Jews forced to concentration (death) camps
-Impractical to imprison millions
-Killed to make more room
-Killing squads
-Auschwitz most notorious death camp
-6 million Jews were killed
-About 2/3 of all Jews in Europe
-Chilling reminder of evil nature of Nazis
E. Two world powers emerged: U.S. and U.S.S.R
F. AZ war-time camps: Gila, Papago and Poston
G. Formation of Israel as a homeland for the Jews in 1947
XIII. After the War
A. Yalta Conference: Planned for keeping peace after the war
B. U.N. formed - promote world peace
C. Nuremberg Trials- Nazi leaders held accountable for actions
American History II
Name ____________________________________ Hour _______ Unit 3 notes: WWII
Mr. Dunn
Chapters 23-24: World War II
I. Causes of WWII
A. __________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________
C. German invasion of ________________ - _______________
D. Attack on ________________________ - _______________
E. _____________________________: controlled every aspect of citizen
- Italy: __________________________________________________
- Germany: ______________ – campaign against Jews - Kristallnacht
F. Axis Powers: ____________________________________
II. United States
E. Contributed to world peace by supporting __________________________
F. Passed ___________________________________ – stay out of war
- Americans supported ___________________
- ended Neutrality Act by ____________________________________
G. Lend-Lease Act – helped __________________________________ in 1941
H. _______________________ to third term n 1940
III. Hitler’s War Machine
C. Violated ________________________________________
- wanted revenge for WWI
- German troops __________________________________
D. ______________________________________ 1938
- Britain and France met w/ Hitler
- ________________________ w/ Czechs over Sudetenland
- ___________________________by persuading Czechs
> _______________ “_________________________”
IV. WWII Begins 9/1/1939
D. German ________________________________________
- Blitzkrieg – “____________________”
E. Allied Powers – ________________________________________
- ____________________ in less than a month
F. German forces occupied Denmark in 4/1940
- then ___________________________________________
D. May 1940, Germans seized ________________________________
E. Germans ________________________ (French port)
- ________________________________________
- Germans ___________________________________
- _______________________ Germany
- _________________________________ 6/22/1940
F. Britain stood alone
- _______________________________ - RAF vs. Luftwaffe
- fought for ________________________, 7/1940
- Hitler ordered _________________________________
- ________________________________________ aircraft
- ______________________________________ in 9/1940
G. Battle of the Atlantic
- control _________________________ from U.S. to Britain
- Allies __________________________ - U.S. Navy escorts
- U- boat fired on U.S. destroyer
- FDR ordered “______________________________”
V. Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941
A. Japan _______________________________________________
- sank or damaged all battleships
- ________________________________________________
B. “________________________________________”
- ________________________________________________________
- Germany declared war on US
C. Big Three emerged:____________________________________________
VI. US Mobilization “Cranking Up the War Machine”
A. Industry boomed
- ________________________________________
-earnings rose and unemployment nearly vanished
B. _________________ transformation
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
C. War Production Board (WPB)
- ________________________________________
D. Millions drafted- 18 to 38
- more than ______________________________
G. Taxes increased to pay for war
H. Japanese Americans
- widespread discrimination: _______________________ in US
- Americans _________________________________
- forced into_________________________________
G. Mobilization
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
VII. North Africa and Europe
A. Defeat________________________, then go after _____________
B. German General Erwin ___________________________________
- master of warfare and ____________________
- known as the “________________________________”
C. Battle of EI Alamein Egypt (1942)
- US General Dwight D. ________________________________
- Axis ________________________________________
D. ________________________________________, July 1943
- won control of Sicily, than moved to mainland
- Italian government threatened to ____________________
- _____________________________ and slowed Allies
- _________________________ in June 1945
- _____________________________of Italy
VIII. Turning Points (3)
A. ____________________- fierce struggle for Soviet city
- the “____________________” made reinforcements difficult
- ________________________- Axis lost more than 200,000
B. ____________________- June 6, 1944
- major ______________________________________
- 155,000 troops landed on beaches and attacked
- conceptualized by _________________________________
- planned by _________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
*Significance of D-Day: ____________________________________
C. ___________________________, Belgium
- Allies pushed though Belgium towards Germany
- ____________________________________ to stop Allies
- target Ardennes w/ surprise attack
- __________________________________ but lost 77,000 men
- reinforcements arrived and Germans stalled
- ________________________________________ in WWII
IX. Victory in Europe
B. Massive ________________________________________
- Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Dresden
- destroyed enemies ability to ____________________
B. ________________________________________ 3/1945
- advanced _____________________________________
- Soviets __________________________________
C. ______________________________ 4/12/1945, _______________
D. _______________________________________ 4/30/1945
E. 5/7/1945 - unconditional __________________________________
F. V-E (__________________________________) Day
- 5/8/1945: ________________________________
X. War in the Pacific
A. Japan advanced across Pacific and conquered islands
B. Battle of the Coral Sea,
C. “Code Talkers”- ______________________________________________
- _________________________________________ in the Pacific
D. ___________________________ - June 1943 (turning point in Pacific)
- U.S. and Japanese carrier-based planes fought in the Pacific
- “Code Talkers” _________________________________________
- _______________________________________________
- put Japan on defensive for the remainder of the war
E. Allies took the offensive
- _____________________________ began in late 1943
- Gen. ___________________________________ against Japan
G. Battle at ____________________, 4/19/45
-Japanese sent ____________________________
-more than ____________________________________
-U.S. committed to defeat Japan
-after three months the Allies were victorious
-Allies ________________________________________
XI. Victory in the Pacific
A. Invasion would lead to enormous loss of life
B. ____________________ (AZ) helped raise the U.S. flag at Iwo Jima
C. _______________________ - secret project to develop atomic bomb
D. ______________- B-29 bomber _____________________ 8/6/1945
E. _____________________- second A-bomb dropped 8/9/1945
F. ________________________________________
XII. Effects of the War
A. ______________________________ - more than half were civilians
B. Widespread destruction
C. ______________________________________________ devastated
D. Holocaust-__________________________________________
-Hitler’s “_____________________”_____________________
-Jews forced to ______________________________________
-Impractical to imprison millions
-Killed to make more room
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
-About ______________________________________
-Chilling reminder of evil nature of Nazis
E. Two world powers emerged: _____________________
F. AZ war-time camps: ___________________________________
G. Formation of _____________________________________ in 1947
XIII. After the War
B. ____________________: Planned for keeping peace after the war
B. U.N. formed - _____________________
C. Nuremberg Trials- _____________________________________