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Review for Supreme Court Cases
Marbury v Madison,
1803 (both)
McCulloch v Maryland,
1819 (both)
Gibbons v Ogden,
1824 (both)
Plessy v Ferguson,
1896 (both)
Korematsu v US,
1944 (both)
1954 (both)
Brown v Board of
Education Topeka, Kansas,
1961 (Civics)
Mapp v Ohio,
Engel v Vitale,
Gideon v Wainwright,
Heart of Atlanta Motel,
Inc. v US,
1962 (Civics)
1963 (Civics)
Miranda v Arizona,
1966 (Civics)
Swann v CharlotteMecklenburg Bd. Of
Tinker v Des Moines,
1969 (US)
1969 (Civics)
Supreme Court established its authority to review acts of Congress. First
time that Congress declared an act of Congress unconstitutional,
establishing the precedent of Judicial review (the power of the Supreme
Court to decide whether an action of the president or a law passed by
Congress or by state or local governments violates the Constitution.
Supreme Court case which established federal control over state
governments. A state can not tax a federal agency.
the federal government has the authority to regulate interstate
commerce; landmark case which stated that under the U.S. constitution
only congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce.
Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment extended to state as well
as federal defendants. The defendant has the right to counsel in criminal
upheld the 1942 removal of Japanese-Americans to relocation centers in
inland camps; declared within the combined war powers of Congress
Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal facilities (like schools) is
Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. The court ruled that
evidence obtained through unreasonable search and seizures must be
excluded from the trial.
ended prayer in public schools
A suspect cannot be denied the services of a lawyer.
Congress has the right to regulate interstate commerce of a private
business; private business could not prevent people based on race from
staying in their hotel.
The Supreme court ruled that before any questioning, the suspect must
be informed of his Constitutional rights. (e.g. to remain silent, to an
attorney, etc.)
Busing to obtain integration was declared legal.
armband case; constitutional rights are not shed at the schoolhouse door;
some protections for free speech are protected as long as it does not
disrupt school or interfere with other student’s rights to an education
New York Times v US,
Furman v Georgia,
Roe v Wade,
US v Nixon,
1973 (both)
1974 (both)
Gregg v Georgia,
Regents of University of
California v Bakke,
New Jersey v TLO,
1978 (both)
Bethel School District v
Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier,
1988 (Civics)
Texas v Johnson,
1989 (Civics)
dissolved an injunction against the New York Times that had restrained
publication of the Pentagon Papers.
nullified the death penalty in the US for being to capriciously applied
legalized abortion through the second trimester of pregnancy
declared the right of executive privilege could not be invoked in cases
involving criminal activity.
court rule that the death penalty does not, in all circumstances,
constitute cruel and unusual punishment, 8th and 14th amendments.
Discriminating against, whites only because of their race is
unconstitutional, affirmative action.
searching a student’s handbag is justified if there is a reasonable
grounds for suspecting the search will yield evidence that laws or school
rules are being broken.
court ruled that schools could discipline students for lewd or indecent
speech at school events and that it was not a violation of the student’s 1st
amendment rights.
court ruled that school newspaper could be censored by the principal of
a school without violating a student’s right to free speech or press.
flag burning is not illegal, 1st amendment