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The 5 Branches of Philosophy
Metaphysics – The 1st Branch
Philosophy is not Optional
 “As a human being you have no choice about the fact that you need a __________.
Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious rational
disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation or let your
subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false
generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes,
doubts and fears thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious
into a kind of “___________ philosophy” infused into a single solid weight – self
doubt - like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.”
- Ayn Rand
 Definition:______________________________________________________
 All other ________ arise from a ______________ viewpoint
A Brief Historical Overview - How philosophy has influenced history and culture
 “Practical” metaphysics
 Stated - _____ __________ ________
 One _______ independent of _______________
 Mystical metaphysics
 Stated - ___ _________
 One “______” _____ - the average human experiences
 Another “____” _______ warped & distorted by our senses - known only to
elite few
Plato & Aristotle
 2 _____________ ____________________ metaphysical views
 Ultimately 2 _______ _______ on _______
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
From an idea….a nation
2 poles in ________________
2 poles in _______________
 If you hold a certain views,……
 If you are a person who is accepting a conclusion in the absence of understanding how
the conclusion was arrived at, you are being __________ in your thinking.
 Why are chiropractors often accused of being dogmatic?
 What is a chiropractic metaphysical view of health?
 What is an allopathic (modern medicine) metaphysical view of health?
“Chiro – Metaphysics”
 _______________
 _______________
 _______________
From a health care standpoint;
The Vertebral Subluxation
 Some “scientists” have stated that the _____ is a metaphor or a fabrication
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
The Major Premise – Principle #1 (of 33)
“There is a Universal Intelligence in all matter that continually gives to it
all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence”
The Major Metaphysical Premise
 Chiropractic states that ________________ ______________ exists.
 As a corollary to that, the body is a ________-_____________ organism.
 Therefore, life and the human body is not a ___________ array of chemical and
physical interactions
In Summary - The Metaphysical View of Chiropractic
Metaphysics PartII
“The knowledge of principles or facts, can not be practiced; however, the art of
chiropractic may be practiced by one who has the knowledge of the principles which
form the science. There are two classes of chiropractors, those who desire to know all
they can of physiology, pathology, neurology, and anatomy, and those who have an
aversion for intelligence, do not want to take into consideration, depending only upon an
examination of the spinous processes”
- D.D. Palmer,
The Chiropractor’s Adjustor 1910
An Allopathic Philosophy - An Allopathic Metaphysical Premise
That which is good is that which _____________ _____________.
That which causes life to _____________ in expression or __________ is bad.
Questions or Issues to Resolve
How do we determine what these “things” are? (good vs. bad)
How do we then define “life”?
How is health defined?
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
Normal / Health Defined
Established ranges of __________ clinical parameters are _________ or
An ______________ chemical or physical agent is used to ___________ or
_____________ physiology.
The Law of _____________ is violated by this course of action
 The treating of _____________ often occurs
Proper treatment dependent on _____________ ______________
A Philosophical Catastrophe
The ________________ of ______________
 The “best of the best” - ___________________________________
 The ______ _______ or treatment______________________________
 Drug interactions
Parting Thoughts
Operational definitions
 Depression
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
“Mind Games”
Can man be ______________?
Is the truth ______________?
Does existence ____________?
Where does this lead us in regards to health care?
How Do We Know?
If ______ ______ there are 2 corollaries to address.
Something _____________ that we can _______________
We ______________ possessing _____________________
Reason & Logic
Logic - the ________________________ - integrate perceptions into concepts
Man’s ability to ________________ separates him/her from lower species
Mankind develops ________________ from perceptions of the world
 Defined: the __________ of ______________________________________
 No
The Law of Identity
concept man forms is ____________
________________ of his knowledge
If it doesn’t, ________________________________________________
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
The Health Care Context
 What ______________________ should guide us in our actions?
 Primary differences between ______________ and other ______________
Deductive Reasoning
 Stephenson – deductive science of chiropractic (Art. 8 p. xvi, Art. 12 p. xx)
 “The process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated
premise; inference by reasoning from the ______________ to the ____________”
Inductive Reasoning
Stephenson – inductive reasoning (Art. 10 p. xvii)
“A principle of reasoning to a conclusion about all the members of a class from
examination of only a few members of the class; broadly, reasoning from the
_________________ to the _______________”
“Toward a Philosophy of the Science of Chiropractic” – Dr. Joe Keating, Phd.
4 different epistemologies of chiropractic defined by Keating
___________________ – “knowledge based on unchanging theories, spiritual
inspiration, or on the personal authority of a guru”
_______________________ – “theories and methods are considered authoritative
if derived from or consistent with basic science knowledge”
_________________________ – “validation of clinical methods and theories
based on informal uncontrolled and / or unpublished personal experience and
clinical lore.”
___________________________ – “clinical knowledge and methods may be
suggested by basic science and / or private experience, but are put to the test
of experimentation and testing”
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
If we are operating simply on the basis of authority separate from:
Identification with our ________
If we’re operating simply on __________ or _______ we’re in the realm
of ________
Is basic science knowledge ______________?
Do we have the ability to know basic science “____________”
Currently limited by our technology
A knowledge of ____________________ is essential to developing sound
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
Clinical Decision Making
Based on our _______________________ we examine a patient.
We _______________________ against the background of our own clinical
experience as well as the experiences of others
We then _________ (in a variety of ways) what type of _________will result
in a favorable outcome and try it!
The _________________ of the results of thousands of these experiences
amongst thousands of doctors in daily practice is often essential to effective
Experimental Verification
 Study designs…
Money ……
Finding Balance
We must have an _____________________ of the ______ _______
We must _____________ that knowledge with our __________
We must _____________ our experiences with others
“Apparent” _____________ must be addressed and ____________ as they arise
If we as a profession do not take the ________________ to ____________ and
____________ our own _______________, someone else will….
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
A Word About “Innate”
Cluttered minds….
