Trans-Neptunian Objects as Natural Probes to the Unknown Solar System
... dynamically and chemically evolved protoplanetary disk composed of billions of planetesimals, the building blocks from which the planets formed during the early solar system. Consequently, the study of the physical and dynamical properties of TNOs can reveal important clues about the properties of t ...
... dynamically and chemically evolved protoplanetary disk composed of billions of planetesimals, the building blocks from which the planets formed during the early solar system. Consequently, the study of the physical and dynamical properties of TNOs can reveal important clues about the properties of t ...
The accretion of Uranus and Neptune by collisions among planetary
... of our surface density is flat and significantly lower than those expected from the authors above. This is because the presence of Jupiter opens up a partial cavity inside its orbit by limiting the flow of gas from the outer part of the disk (see Crida et al. 2007). In Morbidelli & Crida (2007) the ...
... of our surface density is flat and significantly lower than those expected from the authors above. This is because the presence of Jupiter opens up a partial cavity inside its orbit by limiting the flow of gas from the outer part of the disk (see Crida et al. 2007). In Morbidelli & Crida (2007) the ...
Accretion of Uranus and Neptune from inward
... the star due to gas drag (Johansen et al., 2009). The formation of multi-Earth-mass planetary cores can be extremely fast even in traditional disks such as the minimum mass solar nebula (Weidenschilling, 1977; Hayashi et al., 2011). The timescale accretion problem disappears even if Uranus and Neptu ...
... the star due to gas drag (Johansen et al., 2009). The formation of multi-Earth-mass planetary cores can be extremely fast even in traditional disks such as the minimum mass solar nebula (Weidenschilling, 1977; Hayashi et al., 2011). The timescale accretion problem disappears even if Uranus and Neptu ...
... • 150,000 catalogued, as many as grains of sand on the beach • Size - few km typical, 1000 km largest (half Pluto) • Density - 2 - 3 gm/cm3 • Note: About as expected for rock in low gravity • Shape - Irregular because of low mass => low gravity ...
... • 150,000 catalogued, as many as grains of sand on the beach • Size - few km typical, 1000 km largest (half Pluto) • Density - 2 - 3 gm/cm3 • Note: About as expected for rock in low gravity • Shape - Irregular because of low mass => low gravity ...
Neptune Trojans as a Testbed for Planet Formation
... for kinematics specific to the resonance. We find that a Trojan sub-disk comprising decimeter-sized seed particles and having a surface density ∼10−3 that of the local minimum-mass disk produces ∼10 QR-sized objects in ∼1 Gyr, in accord with observation. Further growth is halted by collisional diffu ...
... for kinematics specific to the resonance. We find that a Trojan sub-disk comprising decimeter-sized seed particles and having a surface density ∼10−3 that of the local minimum-mass disk produces ∼10 QR-sized objects in ∼1 Gyr, in accord with observation. Further growth is halted by collisional diffu ...
the size distribution of the neptune trojans and the
... 4.1. Missing Intermediate-sized Planetesimals (MISPs) There are unexpectedly far fewer tens of kilometer-sized objects than larger objects in all the known stable reservoirs of small bodies in our solar system. The Missing IntermediateSized Planetesimals (MISPs) are either an indication that the int ...
... 4.1. Missing Intermediate-sized Planetesimals (MISPs) There are unexpectedly far fewer tens of kilometer-sized objects than larger objects in all the known stable reservoirs of small bodies in our solar system. The Missing IntermediateSized Planetesimals (MISPs) are either an indication that the int ...
Planetary migration in a planetesimal disk: why did
... disk. In both cases, the initial semi-major axes of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are 5.4 AU, 8.7 AU, 13.8 AU and 18.1 AU, respectively and their initial eccentricities are 0. In the rst case, the disk extends from 12:5 AU to 45 AU. Following the idea that the disk should be strongly depleted ...
... disk. In both cases, the initial semi-major axes of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are 5.4 AU, 8.7 AU, 13.8 AU and 18.1 AU, respectively and their initial eccentricities are 0. In the rst case, the disk extends from 12:5 AU to 45 AU. Following the idea that the disk should be strongly depleted ...
Primordial Excitation and Depletion of the Main Belt
... over scales of 1 AU (Gradie and Tedesco, 1982). Such mixing is not easily explained by the turbulence of the primitive nebula or by the radial decay of pristine bodies due to gas drag (Ruzmaikina et al., 1989). The gravitational perturbations arising from all the planets in their current orbits, eve ...
... over scales of 1 AU (Gradie and Tedesco, 1982). Such mixing is not easily explained by the turbulence of the primitive nebula or by the radial decay of pristine bodies due to gas drag (Ruzmaikina et al., 1989). The gravitational perturbations arising from all the planets in their current orbits, eve ...
