Download At the end of this course I should be able to:

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Statistics wikipedia , lookup

History of statistics wikipedia , lookup

Probability wikipedia , lookup

At the end of this course I should be able to:
Chapter 9 Objectives : Geometry
1. State the meaning of “line” and “plane”.
2. Compute the perimeter, area, and volume of geometric figures.
3. State and apply “Pythagorean Theorem”
Financial Mathematics
4. State the meaning of the term “interest”
5. State the meaning of the term “ compounding interest”.
6. Distinguish between “ future value”, “present value”, “Payment” as financial
7. Compute “Future Value”, “Present Value”, and “Amortization”.
8. Utilize Compounded interest ( n times or continuously) to model growth.
Probability and games
9. State the meaning of “permutation” and “Combination”.
10. Use the appropriate counting principle to determine the total number of possible
outcomes of an event.
11. State the meaning of a “sample space” of an experiment. Determine the sample
12. State the meaning of the “ probability” of an event. Compute the probability of an
Applied Statistics
13. Interpret visual representation of data set.
14. Compute “measures of central tendency”.
15. Interpret the values of “measures of central tendency”.
16. Compute the measures of dispersion “Variance” and “Standard Deviation”.
17. Compute the z-score. And interpret the z-score.
18. Identify properties of the Standard Normal Distribution.
19. State and use the “Empirical Rule”.
Link to my worksheets related to movies
Chapter 9: Geometry
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Midterm Material
9.3 + Activity 1: “Cast Away”
9.4 + Mini Activity 2 “ Sherlock Holmes”
Day 6 Quiz1over 9.1, 9.3,and 9.4 (10 Multiple Choices)+ Intro to chapter 14
Chapter 14: Financial Management
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 12
Day 13
October 8th
Quiz 2 over 14.1 ( 10 Multiple Choices) + start 14.2
Quiz 3 over 14.2, 14.3 (10 Multiple Choices) + Review
Day 14 Midterm over Chapter 9 and chapter 14 (20 Multiple Choices +
5 essay Homework problems of my choice)