Download In Shakespeare`s play “Macbeth”, Macbeth is the main

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In Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth”, Macbeth is the main character that changes
from the beginning. This is because he gives in easily to fulfilling the witches’
prophecy himself, letting ambition get the better of him by killing King Duncan
and cruelly taking the lives of innocent people in order to protect himself. Having
done these deeds it makes Macbeth a truly less admirable character at the end
of the play.
Macbeth was introduced as a noble, heroic and loyal general in the opening
scenes of the play. When the play ends, he is no longer referred to with these
terms. He has changed because he lets the ambition of gaining Kingship get the
better of him causing him to commit evil deeds against his better judgment.
When Macbeth first hears of the prophecies (gaining the title of Thane of Cawdor
and taking the throne) he gets curious and wants to know more. When he
actually becomes the Thane of Cawdor Macbeth gets greedier. His desire of
achieving Kingship progressively get stronger and his intentions on how to obtain
it turn more evil and sinister. His real loyalty towards the King tested when his
wife pressures him to kill Duncan. Before the Duncan’s murder was carried out
Macbeth realized that he had no genuine reason to kill him – apart from pure
ambition. He tells his wife he no longer wishes to commence with the murder
however she questions his manhood causing him having a need to prove himself
as worthy – hence once again being influenced by ambition. Macbeth brings
himself to commit the murder of Duncan while he stays as an invited guest in his
castle. In doing so Macbeth has betrayed his King, his kin and his guest who put
his trust in him. In the reader’s point of view, Macbeth’s actions destroy his
reputation of being loyal and noble as there nothing worthy in a person who kills
his King. He changes from being a loyal general to a deceitful fool. It is
Macbeth’s inability to control his ambitions that leads to his actions that then
result in his downfall making him a less admirable character.
In order for Macbeth and his wife to protect themselves from suspicion of the
King’s murder, he secretly orders the deaths of many innocent people including
his Banquo. Macbeth and Banquo were best friends before they were told the
prophecy but ever since he found out that it would be Banquo’s children to heir
the throne feelings of jealously arose within him. When Macbeth first killed
Duncan, he was overwhelmed with guilt and regret; he knew what he was doing
what wrong at the time. As he continues life as King he begins to think of himself
as less guilty. Macbeth orders the murders of his allies to prevent them from
finding out the truth as he senses their suspicion. He feels he can no longer trust
them and must remove them from society. The deaths that occur during his rule
happen so frequently it can almost be said that he was given time to get used to
the murders, making it easier for him to cope with. Macbeth’s attitude to
wrongfully killing people is shocking because it changes from feeling tremendous
guilt to feeling as though he has done the right thing. It is terrible how Macbeth is
able to effortlessly kill innocent people without regret just to save himself. This
does not make him in any way admirable.
Macbeth was originally known as a brave, loyal and courageous general at the
beginning of the play. His status quickly spirals downwards as the play
progresses to a point where he is simply known as a tyrant. It also becomes clear
that his lords and generals see him as a suspect for Duncan’s murder. Macbeth
has become less admirable because of his selfish ambitions resulting in many
flaws during his rule which he covered up by killing innocent people who
suspected him which led to this well deserved downfall.