ITSSD – New NOAA FOIA Request (filed 9-22
... information regarding a peer review if it receives a Freedom of Information Act request, unless such information satisfies the criteria for a FOIA exemption. This new FOIA request seeks disclosure of all: “NOAA climate science-related peer review files” (hereinafter referred to as “NOAA Peer Review ...
... information regarding a peer review if it receives a Freedom of Information Act request, unless such information satisfies the criteria for a FOIA exemption. This new FOIA request seeks disclosure of all: “NOAA climate science-related peer review files” (hereinafter referred to as “NOAA Peer Review ...
A multistage crucible of revision and approval shapes IPCC
... IPCC chair, provides explanations and proposes revisions in real time to address government comments raised from the floor. Hundreds of individuals participate in IPCC SPM approval plenaries, which are intense, diversely interpreted experiences. Anecdotes and perspectives on IPCC governmental approv ...
... IPCC chair, provides explanations and proposes revisions in real time to address government comments raised from the floor. Hundreds of individuals participate in IPCC SPM approval plenaries, which are intense, diversely interpreted experiences. Anecdotes and perspectives on IPCC governmental approv ...
GRI Index - UN Global Compact
... Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, by significant locations of operation ...
... Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, by significant locations of operation ...
... Working in the IPCC is an immense time commitment for authors, who are uncompensated, motivated by a commitment to scientific rigor and a desire to better understand and communicate climate change and its implications. The IPCC reports are valuable public goods that can improve policymakers’ underst ...
... Working in the IPCC is an immense time commitment for authors, who are uncompensated, motivated by a commitment to scientific rigor and a desire to better understand and communicate climate change and its implications. The IPCC reports are valuable public goods that can improve policymakers’ underst ...
Assessing an IPCC Assessment: An Analysis of Statements on Projected Regional Impacts in the 2007 Report
... the anchovy population that were not quantified. We found certain inaccuracies, ranging from (very) small errors in numbers to imprecise literature references. In addition, the PBL has some critical comments to make. One of these relates to the fact that the report does not specify how many of the a ...
... the anchovy population that were not quantified. We found certain inaccuracies, ranging from (very) small errors in numbers to imprecise literature references. In addition, the PBL has some critical comments to make. One of these relates to the fact that the report does not specify how many of the a ...
Granger causality from changes in level of atmospheric CO2 to
... explanations into two categories. The first involves a reduction in radiative forcing: by a decrease in stratospheric water vapour, an increase in background stratospheric volcanic aerosols, by 17 small volcano eruptions since 1999, increasing coal-burning in China, the indirect effect of time-varyi ...
... explanations into two categories. The first involves a reduction in radiative forcing: by a decrease in stratospheric water vapour, an increase in background stratospheric volcanic aerosols, by 17 small volcano eruptions since 1999, increasing coal-burning in China, the indirect effect of time-varyi ...
... in the latter half of the 21st century," and that "C02-induced climate changes should be observable Of well before doubling." Exxon's own scientists agreed with the scientific consensus that "a doubling of atmospheric C02 from its pre-industrial revolution value would result in an average global tem ...
... in the latter half of the 21st century," and that "C02-induced climate changes should be observable Of well before doubling." Exxon's own scientists agreed with the scientific consensus that "a doubling of atmospheric C02 from its pre-industrial revolution value would result in an average global tem ...
The Governance of Scientific Assessment in the Context of the
... Governments make all major decisions, including those on institutional matters, work programmes and the budget of the Panel. They also approve outlines of reports, review assessment findings, and endorse final reports. Plenary meetings take place twice a year. Most delegates at IPCC meetings represe ...
... Governments make all major decisions, including those on institutional matters, work programmes and the budget of the Panel. They also approve outlines of reports, review assessment findings, and endorse final reports. Plenary meetings take place twice a year. Most delegates at IPCC meetings represe ...
Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Atlantic
... that this region near Greenland is anomalous in being colder during the modern reference period (1961–1990) than even in the Little Ice Age (LIA). The AMOC index (blue curve) indicates a steady AMOC, with modest changes until the beginning of the twentieth century. There is indication of a maximum i ...
