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CS490 – All Final Exams T/F -MCQ Solutions
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CS490 Fall 2006 Final ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Part I, True/False Questions: ................................................................................................................................. 2
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ...................................................................................................................... 2
CS490 Spring 2006 Final ................................................................................................................................. 4
Part I, True/False Questions:......................................................................................................................................... 5
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: .............................................................................................................................. 5
CS490 Fall 2007 Final ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Part I, True/False Questions : ................................................................................................................................ 7
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: .............................................................................................................................. 8
QUIZ -FALL 2006/2007 ................................................................................................................................... 10
Part I :True/False Questions. ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Part II Multiple Choice. .............................................................................................................................................. 10
CS490 Spring 2007 Final ............................................................................................................................... 11
Part I, True/False Questions:....................................................................................................................................... 11
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ............................................................................................................................ 12
CS490 Summer 2007 Final ............................................................................................................................ 14
Part I, True/False Questions:....................................................................................................................................... 14
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ............................................................................................................................ 14
CS490 Fall 2008 Final .................................................................................................................................... 18
Part I, True/False Questions:....................................................................................................................................... 18
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ............................................................................................................................ 19
CS490 Spring 2008 Final ............................................................................................................................... 21
Part I, True/False Questions:....................................................................................................................................... 21
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ............................................................................................................................ 22
CS490 Fall 2009 Final .................................................................................................................................... 24
Part I, True/False Questions :...................................................................................................................................... 24
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ............................................................................................................................ 25
CS490 Spring 2009 Final ............................................................................................................................... 27
Part I, True/False Questions:....................................................................................................................................... 27
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions: ............................................................................................................................ 28
CS490 Fall 2010 Final .................................................................................................................................... 31
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CS490 Fall 2006 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .Properties of an object are stored as rows in a table .False
2 .It is not possible to access data stored in a database using a program written in Visual Basic or COBOL. False
3 .De Morgan's Law is used to simplify complex constraints. True
4 .DBMS stores data efficiently with little wasted space. True
5 .If a table is in 1NF and does not have a composite key, then it is in 2NF. True
6 .A primary goal of a database system is to share data with multiple users. True
7 .Multiple constraints can be included in a single query .True
8 .Specifying an asterisk )*(for the association multiplicity on a class diagram indicates that the item is required.
9 .Specifying a zero )0(for the lower bound for the association multiplicity on a class diagram indicates that the item
is required False
10 .SQL does not allow you to use the same table in a subquery as is being used in the outer query (i.e., the query that
includes the subquery.) False
11 .If a table is in 3NF, it is also in 2N`F. True
12 .The primary key does not necessarily have to be unique for a given table. False
13 .A subquery uses the same syntax as a regular query. True
14 .Procedural code is often placed within forms and reports .True
15 .A View is a saved query. True
16 .If you use a GROUP BY command, you cannot see the non-aggregated data in the same query. True
17 .Including the DISTINCT operator in a query will always result it less than or equal to the number of records
retuned when the DISTINCT operator is not used .True
18 .A bad choice for a primary key for the university's student database is the student phone number. True
19 .The employee -manager association is an example of a reflexive relationship True
20 .Specifying a one (1 )for the lower bound forth association multiplicity on a class diagram indicates that the item is
required. True
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
21 .When creating a query, what is the purpose of assigning a table Alias?
A )To prevent correlated sub queries
B )The real name is not known
C )To distinguish between two instances of the same table
D )To maintain anonymity‫طلب عدم ذكر اسمه‬
22 .The database design that uses a hierarchical data structure, but incorporates multiple data entry points is
called a ______ .
A )Object oriented database
B )Hierarchical database
C )Relational database
D )Network database
23 .If there is a relationship between two tables, this indicates that ______ .
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A )the data contained in the two tables are related to each other in some way
B )the structure of the one table is inherited from the other table
C )information from both tables is always used together
D )the data from one table is inherited from the other table
24 .The fields in one table that 1i11k to the primary key in another table are called ______ .
A )metadata
B )composite key
C )dependent key
D )foreign key
25 .The purpose of an N-Ary association is ______ .
A )To deal with relationships that involves more than two tables
B )to capture a parent-child relationship
C )to represent an inheritance relationship
D )to deal with one to many relationships
26 .What is the purpose of the SQL operator IN?
A )Specifies that the sort order should be increasing
B )Used to test if one value appears in a set of values
C )Indicates which table each field can be found
D )Used in the GROUP BY statement to indicate sub-groups
27 .A table on the many side of a one to many or many to many relationship must______ .
A )Be in Third Normal Form (3NF)
B )have a composite key
C )be in domain-key normal form (DKNF)
D )be in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
28 .Which of the following is an example where an Online Transaction Processing system would not be used?
A )Clerk recording your purchases at the grocery checkout
B )Checking the current order status
C )The inventory warehouse pulling parts to till an order
D )None of the above .All of the above applications would use Online Transaction Processing.
29 .The process that stores copies of a table and stores it in several different locations at the same time is called
______ ?
A )Partitioning
B )Segmentation
C )Data mirroring
D )Replication
30 .The definition of primary and foreign key relationships are set using SQL ______ .
A )Keys
B )Assignments
C) Rules
D )Constraints
31 .Advantages of a DBMS include all but which of the following?
A )Ease of application development
B )Data Independence
C )Uniform security, privacy and integrity
D )Decentralized ‫ الالمركزية‬administration of the data
32 .What is the impact of not including a JOIN command when using multiple tables in a query?
A )The primary keys in each table are joined together
B )The query will not work -an error is generated
C )The foreign keys in each table are linked to the primary keys in the other tables
D )All records in each table are associated with all records in the other tables
33 .How does an outer join differ from an inner join?
A )Inner joins involve only one table while an outer join involves multiple tables.
B )Inner joins are processed with the irmer most command first, while the outer join processes the outer most
command first.
C )Inner joins only connects records that have matching values in each table, where as an outer join includes
records without a match in the other table
D )Inner joins connect tables within the database while outer joins forms a connect to a table outside the database
34 .A Database Cursor _______.
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A )Tracks all concurrency locks for the database
B )Defines a Select statement and allows you to loop through the set of data and execute instructions on each
C )Identities where you are in the database much like a bookmark
D )Manages the isolation level controls for the database
35 .What is the purpose of the serialization process?
A )Forces the operations within a transaction to be run in a specific, predefined sequence
B )In a two-phase commit scheme, it ensures that everyone has obtained locks on resources before committing to the
C )Allocates access time to the database to make sure it is fair
D )Forces transactions to run separately so that result consistency is maintained
36 .If indexes speed data retrieval, then why don't we index all fields in a database?
A )It would take a lot of disk space
B )The overhead of maintaining the index may outweigh the benefits derived.
C )This is actually commonly done in industry.
D )Indexing some fields would violate data integrity constraints
37 .With regards to system maintenance, what is the purpose of defining database roles?
A )Decision Support Systems will have different operational characteristics than Expert Systems
B )Simplifies the assignment of access privileges by creating logical groups with consistent access needs
C )Categorizes the purpose and administrative requirements of the database
D )Defining database roles helps in the system development process
38 .What is metadata?
A )The specifics about the DBMS (i.e., publisher, version number, copyright information, etc).
B )Operational metrics dealing with the database (i.e., number of users, average response time, number of records
accessed, etc).
C )Database information that is made available on the intenet.
D )Descriptive information about the data stored in the database
39 .The type of form that displays data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship is called a ______ .
A )Referential form
B )relational form
C )subform
D )crosstab form
40 .The most popular distributed database configuration, where users (typically using desktop computers )
request and receive data from a powerful computer is called _______ .
A )File server system
B )Terminal system
C )Client /server system
D )Local area network
As a reference, the following are the standard definitions of 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF:
 A relation is in first normal form (1NF) if and only if all attributes are atomic.(Atomic attributes are single valued,
and cannot be composite, multi-valued or nested relations.)
 A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if it is in 1NF and each non-key attribute is fully functionally dependent
on the primary key.
 A relation is in third normal form (3NF) if and only if it is in 2NF and no non-key attributes are transitively
dependent on the primary key.
 A relation is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) if and only if it is in 3NF and every determinant is a candidate
key (or K is a superkey).
47. The ultimate goal in designing a database is to get all the tables into what normal form?
A) First Normal Form
B) Boyce Codd Normal Form
C) Dependency Free Normal Form
D) Domain Key Normal Form
48. Assume you want to create a contact list, and include all your contact's phone numbers, which fall into different
categories (i.e., home/work, primary/secondary/emergency, mobile /pager/voice/fax). Not all contacts have all
categories.The following Contact table is in what normal form?
Contact (ID, Name, Hphone1, Hphone2, Hfax1, Hfax2, MobilePhone, Pager, Wphone1, Wphone2, Wfax1, Wfax2,
A) First Normal only
B) Second Normal Form only
C) First & Second Normal Form
D) First, Second & third Normal Form
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CS490 Spring 2006 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .If a table does not have a composite key, then it is in 2NF .True
2 .It is always possible to properly design a database and avoid using composite keys .False
3 .The SQL keyword DISTINCT is used to indicate that an attribute must have unique values in the original table
used in the query. False row
4 .A subtable is a just portion of a larger table. False
5 .From a Human Factors Design perspective, it is good practice for forms to provide Feedback through visual, text,
sound or a combination of media. True
6 .In procedural languages the developer specifies what is to be done and the system figures out how to do it. False
Database Managment Systems
7 .It is possible to change a method or proper1y inherited from a higher level class. True
8 .A tabular form would be appropriate for a banking application where you only want to display a single user's
record at one time .False
9 .All data triggers only activate after a value in a row is changed. False some
10 .All queries can be designed to avoid subqueries. False
11 .The relational database model is the predominant method of storing data today .True
12 .The SQL UPDATE operation changes the table structure while leaving the data intact. False
13 .In a university database, the normal multiplicity for a relationship between courses and students would be one to
many. False many
14 .The employee -manager association is an example of an inheritance relationship. False reflexive relationship
15 .WHERE is used to place a constraint on aggregated properties. False Having
16 .A View is a saved query and can be used in other queries. True
17 .A single-row form would be appropriate for a banking application where you only want to display a single user's
record at one time. True
18 .The employee -manager association is an example of a reflexive relationship. True
19 .SQL is not a procedural language. True
20 .A reflexive join means that a table is joined to itself. True
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
21 .Which of the following types of isolation levels provides the MOST protection against concurrency
22 .Procedural code can often be placed in which of the following?
