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NFER Aptitude Test
Sample Questions
Example: Find two words, one from each group, which are opposite in meaning. On your
answer sheet, mark two letters, one from each group.
(A. wide
B. lost
C. still)
(X. open
Y. broad
Z. narrow)
Answer: wide, narrow. (On your sheet, you would mark A and Z)
Example: Look at the numbers below. Add the odd numbers and divide the total by the smallest
A. 3
Answer: 5
B. 4
C. 5
D. 8
E. 7
(On your answer sheet you would mark C)
Example: A = 4, B = 3, C = 5, D = 1 and E = 2
Find the value of A + B – E
Answer: 5
(On your answer sheet you would mark C)
Example: Three of the five words below are connected in some way. Find the two words which are
not connected to these three words. On your answer sheet, mark the letters representing these two
A. car
B. bicycle
Answer: road, pavement
C. road
D. bus
E. pavement
(On your sheet, you would mark C and E)
Example: Find the next number in the sequence below. Mark this number on your answer sheet.
Answer: 18
(On your sheet, you would mark 18)
Example: Find the next two letters in the series and mark these letters on your answer sheet.
Answer: KB (On your sheet, you would mark K and B)
Example: Find two words, one from each group, which when joined together, will make a new
word that makes sense. You must not rearrange the letters of the words. Mark the letter for both
words on your answer sheet.
(A. spot
B. crayon
Answer: spot, less
C. dive)
(X. time Y. tie Z. less)
(On your sheet, you would mark A and Z)
Example: One letter can be moved from the first word to the second word to make two new
words which make sense. The letters must not otherwise be rearranged. On your answer sheet
mark the letter which can be moved.
Answer: p
(On your sheet, you would mark p)
Example: Read the information below and answer the question given.
Sam, Paul, Amy and Tom are friends.
Sam, Amy and Paul like football.
Paul and Tom like rugby.
Amy and Tom like swimming.
Amy and Paul like tennis.
Who likes both swimming and football? Mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.
A. Sam
B. Paul
C. Tom
D. Amy
Answer: Amy
Example: Find the letter that completes the first word and starts the second. The same letter must
be used for both words. Mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.
A. d
Answer: y
Sp (….)
(….) earn
B. l
C. a
D. y
(On your sheet, you would mark D)
Example: Look at the following pairs of words. Find the word which completes the last pair of
words in the same way as the other pairs have been formed. Mark its letter on your answer sheet.
A. top
(meet, met)
(roam, ram)
(pout, …)
B. pot
C. out
D. put
Answer: put (On your sheet, you would mark D)
Example: Look at the series of numbers below. Find the next number in the series and mark the
correct letter on your answer sheet.
A. 5
Answer: 5
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2
(On your sheet, you would mark A)
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