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Dear Parents,
My name is Humaira Khan, I am honored to be your child’s teacher this year. I am
looking forward to working with you and your child in reaching his or her full potential. I
am sure that we will have many wonderful experiences and opportunities to learn and
grow in the days ahead.
I believe that communication is the key to a great parent-teacher relationship. I encourage
you to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. You can send me a
note, email me at or call me. I will also do my part by sending out a newsletter each week
to update you on what we have been doing in class as well as things that are coming up.
For individual concerns, I will contact you by phone, send a note home, or email you,
whichever is preferred.
Please feel free to participate in your child’s school year much as you are able. Helping
hands are always needed. Whether it is reading a story to the class, helping with field
trips or class parties, or any other participation will enrich our classroom experiences.
Because I believe communication between home and school is of utmost
importance, it is my goal to create a partnership between each home and school.
Which will assure every student’s learning, will be optimal and every family will
be involved in the educational process. We are looking forward to a quality
home/school partnership with you and your family.
I am looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year with you and your child!
Humaira Khan
Curriculum Unit Plan
Unit Title: Circulatory System
Grade Level: 5th grade
Purpose of Unit: How the body functions and the purpose of different organs.
Philosophy of Learning:
I believe that children are our future. They will be the future leaders of our country. I as
an educator believe that it is our duty to teach our children in a manner that will bring out
the very best in each child. I believe that every child is unique, and is equally
intelligent and creative. The environment in which they live and how they are nurtured
may in some cases hinder the progression of some of these children. Nevertheless, I
strongly believe that every child has the potential to succeed in life. As an educator, I will
assist my students in discovering themselves, and their unique abilities. I will teach them
to become confident thinkers, who are able to make rational decisions. As a teacher I will
teach them to respect themselves, accept and respect others, and to embrace the
differences we as individuals have. Although every classroom will be different, my goal
is to create a classroom, which is open to new ideas, and is a place where children will be
able to express themselves and explore different ways of learning. I will present
curriculum in ways that involves the interests of the children and makes learning relevant
to life. I will incorporate different themes, group projects, visuals and hands-on learning
in order to make children active learners. I will assign students different classroom roles
that will change every week, this will help them learn how to become responsible
individuals, a quality which I believe is necessary to succeed in life.
SWBAT define a
circulatory system.
SWBAT explain the
purpose of a
circulatory system.
SWBAT explain how
the circulatory system
SWBAT identify
where the circulatory
system is located.
L.OL.05.41 Identify the
general purpose of
selected animal
systems (digestive,
circulatory, respiratory,
skeletal, muscular,
nervous, excretory, and
SWBAT classify which Low
animals have a
circulatory system.
SWBAT use charts to
show how much of the
body is included in the
circulatory system.
SWBAT list the
components of a
circulatory system.
Question Map
What is
does it
does it
is it
What is the
purpose of
Do all
have a
How much of
the body is
included in the
Unit Rationale
In the previous grades students have been studying the basic needs of
living organisms and their external traits. In fifth grade we start focusing on the
following animal systems; digestive, circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular,
nervous, excretory, and reproductive. After completing this unit students will
have the basic knowledge and understand the importance of the human circulatory
Addressing both the State of Michigan Standards as well as the National
Standards, the human circulatory system unit is designed for fifth grade and will
be the focus of our science class over the next two weeks. The main purpose is to
give students a clear understanding of what the circulatory system is and how it
works. The unit includes individual, group, and hands-on activities. I chose fifth
grade because it was the highest grade that we could select.
Good instruction comes from researching. I mostly used the internet to
research for the circulatory system however; I did use some books from the
library to see what topics were covered for kids. I selected the most important
areas and focused on teaching about them. I used several different activities to
make sure students are actively involved and learning the entire class period.
When I assigned group work I made sure each member had an assigned task, this
will prevent them from just passively watching everyone else work or engage in
non-related activities.
Also having collaborative/group work helps create a community like bond
in the classroom. When students work together they learn to respect the
differences and appreciate each other for who they are. I will select the groups
depending on the activity and will not allow teasing, tattling, taunting, etc.
Every classroom is diverse to some extent. My unit does not cover
anything that I believe would offend anyone, however if a reasonable objection
arose I would make changes to include everyone. I would also accommodate and
make changes for students with disabilities depending on their need.