... that this region near Greenland is anomalous in being colder during the modern reference period (1961–1990) than even in the Little Ice Age (LIA). The AMOC index (blue curve) indicates a steady AMOC, with modest changes until the beginning of the twentieth century. There is indication of a maximum i ...
We Have Been Conned - The Science and Public Policy Institute
... Its reports are not an honest assessment of climate because they omit, dismiss or distort research findings that do not conform to a certain belief, and if those reports are supposed to focus only on any possible human influence on climate then why are they even mentioning other forces and where is ...
... Its reports are not an honest assessment of climate because they omit, dismiss or distort research findings that do not conform to a certain belief, and if those reports are supposed to focus only on any possible human influence on climate then why are they even mentioning other forces and where is ...
surface soil freeze/thaw patterns from AMSR
... compared with the in situ air temperature derived from GSOD as the reference dataset. It is assumed that the satellite overpass time (13:30 and 01:30) are corresponding to the level of daily maximum and minimum temperature respectively, although the air temperature generally varies from day to night ...
... compared with the in situ air temperature derived from GSOD as the reference dataset. It is assumed that the satellite overpass time (13:30 and 01:30) are corresponding to the level of daily maximum and minimum temperature respectively, although the air temperature generally varies from day to night ...
National Research Council Report
... over the Northern Hemisphere or even the entire globe, often with time resolution as fine as decades or even individual years. This research, and especially the first of these reconstructions published in 1998 and 1999 by Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcolm Hughes, attracted considerable atte ...
... over the Northern Hemisphere or even the entire globe, often with time resolution as fine as decades or even individual years. This research, and especially the first of these reconstructions published in 1998 and 1999 by Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcolm Hughes, attracted considerable atte ...
Agreeing to disagree: Uncertainty management in assessing climate
... Both objective and subjective sources of information can be precise or imprecise. Imprecision occurs in the frequentist setting when the sample size is small, and in the subjective setting when experts are deeply uncertain and cannot give precise probabilities, and hence cannot quantify risk. In cli ...
... Both objective and subjective sources of information can be precise or imprecise. Imprecision occurs in the frequentist setting when the sample size is small, and in the subjective setting when experts are deeply uncertain and cannot give precise probabilities, and hence cannot quantify risk. In cli ...
Evaluation, characterization, and communication of uncertainty by
... potential consequences. This will be an extra challenge for the AR5 and for subsequent assessments, but it is also an enormous opportunity. Assessments cannot be alarmist, but they must henceforth push scientists beyond their comfort zones in framing conclusions that will adequately inform decision- ...
... potential consequences. This will be an extra challenge for the AR5 and for subsequent assessments, but it is also an enormous opportunity. Assessments cannot be alarmist, but they must henceforth push scientists beyond their comfort zones in framing conclusions that will adequately inform decision- ...
Last millennium Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures from
... grid points can be significantly influenced by distant proxy sites. While there is potential value in taking into account large-scale teleconnections between the climate in a remote region and the local conditions controlling proxy formation (Evans et al., 2001, 2002), the potential disadvantage to th ...
... grid points can be significantly influenced by distant proxy sites. While there is potential value in taking into account large-scale teleconnections between the climate in a remote region and the local conditions controlling proxy formation (Evans et al., 2001, 2002), the potential disadvantage to th ...
Major Issues with IPCC Report
... acted as peer-reviewers for each other’s work. [4] Of the 44 contributing authors, more than half have coauthored papers with the Lead Authors or Coordinating Lead Authors. The review editor of that chapter - who was also a Coordinating Lead Author for the corresponding chapter of the previous asses ...
... acted as peer-reviewers for each other’s work. [4] Of the 44 contributing authors, more than half have coauthored papers with the Lead Authors or Coordinating Lead Authors. The review editor of that chapter - who was also a Coordinating Lead Author for the corresponding chapter of the previous asses ...
Annex D – EEA contributors and resource planning
... EEA reports and information in Climate-ADAPT on those topics. Additionally, the sector-based chapters should include some more information on the consideration of climate change adaptation in sectoral policy-making than was done in 2012, also building on information available in Climate-ADAPT. 2. Re ...
