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The Mole Notesheet
10-1 Chemical Measurements
A. What is a mole?
1. A mole is the ___________________ of a substance.
2. It is exactly the number of atoms in ______________.
3. The number of particles in a mole is called
4. The value of Avogadro’s constant is _____________________.
5. ex. Convert 15 moles of C to atoms of C
6. ex. Convert 2.54 x 1024 atoms of Fe to moles of Fe
B. Atomic Mass & Formula Mass
1. Atomic Mass – Mass of an _________________
Ex. C =
; Zn =
2. Formula Mass – The sum of the atomic masses that make up a
C. Molar Mass – numerically equal to the element’s _______________________ and
has units ________________________.
1. How is this related? 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-24 g
2. Calculate the Molar Mass of the following compounds:
10-2 Mole Conversions
A) Converting between moles & grams
Ex. 1 mole of NaCl = ? g
5.50 mol of NaOH = ? g
0.89 mol of CaCl2 = ? g
158.1 g of PbSO4 = ? mol
B. Converting between particles and moles
0.36 mol Al = ? atoms
7.9 x 1024 formula units = ? moles
C. Multistep Conversions
56.3 g of Cu = ? atoms
D. Moles & Gases
-Molar volume – volume of one mole of a gas at _______________________.
***1mole of any gas has a volume of ________ at standard temperature &
Ex. 1.0 L of CO2 = ? molecules
10-3 Empirical & Molecular Formulas
A. Percent Composition = mass of the element in a compound
mass of compound
-% Composition of H2O
-Find the percentage composition of a compound that contains 2.30 g of
sodium, 1.60 g of oxygen, and 0.100 g of hydrogen in a 4.00 g sample of
the compound.
-A sample of an unknown compound with a mass of 0.562 g has the
following percentage composition: 13.0% carbon, 2.20% hydrogen, and
84.5% fluorine. When this compound is decomposed into its elements,
what mass of each element would be removed?
B. Determining the Empirical Formula
-The formula that gives the simplest whole-number ratio of the atoms in a
compound is called the empirical formula.
Empirical formula
Ex. ___________
Molecular Formula
Ex. Determine the empirical formula for a compound containing 2.128 g of Cl
and 1.203 g Ca.
-Determine the empirical formula for a compound containing 7.30 g Na, 5.08 g
S, and 7.62 g O.
C. Molecular Formula
-Formula that gives the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecular
Empirical formula for glucose = CH2O
Molar Mass = 180 g/mol
Molecular Formula = ?
Ex. Find the molecular formula for a compound that contains 4.90 g N and 11.2 g
O. The molar mass of the compound is 92.0 g/mol.
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