A )Only in forms and reports
B )Only in the query system
C )Only in external programs
D )All of the above
23 .Which of the following is not one of the primary tasks of a query language?
A )Define the structure of the database
B )Locate and retrieve data contained in the database
C )Change and manage the information stored in the database
D )All the above are primary tasks of a query language
24 .What is the component of a DBMS that is responsible for storing, retrieving, and updating data?
A )Database engine
B )Query engine
C )Data management engine
D )Data dictionary
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25 .A SQL keyword that is commonly used to answer questions involving some reference to 'every' item in a
certain field (i.e., such a students that have taken every MIS class offered, or who has had every Accounting
faculty for at least one c1ass)?
26 .When creating a query, what is the purpose of including a column Alias?
A )To control the sort order
B )To give the query designer control over the column name
C )To maintain anonymity
D )The real name is not known
27 .The tool which assists in generating input screens is referred to as.
A )Input screen tool
B )data dictionary
C )report generator
D )forms generator
28 .What is the purpose of the SQL operator IN?
A )Specifies that the sort order should be increasing
B )Used in the GROUP BY statement to indicate sub-groups
C )Used to test if one value appears in a set of values D )Indicates which table each field can be found
Assume that you are dealing with a database dealing with a university curriculum and have created the table Schedule
to capture which instructor is teaching each course under the following business rules:
Schedule (CourseNo, Discipline, Instructor)
Business rules:
1 )CourseNo uniquely defines each course offering
2 )Faculty have a single discipline area (i.e., Finance, Marketing, or Information Systems), and only teach classes
in that area
3 )There are many faculty in each discipline
4 )Students can have more than one faculty for classes in a certain discipline (you can have different instructors for
Accounting l and Accounting 2.)
29 .Assume you want to add student registration information to the database, capturing which student is
enrolled in which course .What is the best way to incorporate this data?
A )Add another table with only two colurrms, CourseNo, StudentlD, which is then associated with the Schedule
B )Add another table with Student infonnation including all courses they are taking (i.e.,Student(ID, Name, address,
(other personal information fields), Coursel, Course2, ...,CourseN)
C )Add another table which list the CourseNo, followed by a column for each student (i.e.,CourseNo, Studentl,
Student2, , StudentN)
D )Add a column in the schedule table for each student (i.e., CourseNo, Discipline,Instructor, Studentl, Student2, ,
30 .Assume that you have a Customer table and an Order table, where Referential Integrity constraints require
that a customer record be entered before an order can be entered .Also Cascade on delete is enforced .If you
delete a Customer record, ______.
A )The Customer id in the order table will be set to null for those records which previously referred to the now deleted
B )The system will prevent you from deleting the customer until the orders placed by that customer are deleted first by
the user.
C )Orders by that customer will be deleted.
D )Nothing will happen to the order table (it will be unchanged.)
31 .Assume you are creating a database to handle the data associated with assembling PCs from components
(The PC itself is not considered a component .)What is the most appropriate special association to model the
PCS' makeup (for example, motherboard,case, power supply, hard disk drive, CD reader, monitor, ....etc ).?
A )Reflexive association
B )composition association
C )generalization association
D )n-ary association
32 .The type of form that displays data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship is called a ______.
A )Referential form
B )relational form
C )subform
D )crosstab form
33 .In some SQL systems you can create your own data types with what command?
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34 .What does a Null value represent in a database?
A )Missing data B )A negative or false value C )A text string full of spaces
D) An error, such as 'illegal value'
35 .After conceptually designing your database, the information contained in a single class would normally be
stored in a ______.
A )Field
B )property
C )table
D )database
36 .The purpose of am N-ary Association is
A )to deal with one to many relationships
C )to capture a parent-child relationship
B )to represent an inheritance relationship
D )to deal with relationships that involve more than two tables
37 .A hidden dependency exists if ______.
A )the defining and dependent columns are in the same table
B )there is no composite key defined
C )the dependency is not explicitly ‫ صراحة‬captured in a table D )there is no foreign key defined
38 .In a database context, what is a transaction?
A )Any process which either accesses or changes the contents of one or more records in a database
B )Any interaction with the database (insertion, deletion, update, creation of new tables, etc).
C )A set of changes that must all be made together
D )Any database action that involves the exchange of information between two users of the database
39 .Human factors design research has found all of the following important factors to consider when building
forms and reports EXCEPT which of the following?
A )Confirmation of deletions and changes to existing data
B )Integrated feedback in response to user actions
C )Support of multiple operating systems
D )Ability to customize form to user's preference
40 .Direct manipulation of objects is a consequence of what advancement in computer systems.
A )Increase emphasis of graphical user interfaces
B )The world wide web
C )Faster and more poweriiil processors
D )Increased connectivity through networks
CS490 Fall 2007 Final
Part I, True/False Questions :
1 .All queries can be designed to avoid subqueries .False
2 .If you use a GROUP BY command, you cannot see the non-aggregated data in the same query .True
3 .To use the SQL HAVING keyword you must also use the GROUP BY keyword. True
4 .The relational database model is the predominant ‫ الغالبة‬method of storing data today. True
5 .It is possible to use a WHERE if the query contains a GROUP BY. True
6 .Network database systems tend to be more flexible in their ability to access data than Hierarchical database
systems. True
7 .Many to Many associations create problems and should be avoided in database designs True.
8 .DBMS stores data efficiently with little wasted space. True
9 .A reflexive join means that a table is joined to itself. True
10 .A benefit of database systems is that applications outside of the DBMS can gain access to the data. True
11 .Using an IN operator is an alternative to using a group of OR clauses in a WHERE statement. True
12 .If a table is in 3NF, it is also in 2NF. True
13 .A subquery uses the same syntax as a regular query .True
14 .Including the DISTINCT operator in a query will always result it more than or equal to the number of records
returned when the DISTINCT operator is not used .False
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15 .In a university database, the normal multiplicity for a relationship between courses and students would be one
to many. False
16 .SQL does not permit a given table from being included in a query more than once. False
17 .The employee – manager association is an example of a reflexive relationship .True
18 .The solution to the problems created with a correlated subquery is to reference previously-saved data rather use
a subquery. True
19 .It is always possible to properly design a database and avoid using composite keys. False
20 .It is a good idea to wait until data is entered into the database before normalizing the tables False.
21 .A good choice for a primary key for the university's student database is the student phone number. False
22 .If a table does not have a composite key, then it is in 2NF. False
23 .Specifying a zero( 0 )for the lower bound for the association multiplicity on a class diagram indicates that the
item is required. False
24 .Database systems are traditionally designed to support the individual user( in contrast to multiple, simultaneous
users.) False
25 .The primary key must be unique for a given table. True
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .To implement a join where records in two tables are linked based on one value falling within a range of
values rather than exactly matches between the two tables, you would use a(n )________________ .
A )Outer Join
B )Equi-Join
C )Reflexive Join
D )Inequality Join
27 .The primary difference between the Relational Data Base (RDB )and Object Oriented Data Base (OODB )
models is ____________________ .
A )OODB supports multiple objects in the same database while RDB only supports a single table per database
B )RDB supports indexes, while OODB does not support indexes
C )OODB incorporates methods in with the definition of the data structure, while RDB does not
D )RDB allows the definition of the relationships between the different tables, while OODB does not allow the
relationships to be defined between objects
28 .The modern database report writer __________________ .
A )provides the tools for database designer to display information in the desired format
B )provides the tools for the database administrator to monitor and report on database use and activity
C )provide limited control over how information is displayed and reported.
D )is a career path that focuses on creating, managing and supporting the reports generated from databases
29 .Not all queries can be constructed in a single SELECT statement .They have to be built up using the results
of one query as building blocks for the larger query .What is the term used for these smaller queries that are
integrated together to build the final query?
A )Query By Example
B )Sub-Schema
C )Schema
D )Subquery
30 .How does an outer join differ from an inner join?
A )Inner joins involve only one table while an outer join involves multiple tables.
B )Inner joins only connects records that have matching values in each table, where as an outer join includes
records without a match in the other table
C )Inner joins connect tables within the database while outer joins forms a connect to a table outside the database
D )Inner joins are processed with the inner most command first, while the outer join processes the outer most
command first.
31 .The type of form that acts like a meny and directs the user to other forms and reports is called a
A )Dropdown form
B )Menu form
C )Popup form
D )Switchboard form
32 .In a university environment, what is the appropriate multiplicity for an association linking courses with
their list of pre-requisite courses? Focus on the numbers placed next to the 'Pre-requisite courses' side of the
association .
A )1*..
B )0..1
C )1..1
D )0*..
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33 .Referential Integrity Constraints are used to ________________ .
A )enforce one to many relationships
B )enforce the uniqueness of the values entered as primary keys
C )ensure that foreign keys can be entered only if the corresponding value exists in the originating table
D )ensure that values entered for a certain property (i.e., table column )are appropriate
34 .What is the benefit of using a query language rather than a natural language to get information out of a
A )Query languages are more flexible than natural language
B )There is no benefit of query languages over natural languages for getting information out of a database.