... EEA reports and information in Climate-ADAPT on those topics. Additionally, the sector-based chapters should include some more information on the consideration of climate change adaptation in sectoral policy-making than was done in 2012, also building on information available in Climate-ADAPT. 2. Re ...
- Macquarie University ResearchOnline
... The palaeoceanographic community has recently completed a global reconstruction of LGM sea surface temperatures (MARGO Project Members 2009), which supersedes the widely used CLIMAP data set developed in the 1980s. Terrestrial environments are at least as diverse as marine environments, and as in th ...
... The palaeoceanographic community has recently completed a global reconstruction of LGM sea surface temperatures (MARGO Project Members 2009), which supersedes the widely used CLIMAP data set developed in the 1980s. Terrestrial environments are at least as diverse as marine environments, and as in th ...
The Climate of the Last Millennium
... climate was dominated by near universal warming with almost all parts of the globe experiencing temperatures at the end of the century that were significantly higher than when it began (Figure 6.1) (Parker et al. 1994; Jones et al. 1999). However the instrumental data provide only a limited temporal ...
... climate was dominated by near universal warming with almost all parts of the globe experiencing temperatures at the end of the century that were significantly higher than when it began (Figure 6.1) (Parker et al. 1994; Jones et al. 1999). However the instrumental data provide only a limited temporal ...
Separating Forced from Chaotic Climate Variability over the Past
... estimate internal variability independent from climate modeling, and it is found that the recent observed 50and 100-yr hemispheric temperature trends are substantially larger than any of the internally generated trends even using the large residuals over the MCA. Variations in solar output and explo ...
... estimate internal variability independent from climate modeling, and it is found that the recent observed 50and 100-yr hemispheric temperature trends are substantially larger than any of the internally generated trends even using the large residuals over the MCA. Variations in solar output and explo ...
Quantitative summer temperature reconstruction derived from a
... temperatures. The methods were: ordinary least squares (OLS) regression with three variants (i) inverse regression (Venables and Ripley, 2002), (ii) inverse prediction (Sokal and Rohlf, 2001), (iii) generalised least squares regression (Venables and Ripley, 2002), (iv) Major Axis regression (Legendr ...
... temperatures. The methods were: ordinary least squares (OLS) regression with three variants (i) inverse regression (Venables and Ripley, 2002), (ii) inverse prediction (Sokal and Rohlf, 2001), (iii) generalised least squares regression (Venables and Ripley, 2002), (iv) Major Axis regression (Legendr ...
report of governing council meeting
... government agencies involved, and the formal procedures to be followed to have Mexico accede to the PICES Convention. It was agreed that the Mexican IOC National Committee could be instrumental in convincing Mexico to join PICES in the near future. Active regional organizations can greatly strengthe ...
... government agencies involved, and the formal procedures to be followed to have Mexico accede to the PICES Convention. It was agreed that the Mexican IOC National Committee could be instrumental in convincing Mexico to join PICES in the near future. Active regional organizations can greatly strengthe ...
Climate of the Past
... fluctuations during this period are in magnitude similar to, or lower than, the uncertainties the reconstructions. We advocate a more widespread practice of archiving proxy records as most of the potentially available reconstructions are not published in digital form. ...
... fluctuations during this period are in magnitude similar to, or lower than, the uncertainties the reconstructions. We advocate a more widespread practice of archiving proxy records as most of the potentially available reconstructions are not published in digital form. ...
Research paper: Improving Communication of Uncertainty in the
... 1. It is very likely that hot extremes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation events will continue to become more frequent. 2. Continued greenhouse gas emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during the 21st century that woul ...
... 1. It is very likely that hot extremes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation events will continue to become more frequent. 2. Continued greenhouse gas emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during the 21st century that woul ...
STATISTICAL COMMISSION 18 March 2016 Forty-seventh session
... Expressed appreciation for the guidance provided on issues emerging from the implementation of the SNA, including the completion of several manuals, handbooks and guidelines that facilitate the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics, and urged the Working Group to continue to give ...
... Expressed appreciation for the guidance provided on issues emerging from the implementation of the SNA, including the completion of several manuals, handbooks and guidelines that facilitate the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics, and urged the Working Group to continue to give ...