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Advanced Environmental Science (College Now)
Schedule Unit 1: Ecosystems and Ecology
Chapters 1, 3, 4 & 8
Chapter 1: Environmental Problems, Their Causes and Sustainability
Sept 9 F
Reg. Red
Course Intro/Welcome
Environmental Problems
1-1 Living More Sustainably
What’s Due?
Parent Forms
13 T
Reg. Red
1-2 Population Growth
1-3 Resources
1-4 Pollution
1-5 Environmental and Resource Problems
Activity: Tragedy of the Commons
Read Ch 1
15 Th
Reg. Red
Ecological Footprint
Salinization Lab
Read Ch 1
19 M
Reg. Red
The Scientific Method
Wrap up Ch 1
Chapter 3: Science, Systems, Matter and Energy
21 W
Late Start
The nature of science
Models and behavior
Systems, inputs, and throughputs
23 F
Reg. Red
Matter, elements and compounds
Atoms, molecules and ions
Elements Poster
27 Tu
Reg. Red
Law of Conservation of Matter
29 Th
Reg. Red
Matter and Energy Laws
and Environmental Problems
Chapter 4: Ecosystems: What are They and How do They Work?
Oct. 3 M
Reg. Red
Quiz Ch 3
The Nature of Ecology
Read Ch 1
Read 3.1-3.2
HW Ch 1 Due
Read 3.3-3.4
HW Ch 1 Due
Read 3.5-3.7
Salinization Lab due
Read 3.8
Quiz Ch 3
HW Ch 3 Due
Read 4.1-4.2
5 W
Late Start
Troposphere, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere
Range of tolerance, limiting factors
Read 4.3-4.4
Food chains and webs; energy flow
Reg. Red
Trophic levels and energy flow
Primary Productivity
Soils Activity: porosity and permeability
Read 4.5
11 T
Reg. Red
Soil horizons and profiles
Hydrologic Cycle
Read 4.6
17 M
Reg. Red
Cycles of Matter:
Carbon Cycle & Nitrogen Cycle
Read 4.7
19 W
Late Start
Wrap-Up Review Ch 4
Quiz Ch 4
HW Ch 4
Chapter 8: Community Ecology
Oct 21 F
Reg. Red
8-1 Community Structure and Species Diversity
8-2 Types of Species
8-3 Competition and Predation
8-4 Parasitism, Mutualism and Commensalism
Activity: Island Biology
25 T
Reg. Red
Activity: Eating at Lower Trophic Levels
27 Th
Reg. Red
8-5 Ecological Succession
8-6 Ecological Stability, Complexity and
Unit Review
31 M
Reg. Red
Unit Test Ecology
Ch 1, 3, 4 & 8
Review session today at 7: 10 a.m.
Read 8.1-8.2
Read 8.3-8.4
Read 8.5-8.6
HW Ch 8
Quiz Ch 8
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