Keizan Study
... long departed before subsequent generations of monks at Sōjiji and its affiliates began effecting the rapid growth and transformation of Sōtō Zen into an institution consisting primarily of local temples that service the religious needs of laypeople who themselves do not practice Zen. It is also tru ...
... long departed before subsequent generations of monks at Sōjiji and its affiliates began effecting the rapid growth and transformation of Sōtō Zen into an institution consisting primarily of local temples that service the religious needs of laypeople who themselves do not practice Zen. It is also tru ...
Buddhāvataṃsaka-sūtra - REAL-d
... Faxiangzong and Faxingzong. The term Faxiangzong was created by Fazang to denote the Yogācāra teachings of Xuanzang, while Faxingzong was formulated by Chengguan to include both Tathāgatagarbha and Madhyamaka teachings. However, I show that Faxiangzong and Faxingzong are more properly interpreted as ...
... Faxiangzong and Faxingzong. The term Faxiangzong was created by Fazang to denote the Yogācāra teachings of Xuanzang, while Faxingzong was formulated by Chengguan to include both Tathāgatagarbha and Madhyamaka teachings. However, I show that Faxiangzong and Faxingzong are more properly interpreted as ...
1 Glossary Words are listed here according to the language in which
... according to the tradition of Zen transmitted Chan Buddhism from India to China. bonno (Jap. 煩悩, Skt. klesa) = “Illusion. Those mental functions which disturb the mind” (Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary, p. 21). Yasunaga Roshi said, “Whenever I try to translate the word bonno in Japanese into En ...
... according to the tradition of Zen transmitted Chan Buddhism from India to China. bonno (Jap. 煩悩, Skt. klesa) = “Illusion. Those mental functions which disturb the mind” (Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary, p. 21). Yasunaga Roshi said, “Whenever I try to translate the word bonno in Japanese into En ...
There is a legend the Buddha was once handed a flower and asked
... unworthy, Tao will never exclude him."5 If all things are one, there can be no critical differentiation of any part. This concentration on inner perception, to the exclusion of practical concerns, evoked a criticism from the third-century-B.C. Confucian philosopher Hsun Tzu that has a curiously mode ...
... unworthy, Tao will never exclude him."5 If all things are one, there can be no critical differentiation of any part. This concentration on inner perception, to the exclusion of practical concerns, evoked a criticism from the third-century-B.C. Confucian philosopher Hsun Tzu that has a curiously mode ...
Buddhist Meditation: An anthology from the Pali canon
... The sense of ‘good’ should not be lost, however, and is often more suitable for texts on virtue (sila). Some words, such as kamma, dhamma and nibbana, have now passed into common English usage in their Sanskrit form. The word dhamma is, however, particularly tricky. In some contexts it means the tea ...
... The sense of ‘good’ should not be lost, however, and is often more suitable for texts on virtue (sila). Some words, such as kamma, dhamma and nibbana, have now passed into common English usage in their Sanskrit form. The word dhamma is, however, particularly tricky. In some contexts it means the tea ...
The Zen Experience by Thomas Hoover
... impossible for me to let him take over my work, and here I am at the age of seventy, still making wheels. In my opinion, it must have been the same with the men of old. All that was worth handing on died with them; the rest, they put into their books. 8 Chuang Tzu's parable that perhaps best illustr ...
... impossible for me to let him take over my work, and here I am at the age of seventy, still making wheels. In my opinion, it must have been the same with the men of old. All that was worth handing on died with them; the rest, they put into their books. 8 Chuang Tzu's parable that perhaps best illustr ...
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... impossible for me to let him take over my work, and here I am at the age of seventy, still making wheels. In my opinion, it must have been the same with the men of old. All that was worth handing on died with them; the rest, they put into their books.8 Chuang Tzu's parable that perhaps best illustra ...
... impossible for me to let him take over my work, and here I am at the age of seventy, still making wheels. In my opinion, it must have been the same with the men of old. All that was worth handing on died with them; the rest, they put into their books.8 Chuang Tzu's parable that perhaps best illustra ...
Teachings from Traditional Lamas
... actually clearing one’s mind. Breath hasn’t always been so widely used for focusing one’s mind. It seems that 2,500 years ago, at Buddha’s time, many preferred gazing on a statue or some other outer object. Being so educated and visually over stimulated today, it is different to merely observe thing ...
... actually clearing one’s mind. Breath hasn’t always been so widely used for focusing one’s mind. It seems that 2,500 years ago, at Buddha’s time, many preferred gazing on a statue or some other outer object. Being so educated and visually over stimulated today, it is different to merely observe thing ...
