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8th Grade DOL Notes: Week 6
1. Compound words are written as one word: background, waterfront, newspaper, whoever,
videotape, anyone, otherwise.
1. Names of ships, trains, aircraft, and automobiles are capitalized.
2. The abbreviations A.M. and P.M. are capitalized.
1. A comma goes between the day of the month and the year, between the name of a city and
state, and in setting off appositives.
Quotation Marks
1. If a quotation ends the first independent clause in a compound sentence, the semicolon
goes OUTSIDE the quotation marks.
2. Question marks and exclamations go inside quotation marks when they are punctuation
what is being said in the quotation.
1. A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses when there is no connecting
word or other punctuation.
1. Colons are used between the hour and minutes in time.
1. Hyphens are used to separate words in a compound number.
Grammar and Usage
1. Nouns that end in s, x, sh, or ch use es to make the plural.
2. Adverbs are often made from adjectives by adding an ly.
3. Subject case pronouns are I, we, you, you, he, she, it, and they.
4. When using two or more pronouns together, always place 1st person pronouns last.
5. Its shows possession (ownership). It’s means it is.
6. All sentences need subjects and verbs.
7. Run on sentences may be corrected by
a. Making two sentences.
b. Separating the independent clauses with a semi-colon.
c. Adding a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so).
d. Adding a semi-colon, a conjunctive adverb, (however, moreover, therefore,
nevertheless, besides, etc. ) and a comma.
8. The verb go is conjugated go, went, have, has, or had gone.
9. Demonstrative adjectives this, that, these, and those should not be followed with “here.”
10. Many adverbs are formed by adding ly to the adjective form of a word.