... cornerstone of gauge theories, is a stricter constraint. Local gauge symmetries can be viewed as analogues of the equivalence principle of general relativity in which at each point in space-time is allowed a choice of a local reference (coordinate) frame local Lorenz invariance. Both symmetries refl ...
... cornerstone of gauge theories, is a stricter constraint. Local gauge symmetries can be viewed as analogues of the equivalence principle of general relativity in which at each point in space-time is allowed a choice of a local reference (coordinate) frame local Lorenz invariance. Both symmetries refl ...
23 - Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
... One way to present quantum computing is to talk about which languages or decision problems we can solve in quantum polynomial time. Instead of that, we’ll just talk directly about how hard it is to solve quantum problems, e.g., how hard is it to create a given quantum state or to apply a given trans ...
... One way to present quantum computing is to talk about which languages or decision problems we can solve in quantum polynomial time. Instead of that, we’ll just talk directly about how hard it is to solve quantum problems, e.g., how hard is it to create a given quantum state or to apply a given trans ...
Quantum Computational Complexity - Cheriton School of Computer
... accurate description of extremely small physical systems (on the scale of atoms) where classical physical theories have failed completely. Indeed, an extrapolation of Moore’s Law predicts subatomic computing components within the next two decades [83, 78]; a possibility inconsistent with quantum mec ...
... accurate description of extremely small physical systems (on the scale of atoms) where classical physical theories have failed completely. Indeed, an extrapolation of Moore’s Law predicts subatomic computing components within the next two decades [83, 78]; a possibility inconsistent with quantum mec ...
Theoretical Study of Carrier Capture into Semiconductor Quantum
... to thank Prof. F. M. Peeters for his hospitality at the Department of Physics, University of Antwerp. This work would not be finished if I did not enjoy continuous support of my wife Gabriela. ...
... to thank Prof. F. M. Peeters for his hospitality at the Department of Physics, University of Antwerp. This work would not be finished if I did not enjoy continuous support of my wife Gabriela. ...
The Unruh effect in quantum information beyond the single
... used in the literature not only in discussions concerning entanglement but also in other relativistic quantum information scenarios [4, 5, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26–33]. A deeper understanding of how the Unruh effect degrades entanglement is of crucial importance not only for fundamental questions but ...
... used in the literature not only in discussions concerning entanglement but also in other relativistic quantum information scenarios [4, 5, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26–33]. A deeper understanding of how the Unruh effect degrades entanglement is of crucial importance not only for fundamental questions but ...
Some New Classical and Semiclassical Models for Describing
... For comparison, Figure 3 shows the results of the linearized SC approximation, i.e., the classical Wigner model; this is the same as the classical result discussed in section I except here averaged over the distribution of initial energy in the translational coherent state. One sees that there is mu ...
... For comparison, Figure 3 shows the results of the linearized SC approximation, i.e., the classical Wigner model; this is the same as the classical result discussed in section I except here averaged over the distribution of initial energy in the translational coherent state. One sees that there is mu ...
... New view on the description of the hyperfine structure of free atoms and ions. Case of the model space (5d + 6s) of lanthanum atom J. Dembczyński, M. Elantkowska, J. Ruczkowski CP 18, p78 Search for the frequencies for the nuclear optical clock with the use of information from the analysis of the f ...
... New view on the description of the hyperfine structure of free atoms and ions. Case of the model space (5d + 6s) of lanthanum atom J. Dembczyński, M. Elantkowska, J. Ruczkowski CP 18, p78 Search for the frequencies for the nuclear optical clock with the use of information from the analysis of the f ...
Quantum Computing
... It turns out that information theory and quantum mechanics fit together very well. In order to explain their relationship, this review begins with an introduction to classical information theory and computer science, including Shannon’s theorem, error correcting codes, Turing machines and computatio ...
... It turns out that information theory and quantum mechanics fit together very well. In order to explain their relationship, this review begins with an introduction to classical information theory and computer science, including Shannon’s theorem, error correcting codes, Turing machines and computatio ...
Two Qubits Tavis-Cummings Model Beyond the Rotating Wave
... not interacting with each other, but interacting with a single mode of a quantized harmonic oscillator, called the Tavis-Cummings model (TCM) [11, 12], is also of great interest as it provides a framework to study collective properties of the qubits. In physical situations where the qubits are nearl ...
... not interacting with each other, but interacting with a single mode of a quantized harmonic oscillator, called the Tavis-Cummings model (TCM) [11, 12], is also of great interest as it provides a framework to study collective properties of the qubits. In physical situations where the qubits are nearl ...
