Experiments and theory in cold and ultracold collisions
... Cold and ultracold collisions occupy a strategic position at the intersection of several powerful themes of current research in chemical physics, in atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and even in condensed matter. The nature of these collisions bears critically on optical manipulation of inelas ...
... Cold and ultracold collisions occupy a strategic position at the intersection of several powerful themes of current research in chemical physics, in atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and even in condensed matter. The nature of these collisions bears critically on optical manipulation of inelas ...
Particle Detectors in Curved Space Quantum Field Theory
... A.4 Calculation of asymptotic terms in the Hartle-Hawking vacuum ....................................................... 126 ...
... A.4 Calculation of asymptotic terms in the Hartle-Hawking vacuum ....................................................... 126 ...
The General Relativistic Two Body Problem and the Effective One
... the Newtonian equations of motion) appeared as being accurate enough for applying Einstein’s theory to known binary systems. The situation changed in the mid 1970’s with the discovery of the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar PSR 1913 + 16. The need to compare the accurate observations of this system (by Ta ...
... the Newtonian equations of motion) appeared as being accurate enough for applying Einstein’s theory to known binary systems. The situation changed in the mid 1970’s with the discovery of the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar PSR 1913 + 16. The need to compare the accurate observations of this system (by Ta ...
The Interaction of Small Molecules and Short Intense Laser Fields
... Our interest in this thesis is the dynamics of both the electrons and the nuclei in a molecule driven by intense, ultrashort laser fields. The dynamics involves both the correlation between electrons, and the correlation between the electrons and the nuclei. In this section we consider some of the u ...
... Our interest in this thesis is the dynamics of both the electrons and the nuclei in a molecule driven by intense, ultrashort laser fields. The dynamics involves both the correlation between electrons, and the correlation between the electrons and the nuclei. In this section we consider some of the u ...
Two-dimensional quantum mechanical modeling of nanotransistors A. Svizhenko, M. P. Anantram,
... phonon interactions ~state of the scatterer does not change!, the Landauer–Buttiker formalism18,19 is applicable. In this formalism, the wave equation is Schrodinger’s equation and the statistics is represented throughout the device by the Fermi–Dirac distribution of particles incident from the cont ...
... phonon interactions ~state of the scatterer does not change!, the Landauer–Buttiker formalism18,19 is applicable. In this formalism, the wave equation is Schrodinger’s equation and the statistics is represented throughout the device by the Fermi–Dirac distribution of particles incident from the cont ...
Quantum dots on bilayer graphene made on a substrate of boron
... one and a hundred) are free. The de Broglie-wavelength of these free electrons is comparable to the size of the dot, due to which the electrons occupy discrete energy levels and have a discrete excitation spectrum. A quantum dot has another characteristic called the charging energy; this is the ener ...
... one and a hundred) are free. The de Broglie-wavelength of these free electrons is comparable to the size of the dot, due to which the electrons occupy discrete energy levels and have a discrete excitation spectrum. A quantum dot has another characteristic called the charging energy; this is the ener ...
The fourth age of quantum chemistry - of Attila G. Császár
... DOI: 10.1039/c1cp21830a Developments during the last two decades in nuclear motion theory made it possible to obtain variational solutions to the time-independent, nuclear-motion Schrödinger equation of polyatomic systems as ‘‘exact’’ as the potential energy surface (PES) is. Nuclear motion theory ...
... DOI: 10.1039/c1cp21830a Developments during the last two decades in nuclear motion theory made it possible to obtain variational solutions to the time-independent, nuclear-motion Schrödinger equation of polyatomic systems as ‘‘exact’’ as the potential energy surface (PES) is. Nuclear motion theory ...
Hyperspherical Approach to Quantal Three-body Theory
... (a) Full energy landscape for the three-body potentials at a = ∞ for our vλa model potential. (b) Effective diabatic potentials Wν relevant for Efimov physics for vλa with an increasingly large number of bound states (λ∗n is the value of λ that produces a = ∞ and n s-wave bound states). The Wν conve ...
... (a) Full energy landscape for the three-body potentials at a = ∞ for our vλa model potential. (b) Effective diabatic potentials Wν relevant for Efimov physics for vλa with an increasingly large number of bound states (λ∗n is the value of λ that produces a = ∞ and n s-wave bound states). The Wν conve ...
Creation of Ultracold RbCs Ground
... deeply bound molecules in well controlled internal and external quantum states. In order to achieve stability against radiative decay and inelastic two-body collisions, it is desirable to create the molecules in the lowest energy ground state of each degree of freedom. Few years after the creation o ...
... deeply bound molecules in well controlled internal and external quantum states. In order to achieve stability against radiative decay and inelastic two-body collisions, it is desirable to create the molecules in the lowest energy ground state of each degree of freedom. Few years after the creation o ...
Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles
... Richard H. Behrman, Swarthmore College; George F. Bertsch, Michigan State University; Richard N. Boyd, The Ohio State University; Philip A. Casabella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; C. Dewey Cooper, University of Georgia; James E. Draper, University of California at Davis; Arnold Engler, Carnegie ...
... Richard H. Behrman, Swarthmore College; George F. Bertsch, Michigan State University; Richard N. Boyd, The Ohio State University; Philip A. Casabella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; C. Dewey Cooper, University of Georgia; James E. Draper, University of California at Davis; Arnold Engler, Carnegie ...
Quantum Hall Effect and Electromechanics in Graphene
... Hall effect (QHE) has been observed in graphene [1, 2] and studied extensively [3]. We studied the breakdown of the quantum Hall state in graphene with two-fold motivation. Firstly, in graphene the cyclotron gaps are unequally spaced and are much larger than that of a 2-dimensional electron gas (2DE ...
... Hall effect (QHE) has been observed in graphene [1, 2] and studied extensively [3]. We studied the breakdown of the quantum Hall state in graphene with two-fold motivation. Firstly, in graphene the cyclotron gaps are unequally spaced and are much larger than that of a 2-dimensional electron gas (2DE ...
Spin Physics in Two-dimensional Systems Daniel Gosálbez Martínez
... A.1.1 General formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 References ...
... A.1.1 General formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 References ...
The Gravitational Spacecraft
... ionizing the air in the local where we want to build the gravitational shielding. There are several manners of ionizing the air. One of them is by means of ionizing radiation produced by a radioactive source of low intensity, for example, by using the radioactive element Americium (Am241). The Ameri ...
... ionizing the air in the local where we want to build the gravitational shielding. There are several manners of ionizing the air. One of them is by means of ionizing radiation produced by a radioactive source of low intensity, for example, by using the radioactive element Americium (Am241). The Ameri ...