C )Query languages allow the user to pose unstructured, open ended queries
D )Query languages are more precise so there is less room for misinterpretation
35 .Which SQL command would you use to match field values to a template value (i.e., finding all customers
with a last name starting with “G”)?
36 .The ability to modify the data structure and not have to change the programs using that data is called
_____________________ .
A )data integrity
B )data dictionary
C )referential integrity
D )data independence
37 .The role of the query system is to __________________ .
A )support data integrity
B )retrieve and manipulate data
C )present the data in a user friendly format
D )provide data security
38 .What is the purpose of the SQL operator IN?
A )Specifies that the sort order should be increasing
B )Used in the GROUP BY statement to indicate sub-groups
C )Used to test if one value appears in a set of values
D )Indicates which table each field can be found
39 .The command that indicates that a transaction has successfully completed and that changes must now be
made permanent is :_________ .
40 .What is the special association that indicates that one object can be broken down into multiple special
A )generalization association
B )n-ary association
C )reflexive association
D )composition association
41 .When creating a query, what is the purpose of including a column Alias?
A )To control the sort order
B )To maintain anonymity
C )The real name is not known
D )To give the query designer control over the column name
42 .If you wanted to determine which customers have not bought anything from you in the last month, you
could do a ___________ JOIN between Sales and Customers, and then sum up all sales to each customer for the
desired time period?
43 .The purpose of an N-Ary association is _______________ .
A )To deal with one to many relationships
B )to represent an inheritance relationship
C )to capture a parent-child relationship
D )to deal with relationships that involve more than two tables
44 .Tables in third normal form (3NF )_______________ .
A )Have a composite key
B )have all non-key fields depend on nothing but the primary key
C )eliminate the possibility of a insertion anomalies
D )do not have any repeating groups
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45 .What does a Null value represent in a database?
A )Missing data
B) A negative or false value
C )A text string full of spaces
D )An error, such as 'illegal value'
46 .Assume you want to create a contact list, and include all your contact's phone numbers, which fall into
different categories (i.e., home/work, primary/secondary/emergency, mobile/pager/voice/fax .)Not all contacts
have all categories.The following Contact table is in what normal form? Contact (ID, Name, Hphone1,
Hphone2, Hfax1, Hfax2, MobilePhone, MobilePhoneCompany, Pager, Wphone1, Wphone2, Wfax1, Wfax2,
A )First Normal only
B )First, Second & third Normal Form
C )Second Normal Form only
D )First & Second Normal Form
47 .Assume that you have a Customer table and an Order table, where Referential Integrity constraints require
that a customer record be entered before an order can be entered .Also Cascade on delete is enforced .If you
delete a Customer record, ______________.
A )the system will prevent you from deleting the customer until the orders placed by that customer are deleted first by
the user.
B )nothing will happen to the order table (it will be unchanged)
C )orders by that customer will be deleted
D )the Customerid in the order table will be set to null for those records which previously referred to the now deleted
48 .if you wanted to include a signature block at the very end of a report, this would be placed in the
A )Appendix object
B )footer
C )Page footer
D )Report footer
49 .What is the special association that combines different items from multiple classes to build a new object?
A )Reflexive association
B )n-ary association
C )composition association
D )generalization association
50 .When creating a query, what is the purpose of assigning a table Alias?
A )To maintain anonymity
B )To prevent correlated sub queries
C )To distinguish between two instances of the same table
D )The real name is not known
QUIZ -FALL 2006/2007
Part I :True/False Questions .
1.The process of determining the proper tables for a database is called Organization .False
2.A primary key can point to more than one object .True
3.Surrogate key is useful when there is some uncertainty with the business key. True
4.One advantage of designing database tables carefully is to ensure data consistency .False
5.The outer join describes what should happen when values in one table do not exist in the second table. True
6.Data engine is responsible for formatting reports and preparing them for printing. False
Part II Multiple Choice .
7.A feasibility study determines whether a project is worth pursuing as it _________ .
A)Saves cost
B( Improves operations
C(Decreases programmer time D)All of the above
8.The difference between aggregation and composition (association )is ____________ .
A(Composition can exist only for one-to-many relationships
B(Composition can exist only for one-to-one relationships
C)Aggregation can exist only for one-to-one relationships
D(Aggregation can exist only for one-to-many relationships
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9.In Oracle text datatype could be _____________
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D(All of the above
10 .Joining tables using inner join statement causes
A (All rows from both joined table to appear
B (Matched rows based on the columns in the Join statement
C (Matched rows based on the columns in the Join statement plus all the rows from the table on the right
D (Matched rows based on the columns in the Join statement plus all the rows from the table on the left
11 .Assume you want to create a contact list, and include all your contact’s phone numbers, which fall into different
categories (i.e., home/work, primary/secondary/emergency, mobile/pager/voice/fax .)Not all contacts have all
categories .The following Contact table is in what normal form?
Contact( ID, Name, Hphone1, Hphone2, Hfax1, Hfax2, MobilePhone, Pager, Wphone1, Wphone2, Wfax1, Wfax2,
A (First Normal only
B(Second Normal Form only
C (First & Second Normal Form
D(First, Second & third Normal Form
12 .DeMorgan’s Law compound statements are _________________
A (Connected using AND instead of OR
B(Negated by reversing each item and swapping connectors
C(Uses Where and Having
D(None of the above
CS490 Spring 2007 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .A columnar Form presents the data in a form similar to a spreadsheet .False datasheet
2 .The UNION command combines rows of data from two tables.he basic version of the command will not
automatically eliminate duplicate rows of data. False
3 .In composition, a part can have a maximum of one whole .True
4 .All views can be used exactly like tables in any retrieval or update query. False
5 .Page headers can be defined for both reports and forms. False
6 .A table alias is a way to change table names for presentation purposes in reports only but is not essential to answer
any type of query .
7 .When two or more columns need to be matched, simply expand the ON statement by listing all column
connections and connecting the statements with an AND. True
8 .Abstract data types and sub-tables are relational features that are related to the object-oriented approach. True
9 .Indexes improve the performance for both retrieval and update queries. False
10 .A relation that has a composite primary key cannot be in 2NF. False
11 .The SQL CASE function is used to create output categories based on certain criteria .
12 .A Column alias is a way to control the naming of columns in query results. True
13 .A class will participate in a reflexive relationship using two different roles. True
14 .The ASC and DESC keywords control the sort order of SQL query results .
15 .The primary key can have any value including a null value. False
16 .A columnar Form presents a single record at a time. True
17 .Data triggers only activate after a value in a row is changed. False
18 .A form is a Modal Form if it incorporates subforms. False
19 .Normalization normally results is faster query performance .
20 .A relation that has a simple primary key (non-composite )must be in 2NF. True
21 .Hierarchical database systems are less navigational than relational database systems. False
22 .The execution of one trigger can cause a different trigger to be executed. True
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23 .A transaction always involves at least two operations on the database. False
24 .Ideally, a DBMS will guarantee the properties of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability for each
transaction, but this may be relaxed for better performance. True
25 .The most common database event types are business events, data events and user events. True
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .The _______________ controls how the user moves through the different controls using the tab key .
A )Tab order
B )Name assigned to control objects
C )Control order
D )Location on the form
27 .Which of the following statements apply to foreign keys?
A )A Foreign key cannot consist of a composite attribute
B )Foreign keys cannot have null values
C )A table may contain only a single foreign key
D )None of the above
28 .To which normal form(s )does the following Fathers relation comply? Fathers(PersonID, PersonName,
FatherID, FatherName)
A )1NF, 2NF
B )1NF
C )1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF
D )1NF, 2NF, 3NF
29 .The following query is supposed to list the animals that have sold for a price higher than the average for
animals in that Category in Sally’s Pet store database that you have studied in the course:
SELECT A1.AnimalID, A1.Name, A1.Category, SaleAnimal.SalePrice FROM Animal As A1 INNER JOIN
SaleAnimal ON A1.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID WHERE (SaleAnimal.SalePrice >
Which of the following correctly completes this query?
A( )SELECT Avg(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)FROM Animal AS A2 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal ON Animal.AnimalID =
SaleAnimal.AnimalID WHERE (Animal.Category =Animal.Category) ) );
B( )SELECT Avg(SaleAnimal.SalePrice )FROM Animal As A2 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal ON A2.AnimalID =
SaleAnimal.AnimalID WHERE (A2.Category =A1.Category) ) );
C( )SELECT Avg(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)FROM Animal INNER JOIN SaleAnimal ON Animal.AnimalID =
SaleAnimal.AnimalID WHERE (Animal.Category =Animal.Category) ) );
D( )SELECT Avg(SaleAnimal.SalePrice )FROM Animal AS A1 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal ON A1.AnimalID =
SaleAnimal.AnimalID WHERE (A2.Category =A1.Category) ) );
30 .A difference between a list box and a combo box is :
A )The user cannot select an entry from a list box (it is only for informational purposes )but can with a combo box
B )A list box can be bound to a property in a table, whereas a combo box cannot
C )A combo box allows the user to enter a value that is not in the list, which is not allowed in a list box
D )A combo box can be bound to a property in a table, whereas a list box can not
31 .According to DeMorgan's Law, the Boolean expression NOT (A AND B )is equivalent to:
32 .To which normal form(s )does the following marriage relation comply?
Marriage(BrideID, GroomID, BrideName, BrideBirthDate, GroomName, GroomBirthdate)
B )1NF
C )1NF and 2NF
D )3NF
33 .Which SQL keyword is used to eliminate duplicates in query results?
34 .Which of the following best describes a correlated subquery?
A )A select query that contains the correlation function Corr)(
B )Is a subquery that refers to data rows in the main query.
