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Study Sheet - Exam 4 – Geology 2 – Chapters 8, 9, 14
The transfer of rock material downslope under the direct influence of gravity is
referred to as __________.
When and where is solifluction common?
An example of this mass-wasting process, which involves a flowing saturated
mass of volcanic debris, occurred in association with the eruption of Mount St.
The steepest angle that a pile of dry unconsolidated particles can sustain
before moving downslope is its angle of __________.
Which stream pattern develops on growing growing mountains such as
A debris flow composed mostly of volcanic materials is called a (an) _______.
This term is used to describe material that slides downslope as a unit along a
curved surface.
One of the primary causes of this mass wasting process is the alternate
expansion and contraction of surface material caused by freezing and thawing
or wetting and drying.
In the evolution of many landforms mass-wasting is the step that precedes
The single most important agent sculpting Earth’s surface is ______ erosion.
The area that contributes water to a stream is its __________.
The amount of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time is
termed the infiltration capacity.
The largest river in North America in terms of discharge is the ______ River.
Which one of the following rivers has the greatest average discharge?
If you were to examine the longitudinal profile of a typical river, you would
probably find that the gradient is __________.
The process by which water in the gas form (water vapor) changes to liquid
water is referred to as __________.
Which one of the following is NOT a type of drainage pattern?
Most earthquakes occur in a region known as the __________.
The source of an earthquake is called the __________.
The mechanism for earthquake generation deduced by H. F. Reid in the early
1900s is termed __________.
The absence of deep-focus earthquakes along oceanic ridges and transform
faults supports the theory of plate tectonics.
There is a close association between the distribution of earthquakes and ___.
Which type of earthquake wave travels by pushing (compressing) and pulling
(expanding) in the direction the wave is traveling?
Deep focus earthquakes are associated with ________.
Only shallow-focus earthquakes are detected in this setting.
Which of Earth’s divisions is thought to be the source of the magnetic field?
Which seismic waves travel the fastest?
Which of Earth’s major divisions is thought to be a solid, metallic sphere?
Name the hot, weak layer found in the upper mantle.
Which of Earth’s major divisions makes up over 82 percent of our planet’s
This region is composed primarily of the igneous rock basalt.
What layer is composed of the crust plus the uppermost mantle?
Which of Earth’s major divisions is the thinnest?