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OPOLE 2004
European law
Stanisław Leszek STADNICZEŃKO, The institution of Advocate
/Spokesman/ General of the European Tribunal of Justice
and Court of First Instance ............................................................................................ ... 11
Stanisław RABIEJ, Local churches after the integration of Europe ................................. ... 21
Artur MUDRECKI, The knowledge of international standards as demonstrated
by judges of family courts in Opole District................................................................... … 27
Anastazja GAJDA, The participation of Polish regions in the integration
processes ............................................................................................................................. 43
Civil law
Agnieszka GÓRA-BŁASZCZYKOWSKA, A few comments on the power of
execution and effectiveness of rulings of the court of first instance in civil
suits ............................................ .................................................................................... … 59
Hanna DUSZKA-JAK1MKO, The national jurisdiction in the international
civil proceedings - the property and the competence .................................................... … 67
Criminal law
Stanisław HOC, On assault and battery and insult of the President
of the Republic of Poland ................................................................................................... 79
Borys LEPIESZKO, The formal logic and the law: from science to the genre
of detective fiction .............................................................................................................. . 95
Tadeusz CIELECKI, A conception of crime prevention in Poland..................................... . 109
Małgorzata MARCINIAK, Jarosław MARCINIAK, The criminal law
and pauperization of society ............................................................................................. 123
Administrative law
Lidia KLAT-WERTELECKA, Elżbieta KLAT-GÓRSKA, The legal position
of the housing owners’ community in the administrative procedure ........................... . 131
Przemysław MALINOWSKI, The legal system of supervision and control over
financial management of the county against the background of the activity
of a regional accounting chamber - an outline
of the problem area ........................................................................................................... 155
History of law
Włodzimierz KACZOROWSKI, The act of coronation of Władysław IV Waza . …………. . 167
Włodzimierz KACZOROWSKI, Zbigniew SZCZERBIK, An inventory
of the village of Komorniki in Wieluń lands of the year 1789 .................................... …. 187
Ewa KOZERSKA, Pope Pius XI and the Catholic Church against
the anti-religious policy of Mexico in the years 1917-1937 ........................................ …. 207
Challenges to democracy: fighting terrorism, organized crime and drug
trafficking. An international conference, Moscow, 16-18 December, 2003
(Stanisław Hoc) ............ ..................................................................................................... …. 225
Conference (Tadeusz Cielecki) ........................................................................................... …. 229
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