I selected to assess students through a question and answer worksheet
because I felt if students have to think before they write in an answer, unlike
multiple choice questions, they are better able to retain what they learned. I also
have a hands-on display that students will work on at the end of the unit. I feel
working hands-on with a project for a week is the best way to retain the
knowledge that students have been taught for the unit.
Compiling this unit was very informative to me because along the way I
relearned many facts that I had forgotten since elementary school. Also I believe
that working on the same topic over time helped me to retain more of the
information that I was putting together.
This unit will also help students build on several life skills that will be
useful in their lifetime. Individual activities encourage students to work on their
own without assistance from others. This helps them gain confidence in making
the best choices. Group activities teach students another very important skill,
which is to get along and work with others regardless of differences. Hands-on
activities will give students the confidence to produce and present their project.
Please join us as our class displays their 3D models of the human
circulatory system. Detailed schedules and RSVP forms will be sent out next
week. This will be an informative and exciting unit for everyone.
Circulatory System Pre-Assessment
Write the number of the correct definition to the given words.
1. surge of blood
2. made mostly of water
3. connects atriums to ventricles
4. force blood puts on vessels
5. carry blood to the heart
6. 2
7. tiny vessels
____How many pumps in the heart
8. stop you from bleeding to death
____blood pressure
9. delivers oxygen rich blood to every cell in
10.carry blood away from the heart
Answer Sheet
arteries 10
capillaries 7
pulse 1
plasma 2
heart 9
valve 3
How many pumps in the heart 6
blood pressure 4
platelets 8
Anchor Activity
Circulatory System
Name__________________________________ Due Date_______________________
Complete the following activities when you have "free time" during class time. All work
is to be kept in your Anchor Activity folder. Any unfinished work must be completed at
You must complete_____of the anchor activities in your Think-Tac-Toe.
Mandatory Activities______________________________________________________
Choice Activites__________________________________________________________
Draw a diagram
of the circulatory
system to the
best of our
knowledge and
label each part.
Write a
paragraph using
your own words
to explain the
Create a skit that
demonstrates the
function of the
system with
representing the
List each
component/part of
the circulatory
system and define
its function.
Measure and record your pulse three different
ways. 1 while sitting, 2 after walking in place
for 30 seconds, 3 after running in place for 30
seconds. Write a paragraph comparing the
results and why you think the results differ.
If access to the internet is available watch the
following video
Your Idea Here!
Read a book
pertaining to the
circulatory system
from the classes'
Complete a worksheet with the human
circulatory system components drawings that
can be cut out, and a human body outline. Cut
the components and glue them in the right place
on the body outline.
Direct Instruction Lesson
Title: Circulatory System
Goal: Students will define and explain the purpose of the human circulatory system.
Standard: Identify the general purpose of selected animal systems (digestive,
circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, nervous, excretory, and reproductive).
Concept: Blood circulation is required to survive.
Objectives: SWBAT define the circulatory system and its function and purpose.
Materials: Access to the internet that is connected to a projector or some other type of
large screen.
Link to video
Clock with a seconds hand.
Worksheets (attached).
Post-it easel pad
Idea for your Anticipatory Set: Have students do jumping jacks for one minute. Ask
Why are you out of breath?
What do you think happened to your body?
Why is your heart beating so fast?
Today we are going to explore the answers to these and other questions as we learn about
the circulatory system.
Concept and Purpose: Today we are going to learn about the human circulatory system,
its purpose and importance in not just helping us stay alive but also keeping the body
from overheating.
Ideas for Input: Start with the opening activity mentioned above (jumping jacks) and
ask the questions. Show and explain and diagrams of the heart and circulatory system
providing information from "notes" (see attached papers), answering student's questions
as needed. Watch the video. Have students measure and record their pulse three different
ways. 1 while sitting, 2 after walking in place for 30 seconds, 3 after running in place for
30 seconds. Discuss the different outcomes. Complete worksheets in any order suitable.
Idea for Guided Practice: Working in groups of 2-3students will draw the heart diagram
or circulatory system diagram (teacher will assign which diagram) on a Post-it easel
paper and present it to the class.
