Introduction to "Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be"
... research visible; they think of the broadening horizons of research projects and deliver critical assessments of fieldwork while still holding the aesthetics and the regulative ideals of the Malinowskian paradigm of research—more crucial than ever to the signature identity of anthropology—centrally ...
... research visible; they think of the broadening horizons of research projects and deliver critical assessments of fieldwork while still holding the aesthetics and the regulative ideals of the Malinowskian paradigm of research—more crucial than ever to the signature identity of anthropology—centrally ...
The Historical Study of Ethnographic Fieldwork: Margaret Mead and
... time. His travels took him on pathways and past battlegrounds that elicited from his Arapesh companions stories of great alliances, rivalries, and the politics of adultery that provoked men to war. There was nothing comparable in Mead's experience that testified to this precolonial Arapesh culture ...
... time. His travels took him on pathways and past battlegrounds that elicited from his Arapesh companions stories of great alliances, rivalries, and the politics of adultery that provoked men to war. There was nothing comparable in Mead's experience that testified to this precolonial Arapesh culture ...
The Historical Study of Ethnographic Fieldwork
... particular social world they partially created in interaction with the villagers through their fieldwork strategies. Here, the primary issue is the way they set up their household and conducted their local exchange relations. The villagers had to be prevailed upon to build the anthropologists a hous ...
... particular social world they partially created in interaction with the villagers through their fieldwork strategies. Here, the primary issue is the way they set up their household and conducted their local exchange relations. The villagers had to be prevailed upon to build the anthropologists a hous ...
Ethnographic fieldwork - The Political Studies Association
... The term ‘street-level bureaucrat’ was coined by Michael Lipsky (1980: xii) and refers to teachers, police officers and social workers and any other semi-profession in face-to-face contact with clients of state services. Although the term ‘street-level bureaucrat’ was not in common currency, Kaufman ...
... The term ‘street-level bureaucrat’ was coined by Michael Lipsky (1980: xii) and refers to teachers, police officers and social workers and any other semi-profession in face-to-face contact with clients of state services. Although the term ‘street-level bureaucrat’ was not in common currency, Kaufman ...
Back to the Roots - Fabian Segelström
... and socially heterogeneous for the Malinowskian standards to apply rigidly. Anthropologists’ fields may be from the start multi-sited, each site providing one part of a mosaic, while still others’ do not have any localised physical existence at all, as for example internet communities. Thus, what ca ...
... and socially heterogeneous for the Malinowskian standards to apply rigidly. Anthropologists’ fields may be from the start multi-sited, each site providing one part of a mosaic, while still others’ do not have any localised physical existence at all, as for example internet communities. Thus, what ca ...
The Reel Living Dead: Tales of Sounds from the Archival Vaults in
... many years after they apparently disappear. I present it here in memory of Elizabeth Travassos. She was my student in ethnology at the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social at the Museu Nacional in the 1970s and wrote her Master’s dissertation on the music of Kaiabi shamans based on field ...
... many years after they apparently disappear. I present it here in memory of Elizabeth Travassos. She was my student in ethnology at the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social at the Museu Nacional in the 1970s and wrote her Master’s dissertation on the music of Kaiabi shamans based on field ...
Distincitve Qualities of Anthropology Concept of Culture
... 1. the four fields of general anthropology 2. culture as a primary concept 3. comparative method as major approach 4. holism as a primary theoretical goal 5. fieldwork as a primary research technique ...
... 1. the four fields of general anthropology 2. culture as a primary concept 3. comparative method as major approach 4. holism as a primary theoretical goal 5. fieldwork as a primary research technique ...
performing confessions: making sense afterwards of fieldwork
... would say she has an imperative to write about it in her Ph.D.—in the present tense. The present tense as a dominant writing mode re-entered some ethnographies in the 1990s when the fieldworker’s voice became more consciously louder and clearer—a postmodernist subjectivity. A series of largely femal ...
... would say she has an imperative to write about it in her Ph.D.—in the present tense. The present tense as a dominant writing mode re-entered some ethnographies in the 1990s when the fieldworker’s voice became more consciously louder and clearer—a postmodernist subjectivity. A series of largely femal ...
Bayan Nila: Pilipino Culture Nights and Student Performance at
... Ethnomusicology and Asian America Ethnomusicologists who addressed the performance of Asian Americans in the late 1980s and early 1990s explored the complicated nature of subject/object positions by dealing with the inconsistencies of traditional research models.5 These scholars faced a critical dis ...
