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1 Data
collections of information often organized in graphs or
charts, can be facts, numbers, or measurements
2 Histogram
graph to display intervals of one type of data
3 Exponent
the number of times the base is being multiplied in a power
4 Base
the number in a power being multiplied
5 Power
base and exponent (shortened repeated multiplication)
6 Variable expression
a number sentence with variables and operation signs with
no equal sign
7 Evaluate
8 Order of operations
the rules used to solve all mathematical problems
9 Verbal Model
a word equation that represents a real world situatio
10 Variable
a letter used to represent an unknown
11 Frequency Table
used to separate data into equal intervals
12 Bar graph
way of comparing data with bars, compares more than one
thing, bars don’t touch
13 Numerical expression
a number sentence with operation signs and numbers, no
equal sign
14 Scientific Notation
scientific notation a way to write very large or very small
numbers, has a decimal part between 1 and 10 and is
multiplied by a power of 10
15 Integer
positive and negative whole numbers and zero
16 Negative integer
a whole number that is less than zero
17 Positive integer
a whole number that is greater than zero
18 Absolute value
a number’s distance away from zero on a number line
19 Mean
the sum of values in a set divided by the number of values
20 Terms
each part of an expression 5y + z -6 terms are 5y, z, and -6
21 Like terms
terms that have the same variable part in an expression
22 Coefficient
the number part of a term with a number and a variable, if
no number is present the coefficient is 1
23 Constant
a term with a number but no variable
24 Coordinate plane
a coordinate system used to graph numbers on, has an x and
a y axis
25 x-axis
horizontal line on a coordinate plane
26 y-axis
vertical line on a coordinate plane
27 origin
(0,0) on a coordinate plane, where the x and y axis meet
28 quadrant
4 corners of a coordinate plane
29 ordered pair
pair of number used to identify a specific point on a
coordinate plane
30 x coordinate
first number in an ordered pair
31 y coordinate
second number in an ordered pair
32 Associative Property
33 Identity property of addition
can change grouping (parenthesis) without changing
the answer, works with addition and multiplication
anything plus zero is itself
34 Identity property of multiplication
anything times one is itself
35 Commutative Property
changing the order of the numbers doesn’t change
the answer, works with addition and multiplication
36 Inverse Property
a number added to its opposite is zero
37 Distributive Property
take the number outside the parenthesis and
multiply it times everything inside parenthesis
a(b+c) = ab + ac
38 sum
answer to an addition problem
39 difference
answer to a subtraction problem
40 product
answer to a multiplication problem
41 quotient
answer to a division problem
42 perfect square
the product of an integer times itself
43 Fractions
Part of a whole. A number written with the
bottom part (the denominator) telling you
how many parts the whole is divided into,
and the top part (the numerator) telling how
many you have.
44 Numerator
the number on top of a fraction bars.
45 Denominator
the number on the bottom of a fraction
(down under the fraction bar).
46 Mixed Number
a number that has a whole number part and a
fraction part.
47 Improper Fraction
a fraction whose numerator is greater than or
equal to the denominator.
48 Reciprocal (multiplicative inverse)
two nonzero number whose product is 1.
49 Expression
a number sentence containing numbers,
operations, and sometimes variables
50 Equation
a number sentence containing numbers,
operations, and sometimes variables and an
equal sign
51 Formula
a rule showing a relationship
52. ratio
a comparison of two numbers using
division: can be written as a fraction, with a
colon: or a to b
53. unit rate
a rate that has a denominator of one unit
54. rate
a ratio of two quantities measured in
different units
55. proportion
an equation that states that two ratios are
56. scale
a relationship between a drawing’s
dimensions and the actual dimensions
57. Straight angle
An angle that measures exactly 180
58. Complimentary angles
Two angles that add up to 90
59. Noncolinear points
Points that are not on the same line
60. Intersection
The set of points that occur in two figures
A figure formed by 2 rays that have the
same endpoint
62. Midpoint
The middle point in a line segment
63. Acute angle
An angle that measures less than 90
64. Right Angle
An angle that measures exactly 90
65. Obtuse angles
An angle that measures between 90 and
66. Adjacent angle
2 angles that share a ray
67. Congruent segments
Segments that are the same length
68. Angle bisector
A line that divides and angle into 2 equal
69. Line
a collection of connecting points that
extends forever in 2 directions
70. Line segment
Line that has 2 endpoints
71. Perpendicular Lines
Lines that intersect forming right angles
72. Vertical angles
angles opposite each other when 2 lines
intersect; have equal measure
73. Corresponding angles
angles that occupy same place on a different
74. Parallel lines
two lines on same plane that do not intersect
75. transversal
a line that crosses at least 2 other lines
(usually parallel)
76. skew lines
2 nonparallel lines in space that do not
77. collinear points
points on the same line