Right Concentration and the Suttas
... and sukha born of seclusion, so that there is no part of ones entire body which is not suffused by this piti and sukha. (DN 2.77) The phrase "vitakka and vicāra" is yet another example of synonymous parallelism, a rhetorical device, which occurs very frequently in the suttas. There is a very interes ...
... and sukha born of seclusion, so that there is no part of ones entire body which is not suffused by this piti and sukha. (DN 2.77) The phrase "vitakka and vicāra" is yet another example of synonymous parallelism, a rhetorical device, which occurs very frequently in the suttas. There is a very interes ...
Taming the Monkey Mind
... it will be of some help to those who tread the Pure Land path, so that, in accordance with their situation and affinities, they may practice and reap the desired results. I will not, in this book, touch upon the advantages or introduce the Pure Land path, as there are already a number of books on th ...
... it will be of some help to those who tread the Pure Land path, so that, in accordance with their situation and affinities, they may practice and reap the desired results. I will not, in this book, touch upon the advantages or introduce the Pure Land path, as there are already a number of books on th ...
A Brief Exposition on the Heart Sutra The Heart Sutra
... our being. Form indicates the physical part of human. Form is also one of six dusts—form, sound, fragrance, taste, objects of touch, dharmas--that make up the universe. Thus the term “form” in the above verse serves two major functions. First, it is used as an antonym of emptiness. Second, it is a s ...
... our being. Form indicates the physical part of human. Form is also one of six dusts—form, sound, fragrance, taste, objects of touch, dharmas--that make up the universe. Thus the term “form” in the above verse serves two major functions. First, it is used as an antonym of emptiness. Second, it is a s ...
Mindfulness Contextualised. The Buddhist tradition
... 'pasture'. By pasture is meant one's meditation practice; this aspect of sampajañña would see how an action supported one's meditation. In particular it implies practising sense restraint in order to avoid dwelling on stimuli that could provoke craving or mental proliferation. Fourthly is non-delusi ...
... 'pasture'. By pasture is meant one's meditation practice; this aspect of sampajañña would see how an action supported one's meditation. In particular it implies practising sense restraint in order to avoid dwelling on stimuli that could provoke craving or mental proliferation. Fourthly is non-delusi ...
The Fundamentals of Meditation Practice
... an assortment of disruptive emotions. Programs that have been designed to make therapeutic use of relaxation methods and meditation have proved to be effective in curbing both the physical effects and the emotions which accompany them. Yet, as beneficial as they may be, such methods can take one onl ...
... an assortment of disruptive emotions. Programs that have been designed to make therapeutic use of relaxation methods and meditation have proved to be effective in curbing both the physical effects and the emotions which accompany them. Yet, as beneficial as they may be, such methods can take one onl ...
The Bodhicaryavatara - Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive
... doctrine is subjected to Madhyamika reasoning then it is obvious that one can not maintain such a distinction. Therefore sutras which make such distinctions can not be taken at their face value but must be interpreted. One should look at these sutras as specifically spoken to benefit beings who shar ...
... doctrine is subjected to Madhyamika reasoning then it is obvious that one can not maintain such a distinction. Therefore sutras which make such distinctions can not be taken at their face value but must be interpreted. One should look at these sutras as specifically spoken to benefit beings who shar ...
PDF - Chan Meditation Center
... I said, “For someone who was enlightened, being in prison could be a chance to practice, but for someone else it could just mean sitting in captivity.” After I was on solitary retreat in the mountains for six years, someone asked me if it had been a formidable experience. I said, “If I had been in j ...
... I said, “For someone who was enlightened, being in prison could be a chance to practice, but for someone else it could just mean sitting in captivity.” After I was on solitary retreat in the mountains for six years, someone asked me if it had been a formidable experience. I said, “If I had been in j ...
Has Xuanzang really been in Mathurå?
... which is presented as a report on a real journey undertaken by the author. It is now very well known that Mandeville never traveled beyond the borders of Europe. Another example of a rather positivistic reading of a medieval travelogue is Marco Polo’s Il Millione which certainly has to be re-context ...
... which is presented as a report on a real journey undertaken by the author. It is now very well known that Mandeville never traveled beyond the borders of Europe. Another example of a rather positivistic reading of a medieval travelogue is Marco Polo’s Il Millione which certainly has to be re-context ...
File - ICBI
... This represents important and rare knowledge not easily available in the West. Simon Weir was a Daoist disciple of Charles Luk. He explores the central practice of ‘following’ the breath, and ‘changing’ how the breath is used during Qianfeng Daoist self-cultivation. The breath is generally the agenc ...