... Ethnomusicology and Asian America Ethnomusicologists who addressed the performance of Asian Americans in the late 1980s and early 1990s explored the complicated nature of subject/object positions by dealing with the inconsistencies of traditional research models.5 These scholars faced a critical dis ...
DOC format - Experimental Collaborations
... Invoking the figure of the experiment acts as a provocation to investigate alternative epistemic practices in ethnography. Colleex intends to explore the infrastructures, spaces, forms of relationships, methods and techniques required to inject an experimental sensibility in fieldwork. Nevertheless, ...
... Invoking the figure of the experiment acts as a provocation to investigate alternative epistemic practices in ethnography. Colleex intends to explore the infrastructures, spaces, forms of relationships, methods and techniques required to inject an experimental sensibility in fieldwork. Nevertheless, ...
... pace, they could learn not to 'strike off Syllables from their Words'; later, he explains how 'by appropriating certain Sounds to certain Subjects, [they] would raise their Melody into a Kind of Natural and Expressive Language of the Passions'. 20 Dr Brown's dissertation might be viewed as a prototy ...
... pace, they could learn not to 'strike off Syllables from their Words'; later, he explains how 'by appropriating certain Sounds to certain Subjects, [they] would raise their Melody into a Kind of Natural and Expressive Language of the Passions'. 20 Dr Brown's dissertation might be viewed as a prototy ...
Discovering the Other: Study Abroad as Fieldwork
... unwritten understanding that crossing cultures is one of the most meaningful educational experiences available to college students. Likewise, the closer this process comes to cultural emersion where the student lives as a participant in the host culture, the more meaningful it is. Yet even with this ...
... unwritten understanding that crossing cultures is one of the most meaningful educational experiences available to college students. Likewise, the closer this process comes to cultural emersion where the student lives as a participant in the host culture, the more meaningful it is. Yet even with this ...
Introduction to Anthropology TEST
... for that people: the role of cloth and women's wealth. This led her to rethink many issues about the role of women in relation to the circulation of valuables among Trobriand people. Furthermore, it allowed her to reanalyse Malinowski's earlier findings, as to reveal aspects of social organisation t ...
... for that people: the role of cloth and women's wealth. This led her to rethink many issues about the role of women in relation to the circulation of valuables among Trobriand people. Furthermore, it allowed her to reanalyse Malinowski's earlier findings, as to reveal aspects of social organisation t ...
Theory and Analysis of Melody in Balinese Gamelan
... But what is it that may change? The conventional wisdom to the effect that culture is a unit and therefore its domains somehow change in tandem would suggest that music is also a unit. But we know that individual parameters of music may change -- affecting but not changing the rest. Obviously, addin ...
... But what is it that may change? The conventional wisdom to the effect that culture is a unit and therefore its domains somehow change in tandem would suggest that music is also a unit. But we know that individual parameters of music may change -- affecting but not changing the rest. Obviously, addin ...
Cultural Anthropology
... Fieldwork & Survey Methods • Anthropologists have recently blended traditional ethnographic methods with survey methods • Differences between the two: Ethnographies take a holistic view by studying complete, functioning societies, while survey research focuses on a representative sampling of a larg ...
... Fieldwork & Survey Methods • Anthropologists have recently blended traditional ethnographic methods with survey methods • Differences between the two: Ethnographies take a holistic view by studying complete, functioning societies, while survey research focuses on a representative sampling of a larg ...
Fieldwork in cultural Anthropology: Methods and Ethics
... LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Identify major ethnographic techniques & what type of information is gained from each technique. 2. Describe ethnographic techniques by identifying specific anthropological examples. 3. Summarize the methods used by anthropologists to study human populations. 4. Identify the ...
... LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Identify major ethnographic techniques & what type of information is gained from each technique. 2. Describe ethnographic techniques by identifying specific anthropological examples. 3. Summarize the methods used by anthropologists to study human populations. 4. Identify the ...
The Anthropology of Music in China
... “Bi-perspectives in the Study of Music Culture” etc. Together, there also emerged many other publications in various fields, for example, in the fields of Ethnography, Cultural Geography, Cultural Anthropology, a sub-discipline--Folk Musicology, and related issues, such like “How to use ‘Anthropolog ...