C )Is inefficient because the subquery must be re-evaluated for each row in the main query.
D )Both B and C above
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35 .The type of form that displays data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship is called a
A )Relational form
B )Crosstab form
C )Subform
D )Referential form
36 .Cascade delete in referential integrity means that:
A )If a record is deleted in the referenced relation, then all matching records in the referring table will be
deleted also
B )If a record having a foreign key is deleted, then all matching records in referenced relation are deleted also
C )A delete in the referring relation results in other deletes in the same table
D )None of the above
37 .If you want to include a page number at the bottom of each page, this would be specified in the
A )Report gutter
B )Gutter
C )Page footer
D )Page setup
38 .If a table had multiple identical records, then this table would be said to:
A )Have no primary key
B )Have no foreign key
C )Have multiple foreign keys
D )Have multiple primary keys
39 .Database application developers should maximize the time spent on which of the following activities
A )Design
B )Programming
D )Both A and C above?
40 .A table that is in ith normal form is:
A )Also in i-1 (or the next lower )normal form
C )Also in i+1 (or the next higher )normal form
B )Not necessarily in any other normal form
D )None of the above
41 .An empty triangle is used to signify which construct in a class diagram?
A )Composition
B )Reflexive association
C )Aggregation
D )Generalization
42 .A simple class diagram for a university database has only three classes :Teachers, Students and Courses.
How many binary associations will be sufficient to establish whether Teacher X is teaching Course Y to student
A )3
B )1
C )2
D )None of the above
43 .What will the following query produce if it is run against the Employee table shown?
SELECT *FROM Employee WHERE EmpCity " =Muscat "GROUP BY DepartmentID;
Employee(EmployeeID, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpCity, EmpTel, DepartmentID)
A )Will return the details of every employee is Muscat, grouped by DepartmentID
B )Will provide all details of all employees in Muscat
C )Will not run
D )Will run correctly but will return nothing
44 .Which type of query combines every row from the left table with every row from the right table and inserts
a NULL value into columns of rows that do not match?
45 .Which of the following are not SQL DDL commands?
46 .Suppose that passports could only be issued from within the country issuing the passport, and assuming
that passport numbers are not unique across countries.
To which normal form would the following passports relation comply?
Passports(Country, PassportNumber, DateOfIssue, ExpirationDate, AddressOfPlaceOfIssue)
A )1NF, 3NF
B )1NF
C )1NF, 2NF, 3NF
D )None of the above.
47 .New database application development should proceed in what order?
A )Feasibility study, Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation
B )Design, Development and Implementation
C )Feasibility study, Design and Implementation
D )Feasibility study, Design .Analysis, Development and Implementation
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48 .Which DBMS component is responsible for data storage, retrieval and update?
A )The application generator
B )The query processor
C )The security subsystem
D )The database engine
49 .Compared to the old file approach, the DBMS offers these unique advantages:
A )Access to data through application programs
B )The ability to store and retrieve data
C )Minimal data redundancy and ease of application development D )Fastest response time
50 .The type of form that acts like a menu and directs the user to other forms and reports is called a
A )Menu form
B )Switchboard form
C )Dropdown form
D )Popup form
CS490 Summer 2007 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .Procedural code is often placed within forms and reports .False
2 .The goal of the feasibility study is to determine whether a proposed project is worth pursuing .True
3 .A subquery uses the same syntax as a regular query True.
4 .UML diagrams are very similar to ER (Entity Relation) diagrams, but are superior in several ways. True
5 .Page headers are important sections for both reports and forms False .
6 .A table alias is a way to change table names for presentation purposes in reports only but is not essential to answer
any type of query. False
7 .DML is a set of commands that are used to define data. False
8 .Abstract data types and sub-tables are relational features that are related to the object-oriented approach. True
9 .The process of creating well-behaved sets of tables to efficiently store data, and minimize redundancy is called data
integrity. False
10 .A class diagram is a graph of classes connected together through relationships. True
11 .Aggregated functions are SQL functions that operate across the selected rows like Between, IN, and LIKE. False
12 .An alias is a temporary name for a table or a column, often used when you need to refer to the same table more
than once. True
13 .WHERE is a SQL clause used with the Group By statement .It restricts the output to only those groups that meet
the specified condition. False
14 .The ASC and DESC keywords control the sort order of SQL query results. True
15 .The primary key can have any value including a null value False
16 .A tabular Form presents a single record at a time .False
17 .A form that takes priority on the screen and forces the user to deal with it before continuing is known as modal
form .True
18 .The definition of inheritance in a class hierarchy means each new class inherits methods from the prior classes and
can override these definitions and assign a new method with the same name to the new class .False
19 .A function is a procedure designed to perform a specific computation. True
20 .A relation is in 3NF if and only if it is in 1NF and some keys are dependent on the primary key. False
21 .As long as you create all the indexes you need, a Hierarchical database systems will provide you with all the
answers and information you are searching for. True
22 .A relational database system can easily support many-to-many relationship between two tables .False
23 .All the changes defined in a transaction must be made together .True
24 .Long trigger chains are usually difficult to debug, might loop on themselves, and can slow down the system. True
25 .According to human factors design, the user must NOT be given control over the system and shouldn't be able to
customize it .Otherwise, the stability of the system will be lost. False
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .A sub form displays data
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A )From two tables that have a one-to-many relationship
C )Which direct the user to other forms and reports in the database
B )In single records
D )None of the answers is correct
27 .Which of the following statements apply to foreign keys?
A )A Foreign key cannot consist of a composite‫ مركب‬attribute
C )A table may contain only a single foreign key
B )Foreign keys cannot have null values
D )None of the above
28. To which normal form(s )does the following Fathers relation comply?
Fathers (PersonID, PersonName, FatherID, FatherName)
A )1NF, 2NF
B )1NF
C )1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF
D )1NF, 2NF, 3NF
29 .Which of the following queries lists racing bikes which in 2003 sold more than the average price of racing
bikes in 2002?
A )SELECT Bicycle.SerialNumber, Bicycle.ModelType, Bicycle.OrderDate, Bicycle.SalePrice,
Avg(Bicycle.SalePrice )AS AvgOfSalePrice
FROM Bicycle
WHERE (((Bicycle.ModelType"=)race )"AND ((Bicycle.OrderDate )Between #1/1/2003# And #12/31/2003# )AND
Avg(Bicycle.SalePrice> AvgOfSalePrice WHERE (((Bicycle.ModelType"=)race )"AND ((Bicycle.OrderDate )
Between #1/1/2002# And #12/31/2002#))
GROUP BY Bicycle.SalePrice
ORDER BY Bicycle.SalePrice DESC
B )SELECT Bicycle.SerialNumber, Bicycle.ModelType, Bicycle.OrderDate, Bicycle.SalePrice,
Max(Bicycle.SalePrice )AS MaxOfSalePrice
FROM Bicycle
WHERE (((Bicycle.ModelType"=)race )"AND ((Bicycle.OrderDate )Between #1/1/2002# And #12/31/2003#))
ORDER BY Bicycle.SalePrice DESC
C )SELECT Bicycle.SerialNumber, Bicycle.ModelType, Bicycle.OrderDate, Bicycle.SalePrice
FROM Bicycle
WHERE (((Bicycle.ModelType"=)race )"AND ((Bicycle.OrderDate )Between #1/1/2003# And #12/31/2003# )
AND ((Bicycle.SalePrice)>
(SELECT Avg(Bicycle.SalePrice )AS AvgOfSalePrice
FROM Bicycle
WHERE (((Bicycle.ModelType"=)race )"AND ((Bicycle.OrderDate)
Between #1/1/2002# And #12/31/2002#))
)))ORDER BY Bicycle.SalePrice DESC;
D )SELECT Bicycle.SerialNumber, Bicycle.ModelType, Bicycle.OrderDate, Bicycle.SalePrice,
Max(Bicycle.SalePrice )AS MaxOfSalePrice
FROM Bicycle
WHERE (((Bicycle.ModelType"=)race )"AND ((Bicycle.OrderDate )Between #1/1/2002# And #12/31/2003#))
GROUP BY Bicycle.SalePrice
ORDER BY Bicycle.SalePrice DESC
30 .Study the following class diagram, which of the following is/are true?
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A )Animal Purchase can only be made by a Supplier
B )Animal Purchase can only be made by a Supplier or by an Employee
C )Animal Purchase can be made by a Supplier, an Employee or by a Customer
D )There is no direct relation between a Customer and an Animal Purchase
31 .According to DeMorgan's Law, the Boolean expression NOT (A AND B )is equivalent to:
32 .To which normal form(s )does the following marriage relation comply?
Marriage(BrideID, GroomID, BrideName, BrideBirthDate, GroomName, GroomBirthdate)
B )1NF
C )1NF and 2NF
D )3NF
33 .Review the following class diagram, Which of the following in NOT true?
A )An order can contain 1 or more items but not zero
B )A customer can buy 1 or more items by placing an order
C )A customer will not exist in the DBMS if he/she has not placed an order
D )A quantity of an item available in store cannot be determined from the above
34 .What is the purpose of the serialization process?
A )Forces transactions to run separately so that result consistency is maintained
B )In a two-phase commit scheme, it ensures that everyone has obtained locks on resources before committing to the
C )Forces the operations within a transaction to be run in a specific, predefined sequence.
D )Allocates access time to the database to make sure it is fair
35 .The type of form that displays data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship is called a
A )Relational form
B )Crosstab form
C )Subform
D )Referential form
36 .Cascade delete in referential integrity means that:
A )If a record is deleted in the referenced relation, then all matching records in the referring table will be
deleted also
B )If a record having a foreign key is deleted, then all matching records in referenced relation are deleted also
C )A delete in the referring relation results in other deletes in the same table
D )None of the above
37 .If you want to include the date and time at the top of each printed page in a report, this would be specified
in the _____________________.
