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Anatomy and Physiology 2007-2008
Group 1: a,an → erythro
Group 2: gam → noto
Group 3: oid → zyg
a, an (G)--not; without; negative: asexual, abiogenesis, atrophy
ab (L)-off; from; away: abduct
ad, af (L)-to; toward: adductor, adrenal, adhere, afferent
ana (G)-through: anaphase, anatomy, anabolic
angio (G)-vessel: angiotensin,angiogenesis
annul (L)-ring: annelida, annular
ante (L)-before; the front: anterior
anti (G)-opposite; against: antigen, antifreeze
apex (L)-the tip: apex, apical
ase (L/G)-enzyme: lactase, maltase, dehydrogenase
auto (G)-self: autonomic, autosome, autograph, automobile
bi (L)-two: bisexual, binary, biweekly, biennial, bicycle
bio (G)-life; live: biology, biogenetic, biography, biometry
blast (G)--producer; creator: chondroblast, osteoblast, blastula
brachium (L)-arm: brachial, brachiopod, brachiocephalic
capil (L)-hair: capillary
cardio (G)--heart: cardiac, cardiovascular
cata (G)-downward; inferior: catabolism, catalyst
caud (L)-tail: caudal, caudate
cecum (L)-pouch; pocket; sac: cecum
cephal (G)--head: cephalothorax, telencephalon, cephalic
cerv (L)-neck: cervix, cervical
chondr (G)-cartilage: chondroblast, chondrocyte, chondrichthian
chrom (G)--color: chromatin, chromatic, chromium, chromosome
cilio (L)--hair: cilium, ciliate, ciliophoran
cyst (G)-pocket or capsule: statocyst, trichocyst, blastocyst
cyt (G)-cell: cytology, erythrocyte, chondrocyte, osteocyte, cytoplasm
dendr (G)-tree: dendrite, dendrology
derm (G)-skin: dermis, ectoderm, hypodermic
di (G)-two, second, or double: dihybrid, dimer, diploid, diencephalon (but not dissect)
dis (L)-separating from or parting from: dissect, dismiss, discover, disaster
dorso (L)--the back: dorsal, dorsum
ect (G)-outer: ectoderm, ectoplasm
ef, ex (L)-away; from; outward: efferent, exoskeleton, excretion
end (G)-inner: endoderm, endoplasm, endopodite
enter (G)--gut; intestine: archenteron, coelenterate, enteric
epi (G)-upon; above: epithelium, epidermis, epibranchial, epimere
erythro (G)-red: erythrocyte, erythroblast
gam (G)--marriage: polygamy, gamete, gemetogenesis
gaster (G)--stomach: gastric, gastrula, gastropod, gastrin
gen, gem (L)-be born; create; produce: gene, genetics, progenitor, gemule
glossa (G)-tongue: hypoglossal, glossary, glossopharyngeal
gnath (G)--jaw. aganathan, gnathostome
heme (G)--blood: hemocoel, hematology, hemoglobin
hetero (G)-different; other: heterochromatin, heterozygous, heterosexual
hexa (G)-six: hexose, hexagon
hist (G)--tissue: histology, histogenesis, histamine, antihistamine
holo (G)--whole; entire: holoblastic, holozoic, holophytic
homo (G)--same; like; similar: homogenious; homologous; homosexual
hydro (G)-water: hydrology, dehydration, hydration, hydrogen, hydrophilic, hydroelectric
hyper (G)--over; beyond: hyperosmotic, hyperthyroidic, hyperactive
hypo (G)--under; less than: hypodermis, hypodermic, hypomere, hyposmotic
infra (L)--below. infrared, inferior, infrastructure
inter (L)--between; among: intercellular, interphase, interim
intra (L)-inside; within: intracellular, intravascular
Iso (G)--equal: isometric, isogamy, isoptera, isosmotic, isotonic
lamella (L)--Iayer; leaf: lamella, delamination
latus (L)--the side: lateral
leuc, leuk (G)--white; bright: leucocyte, leukemia
ling (L)--tongue: lingual, linguistic
log (G)--study; discourse: biology, geology, zoology
lys (G)-losing; dissolving, breaking: hydrolysis, catalysis, plasmolysis, glycolysis
macro (G)--Iarge: macromolecule, macroscopic, macroeconomics, macronucleus
maxilla (L)-jaw. maxilla, premaxillary, maxilliped,
medi (L)-middle: medial, mediate, intermedial
mega (L)-great: megakaryocyte, megawatt
meso (G)-middle: mesoderm, mesonephros, mesencephalon
meta (G)--after; beyond: metamerism, metatheria, metamorphosis
mito (G)-thread: mitosis, mitochondrion