Independent Practice:
Instructional Learners
Label the parts of the
circulatory system. Briefly
describing the purpose of
each part.
Struggling Learners
Advanced Learners
Color and say names of the
circulatory parts.
Draw and label the
components of a circulatory
system. Briefly describing
the purpose of each part.
Assessment: Independent practice work (assessments attached) will be used to evaluate
student learning.
Closing: Exchange ideas about what we can do to keep our heart and circulatory system
Human Circulatory System
The human circulatory system has three main parts, the heart, the blood, and the blood
vessels. The heart is the pump that that sends blood throughout the body and the vessels
are the "roads" that bloods travels through. The heart is the main organ of the circulatory
system. Once the blood is pumped it travels through vessels called arteries that take blood
to every part of the body. As the oxygen-rich blood is traveling throughout the body the
oxygen-deprived blood is taken back to the heart where it is once again sent out with
oxygen. Oxygen is necessary in blood for cell growth and development.
The heart is an amazing muscle. It is approximately the size of our fist and is located
slightly to the left in our chest. A healthy heart beats around 100,000 times a day, 35
million times in a year and 3 billion times in a lifetime. The heart pumps on average
1,900 gallons of blood a day, equivalent to 1.3 gallons per minute. The heart has four
parts called chambers, two on each side atop each other. The top ones are known as atria
and the lower ones are ventricles. The atria fill with blood as it returns to the heart from
the body and lungs. The ventricles send blood out to the body and lungs. The atria and
ventricles work together, as the atria fill with blood it then dumps it into the ventricles.
The ventricles then squeeze, pumping blood out of the heart. While the ventricles are
squeezing, the atria refill and get ready for the next contraction.
Blood is one of the main components of the circulatory system. It is a liquid that is 90%
water. Blood travels thousands of miles through vessels right in our body. A young
person has about one gallon of blood and an adult has about 5 quarts of blood in their
body. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets.
Red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to all parts of the body and bring carbon
dioxide (waste) back to our lungs where it is removed from our body as we exhale.
White blood cells help the body fight off germs by attacking and destroying them as they
enter the body. During an infection the body produces more white blood to help break the
Platelets are blood cells that help stop bleeding from a cut or wound. To prevent bleeding
the platelets start to stick to the opening of a cut, which is actually a cut vessel. Once the
platelets gather they attract more platelets, fibers and other blood cells to help form a plug
that completely stop bleeding.
Plasma is the liquid part of the blood that carries cells and other components throughout
the body. Plasma is made in the liver and about half of the blood is plasma.
Blood Vessels
Blood vessels are flexible tubes that carry blood throughout our body. They branch out
and interconnect like a maze in order to reach all parts of the body. There are three types
of blood vessels that carry blood throughout the body, the arteries, veins and capillaries.
The arteries carry blood away from the heart and throughout the body. Aorta is the largest
artery and originates from the left ventricle of the heart. The pulmonary artery carries
blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation.
The veins carry blood back to the heart.
The capillaries are extremely thin walled vessels that connect arteries to the veins. The
capillaries are so thin (sometimes thinner than our hair) that food and waste easily passes
in and out of our blood through them.
Please watch the video now.
Diagram for teachers use.
Diagram for teacher's use.
Diagram for students to label the parts.
Label each part.
Diagram for teacher's use.
Diagram for students to label the parts.
Label each part.
Diagram for teacher's use.
Diagram for students to label the parts.
Label each part.
Answer the following questions.
What blood cell carries oxygen?____________________________________________________
What is a major function of platelets?_______________________________________________
How much blood is in our body?___________________________________________________
Explain the steps involved in the clotting process.______________________________________
White blood cells help...._________________________________________________________
What are the main components of blood?_____________________________________________
What is the purpose of plasma?____________________________________________________
Homework Assessment Answer Sheet.
Answer the following questions.
What blood cell carries oxygen?
Ans: Red blood cells
What is a major function of platelets?
Ans: Help stop bleeding from a cut or wound.
How much blood is in our body?
Ans: 4 to 5 quarts.
Explain the steps involved in the clotting process
Ans: Platelets start to stick to the opening of a cut, once the platelets gather they attract more
platelets, fibers and other blood cells to help form a plug that completely stop bleeding.
White blood cells help....