A )Report gutter
B )Gutter
C )Page header
D )Page setup
38 .It is often best to let the DBMS generate unique values
+Access :AutoNumber
+SQL Server :Identity
+Oracle :Sequences (but require additional programming)
Which of the following is true about using above schemes?
A )There are no disadvantages of using unique values
B )Numbers are not related to any business data, so the application needs to hide them
C )User has more control because he/she has to manually generate these unique values
D )B and C
39 .The definition of primary and foreign key relationships are set using SQL _________.
A )Rules
B )Keys
C )Assignments
D )Constraints
40 .The fields in one table that link to the primary key in another table are called _________:
A )metadata
B )foreign key
C )composite key
D )dependent key
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41 .A small diamond is used to signify which construct in a class diagram?
A )Composition
B )Reflexive association
C )Aggregation
D )Generalization
42 .A simple class diagram for a university database has only three classes :Teachers, Students and Courses .
How many binary associations will be sufficient to establish whether Teacher X is teaching Course Y to student
A )3
B )1
C )2
D )None of the above
43 .What will the following query produce if it is run against the Employee table shown?
SELECT *FROM Employee WHERE EmpCity " =Muscat "GROUP BY DepartmentID;
Employee(EmployeeID, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpCity, EmpTel, DepartmentID)
A )Will return the details of every employee is Muscat, grouped by DepartmentID
B )Will provide all details of all employees in Muscat
C )Will not run
D )Will run correctly but will return nothing
44 .Which type of query displays only matching rows from the two classes based on the specified attributes Null
values are not included?
45 .Which of the following are not SQL DDL commands?
46 .Review the following SQL statement
Odate DATE,
CONSTRAINT fk_OrderCustomer
A )If an Order is deleted from Order table, customer information will automatically be deleted by DBMS
B )If a customer is deleted from Customer table, Order information will automatically be deleted by DBMS
C )If the DELETE CASCADE clause was not used, You have to manually delete orders first and then the customer
D )The delete operation will fail with an error message because of the NOT NULL clause in the Order table
47 .What is the problem with the following SQL statement?
SELECT Category, Count(AnimalID )AS CountOfAnimalID
FROM Animal
GROUP BY Category
ORDER BY Count(AnimalID);
A )The above SQL statement is correct
B )The word ASC or DESC is required but missing
C )The ORDER BY clause should appear before GROUP BY clause
D )The GROUP BY clause is not required here
48 .Which DBMS component holds the definitions of all data tables?
A )The application generator
B )The query processor C )The security subsystem
D )The data dictionary
49 .Compared to the old file approach, the DBMS offers these unique advantages:
A )Access to data through application programs
B )The ability to store and retrieve data
C )Minimal data redundancy and ease of application development D )Fastest response time
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50 .The type of form that acts like a menu and directs the user to other forms and reports is called a
A )Menu form
B )Switchboard form
C )Dropdown form
D )Popup form
CS490 Fall 2008 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .The ORDER BY clause is used to sort query results based on any column or combination of columns .True
2 .The UNION operator combines two differently structured tables like Animals and Sales, or like Employees and
Products in a single table .False
3 .A Tabular Form presents several records in a single screen .True
4 .A reflexive association links a class to itself using two different roles. True
5 .Unlike the INSERT INTO Statement, the contents of VIEW will change in response to changes in the underlying
tables. True
6 .In the relational model, composite attributes, multi-valued attributes and sub-tables can all be used in normalized
relations. False
7 .The number of records returned by a query joining two tables together may exceed the number of records of the
largest of the two tables being joined. True
FROM Employee
GROUP BY DepartmentID;
is a valid SQL query False
9 .A host language allows database application developers to develop user-defined functions and procedures .True
10 .To design a database one MUST start from existing user forms and convert them into a set of tables and then
normalize the tables and finally produce the class diagram False
11 .A poorly designed Form can result in inefficient and error prone data entry .True
12 .A table alias is a way to change a column name for presentation purposes. False
13 .The data stored in the database should be organized in a user-friendly way and must match exactly the way it
appears to the user in forms and reports False
14 .A Subform is another term used to indicate a Modal Form .False
15 .To develop database applications, one must choose either SQL or a traditional language such as C ++or Java, but
not both at the same time False
16 .Business events, data events and user events can all be used in databases to trigger further actions. True
17 .Providing feedback to the database user through multiple means in a form (for example visual, text and sound )is
good practice from a human factors design perspective .True
Use the following to answer questions 18-20:
The following functional dependencies apply to a patient operations relation:
Patient-Operation (PatientID, OperationType, Surgeon, Result)
(PatientID, OperationType- )> Surgeon, Result
Surgeon -> OperationType
18 .Given the provided information, can a surgeon perform many operation types? False
19 .Can a patient undergo the same operation type with more than one surgeon? False
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20 .Can a single operation type be performed by more than one surgeon? True
21 .There can be no common elements among different subclasses in a Generalization association False
22 .A desirable feature of database technology is the ability to change the storage structures or access techniques in
response to changing requirements without having to modify existing applications True
23 .To represent an employee-supervisor situation, we can use a reflexive association to link each employee to his/her
supervisor True
24 .The query:
ON A.w =B.x AND A.y=B.z
is illegal because it will result in joining tables A and B by matching two columns. False
25 .A relation that has a simple primary key (non-composite )is not necessarily in 3NF True
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .To which normal form(s )does the following Fathers relation comply?
Fathers (PersonID, PersonName, FatherID, FatherName)
A )1NF, 2NF
B )1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF
C )1NF, 2NF, 3NF
D )1NF
27 .Which set of functional dependencies will put the following student course registration table in 3NF?
Student-Course (StudentID, Course, Teacher, Grade)
A( )StudentID, Course )Teacher, Grade Course Teacher B( )StudentID, Course )Teacher, Grade Teacher Course
C( )StudentID, Course )Teacher, Grade Teacher Grade D )None of the above
28 .Which of the following statements can be used to append one table to another?
A )ADD TABLE ......
B )ADD ROWS ......TO ...... C )APPEND TABLE ....
D )INSERT ......INTO .....
29 .Which of the following are SQL DDL commands?
C )All of the above
30 .Specifying CASCADE DELETE results in the following behavior:
A )deleting a record in a table R results in other deletes in the same table
B )all matching records in relation R which contains a foreign key are deleted if a record having a matching
primary key value in another related relation S is deleted.
C )all matching records in a relation R are deleted if a record having a matching foreign key in a another related
relation S is deleted.
D )None of the above
31 .In SQL, the CASE function is used to:
A )map the value of an expression into a set of different values
B )conditionally update the data in the tables
C )test the capitalization of letters
D )change upper case into lower case and vice versa
32 .Which SQL operation subtracts (removes )the contents of one table from another?
33 .A generalization association is represented by:
A )an open diamond
B )a line which loops back onto the same table
C )a small triangle
D )a closed diamond
34 .The type of form that display one record at a time is called a :
A )relational form
B )crosstab form
C )columnar form
D )referential form
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35 .A Table in not in third normal form (3NF )if :
A )a non-key field depends on another non-key field
C )it is in second normal form (2NF)
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B )has a composite key
D )it is in fourth normal form (4NF)
36. To which normal form(s )does the following marriage relation comply?
Marriage(BrideID, GroomID, BrideFirstName, GroomFirstName, MarriageDate)
A )1NF, 2NF and 3NF
B )2NF only
C )1NF and 2NF
D )1NF only
37 .An employee relation is said to be in third normal form when:
A )some employee data are dependent on both the employee ID and another field independently
B )the employee data are not dependent on the employee primary key
C )the employee data are dependent on a field other than the employee ID
D) the employee data are dependent only on the employee ID
38 .Which type of JOIN can show all the records in the right most table with only the matching records form
the left table?
39 .A form that mainly contains buttons that open other forms and reports is called a :
A )menu form
B )switchboard form C )dropdown form
D )popup form
40 .Which of the following types of isolation levels provides the MOST protection against concurrency
41 .Text that appears on every page of a report should be placed in the
A )footer
B )report footer
C )appendix object
D )page footer
42 .A correlated subquery is :
A )a query whose data is correlated using the correlation function Correlate)(
B )a subquery that refers to data rows in the main query.
C inefficient because calculations in the subquery must be recomputed for each entry in the main table.
D )Both B and C above
43 .Choosing an inappropriate numeric data type (i.e., byte, integer, long integer, real number, currency, etc ).
results in:
A )Inability to handle units in the metric system.
B )Incorrect table structure.
C )Update anomalies.
D )Inefficient data storage.
44 .The Unified Modeling Language (UML )is :
A )an international standard language used to write database application programs
B )an important markup language used for developing web sites
C )a general purpose set of standards to visually model various aspects of software systems and business
D )None of the above
45 .What is the main advantage of relational databases as compared to hierarchical databases?
A )Relational databases are more flexible in accessing the data
B )Relational databases incur lower overhead associated with maintaining indexes
C )Relational databases are faster than hierarchical databases
D )Relational databases provide higher capacity (holding more data)
46 .An aggregation association is represented by .
A )an open diamond
B )a line which loops back onto the same table
C )a closed diamond
D )none of the above
47 .The following query is supposed to List the Animals that have sold for the highest price among animals in
their Category:
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SELECT A1.AnimalID, A1.Name, A1.Category, SaleAnimal.SalePrice
FROM Animal As A1 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal
ON A1.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID
WHERE (SaleAnimal.SalePrice =
Which of the following correctly completes this query?