... environmentally sensitive Fluorescence quantum yield Q (related to intensity of emission) environmentally sensitive (cont.) ...
... environmentally sensitive Fluorescence quantum yield Q (related to intensity of emission) environmentally sensitive (cont.) ...
New perspectives for Rashba spin–orbit coupling
... along the x axis, they experience an effective magnetic field along the y axis, BRy, called the Rashba field, as depicted in the figure (top). The magnitude of the Rashba field can be calculated from BRy = 2αRkF/gμB, where kF and g are the Fermi wavevector and g‑factor of the carriers in the cond ...
... along the x axis, they experience an effective magnetic field along the y axis, BRy, called the Rashba field, as depicted in the figure (top). The magnitude of the Rashba field can be calculated from BRy = 2αRkF/gμB, where kF and g are the Fermi wavevector and g‑factor of the carriers in the cond ...
Emergence of a classical world from within quantum theory
... Thesis Committee This thesis has been evaluated, approved without modifications, and nominated for the Pearson medal on November 26th of the year 2004 by a jury composed of the following supervisors and examiners: ...
... Thesis Committee This thesis has been evaluated, approved without modifications, and nominated for the Pearson medal on November 26th of the year 2004 by a jury composed of the following supervisors and examiners: ...
Coherent and incoherent scattering in the resonance fluorescence
... systematic study of a single solid state quantum system with strongly focused light. A detailed experimental analysis of the resonance fluorescence of a single DBATT molecule is presented. The interference between the excitation light and coherently scattered radiation can be influenced by changing ...
... systematic study of a single solid state quantum system with strongly focused light. A detailed experimental analysis of the resonance fluorescence of a single DBATT molecule is presented. The interference between the excitation light and coherently scattered radiation can be influenced by changing ...
Towards a Philosophical Reconstruction of the Dialogue
... me a chair in his house to discuss India and religious studies; Prof. Alain Gignac, who encouraged me to design and teach my first course on South Asian Religions at University of Montreal; and Prof. Jean-François Roussel, who supported me at the academic level and shared with me his respect for Ea ...
... me a chair in his house to discuss India and religious studies; Prof. Alain Gignac, who encouraged me to design and teach my first course on South Asian Religions at University of Montreal; and Prof. Jean-François Roussel, who supported me at the academic level and shared with me his respect for Ea ...
On quantum obfuscation - University of Maryland Institute for
... Encryption of data is fundamental to secure communication in the modern world. Beyond encryption of data lies obfuscation, i.e., encryption of functionality. It is well-known that the most powerful means of obfuscating classical programs, so-called “black-box obfuscation,” is provably impossible [6] ...
... Encryption of data is fundamental to secure communication in the modern world. Beyond encryption of data lies obfuscation, i.e., encryption of functionality. It is well-known that the most powerful means of obfuscating classical programs, so-called “black-box obfuscation,” is provably impossible [6] ...
Properties of Graphene in an External Magnetic
... graphene as well as to graphene’s behavior in an external magnetic field perpendicular to it. After a brief motivation in the following section 1.1, we will work out the basic properties of graphene in chapter 2 and focus on the geometry of the 2D honeycomb lattice. In chapter 3, we first develop a ...
... graphene as well as to graphene’s behavior in an external magnetic field perpendicular to it. After a brief motivation in the following section 1.1, we will work out the basic properties of graphene in chapter 2 and focus on the geometry of the 2D honeycomb lattice. In chapter 3, we first develop a ...
Cavity Opto-Mechanics
... become entangled experimentally by the underlying mechanism of optical, radiation pressure forces. These forces and their related physics have been of major interest in the field of atomic physics [3–6] for over 5 decades and the emerging opto-mechanical context has many parallels with this field. T ...
... become entangled experimentally by the underlying mechanism of optical, radiation pressure forces. These forces and their related physics have been of major interest in the field of atomic physics [3–6] for over 5 decades and the emerging opto-mechanical context has many parallels with this field. T ...
General Properties of Quantum Zero
... the output of the simulator is identical to that of the verifier, statistical zeroknowledge in which the output of the simulator is statistically close to that of the verifier, and computational zero-knowledge in which the output of the simulator is indistinguishable from that of the verifier in pol ...
... the output of the simulator is identical to that of the verifier, statistical zeroknowledge in which the output of the simulator is statistically close to that of the verifier, and computational zero-knowledge in which the output of the simulator is indistinguishable from that of the verifier in pol ...