mono (G)-one; single: monosaccharide, monocular, mononuclear leucocyte
morph (G)-form; appearance: metamorphosis, morphology, morphogenesis
myo (G)-muscle: myosin, myofibril, myotome, myocardium
nano (G)-dwarf; 1/1,000,000,000: nanobiology, nanometer
necro (G)--dead: necropsy, necrotic, necrology, necrophiliac
nema (G)--thread: nematode, nematocyst, nemathelminth
neo (G)-new. neotropical, nearctic, neolithic, neon
nephro (G)--kidney: nepric, epinephrine, pronephros
nom (L)--name: taxonomy, innominate, nomenclature
noto (G)--dorsal; back: notochord, pronotum
oid (L)-like; resembling: diploid, humanoid, anthropoid
oo (G)-egg: oocyte, oogenesis, ootid (pronounced two long o's in sequence, as in "oh, oh")
ortho (G)--straight: orthoptera, orthodox, orthodontics
ose (?)--sugar: glucose, sucrose, lactose, fructose, ribose
oss, ost (?)--bone: ossification, osteocyte, periosteum
ov (L)-egg: ovum, oviparous, oviduct
paleo (G)--old; ancient: palearctic, paleobotany, paleontology, Paleocene
para (G)--near; beside: parathryoid, parapodia, paragraph
partheno (G)--virgin: parthenogenesis
peri (G)-around: pericardium, perichondrium, perimeter
phag (G)-eat: phagocyte, phagocytosis, euphagic
phil (G)-attraction for; love for: neutrophil, philanthropy
ph or (G)-bearing, carrying, or possessing: melanophore, trichophore
photo (G)--light: photosynthesis, photophorphoryation, photograph, photon
phyll (G)-leaf: chlorophyll, phyllotaxy
phyt (G)-plant: gametophyte, sporophyte
plasma (G)-something formed; a fluid: cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, protoplasm
pleur (L)-side: splanchnopleur, somatopleur, pleurisy
ped (L)--Ieg, stock, or stem: milliped, pedicellaria, pedicle, pedestrian
penta (G)--five: pentose, pentagon, pentamer
pod (G)-leg; appendage: arthropod, endopodite, podiatry
poly (G)-many: polymer, polysaccharide, polypeptide, polymorphonuclear
post (L)-behind; after; rear: posterior, postmortem
pro, proto (G)--first, for: protein, protoplasm, proton, prophase, proponent, promote
pseudo (G)-false; fake: pseudopod, pseudocoel, pseudonym, pseudostratified
pter (G)-wing; feather: Archaeopteryx, diptera, apterium
ren (L)-kidney: renal, adrenalin, renin
rhiz (G)-root: rhizome, Rhizopus, mycorhyza, rhyzoid
sacchar (G)--sugar; sweet: monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide,
sarco (G)--muscle; flesh: sarcomere, sarcolema
scler (G)--hard: sclera, sclerotome, arteriosclerosis
semi, hemi (L)-half: semicircle, semi-annual, hemisphere
soma (G)--body: somatic, somite, chromosome
stom (G)--mouth: stomadeum, nephrostome, stomate
syn, sym (G)-together: symbiosis, syncytium, synapse, synchrony, synthesis, symphony
tax (G)-arrangement: taxon, taxonomy, ataxia
tel (G)-end; far; distant: telencephalon, telophase, telophone, telomere, television
tetra (G)-four: tetrose, tetramer
ther (G)-mammal; beast: prototherian, metatherian, eutherian
therm (G)-heat; temperature; ectothermic, heterothermic, thermometer,
thromb (G)-clot: thrombosis, thrombin, thrombocyte
tom (G)-piece; cut; section: anatomy, myotome, microtome, dermatome
tri (L)-three: triose, tripeptide, triploid, tricycle
troph (G)--food: eutrophic, stenotrophic, autotrophic, heterotrophic, trophoblast
trop (G)--to turn toward; to go to: gonadotropin, tropism
tunic (L)-a coat: tunica media, tunica interna, tunicate
ultra (L)-beyond: ultraviolet, ultracentrifuge, ultramarine, ultrasound
vas (L)--vessel: vascular, vas deferens
vlvi (L)-alive: viviparous, vivid, vivisection, vivaceous
vor (L)--eat: voracious, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore
xero (G)--dry: xerophyte, xeroscape, xerography
zo (G)--animal: zoology, protozoon, zoological garden (pronounced 2 long o's in succession)
zyg (g)--united; tied together: zygote, heterozygous, homozygous
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