A( )SELECT Max(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)
FROM Animal INNER JOIN SaleAnimal ON Animal.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID
WHERE (Animal.Category =Animal.Category) ) );
B( )SELECT Max(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)
FROM Animal AS A1 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal
ON A1.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID WHERE (A2.Category =A1.Category) ) );
C( )SELECT Min(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)
FROM Animal AS A2 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal ON Animal.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID
WHERE (Animal.Category =Animal.Category) ) );
D( )SELECT Max(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)
FROM Animal As A2 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal
ON A2.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID
WHERE (A2.Category =A1.Category) ) );
48 .Which of the following statements apply to foreign keys?
A )A Foreign key is not unique-valued and may have duplicate values
B )A table may contain only a single foreign key
C )A foreign key cannot consist of more than one attribute
D )Foreign keys cannot have null values
49 .Assume you are creating a database to handle the data associated with employees in a company .What is the
most appropriate special association to represent the details of employees of different types (for example :
accountants, engineers, workers, ). ..?
A )Reflexive association
B )n-ary association
C )aggregation association
D )generalization association
50 .Assume you are dealing with a purchasing database involving a single table .This table contains information
on the customer, sale, and items purchased, where the sales order number is the primary key .If you remove all
orders involving a given product, you also lose all information on that product .This is an example of :
A ) A deletion anomaly
B )referential data integrity
C )a hidden dependency
D )an update anomaly
CS490 Spring 2008 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .The Object oriented database model is the most common database model in use today .False
2 .The purpose of class diagrams is to model the interrelationships between the different classes in the database .True
3 .Procedural code is often placed within forms and reports .True
4 .The inner query in a correlated nested query is evaluated only once. False
5 .It is possible to use a WHERE if the query contains a GROUP BY. True
6 .To include a title at the top of each page in a report, the required text would be placed in the page header. True
7 .A columnar Form presents a single record at a time. True
8 .All database forms should be bound to either a table or a query. False
9 .The developer can follow a specific set of procedures and rules to ensure that a table is in 1NF, 2NF and 3NF. True
10 .The relational database model is a navigational model requiring navigational commands to move from one table to
another. False
11 .A table with non-atomic values can be in 1NF. False
12 .A limitation of the UPDATE operation is that it can only change one column at the same time. False
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13 .Data triggers only activate after a value in a row is changed. False
14 .A limitation of database systems is that no application outside of the DBMS can gain access to the data. False
15 .Specifying a one (1 )for the lower bound for the association multiplicity on a class diagram indicates that the item
is required. True
16 .Using an IN operator is an alternative to using a group of OR clauses in a WHERE statement. True
17 .SQL provides visually oriented tools for developing applications. False
18 .To get subtotals for different grouped data, use the SQL GROUP BY and SUBTOTAL commands. False
19 .It is always possible to properly design a database and avoid using composite keys. False
20 .In a university database, the normal multiplicity for a relationship between courses and students would be many to
many. True
21 .In procedural languages the developer specifies what is to be done and the system figures out how to do it. False
22 .Including the DISTINCT operator in a query will always result it less than or equal to the number of records
returned when the DISTINCT operator is not used. True
23 .Database cursor is used to indicate your current position in a database. False
24 .Many to Many associations solve many problems in database designs. False
25 .There is no specific set of procedures and rules to ensure that a table is in DKNF. True
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .You would use this SQL command to remove a table and all its contents from the database schema?
27 .The Table T (A, B, C), where A -> B,C and B -> C is in
A )2NF
B )3NF
C )4NF
28 .A SQL keyword that is commonly used to answer questions involving some reference to 'every' item in a
certain field (i.e., such a students that have taken every MIS class offered, or who has had every Accounting
faculty for at least one class)?
29 .The process of defining and bundling all of the properties and functions into a class is called _________.
A )Encapsulation
B )inheritance
C )polymorphism
D )database design
30 .The term for information that describes what type of data is available in a database is _________.
A )Index data
B )data dictionary
C )metadata
D )data repository
31 .Which of the following is the most appropriate approach to automatically generate purchase order when
the inventory level drops to a predetermined level?
A )Input mask
B )Data Trigger
C )Referential Integrity constraint
D )Database Cursor
32 .Which SQL command is used to indicate how tables are to be linked together in a query?
33 .What is the SQL command to change the structural design of a table?
34 .Which component of the database management system (DBMS )most affects the performance (speed)?
A )Query Processor
B )Security Subsystem
C )Database Engine
D )Data Storage Subsystem
35 .The ability to modify the data structure and not have to change the programs using that data is called
A )Data independence
B )referential integrity C )data dictionary
36 .A hidden dependency exists if _________.
D )data integrity
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A )The defining and dependent columns are in different tables
B )there is no composite key defined
C )there is no foreign key defined
D )the dependency is not explicitly captured in a table
37 .The modern database report writer _________.
A )provides the tools for database designer to display information in the desired format
B )is a career path that focuses on creating, managing and supporting the reports generated from databases
C )provides the tools for the database administrator to monitor and report on database use and activity
D )provide limited control over how information is displayed and reported.
38 .Which SQL clause is used to specify the tables used in the query?
39 .Why is it a good idea to use special associations when drawing class diagrams?
A )Specialized tools are available to create these special associations.
B )They hide the detail concerning the database structure, making them easier to understand
C )It is necessary .It is impossible to draw some diagrams without using these special structures.
D )They convey more information about the underlying structure of the database, making them easier to
40 .What negative effect can triggers have on a database?
A )Makes it more complicated for the end user
B )Since the execution order is only defined at run time, results can be unpredictable
C )They can create security holes if not done properly
D )Cascading triggers can slow down the database
41 .Tables in second normal form (2NF )_________.
A )have a composite key
B )have all non-key fields depend on the whole primary key
C )eliminate the possibility of a insertion anomalies
D )eliminate all hidden dependencies
42 .A reflexive association is drawn using which symbol _________.
A )Small triangle at the end of a line connecting the aggregated item and multiple component items
B )small open diamond at the end of a line connecting two tables
C )small closed diamond at the end of a line connecting two tables
D )a line which loops back onto the same table
43 .Which type of join would you use to join two tables based on one value in one table falling within a range of
values from the second table rather than exact matches between the two tables?
A )Outer Join
B )Reflexive Join
C )Range Join
D )Inequality Join
44 .A table is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF )if the table is in 3NF and ________ .
A )Referential integrity is enforced
B )the table is indexed
C )no hidden dependencies exist between non-key fields and key fields
D )data integrity is enforced
45 .Which of the following best illustrates the principle of consistency as related to transactions?
A )The process by which Ann transfers money from her checking to saving account is the same as the process Bob
uses to transfers money from his checking to saving account (where each use their own account numbers)
B )Access to the account balances using an ATM is always done in the same way
C )If no money is deposited or withdrawn from a no interest account, the balance today will be the same as the balance
D )The amount of money withdrawn from a checking account equal the amount transferred to the saving
46 .One approach used by databases to handle the differences in fonts used by different languages (i.e., English,
Russian, Chinese, etc ).is the support of ______________?
B )Unicode
47 .What role does the isolation level play in serialization?
D )Perl
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A )Deals with the connectivity of transaction to transaction
B )Deals with the referential integrity constraints imposed in the database
C )Determines which data elements must be protected to insure the integrity of the process
D )None of the above
48 .Which SQL clause is used to specify the criteria for selecting records in the query?
49 .Assume you are creating a database to handle the data associated with instruction at a university .What is
the most appropriate special association to model degree requirements (for example, required number of credit
hours in general university requirements, specialty requirements, and electives)?
A )Reflexive association
C )generalization association
B )composition association
D )n-ary association
50 .A key distinction between abstract data types and subtables is that _________.
A )abstract data types aggregate multiple fields from the base table into a single column, while subtables will
keep the fields in separate columns
B )abstract data types support the use of methods while subtables do not
C )subtables support inheritance and abstract data types do not
D )abstract data types support inheritance and subtables do not
CS490 Fall 2009 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .Form design can impact data entry efficiency .True
2 .In a client /server environment, data independence causes client side applications to be essentially independent of
the database stored on the server side .True
3 .If a table does not have a composite key, then it is in 2NF .True
4 .To include a title at the top of each page in a report, the required text would be placed in the report header .False
5 .WHERE is used to place a constraint on aggregated properties .False
6 .A reflexive association links one class back to itself True
7 .If you use a GROUP BY command, you cannot see the non-aggregated data in the same query True .
8 .The employee – manager association is an example of a reflexive relationship True
9 .A class will participate in a reflexive relationship using two different roles True
10 .Data normalization minimizes data redundancy .True
11 .SQL does not allow you to use the same table in a subquery as is being used in the outer query (i.e., the query that
includes the subquery .)False
12 .SQL provides visually oriented tools for developing queries .False
13 .The data seen by the end-user should be stored in the database in exactly the same format False
14 .All queries can be designed to avoid subqueries .False
15 .From a Human Factors Design perspective, issues surrounding aesthetics ‫ علم الجمال‬involves the visual appeal of
the user form .True
16 .To build and manage databases you need to have either a data definition language, a data manipulation language,
or a general-purpose host language .False
17 .A view will always produce up-to-date results, even if the underlying data changes, but we cannot always update a
view directly. True
18 .The SQL CASE function is used to create output categories based on certain criteria. True
19 .Form design can impact user performance .True
20 .The query processor analyses the user queries and produces implementation plans for them with the help of the
data dictionary True
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21 .In procedural languages the developer specifies what is to be done and the system figures out how to do it .False
22 .A tabular form would be appropriate for a banking application where you only want to display a single user's
record at one time .False
23 .A relation that has a simple primary key (non-composite )must be in BCNF False
24 .From a Human Factors Design perspective, it is good practice for forms to provide Feedback only visually .False
25 .The Object oriented database model is the most common database model in use today. False relational database
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .In referential integrity, in order to ensure that all matching records in a referring table are deleted when
the matching record is deleted in the referenced relation, we can use:
A )Cascade Delete
B )Delete All
C )Delete-Matching
D )None of the above
27 .A hidden dependency exists if ____________________ .