Innate defined: “____________”
We must consider the ____________ physiologic processes that are
____________to an organism vs. the ability to _________________
process _______________ (the _________________) and create
appropriate ______________ (the ________________)
The byproduct of educated and practiced efforts that eventually become routine.
__________ _____________
__________ _____________
__________ _____________
__________ _____________
“___________________ favors the prepared ______________”
- Louis Pasteur
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
 Defined: ___ _____ __ _______ _______
 A ________ of _________ that guide your choices and actions throughout your life
Value =
 Your moral code determines your ___________
The idea of values, where no _____________ exist no ____________ are possible.
Virtue = the _____ by which one gains and keeps ______.
Moral Codes
What do we base them on?
How can we know the difference between _________ and __________?
Contradictions must be faced.
Many embrace a destructive morality
Man is not born with an automatic code of values
_______________ will determine what _____________ you choose and
actions you take in your life
____________________ values lead to confused _____________ (or moral code)
Why do you __________ what you ____________?
Don’t check your brain at the door!
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
Think About It
“In order for nature to be commanded, it must be obeyed” – Ayn Rand
I f
you (try to) adopt a philosophical tenet to live your life by that is in
_______________ to the rules of nature, you will encounter _____________
presupposes an ________ __________ _________ (and laws of nature)
that can be understood and applied by man
Application of the journey so far
reality that is _________________ (metaphysics)
reality that is _________________ by man (epistemological)
H o w
do I ___________ in the face of this _________________ (ethics)
Taking responsibility for our actions
The implication of “___________________”
Some have adopted ___________________ moral codes in part to attempt to
prevent their obligation to this responsibility
If _____________ is ____________ and we can ____________ it and ________
upon it, then we also have the ______________ of living with the _______________
of our decisions
All ____________________ must have a basis in __________________
The Chiropractor
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
The Principled DC
The Selfless Server Ethic
Contradiction – you can’t be “______________” and make a ______________
“The service to others is enlightened self interest”
– B.J. Palmer
Do you as a chiropractor ____________ what you do?
If you don’t, _________________
Perceived value - the fair exchange
The “guilt of acquiring wealth / success”
The Consumer and The Producer
Do we have a ___________/ ______________ obligation to society in this area?
Anyone who _______________ more than they ___________ is a _______
_________________ influence
Anyone who ________________ more than they ___________ is a
We reinforce parasitic behavior by “__________ ___________
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
 ______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
 Is it possible to have a unified moral code amongst individuals?
 Can we find common ground?
 Critical branch to understand because of the ______________ ____________
_______________ that we must not only live, but __________________ in.
 To support any organization requires an _________________ of ______ _____ and
their basis
Socialism & Capitalism
The 2 primary poles
Many systems try to ____ the 2 views
 Individual Rights
 Guaranteed by the _______________________
 Life, liberty, and the __________ of happiness
 Property
Physical and intellectual
 Freedom
Anyone who has rights must be free to _________ themselves
 The job of government is to ______ ____ _____!
 No Individual Rights
 A “________________” on your life
No ______________ rights to your own life
Your life can and will be _________ for the “_______ _______” of the
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
Philosophical Comparison
 The morality of a socialist system is; ______________________
 The morality of a capitalist system is; _____________________
“Service to others is enlightened self interest”
- B.J. Palmer
 Socialism is a form of Statism
e.g. socialism, communism, fascism
The ____ _______ _____ (production, economy, etc.)
The state can have individuals “make” sacrifices for the _____ of the ______
 Capitalism / A Free Society
 Rights are _____________________
 No one should “have” to sacrifice themselves to someone else
The basic fundamental principle is that _____________________________
Political Reality
 When you __________________________ to practice Chiropractic, you accept the
____________________ of the state. You are immediately a ______________
_______________ .
Socialized Health Care
 A system that ultimately _______________________
“You can’t resolve problems with the same level of thinking that existed when the
problems were created”
– Einstein
In this country the level of thinking that created the current situation is ______
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
A potential for unique expression
Art tends to reflect the artist
In our culture, movies and TV tend to reflect the philosophy of not only the creator
and/or writer, but the society that support and produce them.
An Aesthetic Exercise
What are the views of mankind (philosophically) of these writers / directors?
Shake n’ Bake
_____________ _______________ generate confusion
Ultimately _________ is the result of a mixed ___________ _________
The Purpose Driven Chiropractor
The “fake it till you make it” principle
Projecting _______ before realizing _________
The Emperor’s New Clothes?
To be __________ and __________ you want to be, you must first __________
like you _____________________.
How you act, what you say, what you wear, etc., is all a reflection of your
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
Before you choose a technique, consider the __________________________
behind it and ________________________ whether it meshes with you and within its
proposed ___________ ______________.
The Art of Chiropractic
The art, science,
and philosophy of chiropractic is ______________________
The _____ (______) ____________ of what you do in chiropractic should be
__________ with your other _____________ ___________ that you hold as a
If you don’t understand the ___ branches of philosophy and their implication to
__________, you’re headed for ______________ and __________________
The masters of chiropractic
Consistency & Contradictions
It’s in __________________________ that the tell tale signs appear
 Do you
Do you
Do you
Are you big enough to remove the “junk”?
If you
Advertising / marketing projects “__________”
Final Words
The 5 Branches of Philosophy
___________ is the most visible manifestation of a persons ________ of _______
It takes ______ to work things through
Don’t be ______ to take _____
Ask the hard questions before someone else does
“Think, think, think” - W.T. Pooh