Icarus Origin of the structure of the Kuiper belt during a... orbits of Uranus and Neptune
... System are: (The following list is presented in no particular order.) (i) The existence of conspicuous populations of objects in the main mean motion resonances (MMRs) with Neptune (2:3, 3:5, 4:7, 1:2, 2:5, etc.). Resonant objects form obvious vertical structures in a semi-major axis (a) versus ecce ...
... System are: (The following list is presented in no particular order.) (i) The existence of conspicuous populations of objects in the main mean motion resonances (MMRs) with Neptune (2:3, 3:5, 4:7, 1:2, 2:5, etc.). Resonant objects form obvious vertical structures in a semi-major axis (a) versus ecce ...
Origin of the Structure of the Kuiper Belt during a Dynamical
... Kuiper belt’s cold population was pushed outward from interior to 30 AU with the following mechanism. When Neptune was close enough to the Sun for its 1:2 MMR to be within the planetesimal disk, disk particles were trapped in this resonance as Neptune migrated (Malhotra 1995). As the resonance left ...
... Kuiper belt’s cold population was pushed outward from interior to 30 AU with the following mechanism. When Neptune was close enough to the Sun for its 1:2 MMR to be within the planetesimal disk, disk particles were trapped in this resonance as Neptune migrated (Malhotra 1995). As the resonance left ...
Lunar and terrestrial planet formation in the Grand Tack scenario
... Because of the prominent reversal of Jupiter’s migration that it assumes, the Walsh et al. [31] scenario is nicknamed the Grand Tack. A crucial diagnostic of the Grand Tack scenario is the survival of the asteroid belt. Given that Jupiter should have migrated through the asteroid belt region twice, ...
... Because of the prominent reversal of Jupiter’s migration that it assumes, the Walsh et al. [31] scenario is nicknamed the Grand Tack. A crucial diagnostic of the Grand Tack scenario is the survival of the asteroid belt. Given that Jupiter should have migrated through the asteroid belt region twice, ...
... stars fulfill the conditions necessary to avoid type II migration: either the planets have comparable masses, the outermost one is the most massive, or they are too separated to have sculpted overlapping gaps in their primordial gas disks. The second model (Tsiganis et al. 2005; Gomes et al. 2005), ...
... stars fulfill the conditions necessary to avoid type II migration: either the planets have comparable masses, the outermost one is the most massive, or they are too separated to have sculpted overlapping gaps in their primordial gas disks. The second model (Tsiganis et al. 2005; Gomes et al. 2005), ...
The albedo-color diversity of transneptunian objects
... and shows that TNOs with both surface types exist scattered throughout the entire transneptunian region with no obvious trend in mean heliocentric distance or closest approach to the Sun. We take this to indicate that the surface types are unlikely to be set by current conditions (temperature, irrad ...
... and shows that TNOs with both surface types exist scattered throughout the entire transneptunian region with no obvious trend in mean heliocentric distance or closest approach to the Sun. We take this to indicate that the surface types are unlikely to be set by current conditions (temperature, irrad ...
The Primordial Excitation and Clearing of the Asteroid Belt
... primordial asteroids. The most promising model for the formation of the terrestrial planets assumes the presence of such embryos at the time of formation of Jupiter. At the end of their runaway growth phase, the embryos are on quasi-circular orbits, with masses comparable to that of the Moon or Mars ...
... primordial asteroids. The most promising model for the formation of the terrestrial planets assumes the presence of such embryos at the time of formation of Jupiter. At the end of their runaway growth phase, the embryos are on quasi-circular orbits, with masses comparable to that of the Moon or Mars ...
The Dynamical Structure of the Kuiper Belt and Its Primordial Origin
... larger eccentricities. In any case, even if the current median eccentricity is small, it is nevertheless much larger (an order of magnitude or more) than the one that must have existed when the KBOs formed. The current dynamics are stable, so that, without additional stirring mechanisms, the primord ...
... larger eccentricities. In any case, even if the current median eccentricity is small, it is nevertheless much larger (an order of magnitude or more) than the one that must have existed when the KBOs formed. The current dynamics are stable, so that, without additional stirring mechanisms, the primord ...
[21.01] The Kuiper Belt Survey of the GEST Mission
... collisions between planetesimals are frequent. Growth in the outer portions of disks occurs more slowly, leading to a ring of mid-sized objects whose collisional growth timescales may rival the main sequence lifetime of the central star. Our own solar system provides the clearest example. The primor ...
... collisions between planetesimals are frequent. Growth in the outer portions of disks occurs more slowly, leading to a ring of mid-sized objects whose collisional growth timescales may rival the main sequence lifetime of the central star. Our own solar system provides the clearest example. The primor ...
