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The Cold War Begins
Ch.19 Section 1
Setting the Scene
Allied Cooperation was Temporary
Stalin is hostile to capitalism and the U.S. in particular
The Soviet Union just lost 20 million citizens and had it’s western half decimated.
Soviet Goals
Stalin wants...
– 20 Billion in ___________ from Germany.
– a ______________ to protect “Mother Russia” from Europe.
– To make sure Germany is never a threat again.
The U.S. wants…
____________________ for the countries we just fought to liberate.
A strong, free, and open Europe.
– (____________________________________________!)
“Uncle Joe” vs “Give ‘em hell Harry”
Truman was very _______________ to be President.
Truman was kept out of all foreign policy under FDR.
Stalin was a much stronger _______________________ than Truman anticipated.
Potsdam Cont…
Stalin will allow ___________________ in Poland (lie)
The United Nations is created as a ____________________ body.
– The U.S. will join the U.N., unlike the _______________________
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.”
- Winston Churchill
Soviets tighten their grip
One by one, all countries that were liberated by the U.S.S.R. fall under Stalin’s ___________________.
Elections in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, East Germany are ______________
or __________________, and these countries become __________________ states of the Soviet Union.
“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything”
- Stalin
“The United States policy towards the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant
containment of Russian expansive tendencies.”
-George Kennan
The U.S. Containment Policy
Many argued that containment was too ____________, and we should push Stalin back into his borders.
Keenan, however, saw what the future held for the Soviet Union, stating that it
“bears within it the seeds of its own decay”.
Keenan’s argument carries the day, and _______________ becomes the U.S.’s official policy towards
communism for the coming decades.
This allows us to keep communism from taking over democracies.
We have no way of __________________ communism in countries were it already has ____________.
"I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted
subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”
– Harry S. Truman
The Truman Doctrine
Turkey and Greece have considerable communist influence within their countries.
The U.S. gave over $______________ million dollars in aid to make sure these countries wouldn’t
become communist.
The Cold War Around the World - Chapter 19, Section 2&3
Setting the Scene
21 million Europeans are homeless
20% of Poland’s population is dead
1 in 5 French and Belgian homes are destroyed or damaged
Livestock and farm equipment were destroyed
The U.S. Responds to the Cold War
In Europe:
____________________: A plan to fund the economic _________________ of Europe (Reconstruction)
b/c the Commies were gaining ____________________ in many devastated areas.
Berlin Airlift: Stalin seals of _____________________ (which was inside the Soviet Zone) in 1948,
hoping that the U.S. would __________________ it. We fly in for over 15 months, until Stalin
abandons the _________________. 200k flights @ 13,000 tons of supplies per DAY!
_____________ is formed to act as a barrier against Soviet aggression
– Allows European _________________ to stand together (collective security)
The Commies respond with the ____________________
In Asia:
China falls to __________________ and his communist forces(they had been fighting since the 1920’s).
We initially help the Chinese government, but realize that the fall is inevitable, we withdraw aid.
Losing China is a BIG BLOW to the __________________ administration
With Regard to Nuclear Weapons:
When we learn that the _______________ have the atomic bomb, Truman authorizes research on a
______________________ bomb, which is many times more powerful than an atomic bomb.
At home:
Remember: Many Americans had joined ________________ or _______________ organizations
during the __________________.
Loyalty Programs: all federal employees were subject to ___________________.
HUAC: began to probe the U.S. (Especially Hollywood) for Communist ________________.
“The Hollywood Ten”: group a writers, directors, actors, and producers who refused to testify before the
HUAC. All were _____________ or ________________.
McCarran-Walter Act: Re-instated immigration quotas from the 1920’s. Senator McCarran believed
most ________________ Americans were _______________.
– This bill passed over Truman’s veto.
People who were seen as un-American or disloyal were blacklisted, which meant that no studios would
hire them. This happened a great deal in Hollywood.
Spy Cases:
– _____________ _____________ was a former high ranking official who was put on trial for
– _____________ and _______________ ________________ were convicted of giving atomic
secrets to the Russians. Both were executed.
– According to released Soviet documents, Julius Rosenberg and Algar Hiss were guilty, Ethel was
probably not.
***Loyalty Programs, Committee investigations, Blacklists and highly ________________ spy cases
convinced many Americans that the threat of spies was very real and lead to a climate of great
____________________ in America. Many people’s _______________ ______________ were violated
during this period. ***
The Korean War
WWII FLASHBACK!: After the Russians pushed _________________ from Korea, the Korean
Peninsula was divided at the 38th Parallel between Communist forces in the __________ and American
forces in the _____________.
After a surprise ________________________ invasion pushed U.S. and South Korean forces to the tip
of Korea, the U.S. counters.
Macarthur pushes the ______________________ forces all the way to the ________________ River
(which is the southern border of China).
________________ (and secretly, the Russians) enter the war.
Truman Fires MacArthur for _____________________________.
MacArthur returns home to a hero’s welcome.
The fighting eventually __________________________ at the 38th Parallel.
Results of the war
Military application of the _______________ ________________
Americans Frustrations – Why did _____________________ American soldiers die for a stalemate?
_____________________ of the Army
Permanent increase in the military budget
Creates a permanent “______________-______________” complex.
