Download Exception to IACUC Policy - UC Office of Research Integrity

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UC IACUC Form #P-04
University of Cincinnati
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
Request for Exception to IACUC Policy/Regulations
Principal Investigator:
Protocol Number:
Mail Location:
Please check the policy you are requesting an exception to (NOTE ONLY ONE MAY BE SELECTED):
Policy #001- Non-Traditional Procurement
Policy #002- Identification and Genotyping
Policy #003- Animal Transportation
Policy #004- Use of Expired Medical Materials in Animals
Policy #005- Animal Adoption
Policy #007- Euthanasia of Rodents with CO2
Policy #008- Cage Identification
Policy #010- Anesthesia Requirement for Retro-orbital Blood Collection of Rodents
Policy #012- Policy on Housing Animals in Laboratories
Policy #012A- Requirements for Mammalian Satellite Housing
Policy #012B- Requirements for Ectothermic Satellite Housing
Policy #016A- Rodent Survival Surgery
Policy #016B- Non-Rodent USDA Regulated Animal Survival Surgery
Policy #016C- Ectotherm Survival Surgery and Frog Oocyte Collection
Policy #017- Labeling and Storage Requirements for Secondary Containers
Policy #020- Use of Analgesics
Policy #021- Specifications for Satellite Animal Procedure Areas
The Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals:
Provide scientific justification for the requested exception:
Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator’s Endorsement:
The requested policy exception is based on scientific justification necessary to conduct the studies in my
approved IACUC protocol. I will ensure all approved personnel listed on my protocol are notified of this policy
Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date:
University of Cincinnati
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
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