... “Bi-perspectives in the Study of Music Culture” etc. Together, there also emerged many other publications in various fields, for example, in the fields of Ethnography, Cultural Geography, Cultural Anthropology, a sub-discipline--Folk Musicology, and related issues, such like “How to use ‘Anthropolog ...
... developed early arguments for cultural relativism. By beginning of 17th c., emergence of concepts of a worldwide science of diversity of human ways of life (Lescarbot), conceived as salvage ethnography of cultures doomed to disappear under European dominance. Lescarbot develops theory of “noble sava ...
... developed early arguments for cultural relativism. By beginning of 17th c., emergence of concepts of a worldwide science of diversity of human ways of life (Lescarbot), conceived as salvage ethnography of cultures doomed to disappear under European dominance. Lescarbot develops theory of “noble sava ...
PowerPoint - GEOCITIES.ws
... (HRAF) The world’s largest anthropological data bank. Developed for the purpose of testing hypotheses and building theory. Ethnographic data on over 300 cultures organized according to 700 different subjects. ...
... (HRAF) The world’s largest anthropological data bank. Developed for the purpose of testing hypotheses and building theory. Ethnographic data on over 300 cultures organized according to 700 different subjects. ...
Nanda 3e PPTs Chapter 3
... FRANZ BOAS: FIELDWORK AND THE FOUR FIELD APPROACH Early work among the Kwakiutl of Pacific Northwest Grounded in fieldwork process Embarked on mission to document Native American cultures Salvage Ethnography- speed at which it was conducted Focus on culture, language, biology, and artifacts- four f ...
... FRANZ BOAS: FIELDWORK AND THE FOUR FIELD APPROACH Early work among the Kwakiutl of Pacific Northwest Grounded in fieldwork process Embarked on mission to document Native American cultures Salvage Ethnography- speed at which it was conducted Focus on culture, language, biology, and artifacts- four f ...
notes - ANT 152
... – Learning about culture by living in a culture for an extended period – Bronislaw Malinowski took this approach while studying the people of the Trobriand Islands – Key elements: ...
... – Learning about culture by living in a culture for an extended period – Bronislaw Malinowski took this approach while studying the people of the Trobriand Islands – Key elements: ...
Fieldwork and Ethnography
... through the questions we ask and the manner we seek to understand and experience the world anthropologists receive from our informants their interpretations that are also mediated by culture and history the data is doubly mediated ...
... through the questions we ask and the manner we seek to understand and experience the world anthropologists receive from our informants their interpretations that are also mediated by culture and history the data is doubly mediated ...
Fieldwork and Ethnography
... we seek to understand and experience the world anthropologists receive from our informants their interpretations that are also mediated by culture and history the data is doubly mediated first by presence of the anthropologist Then by a second order self-reflection of our informants ...
... we seek to understand and experience the world anthropologists receive from our informants their interpretations that are also mediated by culture and history the data is doubly mediated first by presence of the anthropologist Then by a second order self-reflection of our informants ...
Music 1253 Music and Society
... • A branch of musicology that deals with music and people or culture • Less concerned with the music itself (though this is changing) and more concerned with the why and how of musical production in a social context • Ethnomusicologists often conduct fieldwork similar to anthropologists whereby they ...
... • A branch of musicology that deals with music and people or culture • Less concerned with the music itself (though this is changing) and more concerned with the why and how of musical production in a social context • Ethnomusicologists often conduct fieldwork similar to anthropologists whereby they ...

Ethnomusicology is an area of study encompassing various approaches to the study of the many musics around the world that emphasize their cultural, social, material, cognitive, biological, and other dimensions or contexts instead of or in addition to its isolated sound component or any particular repertoire.Ethnomusicology – a term coined by Jaap Kunst from the Greek words ἔθνος (ethnos, ""nation"") and μουσική (mousike, ""music"") – is often described as the anthropology or ethnography of music. Initially, ethnomusicology was almost exclusively orientated toward non-Western music, but now includes the study of Western music from anthropological, sociological and intercultural perspectives. Bruno Nettl once characterized ethnomusicology as a product of Western thinking, proclaiming that ""ethnomusicology as western culture knows it is actually a western phenomenon""; more recently, Jeff Todd Titon has described it as the study of ""people making music.""