Ans: help the body fight off germs
What are the main components of blood?
Ans: Red cells, white cells, plasma, and platelets.
What is the purpose of plasma?
Ans: Carries cells and other components throughout the body
Circulatory System-Final Assessment
1. What do we call the system that takes blood round the body?
2. What is the central part of this system?
3. Describe this organ.
4. What are the basic components of a circulatory system?
5. Arteries carry blood..... _______________________________________________
6. Veins carry blood....__________________________________________________
7. Capillaries are sites of.....______________________________________________
8. What is the major component of plasma?_________________________________
9. What is in plasma other than water?______________________________________
10. What blood cell carries oxygen?_________________________________________
11. What is a major function of platelets?_____________________________________
12. What are the main differences between arteries and veins?
13. What is the main artery of the body?____________________________________
14. Why is there a need for a blood system?
15. What do the pulmonary artery and vein do?
Circulatory System-Final Assessment-Answer Sheet
What do we call the system that takes blood round the body?
Ans: Circulatory System
What is the central part of this system?
Ans: The heart
Describe this organ.
Ans: The heart has four parts called chambers, two on each side atop each other. The
top ones are known as atria and the lower ones are ventricles. The atria fill with blood
as it returns to the heart from the body and lungs. The ventricles send blood out to the
body and lungs. The atria and ventricles work together, as the atria fill with blood it
then dumps it into the ventricles. The ventricles then squeeze, pumping blood out of
the heart. While the ventricles are squeezing, the atria refill and get ready for the next
What are the basic components of a circulatory system?
Ans: Heart, blood and blood vessels.
Arteries carry blood.....
Ans: away from the heart
Veins carry blood....
Ans: from the body towards the heart
Capillaries are sites of.....
Ans: connect the arteries to veins
What is the major component of plasma?
Ans: water
What is in plasma other than water?
Ans: Contains dissolved proteins, glucose, clotting factors.
What blood cell carries oxygen?
Ans: Red blood cells.
What is a major function of platelets?
Ans: Help clot a wound or cut.
What are the main differences between arteries and veins?
Ans: arteries carry blood away from the heart while veins carry blood towards the heart
What is the main artery of the body?
Ans: Pulmonary artery.
Why is there a need for a blood system?
Ans: To help keep us alive and our body temperature balanced.
What do the pulmonary artery and vein do?
Ans: Pulmonary artery is the main artery from the heart to the body and the
pulmonary vein is the main vain from the body to the heart.
Label each part and color the picture.
Homework answer sheet
1. Aorta
2. Superior vena cava
3. Pulmonary veins
4. Right pulmonary artery
5. Right atrium
6. Right ventricular valve
7. Right ventricle
8. Inferior vena cava
9. Pulmonary trunk
10. Left pulmonary artery
11. Left atrium
12. Left ventricular valve
13. Aortic semilunar valve
14. Left ventricle
15. Aorta
Several Post-it poster sheets for students to draw their diagrams on.
Circulatory system coloring pages. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Fact monster. (2007). Retrieved from
Ford, C. (2005). The circulatory system. Retrieved from
Heart. (2011). Retrieved from
Picture of circulatory system. (2009). Retrieved from
Coloring page for struggling learners.
Color the picture and say the names.
Cooperative Learning Lesson
Goal: Students will define and explain the purpose of the human circulatory system.
Concept: Blood circulation is important to keep us alive and our body temperature
SWBAT define a circulatory system.
SWBAT explain the purpose of a circulatory system.
SWBAT explain how the circulatory system works.
SWBAT identify where the circulatory system is located.
SWBAT classify which animals have a circulatory system.
SWBAT use charts to show how much of the body is included in the circulatory
SWBAT list the components of a circulatory system.
SWBAT work together to draw and present their poster
Books with information about the circulatory system, textbooks may be used.
Diagrams of the heart, blood vessel, and circulatory system
Post-it poster paper
Clock with a second's hand
Anticipatory set?
Hook: Students will be asked the questions; what makes our heart beat? What
keeps our bodies from freezing or boiling? Students will be taught to correct
procedure to find, take and record pulse. Demonstrate and have students take
pulse for 15 sec and multiply by 4 to get pulse per minute.
Students will play a card matching game in which they will match circulatory
system words with their definitions.