... This represents important and rare knowledge not easily available in the West. Simon Weir was a Daoist disciple of Charles Luk. He explores the central practice of ‘following’ the breath, and ‘changing’ how the breath is used during Qianfeng Daoist self-cultivation. The breath is generally the agenc ...
... my Zen practice. To integrate Zen and psychology was not a question for me of if it was possible. It had to be possible. For me both were dealing with the same fundamental matter. Thus I began to search for ways to integrate the two. This integration has been an experience with mixed results. In var ...
... my Zen practice. To integrate Zen and psychology was not a question for me of if it was possible. It had to be possible. For me both were dealing with the same fundamental matter. Thus I began to search for ways to integrate the two. This integration has been an experience with mixed results. In var ...
how to meditate
... Not only do we see them as permanent and able to satisfy us; at the root of our problems is our fundamentally mistaken view of reality. We believe instinctively that people and things exist in and of themselves, from their own side; that they have an inherent nature, an inherent thing-ness. This mea ...
... Not only do we see them as permanent and able to satisfy us; at the root of our problems is our fundamentally mistaken view of reality. We believe instinctively that people and things exist in and of themselves, from their own side; that they have an inherent nature, an inherent thing-ness. This mea ...
Introduction to Buddhism - Tushita Meditation Centre
... Ignorance is the root of suffering—suffering comes because we are misperceiving the way in which things exist—it is this fundamental ignorance about the nature of reality that is the cause of suffering. This occurs at different levels. One example is not understanding cause and effect, or karma: tha ...
... Ignorance is the root of suffering—suffering comes because we are misperceiving the way in which things exist—it is this fundamental ignorance about the nature of reality that is the cause of suffering. This occurs at different levels. One example is not understanding cause and effect, or karma: tha ...
File - ICBI
... before becoming a fully ordained Ch’an Buddhist monk (Bhikshu). As a child brought up to be a Confucian scholar, and as a son of a government official (whose family was originally from Hunan province), such study and training was not uncommon for a person of his social standing. Although Xu Yun expr ...
... before becoming a fully ordained Ch’an Buddhist monk (Bhikshu). As a child brought up to be a Confucian scholar, and as a son of a government official (whose family was originally from Hunan province), such study and training was not uncommon for a person of his social standing. Although Xu Yun expr ...
A New Approach to Gaudapadakarika
... nothing about the kinds of unfavourable mental states as the Buddhist sources or Gauda describe. It is therefore ll1Qst likely that Gauda was acquainted with the Buddhist tradition regarding the Dhyana process and made use of it in his ovm fashion to suit his favourite thesis. The mind's distraction ...
... nothing about the kinds of unfavourable mental states as the Buddhist sources or Gauda describe. It is therefore ll1Qst likely that Gauda was acquainted with the Buddhist tradition regarding the Dhyana process and made use of it in his ovm fashion to suit his favourite thesis. The mind's distraction ...
The Sixfold Purity of an Arahant Chabbisodhana-sutta and its Parallel
... 2. At that time the Blessed One told the monks: “Suppose a monk approaches you and declares to have attained [final] knowledge, [saying]: ‘I know in accordance with reality that birth has been extinguished, the holy life has been established, what had to be done has been done, there is no further cl ...
... 2. At that time the Blessed One told the monks: “Suppose a monk approaches you and declares to have attained [final] knowledge, [saying]: ‘I know in accordance with reality that birth has been extinguished, the holy life has been established, what had to be done has been done, there is no further cl ...
Essence of Zen.vp
... the temptation of recasting the substance of these talks in more ‘literary’ form. In this way, I hope, I have not only remained closer to the heart of Ch’an but avoided the obvious inconsistency of producing yet another ‘book on Zen’. Despite the fact that you are now reading with your eyes rather t ...
... the temptation of recasting the substance of these talks in more ‘literary’ form. In this way, I hope, I have not only remained closer to the heart of Ch’an but avoided the obvious inconsistency of producing yet another ‘book on Zen’. Despite the fact that you are now reading with your eyes rather t ...
The Bare-Bones Instructions to “Mindfulness of Breathing”
... Feeling, Mindfulness of Mind, and Mindfulness of Dhammas. By practicing these meditation instructions given by the Buddha in this sutta, the meditator will naturally experience the meditation stages called Jhana (This is a Pali word that means a level or stage of meditation). According to the origin ...
... Feeling, Mindfulness of Mind, and Mindfulness of Dhammas. By practicing these meditation instructions given by the Buddha in this sutta, the meditator will naturally experience the meditation stages called Jhana (This is a Pali word that means a level or stage of meditation). According to the origin ...