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A Midsummer Nights Dream
Puck's Journal
Jennette Haverdink
Entry #1
As I was flying through Athens the town was full of energy and joy. The king, Theseus was
completing his final preparations to wed Hippolyta, the queen of Athens. Nothing seemed of
must interest to me and I continued to wander aimlessly. Then I heard arguing occurring within
the palace and went to observe the issue in hopes for a show. I found Egeus confronting Theseus
about his stubborn daughter Hermia. Egeus asks Theseus to demand his daughter to marry the
infamous Demetrius. Immediately Hermia interrupts and disrespects her father and the king by
professing her love for some other man. This man, Lysander, seems to be Hermia's true love. I
watched as the king demanded Hermia to marry Demetries or be sentenced to death or live a life
a lone of a nun. Hermia still seemed to refuse to give in to her father and the king and then
eventually left.
Entry #2
I watched today as “destined lovers” Hermia and Lysander professed their unbreakable love for
each other. The two whined because they were not supposed to be together. Hermia could do so
much better than that fool. She has a successful attractive strong man loved by all who wants to
wed her, but she wants the poor pathetic looser. The two lovebirds plan on running away
tomorrow night so they can “be together forever” right like that will actually work out. It's
definitely a fool proof plan...not.
Entry #3
Wow what a snitch. I just found out Helena is totally whipped by Demetrius. The girl is so
desperate to get attention from this boy. I have never seen someone with such a big mouth. She
found out about Hermia and Lysander's plan to run away tomorrow night, and is running to tell
her “love”. How dumb can this girl be? She wants Demetrius to love her, yet she goes to him
telling him about Hermia running away. He's obviously gonna run after her to stop her then try to
get married and be happily ever after. He won't care that Helena told him, he's just using her.
Why is this girl so dumb?
Entry #4
How amusing it is to watch six Athenian men decide to put on a play called “Pyramus and
Thisbe”. If they want to impress the kind and perform at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta
why in the world would they choose such a lame play? The man in charge, Peter Quince, is
trying to conduct this important meeting but this weaver, Nick Bottom constantly interrupts him.
Ha! Now that's my kinda man, one who is of non stop annoyance trying to give advice and
direction. I wish I could have gave him a high five cause he has really mastered the art of being a
pain in the ass. I don't blame him for not shutting up because the play is destined to be a failure.
These men can't honestly think Theseus and Hippolyta will enjoy watching the story of two
lovers, separated by their parents’ feud, who speak to each other at night through a hole in a wall.
Then some lion comes out of nowhere and surprises Thisbe tattering her mantle before she
escapes. The poor Pyramus only finds the shredded garment of his “beloved” and kills him self.
Then Thisbe finds Pyramus's bloody corpse, and guess what she does? Commits suicide too,
wow I did not see that one coming... Can't wait to see this masterpiece fail epically.
Entry #5
I hate being stuck in the middle of things! But of course with my luck I'm always put smack dab
in the middle. The King and Queen are mad at each other and instead of acting like mature fairies
of power, they result to preschool methods. Those two are mad at each other, yet me and one of
Titanias' fairies put in the middle, like the peanut butter and jelly stuck between two pieces of
bread. Anyways, when I ran into Titania's fairy in a glade I told her to make sure Titania stays out
of Oberon's sight. Apparently Titania took a little Indian Prince as her attendant, but Oberon
wishes to make him his knight. Of course Titania refuses to give up the boy, a typically woman.
Now I have to deal with Oberon being angry and I'm sure he'll come up with a plan to get what
he wants and I'll be dragged into it.
Entry #6
Boy do I feel the tension! Oberon entered the glade from one side while Titania entered from the
other side. Can you say awkward? The two lovebirds immediately questioned each other on why
the other was so close to Athens just before the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. The
accusations started flying right away. Titania accused Oberon of loving Hippolyta and of thus
wishing to bless the marriage while Oberon accused Titania of loving Theseus. I didn't realize the
royal fairies could get so jealous. The conversation then took a turn towards the little Indian boy.
Of course Oberon asked for the boy but Titania refused saying the boys mother was a devotee of
hers before she died. Excuses, Excuses I say. Now you can expect the mighty Oberon was angry
he did not get his way, and the issue was not over. He plans to get his revenge...cause that always
ends well...right.
Entry #7
I was dragged into this mess just like I expected. I get to go on the hunt for some white- and
purple flower called “love-in-idleness”. It's supposed to be special I think it was hit with one of
Cupid's arrows. Apparently the flower juice, if rubbed on a sleeper's eyelids, will cause the
sleeper to fall in love with the first living thing he or she sees upon waking? Can you see where
this is going...because I can and I'm telling yah it won't end pretty. Oberon is going to use this
juice on Titania, he said he hopes she will fall in love with some ridiculous creature, so he will
refuse to lift the juice’s effect until she yields the Indian prince to him. Sounds like a perfect
plan, there's absolutely nothing that could go wrong....