High-resolution simulations of the final assembly of Earth
... to encompass both planetary embryos and planetesimals. This differs from certain previous uses of the term.) The initial water content of protoplanets is designed to reproduce the water content of chondritic classes of meteorites (see Fig. 2 from RQL04): inside 2 AU bodies are initially dry; outside ...
... to encompass both planetary embryos and planetesimals. This differs from certain previous uses of the term.) The initial water content of protoplanets is designed to reproduce the water content of chondritic classes of meteorites (see Fig. 2 from RQL04): inside 2 AU bodies are initially dry; outside ...
Effects of Planetary Migration on Natural Satellites of the Outer Planets
... Hahn and Malhotra (1999), if the total mass of the residual disk was equal to 50M⊕ , then the semimajor axis of Jupiter was decreased by a quantity on the order of 0.2 AU, while the orbits of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were pushed to outer values. In the case of Neptune, this change was large, on t ...
... Hahn and Malhotra (1999), if the total mass of the residual disk was equal to 50M⊕ , then the semimajor axis of Jupiter was decreased by a quantity on the order of 0.2 AU, while the orbits of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were pushed to outer values. In the case of Neptune, this change was large, on t ...
astro-ph/0507149 PDF
... Goldreich et al. (2002) with they postulated that systems of higher multiplicity could occur. The concentration of KBO particles in a given region must be relatively high near the position of a large planet for even transient binary KBO formation. KBO densities on the order of 12/AU2 resulted in tra ...
... Goldreich et al. (2002) with they postulated that systems of higher multiplicity could occur. The concentration of KBO particles in a given region must be relatively high near the position of a large planet for even transient binary KBO formation. KBO densities on the order of 12/AU2 resulted in tra ...
on the nature of the dust in the debris disk around hd 69830
... experiment to study the nature of the dust in the debris found around the K0 V star HD 69830. Using a robust approach to determine the bulk average mineralogical composition of the dust, we show it to be substantially different from that found for comets 9P/ Tempel 1 and C/ Hale-Bopp 1995 O1 or for ...
... experiment to study the nature of the dust in the debris found around the K0 V star HD 69830. Using a robust approach to determine the bulk average mineralogical composition of the dust, we show it to be substantially different from that found for comets 9P/ Tempel 1 and C/ Hale-Bopp 1995 O1 or for ...
planet migration in planetesimal disks
... another, there will be a net flux of material inward or outward. The planet must move in the opposite direction in order to conserve energy and angular momentum. In the absence of strong gravitational perturbations from other planets, the semi-major axis of planet in question will smoothly change wi ...
... another, there will be a net flux of material inward or outward. The planet must move in the opposite direction in order to conserve energy and angular momentum. In the absence of strong gravitational perturbations from other planets, the semi-major axis of planet in question will smoothly change wi ...
lecture 3
... Formation of the Kuiper belt • probably the Kuiper belt did start with about the surface density implied by the minimum solar nebula • initial velocity dispersion was much lower so collisions were not erosive and gravitational focusing could occur • runaway growth produced large bodies containin ...
... Formation of the Kuiper belt • probably the Kuiper belt did start with about the surface density implied by the minimum solar nebula • initial velocity dispersion was much lower so collisions were not erosive and gravitational focusing could occur • runaway growth produced large bodies containin ...
giant planet formation i. introduction
... Our knowledge of the mechanisms that led to the formation of the giant planets is essentially based on numerical models and on the constraints provided by studies of the internal structure and composition of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. This involves the calculation of interior models match ...
... Our knowledge of the mechanisms that led to the formation of the giant planets is essentially based on numerical models and on the constraints provided by studies of the internal structure and composition of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. This involves the calculation of interior models match ...
... •1) the fraction of 1-km former trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) among nearEarth objects (NEOs) can exceed several tens of percents, •2) the number of TNOs migrating inside solar system could be smaller by a factor of several than it was earlier considered, •3) it is more probable that most of 1-km fo ...
... •1) the fraction of 1-km former trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) among nearEarth objects (NEOs) can exceed several tens of percents, •2) the number of TNOs migrating inside solar system could be smaller by a factor of several than it was earlier considered, •3) it is more probable that most of 1-km fo ...
Main-belt comets as tracers of ice in the inner Solar system
... be highly improbable for impacts to occur on the same object on three separate occasions in just 11 years, each time at a similar location in the object’s orbit, when impacts are not seen to occur at anywhere near that frequency or regularity on other main-belt asteroids. The ability to accurately i ...
... be highly improbable for impacts to occur on the same object on three separate occasions in just 11 years, each time at a similar location in the object’s orbit, when impacts are not seen to occur at anywhere near that frequency or regularity on other main-belt asteroids. The ability to accurately i ...