1. Establishing the home team:
Interest forms will be passed out with the choices of heart, blood, and blood
vessels on each. Students can pick one that interests them the most. Forms will be
collected and the class will be divided with each group having an even number of
students studying heart, blood, and blood vessels. Each team will have the
following role to help complete the task:
 Team Captain; will lead the group in completing the project.
 Materials Manager; will bring and take back materials.
 Timekeeper; will track time to make sure project is done in the time given.
2. Team builder activity:
Students will measure and record their pulse three different ways. 1 while sitting,
2 after walking in place for 30 seconds, 3 after running in place for 30 seconds.
They will then discuss and compare the different outcomes.
3. Team task:
Each team will make a drawing of the circulatory system on a Post-it poster
paper, write brief descriptions and notes next to each component, and present their
drawings to the class.
4. Gathering information in the expert groups:
There will be three expert groups heart, blood, and blood vessels. Students will
leave home team to meet in expert groups, each group will focus on a different
component of the circulatory system. Each topic will have 4-5 questions; group
members will use the provided websites and books to gather information.
5. Returning to the home team:
Once students have gathered enough information they will return to the home
team and share what they have learned. Each team member will add their findings
to a graphic organizer. Home team will put together a drawing (including brief
descriptions and notes) of the circulatory system using Post-it poster paper and
Advise students about the importance of taking good care of our circulatory
system; not doing so can result in many kinds of mild and deadly diseases, most
of them related to the heart.
Extended activity:
Read additional books and search online for reliable information about the
circulatory system, its diseases and how to improve a person's circulatory health.
With the cooperation and participation of the parents students will create a healthy
eating and lifestyle plan that will improve circulatory health.
Home Team Folder 1
Team builder activity
In order to build your team, your job is to
measure and record your pulse three different
ways. 1 while sitting, 2 after walking in place
for 30 seconds, 3 after running in place for
30 seconds. Discuss and compare the different
Record your team's pulse results
Team Task
Make a drawing of the circulatory system on a
Post-it poster paper, write brief descriptions and
notes next to each component, and present your
drawing to the class. Poster must include the
heart, major arteries and veins, and lungs. The
more essential details you include the more
informative your poster will be for others.
Expert Group 1 Folder
Expert group 1
Directions: Answer the questions below using the resources on the following page.
What is the heart?_______________________________________________
What does a heart look like?______________________________________
How does it function?___________________________________________
What creates a heart beat?________________________________________
The Amazing Circulatory System: How Does My Heart Work? By John Burstein
The Circulatory System By Emily Green
My heart and blood By April Jordan
Why does my heart pump? By Helen Bethune
Expert Group 3 Folder
Blood Vessels
Expert group 2
Directions: Answer the questions below using the resources on the following page.
What is blood?_________________________________________________
What is blood made up of?________________________________________
What does it do in to our body?____________________________________
Why is oxygen necessary in blood?_________________________________
What does the blood returning to the heart contain?____________________
The Amazing Circulatory System: How Does My Heart Work? By John Burstein
The Circulatory System By Emily Green
My heart and blood By April Jordan
Why does my heart pump? By Helen Bethune
Expert Group 2 Folder
Expert group 3
Directions: Answer the questions below using the resources on the following page.
What are blood vessels?_________________________________________
How many different kinds of blood vessels are there?__________________
What is the purpose of blood vessels?_______________________________
What are the main blood vessels?__________________________________
The Amazing Circulatory System: How Does My Heart Work? By John Burstein
The Circulatory System By Emily Green
My heart and blood By April Jordan
Why does my heart pump? By Helen Bethune
Home Team Folder 2
Table for home teams to record and share their information
Blood Vessels
Team Task Checklist
Create (draw) a poster about the circulatory system.
Draw and label each component.
Provide brief details about each component.
Use vivid colors to show distinctions.
Present your poster to the class.
Students must also verbally provide information when presenting to class.
Home Team Evaluation
Ideas with
Listened to
in expert
equally in
the poster
Pre-Assessment matching game
Cut pieces out, mix them up and have each group match words to their definition.
Circulatory system
Transport system made up of a network of
tubes called blood vessels. It includes the
heart, blood, and blood vessels.