Alliance of the ______________, _______________ and ________________
The fear is that this “complex” will affect American __________________.
The Continuing Cold War
Chapter 19, section 4
Setting the Scene
2nd Red Scare
1950 - McCarthy’s List
_______________ Communists working for the US government
o Actually people who had been investigated under Truman’s _____________ _______________
Used this list to catapult himself to ________________ (he was a nobody rookie senator before this)
Uses ________________ ________________ to intimidate his opponents
Even Went after George Marshall
o “a conspiracy so immense and an infamy so black as to dwarf any previous venture in the history
of man”
1953 Reelected to the Senate
Made _______________ of the Senate Subcommittee to investigate Communist Influence in the US
Being accused by McCarthy’s committee ruins many _______________ and _________________
Many Senators were afraid to stand up to him for fear of being branded a “_________________”
(communist sympathizer)
o Margaret Chase Smith – “Declaration of Conscience”
1954 – McCarthy’s aid is drafted into the Army.
McCarthy accuses the Army of being “_______________ with Communists”
Senate Sub-Committee votes to investigate the Army, Democrats ask to televise the ________________
Americans are shocked to see McCarthy ______________ and _________________ witnesses
o McCarthy is exposed as a ____________ and loses all _____________, and the Senate
condemns him.
McCarthy accuses the Senate of being Communists
Edward R. Murrow
Journalist who tried to expose McCarthy as a fraud on his program “_______________________”
Effects of McCarthyism:
The US went through an extensive period of suppression of free speech and open debate. ***IT WAS
__________________ TO HAVE A ________________________ OPINION***
The Cold War in the 1950’s
Many policy makers in Washington wanted to “______________________” Communism
Eisenhower knew that open war with the Soviets could be __________________
o Did not aid the ___________________ (1954) ________________ (1956) or the
________________ (1956) in uprisings against the Soviets
Ends the war in Korea
Aid to France who is trying to hold on to on of their colonies, _______________________________
Middle East
Creation of _______________ and Palestine in _______ are a major cause of tension in the Middle East
Eisenhower struggles to keep _________________ nations from falling under Communist influence
Overthrow the temporary Iranian government; reinstate the ____________________ Shah of Iran
o Eisenhower Doctrine – Support any country in the Middle East that was attempting to resist the
influence of Communism
Latin America
We (CIA) overthrow the _________________ Government that was too radical for our tastes
We invade Nicaragua and Honduras to help “____________” two unpopular (but pro-American) leaders
Arms Race
1953 – We test our first __________________ bomb
1954 – Soviets test their first thermonuclear bomb
1954 – We test 19 thermonuclear bombs
The US government believes in a policy of _______________. We will become so strong, no one will
attack us
____________________ – the ability to go the very edge of open war to achieve political goals
____________________ – since we had much better planes to deliver our bombs, the Soviets began to
develop missiles
1957 – Soviets use an ICBM to launch _______________________. Americans realize that they now have the
ability to launce a missile at the US from the USSR
U2 spy plane is shot down
***Both Sputnik and the U2 incident show that we are ________________ behind the soviets in
_______________ research.***
Ch 22
JFK’s Presidency
1960 Election
 __________________ vs. ________________ ____________
 The ______________ may have been the deciding factor. Kennedy ______________ ______________
and more ___________________ on TV
 Kennedy Wins the 1960 Election by one of the narrowest margins in American history.
 As a result, Kennedy has a weak __________________.
Domestic Policies
“New Frontier”
 Improve the ____________, assist the _____________, speed up the ____________ _____________
 JFK wants: Tax cuts, medical care for the elderly, federal education funding ____________________
 JFK wants: Housing Funding, 24th Amendment, banning poll taxes, and the Equal Pay Act
Space Program
 In response to _______________, we will attempt to put the _______________________________.
The Russians beat us at this too.
 JFK makes the long term goal of being the ________________________________________________.
Foreign policy
Bay of Pigs Invasion Berlin Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
Peace Corps
 Castro takes
seizes U.S.
____________, and
cozies up to the
 JFK learns of
____________ plan
to overthrow Castro
 Goes ahead with
plan, but not
 Invasion is a
 Makes JFK and
U.S. look
 Moscow wants division
of ____________ to be
 JFK/Khrushchev talks
 JFK bulks up the
___________ BIG
 USSR responds by
building the
___________ ________
almost overnight.
 Crisis ends with the wall
 JFK/U.S.
_____________ to the
“Ich bin ein Berliner!”
 Soviets want __________ in
Cuba b/c of Bay of Pigs
 US spy plane sees them
 JFK can _________________,
___________________, or
_______ _________
 JFK chooses to
“_______________” Cuba
 Story goes public, people are
 Soviets call back their ships
 Khrushchev sends 2 notes to
JFK, JFK responds to both,
one _________________, one
 Hotline Established
 Limited test ban Treaty
 Established by
JFK to put
in third world
Kennedy Assassination
 Kennedy was in ______________ to bolster support among Texas _______________.
 Newspapers published the ____________________ in advance, and many people lined the route
 Just after _____________________ Kennedy was hit by and assassin’s bullet (s?)
 He was pronounced dead at 1:00pm
 ___________________________________ was sworn in at 2:35 while en route to DC with Jackie
Kennedy and JFK’s body.