A )There is no foreign key defined
B )The dependency is not explicitly captured in a table
C )There is no composite key defined
D )The defining and dependent columns are in different tables
28 .Which SQL keyword is used to eliminate duplicates in query results?
29 .What is the purpose of the SQL clause BETWEEN?
A )To modify the JOIN command
B )Impose a query constraint covering a range of values
C )Indicate that two tables have an association D )To establish the sequence of columns for a query
30 .The part of the database design process concerned with storing the data in tables in the most efficient way is
A )Defragmentation
B )Compression
C )Normalization
D )Optimisation
31 .In some SQL systems you can create your own data types with what command?
32 .When the user clicks a ______________, a pre-defined event is triggered, and some action will be
performed .
A )combo button
B )command button
C )unbound control
D )none of the above
33 .The following associations can be dealt with by relational databases:
A )One to One
B )One to Many
C )Both A and B above
D )One to One, One to Many and Many to Many
34 .What is the order of processing if both a BEFORE UPDATE row trigger and BEFORE UPDATE
table trigger are activated by the same event?
A )It is indeterminate, and will vary depending on system activity
B )Row trigger followed by table trigger
C )Table Trigger followed by Row Trigger
D )It depends on how the triggers are defined
35 .You would use this SQL command to remove a table and all its contents from the database schema?
36 .Which type of query combines every row from the left table with every row from the right table and inserts
a NULLs where appropriate?
37 .DELETE, coupled with the appropriate modifiers, is used ________________ .
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A )Only to remove rows or columns from a table
B )Remove rows or columns from a table, as well as replace specific property values with a null
C )Only to remove rows from a table
D )Only to remove columns from a table
38 .In an Orders database, what is the appropriate min-max multiplicity for an association linking Orders to
Items? Focus on the numbers placed next to the 'Orders' side of the association.
A )1*..
B )1..1
C*..* )
D )0..1
39 .What is the purpose of a SAVEPOINT in a transaction?
A )Provides a stable position in the middle of a transactions where the process and data can be 'rolled back' to
if the transaction fails mid-process
B )Tracks the progress of the transaction from start to finish
C )Provides a backup of data in the database
D )It is the location where intermediate results are stored without impacting the original data
40 .A table is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF )if ______ .
A )It is in 3NF and no hidden dependencies exist between non-key fields and key fields
B )The table is indexed using a non-key attribute
C )It is in 2NF and data integrity is enforced
D )Referential integrity is enforced
41 .What is the main strength of Relational Databases?
A )Flexibility an efficiency in accessing data
C )Are widely used
B )Do not enforce a rigid navigational structure
D )All of the above
42 .A reflexive association is drawn using which symbol __________________ .
A )A line which loops back onto the same class with a single role name
B )Small open diamond at the end of a line connecting two classes
C )Small triangle at the end of a line connecting the aggregated item and multiple component items
D )A line which loops back onto the same class with two role names
43 .When designing a form, the general term that refers to the objects you place on the form used to display
basic text and data is ___________________ .
A )Widgets
B )Input boxes or text boxes
C )Tools
D )Beans
Use the following to answer question 44:
The following functional dependencies apply to a job training table:
Training (StudentID, Training-Course, Trainer, Score)
(StudentID, Training-Course )Trainer, Score
Trainer Training-Course
44 .What is the highest normal form to which this table conforms?
A )3NF
B )1NF
C )4NF
D )2NF
45 .In a database context, what is a transaction?
A )Any process which either accesses or changes the contents of one or more records in a database
B )Any interaction with the database (insertion, deletion, update, creation of new tables, etc).
C )A set of changes that must all be made together
D )Any database action that involves the exchange of information between two users of the database
46 .Which of the following cannot be done using Triggers?
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A )Prevent actions that would violate business rules that have been defined in the database
B )Examine changes/updates to the database and ensure they conform to business rules before they are implemented
C )Execute required actions that are necessary after data has been changed/updated in the database implemented
D )All of the above can be done using triggers
47 .Which of the following are not SQL Data Definition Commands?
48 .A simple class diagram for a university database has only three classes :Teachers, Students and Courses .
How many binary associations will be sufficient to establish whether Teacher X is teaching Course Y to student
A )2
B )3
C )1
D )None of the above
49 .The following query is supposed to List the Items that have sold for a price higher than the average for
Items of the same Type:
SELECT A1.ItemID, A1.ItemName, A1.Type, SaleItem.SalePrice
FROM Items As A1 INNER JOIN SaleItem
ON A1.ItemID =SaleItem.ItemID
WHERE (SaleItem.SalePrice >
Which of the following correctly completes this query?
A( )SELECT Avg(SaleItem.SalePrice)
FROM Items AS A2 INNER JOIN SaleItem ON Items.ItemID =SaleItem.ItemID
WHERE (Items.Type =Items.Type) ) );
B( )SELECT Avg(SaleItem.SalePrice)
FROM Items As A2 INNER JOIN SaleItem
ON A2.ItemID =SaleItem.ItemID
WHERE (A2.Type =A1.Type) ) );
C( )SELECT Avg(SaleItem.SalePrice)
FROM Items INNER JOIN SaleItem ON Items.ItemID =SaleItem.ItemID
WHERE (Items.Type =Items.Type) ) );
D( )SELECT Avg(SaleItem.SalePrice)
ON A1.ItemID =SaleItem.ItemID
WHERE (A2.Type =A1.Type) ) );
50 .The data dictionary is:
A )A glossary of technical terms used in the database technology
B )A spell checker for the database
C )A description of the contents of the database
D )A language reference to locate definitions of words used in the database
CS490 Spring 2009 Final
Part I, True/False Questions:
1 .In procedural languages the developer must specify the sequence of a set of commands .True
2 .The sort order of SQL query results can be changed according to user requirements. True
3 .General purpose programming languages, such as Java and C# are still used in relational database application
development despite the invention of Structured Query Language (SQL.) True
4 .There is no way to store procedural code persistently within the database .False
5 .Unlike tables created using the INSERT INTO Statement, the output obtained by VIEWs, will always be up-to-date
in response to changes in the underlying data. True
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6 .Data triggers can only be set to activate after a change occurs in a value in a row .False
7 .Views can be used exactly like tables in any retrieval query . True
8 .When a class participates in a reflexive relationship, it should always use the same role on both ends of the
association. False
9 .The primary key can never have the null value but may be duplicated if necessary False
10 .A class should never be linked back to itself as this creates endless loops in class diagrams. False
11 .The Relations in a relational database should be designed to appeal to the end user since the user may use them
directly without forms False
12 .Normalization usually results in fewer tables in the database and therefore a simpler and better design. False
13 .Including computed attributes in database tables is always a good idea as they save computation time True
14 .If a user wishes to print a category name next to each row of output of a SQL query depending on certain
classification criteria, the CASE function can be used. True
15 .Overlapping subclasses in a class diagram result in the same object appearing in more than one subclass, and
therefore should not be allowed .False
16 .The UNION operation requires the operand tables to be union-compatible, while the INTERSECT command does
not require them to have this property .False
17 .A view cannot be used exactly like a table when there is a need to update the view .True
18 .A Row alias is a well-known mechanism to control the naming of rows in query results False
19 .In database technology, existing applications should always be re-coded in response to changes in storage
structures and/or access techniques .False
20 .Dependency information can never be accidentally lost in a table through deletion anomaly, even if the table is not
in 2NF .False
21 .Columnar forms differ form Tabular forms in the way they present the data to the user .True
22 .2NF does not necessarily require the table to have a simple primary key .True
23 .Class diagrams used in relational modeling are related to the object-oriented approach True
24 .Report headers differ from page headers in the frequency and locations in which the headers will appear in the
final report .True
Use the following to answer question 25:
The following functional dependencies apply to an assembly line relation in a factory database:
Functional Dependency 1 :Supervisor Task
Functional Dependency 2( :EmpID, Task )Supervisor, Supervisor-Evaluation
Relation :Employee-Task( EmpID, Task, Supervisor, Supervisor-Evaluation)
25 .An employee can be assigned to the same task under many supervisors .False
Part II, Multiple Choice Questions:
26 .Which of the following statements best describes a foreign key?
A )A simple, non-composite attribute
B )An attribute that is unrelated to the current table
C )A non-unique attribute linked to a primary key in another table
D )None of the above
27 .In transaction processing, the term "Atomicity "is used to means that :
A )Other transactions cannot see or access intermediate states
B )Either all of the tasks of a transaction are performed or none of them are
C )The transaction consists of many small subtransactions
D )The database remains in a consistent state before and after the transaction is executed
28 .Which of the following modeling constructs are most related conceptually, but not identical?
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A )Generalization and reflexive association
C )Composition and aggregation
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B )Aggregation and reflexive association
D )None of the above
29 .Optimistic ‫ متفائل‬locking is most appropriate when:
A )Most transactions are highly related
C )There is a large number of users
B )Most transactions are unrelated
D )There is a small number of users
30 .Which of the following best applies to feedback in human-computer interactions?
A )Helps users know when the computer has received their input
B )It speeds up system performance
C )Should be avoided because it slows down user entry of data
D )It confuses the user sometimes
31 .If there are no repeating attributes or groupings of attributes, a table is said to be:
A )In Boyce-Codd Normal Form
C )In first Normal Form
B )Un-normalized
D )Redundant
32 .SQL is mostly used in
A )Object-Oriented databases
C )C++
B )Java
D )Relational databases
33 .If you wish to allow the user to enter a value on a form or choose from a list, you should use:
A )A combo box control
C )An edit (text )box
B )A drop-down list control
D )A menu control
34 .Which of the following are characteristics of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)?