Upper chamber of the heart; receives
A blood vessel that carries blood to the
Throbbing caused by blood rushing into the
arteries each time the ventricles contract.
Movement of blood throughout the body.
Lower chamber of the heart; pumps blood
Part of cell that helps blood to clot or
White blood cells
These cells fight disease-causing germs
Post-it poster paper
Guided Discovery
Problem Based Learning Lesson
Goal to be addressed:
Students will use clay and other materials to make a diagram of the circulatory system on
a poster board.
Identify the general purpose of selected animal systems (digestive, circulatory,
respiratory, skeletal, muscular, nervous, excretory, and reproductive).
Learning objectives:
SWBAT to map out the circulatory system on a poster board using clay, paints and other
Diagram of the circulatory system
Poster boards
Plastic tubing
Anything students feel they need
The Amazing Circulatory System: How Does My Heart Work? By John Burstein
The Circulatory System By Emily Green
My heart and blood By April Jordan
Why does my heart pump? By Helen Bethune
Anticipatory Set:
Pre-assessment: Students will be given a sheet of paper and asked to draw the circulatory
system using appropriate colored markers to differentiate and label each part.
Student direction sheet = provided
Checklist = provided
Rubric = provided
Students will display and present their project for all the parents.
Circulatory System Project
Due Date: ______________________
Team Members: ________________________________________________________
The circulatory system is what helps us stay alive by keeping our temperature balanced
and nutrients in and waste out. Your job is to make a 2D diagram of the circulatory
system on a poster board using clay and appropriate paint colors. You need to shape all
the components and put them together in the correct positions.
Description of final project:
 2D poster board display about the circulatory system to share with the class and
 Verbal presentation of project
Time Frame
One week of time during science and
Finish what's left after school.
(teacher or volunteer must be present in
room to oversee that students are working
and not fooling around)
Poster board.
How well you presented project and
answered audience's questions.
Team work.
Circulatory System Checklist
Assignment: Create a 2D diagram of the circulatory system and present it to the
Self-Evaluation Criteria Checklist:
Individual Assignment
Did you use the websites I provided for you?
Did you use a book about the circulatory system from
the ones I selected or one you chose?
Description and organization of display project:
Title, group member names
Components are formed in the correct shape
Components are placed in the correct location and
Components are colored using appropriate colors
Components are labeled correctly
Project is large enough for audience to view without
All words are spelled correctly
Were available if audience had any question
Confidently answered questions asked by audience
Pointed to the correct component as you answered
Not Yet
Evidence = 1
Did you proofread poster for capitalization errors?
Did you proofread poster for spelling errors?
Did you proofread poster for punctuation errors?
What did you learn that was new information for you?
What were the four most important things you learned?
Grading Scale
13-15 = A
10-12 = B
7-9 = C
3-6 = D
I have assessed my project and it meets all described criteria!
(Student Signature)
Culminating Event
With all our heart we invite you to
our class exhibition about the
circulatory system. Please join us
and bring your family and brings.
Everyone knows that our heart beats. But can you explain what causes a
heartbeat? Why does our blood circulate? And what path does it take around
our body? Please join us as our students explain and share this vital
knowledge with us.
Date: Friday, June 10th at 10am
Where: Ms. Khan's classroom
RSVP: By Wednesday, June 8th
The students can't wait to share their hard work and research with you!!!
Please cut off and return lower portion to school by Wednesday, June 8th.
Student's Name
Number of Guests
Rubric for Circulatory System Project
Did not use any
of the websites
or books
the Standards
Used some
websites and
books from
Used all
websites and
books from
Used websites
and books in
addition to
Did not have a
Display project
only meets
some of the
requirements as
Display project
meets all the
requirements as
Display project
meets all the
requirements as
instructed. In
addition has
details in
None of the
Organization were in correct
location and/or
Only some of
the components
were in correct
location and/or
All of the
were in correct
location and
All of the
were in correct
position, and
Were never
available to
confidence and
never pointed
available to
question, were
sort of
confident and
pointed to
available to
questions, very
confident and
friendly, always
pointed to
available to
questions, very
confident and
friendly, always
pointed to
errors. Display
poster was not
Few spelling,
No spelling,
Project was
peer reviewed
by more than
one person, no
errors were