Entry #8
As if King Oberon doesn't have me in enough mischief already with Titania he wants to help a
poor Athenian girl. This girl Helena apparently stalks this man she “loves” but is constantly
rejected cause he loves Hermia. Helena repeatedly declares her adoration and loyalty for the man
but he insults her. Instead he chases after a girl he'll never get for she loves another man,
Lysander. Of course Oberon feels bad for her and says he'll help her....oh wait more like I'll help
her. I was sent to anoint the eyes of an Athenian man pursued by a lady. Seems like an easy
enough task to me!
Entry #9
Oh boy I think I screwed things up.... I could have sworn that I put anointed the eyes of the right
man. It was an Athenian man and he was sleeping far away from the lady as if he was rejecting
her. Common sense says if two people love one another they will sleep next to each other! How
was I supposed to know the man I anointed was not the right person! Everything would have
been perfect if the girl didn't stumble upon Lysander and wake him technically it's her
fault and not mine I shouldn't get in trouble. But of course, she woke up Lysander so the potion
took effect and caused him to fall deeply in love with her....well, maybe this could work, I mean
the girl has someone who loves her now? Ugh I wish, of course she's so picky and only wants
Demetrius. She can't be happy that a man is FINALLY giving her attention, nope, instead she
thinks she's being made fun of and get's mad. I don't know what will make this girl happy?
Entry #10
Great.... now Hermia is upset that her lover wants Helena. Why is love so complicated? My little
mix up seems to cause more problems than I thought. Hermia woke up to find Lysander gone and
began searching for him. This could be a problem...hmm... I guess I kind of need to figure out a
way to fix this...oh well haha.
Entry # 11
I had a lot of fun messing with some dumb craftsmen today. I found them rehearsing a play in the
woods bickering over changing things. They feared that the suicide of one character and the
lion's roaring will frighten the if they can't tell the play is fake? Anyways they made
the pointless changes and added prologue to explain how no one will really die in the play, as if
they are performing to a room of two year old? I was soon bored with their pointless behavior
and decided to have my fun. When the one man, Bottom I think his name was, was temporarily
out of view I changed his head into that of an ass. When the ridiculous looking man reentered the
scene all the other men ran away screaming. They acted like they were little girls and as if the
horrible beast was going to kill them! To make things even better, the sleeping Titania wakes.
When she saw Bottom the flower juice I rubbed on her eyes worked it's magic and she feel
deeply in love with the ass-headed weaver. Such and ugly dumb creature, yet she was
mesmerized. She insisted that he remain with her, embraces him, and appoints a group of
fairies—Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mote, and Mustardseed—to see to his every wish. The dumb
fool took these events in stride, having no notion that his head has been replaced with that of an
ass. He commented that his friends have acted like asses in leaving him, and he introduced
himself to the fairies. Titania looked on him with undisguised love as he followed her to her
forest, Oberon will be extremely pleased with my sneaky success.
Entry # 12
Well good news is Oberon was pleased with my the success concerning Titania but bad news is
he is angry at my mix up with the Athenian men. Instead of leaving the humans all mixed up and
watching in amusement, he said we needed to fix things. So then began the “love potion” take 2.
While I went to find Helena Oberon squeezed the flower juice onto the sleeping Demetrius. The
plan seemed to work well, considering the fact that Demetrius awoke to see Helena and
immediately. There was one problem though...Lysander was also still in love with her. So the two
crazy men declare their love for Helena and are prepared to fight one another for Helena's
love....This was not a good sign. So I went off throughout the forest tricking the men with diff
voices to cause them to become hopelessly lost. Therefore the two would not fight...and Oberon
could clean up my mess.
Entry #13
I sat back as Oberon laughed and watched his revenge take place. Titania and her attendants
pampered Bottom, who still had the head of an ass. After we had our fun watching this
interesting scene and Oberon received his Indian boy I took the spell off of Titania and Bottom.
One thing was finally back to normal! Next was the issue of the memory of Bottom and the four
lovers. Now that the King and Queen are back together they plan to think of a way to fix
everything that had happened. The pressure is now off of me..phew thank god.
Entry #14
I was so relieved that I wasn't involved with any more of the kings magic plans. I think I messed
up enough for one night. I did get some good laughs out of it. I'm extremely thankful that Titania
and Oberon cleaned up my mess. The reunited lovers used music to charm Bottom and the four
lovers into a deep sleep. Thankfully when they woke up everything was as planned (it only took
3 tries). Lysander was in love with Hermia as fate predicted and Demetrius was in love with
Helena. Theseus and Hippolyta discovered the four in the woods and make plans for the couples
to be married along with them! Oh what a happy ending, I did not see that coming after all the
issues I ran into..oh well.. I love weddings, so this should be fun :]
Entry #15
Oh the wedding was absolutely fabulous! Boy do I love cake...yum... Dancing not so much.
Anyways I enjoyed seeing the three couples happily married, it brought tears to my eyes...not.
I'm a man fairy, we don't cry! I enjoyed finally seeing the disastrous play of “Pyramus and
Thisbe” it was just as horrendous as I predicted. Titania and Oberon joined me later to bless the
three marriages, how nice. It was a fun night full of laughter and happiness, may the couples last
in eternal long as I don't get in the way.