A )Is user friendly for most users
B )Limits access for users facing some physical challenge
C )Slows down professional users who can use command line interface efficiently
D )All of the above
35 .BCNF requires that:
A )The relation must be in 2NF
C )The relation must be in 1NF
B )No non-key attribute can determine part of the primary key
D )All of the above
36 .Which of the following reasons best describe the reason why the following query will not run against the
Student table shown?
SELECT *FROM Student WHERE StudentCity " =Amman "GROUP BY DepartmentID;
Student (StudentID, StudentName, StudentAddress, StudentCity, StudentTel, DepartmentID)
A )It selects attributes outside the grouping attributes
C )There is a type mismatch in the query
B )DepartmentID is not defined
D )It is syntactically incorrect
37 .According to DeMorgan's Law, the boolean expression NOT ((NOT A )OR (NOT B ))is equivalent to:
C( )A AND B)
38 .What will be the result of executing the following query
SELECT A1.AnimalID, A1.Name, A1.Category, SaleAnimal.SalePrice
FROM Animal As A1 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal
ON A1.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID
WHERE (SaleAnimal.SalePrice > (SELECT Avg(SaleAnimal.SalePrice)
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FROM Animal As A2 INNER JOIN SaleAnimal
ON A2.AnimalID =SaleAnimal.AnimalID
WHERE (A2.Category =A1.Category) ) );
A )The animals that have sold for a price higher than the average "SalePrice "of "SaleAnimals."
B )The query will not run correctly .It contains syntax errors.
C )The query will run but will produce an empty result.
D )The animals that have sold for a price higher than the average for animals in that Category.
39 .A marriage relation is said to be in third normal form when:
A )All attributes are dependent only on the bride (wife )ID
B )All attributes are dependent on a third attribute other than the groom ID or the bride ID
C )All attributes are dependent only on the groom (husband )ID
D )All attributes are dependent only on both the groom and bride IDs
40 .Which of the following best describes the need for N-ary associations?
A )They cannot be easily replaced by binary associations
B )They are essential in reducing redundancy in the tables
C )They simplify the class diagram
D )None of the above
41 .Many-to-Many associations are only permitted in high-level class diagrams because:
A )They cannot be implemented directly in a relational database
B )They cannot be translated into a pair of one to many associations
C )They complicate the class diagram
D )None of the above
42 .Which SQL keyword is used to sort the query results?
43 .Which of the following describes triggers in databases?
A )Fire automatically when the condition is satisfied
B )Contain both a condition part and an action part
C )Allow the developer to save some of the application logic in the database
D )All of the above
44 .Which of the following best describes a subform?
A )A form that displays data from two tables that have a one-to-many relationship
B )A form that displays data from two tables that have a one-to-one relationship
C )Is a subset of columns and rows in a larger form
D )A form that is smaller in size than the original from from which it is derived
45 .Which of the following best describes the LEFT OUTER JOIN?
A )Presents all data from the right side of a join and only matching data from the left side
B )Presents data from the left side of a join only and no matching records form the right
C )Presents no data from the left side of a join but presents matching records form the right
D )Presents all data from the left side of a join and matching records from the right side
46 .In which of the following situations would you definitely choose the relational database technology over the
old file system method?
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A )An airline reservation system
B )A simple home shopping list application
C )A missile guidance system which requires speed but with no need for user queries, sharing or data independence
D )A phone book application with one table containing 200 records
47 .Which of the following are SQL DDL commands?
D )All of the above
48 .A correlated subquery is inefficient because :
A )The subquery syntax is more complicated
B )The user must enter each correlated value manually
C )Calculations in the subquery must be recomputed for each entry in the main table.
D )Both B and C above
49 .To specify that all matching records in a referring relation should be deleted whenever the matching record
in the referenced relation is deleted, it is best to use:
A )Cascade delete
C )SQL delete statement
B )Host language programming code
D )None of the above
50 .Compared to the database approach, the old file system approach offers these unique advantages:
A )Simplicity and occasionally faster response time
B )Minimal data redundancy and ease of application development
C )The ability to store and retrieve data
D )Access to data through application programs and user queries
CS490 Fall 2010 Final
1. Human factors design research has found all of the following important factors to consider when building
forms and reports EXCEPT which of the following?
A )Confirmation of deletions and changes to existing data
B )Integrated feedback in response to user actions
C )Support of multiple operating systems
D )Ability to customize form to user's preference
Cascade delete in referential integrity means that:
A )If a record is deleted in the referenced relation, then all matching records in the referring table will be
deleted also
B )If a record having a foreign key is deleted, then all matching records in referenced relation are deleted also
C )A delete in the referring relation results in other deletes in the same table
D )None of the above
3. The ability to modify the data structure and not have to change the programs using that data is called
A ) data integrity
B )data dictionary
C )referential integrity
D )data independence
4. Which SQL command is used to indicate how tables are to be linked together?
A table on the many side of a one to many or many to many relationship must______ .
A )Be in Third Normal Form (3NF(
C )be in domain-key normal form (DKNF)
B )have a composite key
D )be in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
What is the impact of not including a JOIN command when using multiple tables in a query?
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A )The primary keys in each table are joined together
B )The query will not work -an error is generated
C )The foreign keys in each table are linked to the primary keys in the other tables
D )All records in each table are associated with all records in the other tables
What is the purpose of the SQL operator IN?
A )Specifies that the sort order should be increasing
B )Used to test if one value appears in a set of values
C )Indicates which table each iield can be found D )Used in the GROUP BY statement to indicate sub-groups
How does Atomicity relate to transaction integrity?
All changes should succeed of fail together
The database is viewed as an indivisible unit with regards to data integrity
The database schema is viewed as an indivisible unit with regards to data integrity
The table is viewed as an indivisible unit with regards to data integrity
9. In a university environment, what is the appropriate multiplicity for an association linking courses with
their list of pre-requisite courses? Focus on the numbers placed next to the 'Pre-requisite courses' side of
the association .
A )1*..
B )0..1
C )1..1
D )0*..
Deadlock occurs when __________.
The capacity of the database has been reached.
Two or more processes have locks on some data and are waiting for the other's data
Users do not have sufficient access privileges to use database.
The load on the database reaches the point where everything slows down.
CS490 Spring 2010 Final
1. Which of the following specifies a 1:n association with total participation on the 1:side and optional
participation on the :n side?
A) 0..1-------0..n
B) 1..n-------0..n
C) 1..1-------n..n
D) 1..1-------0..n
2. Which of the following ordering reflects best database design and development practice (1 = most
emphasized, 3 = least emphasized)?
A) 1. Programming, 2. SQL, 3. Design
B) 1. Design, 2. SQL, 3. Programming
C) 1. SQL, 2. Programming, 3. Design
D) 1. Design, 2. Programming, 3. SQL
3. Which of the following are drawbacks of the old file system approach?
A) Uncontrolled duplication
B) Excessive program maintenance
C) Limited data sharing
D) All of the above
4. In the following client-partner assignment database schema, Each partner can be assigned many clients and
each client can be assigned many partners. What would be the most suitable new design for this database if this
condition is changed so that each partner can now only have one client?
Client(ClientID, Name, Address, BusinessType)
Partner(PartnerID, Name, Speciality, Office, Phone)
PartnerAssignment(PartnerID, ClientID, DateAcquired)
A) Client(ClientID, Name, Address, BusinessType, DateAcquired)
Partner(PartnerID, Name, Speciality, Office, Phone)
B) Client(ClientID, Name, Address, BusinessType)
Partner(PartnerID, Name, Speciality, Office, Phone)
PartnerAssignment(PartnerID, ClientID, DateAcquired)
C) Client(ClientID, Name, Address, BusinessType)
Partner(PartnerID, Name, Speciality, Office, Phone)
PartnerAssignment(PartnerID, ClientID, DateAcquired)
D) None of the above
CS490 – All Final Exams T/F -MCQ Solutions
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5. A shopping mall has three movie theaters. Each theater has 100 seats. Theater 1 is assigned seat
numbers 1-100, theater 2 from 101-200, and theater 3 from 201-300.
Tickets used have serial numbers that are unique for each theater, but not unique across theaters. To
which normal forms would the following ticket booking relation comply?
TicketsSold(TicketSerialNumber,Theater, Date, StartTime, SeatNumber)
A) 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF
B) 1NF, 3NF
C) 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
D) 1NF, 2NF
6. Which of the following is true when a known dependency is not captured by the table (hidden
A) Could result in unnecessary duplication
B) Is an issue with BCNF and 4NF
C) Could result in lost data
D) All of the above
7. What is wrong with the following query:
SELECT EmployeeID, AVG(DISTINCT salary) AS average_salary
FROM employee emp
WHERE AVG(DISTINCT salary) > 50,000
A) We cannot use the keyword DISTINCT in the AVG function
B) We cannot use the AVG function in the WHERE clause
C) There is a missing comma between “employee” and “emp” in the FROM clause
Could produce different results
D) There is a missing GROUP BY clause
8. Which of the following is not true about the SQL language
A) It can be embedded into a host language
B) It allows the user to change the contents and structure of the database
C) It allows the user to define the sequence of operations on the database precisely
D) It is the dominant relational data language today
9. Which of the following is true about the Inner Join operation
A) It results in a table that is wider than either of its operands
B) It results in a table that has more tuples than either of its operands
C) It will show all tuples of both tables
D) Its operands must have the same number and types of attributes
10. Which of the following is true about deadlocks?
A) Occurs when the computer is down
B) Cannot occur if a locking mechanism is used
C) Cannot be resolved unless the system is shut down and restarted
D) Can be resolved by applying random wait times
Best wishes :Designsecrets
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