Download Solve -0.9 x 70 Solve then graph

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1. Solve -0.9 x < -63
Divide by -0.9 and flip it:
X > 70
2. Solve then graph 5x ≥ 10
Divide by 5:
X >= 2
0 1 2 3 4 5
[-----------3. Graph on a number line, where x is a real number
-3 < x ≤ 3
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
4. Graph the system of inequalities
y ≥ -3
5. Solve for the indicated letter
B = 2c, for c
Divide by 2:
C = B/2
6. Media Services charges $30 for a phone and $20/month for its economy plan. The equation c =
20t + 30 (CHECK THIS EQUATION, shouldn’t it be 20… I changed it for you) describes the total
cost, c, of operating a media services phone for t months. The total cost for 2 months of service
is? 2*20 + 30 = 70 If a customer has only $80 available, how many months of service can she
receive? 2 months Graph the equation c = 20t + 30
Find the slope, if it exists, of the line containing the pair of points
= -13/6
8. Solve using the multiplication principle
-7x >
Divide by -7 and flip the sign:
X < -1/105
9. Solve -14 ≤ 4x -3y ≤ -2
ARE YOU sure this has a y in it?
10. Graph the inequality on a plane
2x + 3y ≤ 6
(2, 7) and (8, -6) Simplify
11. Solve using the addition and multiplication principles 7 + 6x < 13
6x < 6
12. Solve using the multiplication principle
7x = -49
Divide by 7:
X = -7
13. Collect like terms
15x + 6y – 7x – 9y
8x - 3y
14. Trains A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 80
miles per hour and train B is traveling at 90 miles per hour. Train A passes a station at 9:25am. If
train B passes the same station at 9:55am, at what time will train B catch up to train A?
80(t+0.5) = 90t
80t + 40 = 90t
10t = 40
They will catch up at 1:55 PM.
15. Solve
8x – (2x + 6) = 6
8x – 2x – 6 = 6
6x = 12
16. Solve by the elimination method
Infinite solutions, dependent, consistent
17. Solve 0.4x + 2 ≤ 1.2x -9 Simplify
-0.8x + 2 <= -9
-0.8x <= -11
X >= 13.75
18. Solve 4> -3x + 3 or 11 ≤ -3x + 4
1 > -3x or 7 <= -3x
-1/3 < x or -7/3 >= x
19. 20% of what number is 10?
3x + 4y = 5 and 6x + 8y = 10
0.2x = 10
X = 50
20. On three consecutive passes, a football team gains 9 yards, loses 33 yards, and gains 22 yards.
What number represents the total net yardage?
9 – 33 + 22
= -2
21. Find the slope, if it exists x = -6 Simplify
No slope, vertical line
22. Solve by substitution method 9x + 5y = -8
x = 6 – 4y
X = -2, y = 2
23. Decide whether the pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular or neither 5x + 4y =10 5x + 4y = 5
Parallel (same slope)
24. In 1992, the life expectancy of males in a certain country was 73.2 years. In 1997, it was 76.6
years. Let E represent the life expectancy in year t and let t represent the number of years since
1992. The linear function E(t) that fits the data is?
= (76.6-73.2)/5
= 0.68 (does it say to round??? I’ll assume it does, but let me know)
E(t) = 0.7t + 73.2
Use the function to predict the life expectancy of males in 2007. Round to the nearest tenth.
E(15) = 83.7
25. Graph the line containing the given pair of points and find the slope (6,5), (-1, -4)
= (-4-5)/(-1-6)
= -9/-7
Slope = 9/7
Y+4 = 9/7(x+1)
Y+28/7 = 9/7 x + 9/7
Y = 9/7x – 19/7
26. Multiply and simplify is necessary
3/7 * -4
27. Find the domain of the function g(x) =
Set the bottom to 0:
1 – 7x = 0
7x = 1
X = 1/7
Domain is:
{x | x not equal 1/7}
28. Solve and simplify
11/16 x = 3/16 + x
-5/16 x = 3/16
-5x = 3
X = -3/5
29. Find the slope and the y-intercept f(x) = -10x -9
Slope = -10
Y intercept = (0,-9)
30. Translate to an algebraic expression. The product of 27% and some number.
0.27x ---- assuming that the variable is supposed to be x
31. Graph the equation y = 4
32. Determine whether (-4, -1) is a solution of 5x – 6y = -3
5*-4 – 6*-1 does not equal -3
33. Simplify -4 [55-(-65 – 73) ]
34. Graph the equation using the slope and the y-intercept y = x + 2
35. Find the domain of the function p(x) = x² - 2x + 5
All real numbers
36. Use the intercepts to graph the equation x + 2y = 4
X intercept (4,0)
Y intercept (0,2)
37. The function H described by H (x) = 2.75x + 71.48 can be used to predict the height, in
centimeters, of a woman whose humerus is x cm ling. Predict the height of a woman whose
humerus is 33 cm long.
2.75*33 + 71.48
= 162.23 cm (do you need to round this?)
38. The length of a rectangle is fixed at 25 cm. What widths will make the perimeter greater than 76
P = 2L + 2W
50 + 2W > 76
2W > 26
W > 13 cm
39. Solve using the multiplication principle
Multiply by -8/7:
X = 36/35
40. Solve the following system of equations x + 9y = 2 (1)
x = 7 – 9y (2). What is the solution of
the system?
NO solution, inconsistent, independent
41. Amy paid $56.11 for a pair of running shoes during a 25% off sale. What was the regular price?
Round to the nearest cent.
= 74.81
42. Evaluate and simplify
for a = 53 and b = 17
= 70/10
43. Soybean meal is 16% protein, cornmeal is 8% protein. How many pounds of each should be
mixed together in order to get 320 pound mixture that is 15$ protein?
Soy = x
Corn = 320-x
0.16x + 0.08(320-x) = 320*0.15
0.08x + 25.6 = 48
X = 280
280 of soy
40 of corn
44. Graph the equation and identify the y-intercept y + x = -2
Y = -x – 2
Y intercept is (0,-2)
45. Solve the system of equations by graphing. Then classify the system as consistent or inconsistent
and as dependent or independent 5x – 9y = 27
Infinite solutions, dependent, consistent
46. Find the indicated outputs for f(x) = 4x² - 2x
Please let me know what inputs…
9y – 5x = -27
47. Solve then graph y - > - 11
What is supposed to come after the y?
48. Solve by the elimination method
2r – 7s = -48
7r + 2s = 44
R = 4, s = 8
49. Use intercepts to graph the equation x + 2y = 4
Same as #36
50. Use the distributive property to help you solve the equation 4(w – 5) = -20
4w – 20 = -20
Add 20:
4w = 0
51. The equation y = -1777 x 27,153 can be used to predict the number of y of gun deaths in the US
x years after 2000, that is, x = 0 corresponds to 2000, x =2 corresponds to 2002, x = 4
corresponds to 2004, and so on. Predict the number of gun deaths in 2004 and 2009. In what
year will the number of gun deaths be 7606?
Is there a plus or minus sign in the equation?